Audio Analysis Raises Troubling Questions

My experience with over 55 years of shooting sometimes 500 rounds a week with a large variety of firearms strongly suggests that video exposes the fact that the shell casings were staged.

And besides reloading most of my ammo, I seldom leave hulls or casings in the field or the range. So I am very familiar with the ejection pattern of most firearms.

Though I will readily admit that I don’t know everything, I do know what I do/share.

But I welcome anyone that has a difference of opinion or experience, since I say what I do in good faith.

And with Crooks laying in the prone position or even standing, I see no scenario that even one of his shell casings would be found on the South side of the roof. Everything including the slope of the roof, its orientation and all likely shooting directions make it rather impossible.


I had a post exactly about this thing, without wind, they should landed 1- 3 meters max away from the riffle at an angle 40 - 60.
I woke up this morning after I saw 2 series of video - ABC NEWS - so modified and fully video with this 2 diference when on first one was only a part when this officer count 8 sheels and the original one when he first count 5 and later when that black guy come 8 sheels and that was for me unreasonable, why when he was asked by the black guy again count them if he already did? Its over a 13 days after so enough time to modifiy video material so there is possiblity that even this video was modified but hard for me to check whether this moment when he count again 8 shells were mofivied some how (voice added or video edited) , what you think all?


oh, i see.

I think you are not the only one thinking that all was set up but I believe all of us that was setup by this people who suppose to protect him. By the way , check the latest bullets trajectory analysys:

THe last part is very important and according to bullet type, riffle type, speed of the bullet, the shoot wasn’t made from the roof but from the first window from the building where Croocks was found


LEOs don’t use bolt action rifles anymore. Exclusively, semi-automatic. Bolt action is more appropriate for hunting large game.

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Jesus Christ, I am watching the psyop world go insane. I am watching a dump of absolute bullshit come out that is beyond imagination when it comes to cementing the narrative. I’m being hit one teeeny weeny little bit on social media by people who steal abandoned pages, I can not imagine what you are being hit with. I hope they are reading this. These pricks need to go down. Thank you for all you do an no, they are not bigger than we are. Buckle up.

The hypothesis of two shooters, and eight cartridges found with Crooks’ body to support a single-shooter narrative, requires (it seems to me) one of two things:

Crooks knows there will be three additional shots and places three extra cartridges himself. Doesn’t seem likely, but can’t be ruled out. Or…

Someone places three extras beside him. If so, then the first person on the roof is almost certainly a conspirator. Getting there first before any local cop with a body cam records five cartridges is essential. Do we know who was first on the roof yet?

(FWIW, I find the evidence so far of 2 shooters intriguing but not conclusive.)

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I don’t know who was first on the roof , but I know one of them has police logo on the uniform and second one look like county beaver swat but unfortunatelly, even he is wearing the same uniform and helmet like the other couple who climbed on the roof after then - both of them didn’t have recording turned on. But wha’ts the most important thing is that that black suit agent with the black glasses were already on the roof before them.


What do you mean by ‘fill the space’? I’m not clear why 4 - 8 were taken, and clearly not intended for Trump

Not to likely as it is a miracle he tipped his head round and sideways at the precisely correct moment!
So I can’t see how an assassin could deliberately miss

The Secret Service sniper team on the barn behind trump could not have shot the last shot into crooks if crooks was already dead from a shot from the Beaver County sniper team on the 2nd floor because it seems to me the SS team on the barn would have to shoot through the top ridge of metal roof.

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I was guessing that shot nine, or noise nine, was the hydraulic line blowing out on that piece of equipment that was behind the right bleachers in the trajectory of the bullets. In the overhead photos you show in the beginning, you can see all the hydraulic fluid on the ground. I’m also guessing that the line was nicked and very shortly after it gave up and blew out. It was really close to the bleachers, probably really loud, and could be why that lady screamed almost at the exact time that pop is heard.

I’m not sure if you’ve seen this video footage. Video footage starts at about 8:56. This YouTuber had obtained the video, and Fox used it without his permission, so you will probably want to ask his permission first, because he wasn’t too happy about that. I’m probably not making him happy right now, but hope this helps, if you haven’t seen it yet.

BREAKING!! Bodycam Footage Counted only FIVE SHELL CASINGS

That would explain why SS didn’t allow any drones. They didn’t want anyone to see the planting of evidence.

I’ve heard witnesses talk about the guy in the dark suit on the motorcycle who arrived very quickly and walked right through an unlocked door in Building 6 without being stopped or questioned. You can see the motorcycle in the video… and the guy in the dark suit at top of the ladder before the bodycam LEO arrives on roof.

I am struggling with the pictures of “Crooks” getting up on the building and the location of “Crooks” deceased. It appears as though the videos of him accessing and worming across the building 6 roof are shot from ground level towards the backend of bldg 6 as the shots are of his right side and he is worming left to right up the slope. Did anyone see him moving sideways to the other end of the building where his corpse is located? Can we verify that you can see the part of the roof where the corpse is located from ground level where the videos were taken?

Please, believe me, if there is a witness having video Crooks climbing on the roof from the parking side, its either eliminated by who planned this assassination or there was no witness who recorded it :slight_smile:

They’re claiming Crooks was so brilliant that he was able to outsmart every group of law enforcement, the Feds and SS… planned this in advance with a drone, AK47 and explosives with remote detonator… and knew exactly which building would be accessible and free from LE and rooftop snipers.

YET… he was dumb enough to go to Home Depot and buy a 5 ft ladder and leave the receipt in his pocket? When clearly he would’ve seen multiple easy ways to access that low roof. When they were looking for the range finder in his pocket in this new video, did anyone see them pull out this receipt? Where’s the video surveillance from Home Depot.

And why would he climb on that roof if he knew he was in the line of sight of the snipers behind Trump? They either couldn’t see him or they were obviously in on it. Has anyone been on top of the sniper roof to see his vantage point?

This video by MaxResistance shows the 1st 3 shots coming from the SS sniper towards Crooks. Am I missing something here? Does this make sense? Bitchute

In case Chris didn’t analyse this video and audio which seems to be from the closest place from the shooter:

As everyone is reading through all of the posts on this site, know that it is very possible that those behind the assassination attempt will come here and post disinformation to confuse everyone.