Audio Analysis Is Most Consistent Two Shooters At Trump Rally



Edit: well… only 2 peaks here…

True. When it was release I thought he had somehow amplified the level and also played around with filters.Two things to consider, however, are that: a) trump’s mic picks up 3 peaks for shot 9 at the the same level as the 5-shot volley shounds, while shot 10 has a higher level and is said to be from a closer place to Trump b) both Dayve’s and Trump’s microphones have an unimpeded line of sight to the east of the building, while the other sources do not. This is what prompted me to look into it. Just don’t know where it came from, since the other shots from the other sources don’t have an echo with such a defined peak.



Pretty close to an analysis I did for time difference between crack and pop for the first shot. I got approximately 2750-2870fps.

It will also depend on the type of 5.56 ammo being used. See here for some examples: 5.56x45 vs 7.62x39 - Cartridge Comparison - Sniper Country The velocities there are probably all for 20-inch barrels, so have to be adjusted accordingly, but 2800fps is definitely a good benchmark.

When I looked at the weather for Butler that day, I found two temperatures: 93F and 95F, not 90F (32.2). What’s the source for those values? Plus the calculator should take into account elevation, right?

the elevation is taken into account by means of the air pressure at the time.
the attack took place at 18h11m33s and the nearest data was available for 17.51 when using Imperial, PA Weather History | Weather Underground

I do not really care about the actual value that we should be using, as long as we are all using the same value, I am fine…

that is why I asked everybody in several topics on this forum which value to use, and Chris came up with the value I submitted earlier.

so, let me know what the consensus is, and let’s agree on using all that same value…


Hi schroederized,

I answered the exact same answer on Aug 10, just to see how much time we are losing with this hypothesis from howdoiknowthisinfo. I am sorry howiknowthisinfo, but when will you finally put your analysis based on a complete unreliable impact point to the back burner and let’s all concentrate on more realistic hypothesis (back trace the line from the bleachers corner to Trumps ear)? Both schroederized and I as well as a big portion of this community would put your analysis into the red zone (just like Chris explained), do to the fact that you can’t calculate anything from the impact point of the hydraulic hose.

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Does Dayve have a copy that was not in the Government’s hands? Did he auto upload to the cloud?

Hi cohler,

Looking at our joint citizen investigation “bullet back trace” document ref. 884-4 you can see our ref. 465 which determines the spot where Trump was standing at the time of the first shot, hitting his right ear.

The position has been determined by this community. In the beginning we had Trumps position much further away from the mic stage and after evaluating together we have determined the below position. You can see one of the evaluation Post here:

Please find below drawing ref. 465.

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Hi daniloraf,
I will soon release version 5 of below drawing. There have been many small changes of which the trajectory will be influenced. Since it takes time to make a well documented drawing like this, I always wait until we have about 5 – 10 updated data points.

Sorry, my knowledge breaks down here.
For example there is strong attenuation in the dashcam audio. When I make a filter for higher frequencies, I have to add digital samples and the result is some delay of the sound. Is there any other “natural” way to filter without that delay effect?

OK, guys… the update everybody has been waiting for. Many of you have given your feedback and we all agreed to change some values to become even more accurate and getting closer to reality. This update includes changes as follows:
ref 954, ref 870, ref 881, ref 465, ref 402 and ref 274. In addition, we are working with more precise floor levels provided by Land ID.

Conclusion: We are now inside the zone of ventilator 3.


I try to combine two recordings into one audio file. Left channel is Trump’s mic and the right channel is from western side of AGR.
YT doesn’t tell me the sample rate. But it seems one is 44.1k and the other is 48k.
Annoying. :frowning:

It looks like you already posted a link to in this topic in a reply on Aug 13, '24 - are you sure you want to post it again?

Hey, just joined the forum and wasn’t sure where to add this video, but a very good analysis of the shooting from this South African Youtuber just came my way and has audio breakdowns that I hadn’t seen before!
I’m really enjoying the great discussions on this forum.


Welcome to the forum. Bell’s work is well known in the forum, some agree with him and others do not. You will find folks in this forum who are doing similar work.

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But you were wrong: supposedly the sniper on the south barn took shot 10, which means your audio analysis was wrong for whatever reason.

I’ve had 1 comment on one of those videos, it was interesting, not the comment though, the person’s name or is it @greg_n ???

So, I’ll ask again, what are the UNITS of the “1.07” in the drawing?

Is that 1.07 feet?

Yes, I agree. I still stand by my estimate on how tight the location of the first 8 shots was, but it does look like I was wrong on shots 9 & 10, especially 10. Realizing this, a couple days ago I updated the pinned comment on my first video to say, “I am currently reanalyzing the audio data for shots 9 & 10 to get a better idea of their true locations. I think my initial analysis was off by a significant amount.”

I am now implementing the equation provided here on this topic by @vt1 to correct my analysis and get those locations corrected. Every step of this analysis has taken much longer than I expected, no doubt due to my inexperience!

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What do you mean @harryx that my comment was not interesting! It was an excellent, fact-based comment. I’m offended. jk :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi Harry,

I know next to nothing about drones, especially about the speeds they’re capable of, but I know the ones in the video you posted are incredibly fast. I believe you first posted that video on Aug 10, but back on July 29, I was closely examining the realDJStew video, studying the vents on the south wall of Building 6, looking for signs of a second shooter, when I caught the two frames showing what could be a drone zipping by. I thought what I saw was just an anomaly due to the camera moving erratically, but I did save them. It didn’t occur to me that it might have been an extraordinarily fast drone. When I saw the video you posted, I couldn’t believe it wasn’t getting more attention. The drone spotted in the direction of the water tower is pretty convincing. When I pointed it out to Howdoiknowsomuch yesterday, he cast doubt on it because the po-po or FBI had custody of the phone for a couple days. Why would they doctor the video to make it look like the government was involved in the assassination? How much more evidence of a conspiracy does one need? I tried to create a new topic for further discussion of the drones but couldn’t because I’m not a paying member.

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