Audio Analysis Raises Troubling Questions

I apologize for not trying to vet a bit more thoroughly George Webb. To appear credible, disinfo needs to include mostly truth (if also diversion on a key point), so I would not dismiss it out of hand. Further, the point being made is based on a photo connecting two people hit by apparently same bullet, and the geometry stands for itself, independently of Webb.

It is the same photo that John Cullen analyzes in his video (and he credits you, Chris) with Weinstein (whom I do not trust) in minutes 52-1:09. Cullen is even more thorough in noting that a bullet through the top rung of the bleachers seems to contact 5 objects (white dressed man who falls, woman’s purse, man with blue jeans, man with American flag draped over, then railing). That line clearly does not extend to anywhere near AGR compound. Where I disagree with Webb is his deduction that the shot must have come from the water tower (seems unsupported, could be from a lower position) and with Cullen’s assertion at 1:10 that there were actually two simultaneous shots hitting that top rung of the bleachers (seems quite a jump).

Please provide source of this picture. We need to be mindful that AI can create realistic images and be abused. Thank you.

One thing I haven’t seen acknowledged or mentioned or questioned anywhere is the woman that screams “crooks!” in the videos. How in the world does she know him? I’m not suggesting she is involved in anything nefarious, but it’s interesting because this rally occurred supposedly an hour or more from where crooks’s hometown was. Did crooks join a caravan from bethel Park to the rally?

Dr Martenson,
Been in the AT/CT business for over 40 years. Have learned the hard way can’t trust agencies.
FBI Wray said 8 cartridges found on roof.
Body cam of Beaver County ESU pointing out 8 spent casings on roof in vicinity of body. Not shown on all videos. A game changer for your hypothesis. Maybe an explanation, maybe planted.


My lyin’ ears convince me that shots 1-3 are from the same weapon. There IS the slight diffence in the audio profile and sound of shot 1, which you acknowledge.
This shot goes on the opposite side of Trump’s head, which may be in a different position (or out of the way altogether) for the next two shots. That could alter the shock wave of the “crack” reaching the microphone.
This would be an easy thing to field test. But of course if I tried it, I would probably hit the microphone!

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Interesting 21 seconds video, focussing on the Hydraulic crane with the speakers being hit.You can clearly hear the 9 shots. But at the end of the video, at 18-19 seconds there might be the sound of another shot (nr 10) . I am not sure but all the same wanted to share it.

link video hydraulic crane :

More evidence. Daniel Davis just posted new video. They counted 5 shells next to body, but look here, the gun lines up with black spot on roofline, so likely Crooks left his post then got shot , as shown by blood trail.


Did any one explain reasonable how come his body moved to the right few feets if his weapon and gun powder is visible quite far away from his body? If he was shot by sniper how did he more after the shot? Unless after his shots he was rolling but in that case wasn’t to hard for sniper to make a good shot into his head?


Two observations that haven’t been addressed yet (?):

  1. A double-thump echo from Shot 1 not present from Shots 2 & 3;
  2. Relative sound of Shot 1 vs. Shots 2 & 3 from difference sources.

[XX:XX] = video time for ‘Audio Analysis Raises Troubling Questions’

[15:56] Source 2: Shot 1 is muffled relative to Shots 2 & 3 (noted by Chris). There’s a double ‘thump’ echo after Shot 1 that isn’t present for Shots 2 & 3 (observation not noted in the video).

[22:03] Source 4: Shot 1 is clear with a crisp echo relative to Shots 2 & 3 (observation not noted in the video). Shots 2 & 3 are more subdued/muffled and seem further away from source than Shot 1.

Hypothesis: Shot 1 seems to be from a different location than Shots 2 & 3 based on these two sources.

Displacements in the relative “boom” timing within the sequence between mics 2 and 4 should be able to rule out either Mike Adams’ or Chris’ take on shots 6-8 or 6-7.

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The beliefs we had coming in to this event is having a bias effect on us all.

I have my bias, but I’m not married to either argument…I’m still collecting information. However the speed in which this view was shut down and ridiculed has taken me by surprise. I saw lots of the same emotions displayed around The Oct 7th event. The collective mind here should remain open while we all recognize our own biased position.


