Audio Analysis Raises Troubling Questions

On a different topic, John Cullen is doing excelent analysis that supports your multiple shooter hypothesis, but offers additional insights and details that I hope you will hear out.


Thank you.

Doesn’t look lik SM57. Had couple of those in late 80’s.


Is this possible? Crooks fires three shots from the roof. Trump ducks. Crooks sees he has no more shots available so he tries to make a getaway by backing down the roof. A Secret Service man in the distant stage left fires five shots at Crooks with a submachine gun. But Crooks has slid down below the roof ridge, blocking the shots. Unfortunately, one of the Secret Service bullets accidentally kills Comperatore. Meanwhile a policeman fires a shot out the window at Crooks. This stops Crooks but does not kill him. The policeman tries to get Crooks to surrender. Crooks is still visible to the man with the big roof-mounted gun, who finishes him off.

What we would have is vast neglect of duty and incompetence, but no conspiracy.

There are no photos and placards next to each shell that I can see. Looks like the crime scene evidence was not gathered in a professional manner according to police and court rules. But there is the conversation about counting the shells captured in the body cam video released by Senator Chuck Grassley. Grassley Releases Additional Bodycam Footage from Moments After Trump Assassination Attempt. Now this video evidence is part of the mainstream narrative. All I am saying is that this video raises the evidence bar for anyone trying to disprove the mainstream narrative. I added some analysis of my own in other posts trying to help guide the two shooter theory to prevent it from going down some story path that does not obey the laws of physics.

The extended vids just released show there were already multiple people on the roof before the ESU arrived … the shell cases could have been planted prior


They will just say the found 3 more later… realise they KNEW within minutes how many shell cases were on the roof around Crooks, but they didnt release this for over a week … they were waiting to see what evidence emerged from the uncontrolled crowd sources first, and then constructing their story to fit. They didnt want to go through a convoluted ‘magic bullet’ process a la JFK due to having to change their story.


It does not provide proof that Crooks fired 8 shots - there were already people on the roof when the ESU arrive with their cameras running - there was time to plant the cases (they note only 5 initially) and of course they can ‘find’ any needed numb er later if needed … that roof was too steep to stand on remember, cases could have rolled off it

Hi Commenter, photo is taken from the Law Enforcement bodycam footage. This is my photo that I took from that video. Please check this for yourselves. In my opinion this shows Crooks was shot at least twice. Apparent is that shot was taken from behind Crooks. Please ensure Chris M is made aware of my comment. Regards, Stew.

It was about half an hour after the shooting apparently. I doubt it is fake, per se, but who knows in these days of AI generation. The conversations in that video seemed very natural and real given the circumstances. Didn’t feel staged or acted.

If the first person on the scene was part of “the conspiracy” then they could have dropped their casings along with Crooks to get the numbers right, but otherwise you have to start assuming a lot of the junior LEOs were in on it, which doesn’t seem reasonable (or a smart thing to do).

There have been a number of proposals as to why the first shot and the next two may have sounded different to shots 4 through 8 other than a second shooter (e.g. warming barrel - note the first three shots crack/report time differences .22, .217, .213 are compatible with successively slower bullets). No idea how reasonable the proposals are.

Whatever the case, even if Crooks was the only shooter, there is still a heck of a lot “wrong” with what happened that day.

It has the Shure A2WS Locking Microphone Windscreen on it. I’m not 100%… sure that it’s the correct model, but it seems to fit.

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I think this too. And the 3 casings under the window were added to the 5 on the roof.

Crooks may even have gone rogue once he saw they missed. Perhaps he wasn’t even supposed to have taken a shot? Wasn’t even using a scope. Maybe he was just intended to be the patsy.

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Dr. Martenson,

Nice work on on your YouTube videos. Solid work from an engineering perspective.

Just watched your recent video on the analysis of Trump’s mic. I’d expect his mic had to have some PA amp/filter system between it and the sound recording system. Hence, the missing report/bullet peak(s) might caused either the amp or filter to saturate and a auto bleed off cap killed the signal to the recording device. I think that would explain the missing peaks and the dead band you denoted. Unfortunately, I have no clue on how that spectrum was captured. So this might all be for not.

It would really be cool to run each of those shots thru a FFT analyzer to look at the frequency content. Not sure on the data rate…or if you can actual digitize that sound string for that analysis.

Keep it up. Hopefully this is helpful. I’d expect you are probably already on it…


I could understand all if that would be not all covered up only if the first batch of law enforcement already seen on the roof when the second part climbed would have video recording turned on. From some reason one of them in the same suit so I believe the same unit as the guy which video was just released didnt have video recording activated. That would definitelly cleared all suspisious theory right guys? Sorry for my english, im operating from europe and still learning

It will take some time for all of this to come together, but the quality of the people who are working on it is impressive. I am certain this will get panned out. Sadly, Lahaina was panned out and it did not matter. MSM will not listen. We will have to pound them with evidence and keep it up until they are literally shamed into talking about it. Cullen and Chris come at this from two frames of mind. Add people like Tim Kennedy, then the IT people - just keep adding to the team and this will iron itself out. Let’s get it out there.

He absolutely was a patsy and it’s looking like another young man named Maxwell Yearick was as well. Yearick was on the roof and Crooks had disappeared. We’ll see how that plays out. As for the casings, I’m betting the first guy on the roof staged the scene. After that, Welcome Aboard!!

Thank you for taking this one more level above, and Welcome Aboard! :slight_smile:

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You nailed it. They are going slow as snails so they can create the narrative that fits. After that, get ready for them to blame Iran.


Has anyone explained how shell casings are found on each side of the roof, as claimed in the video by the guy in green tactical gear (I previously don’t trust those guys for other reasons)?

But seriously due to the orientation of Building 6 in regards to Trump, the ejection pattern of the AR and the corresponding orientation of the shooter to Trump it is essentially impossible for shell casings to have landed on the South side of the roof of Building 6 without a strong, howling wind from the North.

Beyond strong evidence that the shell casings on the roof are staged.