Audio Analysis Is Most Consistent Two Shooters At Trump Rally

Oh. Right. You asked me to trace lines of fire, so I trying to see where the victims were hit so I could be more specific about where the bullet ended. I was being lazy. I could try to find it on a search engine. Sorry to misdirect you.

no worries. I have a couple of slides on where James Copenhaver and David Dutch were hit.

the exact injuries of James Copenhaver have not been released. only “life changing injuries”…

about David Dutch:

there was also a nephew of congressman Ronny Jackson who was injured:

that nephew was grazed in the neck.

and Corey Comperatore died by a head shot.
according to the emergency doctor who tried to revive him, the bullet entered on the left side while he was looking towards the AGR site


in the kml file I referred to above you can find a folder “horizontal planes” at different altitudes on centimeter level. these look quite accurate to me…

this kml file also includes the different victims, both hardware and human…

the rally area was never used for corn or wheat…
the ground level varies a lot over the whole area…

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If you are referring the the rally field, that is not what I see in the photos. However there is a substaintial rise in grade from AGR6 to the rally field.

hello Greg,

could you use in your model the initial location I suggested above?


the photos and videos are very misleading about the height differences of the rally area!

the area that is blackened out is below 408m sea level:

below 409m:

below 410m:

below 411m:

below 412m:


ground level where the podium of Trump was installed was 409.87m
ground level of the corner of the right bleacher was 408.99m

It looks like if I adjust my model to the grades in your images, I need to move Trump and the bleachers down 12". I am seeing 1.3 meter delta between the interior floor and the area of Trump’s stage.

that is exact!

OK I will do it.

eventually, you will see that the shooter position indicated in this picture is very plausible :slight_smile:

in this last picture, you see 3 pins below. the 3rd (also the middle one) is where Trump stood on the podium

the 2nd pin to the bottom of the image is where the right corner of the bleachers was

and the lowerst pin is the impact on the JCB hydraulic lift.

the trajectories from the roof of building 6 and the roof of the tallest building at the AGR parking are extremely closely aligned

someone who stood around the rally area would never be able to distinguish whether shots came from the lower or higher roof

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I think you will want your shooter to be nearer the center of the upper roof to have a trajectory directly over Crooks.

But you know… there were several cops and video rolling in the parking area, when the shots were fired and no one turned toward the front two story building. Remember boosted-cop and the cop who boosted him were there as well as the walking-cop who came from the power lines. We have boosted and walking-cop’s body cam. And there are some other problems…but I will see where the trajectory falls.


these cops and the audience were primed to look at the lowest roof and if you are standing on the parking of the AGR site you could as easily believe that the shots came from the lower roof and echoed against the wall of the higher building

and there is a direct line of sight/ear to the witnesses near the trees and RealDjStew

about 480 ft between the location where I would put the real shooter and the witnesses at the trees

and 450 ft between that shooter and RealDjStew

I plugged that location into the model, but it did not work well. Only five of the 8 shots resolved to a lat/lon value, and it placed shot 3 in the parking lot. So, the data rules out this location.

OK. I readjusted my grades with some interpolation fudging between grade contours. I put in your shooter’s ridge line at 1368.11’ and made AGR Bld 6 ridge to be 1352.69’. Hope I understood correctly. I put your shooter nearer the center of the 2nd story roof so his trajectory would be right over Crooks. I have Crooks 40’ from the end of the building.

What I get is your shooter’s line of fire is 8’ above Crooks, 7’6" above his line of fire by the time it gets to the edge of AGR 6. I then nick Trump’s ear and your bullet lands very near the back corner of the south bleacher, about 1 foot+ above the top seat. Which is 16" below Crooks’ impact point. The 16" delta is a stable dimension, the others are subject to best guess variables.

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In my opinion, you should not ignore the following scenario:

Trump’s ear was not hit.

The second shooter was not a human, but a machine that automatically aimed and fired the gun. As a result, even a small hole in the wall of the rear two-story building would have been sufficient. Such an opening would probably not be visible on any video.

This could have had the advantage that live ammunition could have been fired in the direction of Trump without endangering him. Simply by choosing the position so that the roof of building 6 would have blocked shots between Trump’s head and the second gun.

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Hey Phase 5,

Thanks for your feedback.

We are almost in agreement with all points! That’s a good sign!

So maybe let’s take the differences one by one?

Having two points clearly defined in space only has one line, either it goes back to Crooks, or it goes back to somewhere else in building 6. Let’s find out together.

Crooks riffle position:
I once posted 39’ and then schroederized corrected me, rightfully so, indicating that the body is at 39’ and crooks gun position being right-handed is at 40’. See his post here:

and he corrected me again with this post:

Schroederized being a very accurate guy, can we agree on 40’?

Floor heights:
We put a lot of research in floor heights. Up to now nobody could disprove the following 3 heights:

AGR building: 1335

Trumps stage position: 1337

Bleachers wheels position: 1336

We are using very accurate KML Topographical maps from Land ID and not Google Earth. Please look at this post for details:

Please download the KML file and verify each point of interest yourself.


Please have a look at the drawing from schroederized. The impact point is at 10’ 10 ¼”

I think we agree with that height. But please note that the bleachers are set on wheels which are positioned in the center of the stage. That floor height according to Land ID is 1336 Therefore you should add 1 foot to your calculation. Another 1 Inch higher comes from the fact that the bleachers are jacked up to be stabilized by adding wooden riser blocks and putting the jack under pressure. See video here:

That is already a lot. I will let you verify, and we can take it from there.

One suggestion. I see you are evaluating multiple shot positions, but we only need two: 3D line from Crooks to either Trumps ear or the bleacher corner (it can’t be both, because they are not in line). Then the only other line we need is the back traced bullet, which is drawing a 3D line from the bleachers corner to Trumps ear. If you extend that line, you will see it almost points directly to one of those vents in building 6.

Together we are strong!


very true. that is why I always say that his ear was grazed. Trump’s ear injury can as easily have been caused by the air turbulence of the bullet passing extremely close by his head/ear…

there is even scientific publications on the type and occurrence frequency of graze wounds: An Unusual Feature of Graze Gunshot Wounds - PMC

quote from this paper: “The eye does not see what the mind does not know ” (Attributed to D.H. Lawrence, 19th century English novelist and many others). The unusual feature of graze wounds described here could easily be missed in many cases. Although often subtle, this finding was surprisingly common once it was looked for carefully and specifically. The parallel abrasions defining this unusual finding were usually small (1/16 of an inch) as observed in 18 of the 31 identified wounds (58%). But rarely they were fairly obvious (3/16 to 5/16 of an inch), as observed in five of 31 identified wounds (16%). Among all of the 227 graze wounds examined in a decade at a moderately busy medical examiner’s office, a wound with this unusual feature > 3/16 of an inch might only be expected to occur approximately five times in ten years or in this setting in 2.2% of the graze wounds (5/227).

unfortunately, this work from 1980 is not available online:

it is very unlikely that these three ground level references are round values in ft!

I mentioned this many times, you need to be much more precise in these values…
use cm-level values for the ground levels. you can express them in ft if you want, but you really need much finer precision for these values…

about the blue line of 503.13 ft on the right of your scheme: could you also tell me the angle between the front of building 6 and that blue line?


thanks for your feedback.

what bullet weights, bullet shapes and muzzle velocities are you using in your model?