Audio Analysis Raises Troubling Questions

I believe the questionable shot may be the sound of the forklift slamming down

Interesting. This aligns with my theory above.

Pim, after the latest video shown when officers are climbing on that black 5 foot ladder into the roof and the riffle is far away from the body but so I believe from some reason ( which for me its obviously breaking investigation protocol, moved the gun to have easly access to his body for searches they start doing , which for me it was also breaking protocol as they were not responsible for investigation purposes.

Providing screenshot (audio is above) of before/after sample accurate gain applied to undo embedded limiting on Trump’s mic for transparency…


Beside, how come so quick just straight after shooting there is already black steel ladder on the top of the airconditioner which they were using to climb on the roof? We didn’t see anyone running with the ladder through that fencing with bunch of law enforcement so that’s really suspicious for me

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Playing a little catch-up here - was Comperatore off to Trump’s left or his right? My understanding is that he was off to his right, and only one bullet (#6) impacted anything prior to reaching Trump’s mic enough so as to be stopped or diverted. Sadly, Comperatore’s torso would do just that.

Correct it was on his right however, this conclusion isn’t incompatible with a staged assassination attempt. A staged assassination would have included some civil casualties and whatever elements was faked should have been made consistent with this.

Hi Michael,

Chris also noted the slight difference in the crack/report time for the 1st of the initial 3 shot volley. Based on my experience, cold barrel shots typically have a slightly higher velocity than successive shots. This may account for the slight increase in the crack/report time for shot 1 of 3. But for the difference in the sound between shot 1 vs. 2 and 3, I have no idea.

Does the firearm in question also exhibit faster cold barrel bullet velocities than successive shots? I have no idea.

Perhaps it DOES fit you hypothesis though; a professional handles the primary objective (take out Trump), then the volunteer sacrificial lamb adds to the chaos and provides a victory target.

I think it’s possible to consider this was about as well staged as it could be, but the professional shooter got darned unlucky pulling that trigger right when his target began to move and couldn’t recover in time.

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Is Cullen’s video attempting to show shot1 coming from the forest?
If so, I’m struggling to see how the lack of significant delay on the phone sourced recordings can support that.

All of shots 1-8 appear to have been fired in relatively close proximity.

The staged assassination could only be credible if no shot were fired at Trump. Do we have indisputable evidence that shots were fired at Trump? I haven’t seen them yet.

The photo is in the thread “Crook’s Unbelievable Path To The Roof” in a post by Jennifer Zuniga made on July 19th. It is post number 27 of 178.

As far as I can tell, the sound analysis doesn’t indicate were any shot where fire from? Only that they don’t appear to come from the same guns. The visual trajectory analysis can difficulty be disputed though.

Chris Martenson on Viva Frei youtube channel


where are the photos with evidence placards for the position of each and every ejected case?

Show the headstamps of all 8 cases. Show us where all 8 cases landed. Believe it or not, knowing where the cases land is actually useful information.


if you can put them on a source for download, put the link in the audio/video thread. Otherwise send a PM to maybe Aaron for directions on how to submit them

The silencing of the audio after loud cracks is most likely due to an audio compressor. A compressor would likely be part of the PA system, or used on the feed going out for broadcast (on TV etc). Compressors offers separate settings including ‘threshold’ which determines how much loudness causes the clamping down, the ‘attack’ which determines how quickly the compressor clamps down, and the ‘release,’ which determines how long it remains attentuated before it returns to normal. The effects you’re observing are not the result of the microphone itself, but rather a compression circuit. (A gate is a different type of circuit the suppresses the audio when it is quieter than a specified threshold; it is used to block out background noise when the person is not speaking. That’s not what you’re hearing in this case.)

The audio analysis has all been focused thus far on the audio waveforms, which are fine, but to get a better look at the characteristics beyond amplitude, we need to move to spectrographic analysis. It shows strength of signal, timing, and frequency. This is where we get a “picture” showing what the audio “looks like.”

In this instance, spectrographic analysis makes it blatantly obvious that a) shots 1-3 are from one gun in one location, b) shots 4-8 are from another gun in another location, c) shot 9 is presumably the first CS shot, and d) shot 10 is presumably the second CS shot. (There’s also a possible shot between 10 and 11, but this anomaly could be something else.)

Spectrographic analysis of the HE’S GOT A GUN video alone clearly establishes all of the above. I’ve posted a thread on X showing this analysis, which is all I’ve had time to do thus far. I’m happy to do more but don’t have time at the moment to track down all the various recordings.


Have you seen this video showing the location of FOURTH sniper?