I have some audio files I’d like to share.
As described above, I first have Trumps mic adjusted with volume automation meant to help “undo” the limiter/clipping effect of the original recording; this help better identify the reports buried within the overlapping “snicks”…

Trump’s mic “un-limited”

Second, given the importance of identifying the timing of the reports on that recording, I have a version here with the “snicks” cleaned out. (software used: Izotope RX 7 Standard)…

Trump’s mic - reports only (snicks removed)

Finally, I have a stereo file playing back “source4” on the left and “Trumps mic reports only” on the right in alignment so that the clear distance/delay on shot9 becomes apparent…

Comparison between Trumps mic and source4

One word of caution I might point out regarding aligning different sourced devices is that there will always be a micro amount of drift - even among digital devices - between each source. It would be expected that a couple of milliseconds could be offset after a period of time, so please take that into account. Also, I’m hearing quite a bit of compression artifacting on the phone device recordings which often smears transients such as weapons fire; the key things I would advise focusing on would be consistent characteristics between multiple shots and multiple sources (Chris’s analysis of the tone and echo variants between shots 1-3 and 4-8 are verifiable on multiple sources). I would place less emphasis on volume/peak levels as there are so many factors that could distort those variables.

Hope this helps!


The beliefs we had coming in to this event is having a bias effect on us all.

True, that’s why we shouldn’t exclude the study of any hypothesis on the basis of our bias. As far as I can tell, the research community has excluded the staged hypothesis on the basis that “Trump couldn’t have staged it” or “of course the deep state would want to kill Trump”. Show me a thorough rebuttal of the staged hypothesis. I’ve seen none.

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So according to Trump’s mic audio we would have had about 8 shots passing by the microphone. Where all these shots landed? Did they all miss their target? No secret service agent seem to have been injured. Hard to believe, especially if there were two shooters. It looks like the sloppiest assassination operation ever conducted.


I’m going to posit a new theory:

The more I dig through this evidence, the more it makes sense to me, so indulge me for a minute.
What if Crooks actually WAS the shooter on shots 4-8?
Here’s why I’m asking:
-Shots 1-3 are clearly different; methodical, timed, precise, elsewhere from 4-8.
-Shots 4-8 don’t sound “professional” to me; they sound panicked/chaotic. An assassin doesn’t “spray and pray”, but that’s exactly what this sounds like.
-Are shots 4-8 really that precise? I mean, they sure hit an awful lot of stuff that wasn’t called Trump. They were in a narrow group, yes (from what I hear), but Crooks was perched on a rooftop and likely had his gun at rest on the surface. That alone would eliminate roughly 80% of the elevation and windage recoil would it not? Just hold on tight, press against the roof, blast as many rounds as you can and hope you hit the target. Remember that Crooks DID have some experience training at the range alongside his DHS buddies.
-A government agent/professional assassin would be keenly aware of the headaches and coverup required if civilians were hurt or killed, but Crooks would probably not be concerned about that. Shots 1-3 appear to have been meant to avoid unnecessary casualties, but 4-8 randomly murdered one civilian and severely injured others.
-A SS sniper watching that rampage play out would take out Crooks ASAP. And he did. (The audio comparison above clearly shows the 9th shot originated somewhere near Trump’s podium)
-There’s discussion of shots 1-3 sounding diffracted compared to shots 4-8; if the first shooter were indeed behind the window of the 2nd floor and Crooks fired shots 4-8 on top of the roof, this scenario would explain that variance as well as the echoes missing from shots 1-3.
-The first 8 shots are clearly shown with all the combined audio data here to originate from a similar proximity within that building complex; there’s only so many ways that can be explained, and this is a reasonable one.
-Were there five casings found around the body? - or eight? If the answer is five, that fits as well.

Just thought I’d put that out there for your consideration.


Shots 1-3 avoided unnecessary casualties, but 4-8 murdered one civilian and severely injured others.

But the video analyzed by Cullen shows that civilian casualties were caused by the first shot. By the way, I’d like to see Chris refuting Cullen’s conclusion that the first shot was shot from the forest to the sniper/crowd (and not at Trump). It seems a pretty compelling analysis and it’s for sure an uncomfortable finding but how else can we explain this footage?

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At 4:49 to 4:55, only 5 shell casings found in proximity to Crooks.


Jamai, i had the same thoughts about how Crooks could have moved after being shot. Looking at the Bodycam footage and the picture from Crooks directly after he has been shot you’ll see that : after he was shot he was laying on his left shoulder, almost leaning on his back. On the footage of the Bodycam he is laying on his stomach. Another picture that is shown on the internet is that Law Enforcement officers are approaching him on the roof after he has was shot. And it seems that they are taking something out of his hands (the weapon?). They could have replaced it (from a safety point of view…). If you look at the picture after he was shot, it looks like he is still holding the weapon against his body…