Audio Analysis Is Most Consistent Two Shooters At Trump Rally

I guess the chief has a dedicated bodycam and the others just pick a random one at occasions.

For all those who don’t know how to take a screen shot image by image, here is a crash course:

  1. Load video into Microsoft Climpchamp

  1. Click on the video and make it highlight to green (the speed menu appears)

  1. Set speed to 0.1 (watch out, the time stamps are no longer the same)

  1. Use cursor to find the beginning of the sequence of interest

  1. Press crop button

  1. Zoom into zone of interest and click OK (check mark)

  1. Hit the fit button

  1. Now hit the crop button again

  1. And click on revert to original (this is important, so that when clicking to the next image and it not nicely centered on the screen, you can simply use the mouse to pan the image into the center of the screen.

  2. Double click on play and advance to next screen. Pan with the mouse to get the image into the center of the screen, then change to full screen modus and take your screen shot of interest. I press the Print Screen button using snipping tool from Microsoft

  1. Go back out of full screen modus double click on play, pan the image with the mouse, change to full screen modus, take your screen shot, go out of full screen modus

  2. GOTO 10

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Perhaps, or that was the only one he was authorized to release with the name of the wearer. It could also be that none of the other wearers wanted to volunteer to release their identity.

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At 2:45 the woman in white reacts at the first fire.

Hi pk2019,

Before claiming artifacts, I would encourage you to follow my crash course (see below) and make a screen-by-screen snapshot between 2:25 and 2:46. It is only 21 seconds. After doing so, I don’t believe you will ask this question again…

Hi VT,

Please look at the screenshot and the time stamp. It is at 2:25. Maybe you are not using the correct HD version?

You can download it hear:

hello Sonja,

yes, when you get first thrown in the deep in this area, you will find this a complicated question, but let me help you out and bring you to safety :wink:

this scheme has been made by @roger-knight, so questions about this scheme should be piece of cake for the author himself.

for over 1.5 weeks, I have been trying to reconstruct what is shown in this scheme in google earth pro to validate and test it with corroborated evidence from different angles of video footage.

it is completely impossible to rebuild the rally scene based on this scheme…

my reconstruction/validation has failed so far because the scheme is incomplete and not accurate, i.e., it does not represent reality:

  • in the right top of the image you will see a red arrow and a blue arrow. the blue arrow goes along the front of the building facing the rally area, the red arrow points at the intersection of the blue line which is 503.13 ft from the corner of the right bleachers (right when looking from the public towards Trump where he has the snipers on the barns in the back). I need the angle between the front of that building and that blue line to reconstruct and align the position of the bleachers and podium. as @roger-knight is the author of this scheme, it should be extremely easy to provide me with the value of that angle, but to no avail, even after having asked for it several times…
  • with the answer to that simple question, I can place the man he labels Crooks on the roof of building 6 (indicated with the green oval)
  • but the most important reason why I am not able to reconstruct the layout of the rally area and AGR site is very simple: the floor levels (indicated with the orange ovals) are seriously off…

you will immediately realize (but he does not) that if the floor/ground levels of the most important points of interest in this investigation are off, this will invalidate EVERY deduction made based on this faulty model…

where @rough_country_gypsy rightly worries about the snake oil science behind sound origin analysis, he may also start worrying about 3D CAD model back tracing religions…

I have been shouting off of several roofs that the ground levels roger uses are not correct, but he has an authoritative position at Peak Prosperity and when he says “no, that is wrong”, everybody believes him, no questions asked…

as such, he has been misdirecting the whole analysis and has nuked every attempt to bring alternative views into the picture, and he does this based on bias, cognitive dissonance and because he lacks the essential background necessary to lead an investigation in which ballistics play a crucial role.
if you wish, I can elaborate on the fact that he does not have the required skills to lead this investigation in a follow-up post, as I do not want to make this one too much off-topic regarding your question :wink:

so, the exact problem is that the floor level values he uses are allegedly from a “very accurate” topographic kml file, but as it happens, I have checked the points of this map, and they do NOT mention elevations, only longitude-latitude coordinates of 44 points along the outer perimeter of a part of the rally area ( and most of these coordinates are not pertinent to this analysis…

so, let’s have a look at the body cam footage of the SWAT officer who fired the 9th shot that has been analysed in the sound recordings…

you can clearly see that the ground level where that SWAT officer fires from is well ABOVE the ground level of the building he shoots at:

a closeup of this SWAT officer aiming at the man on the roof:

based on the scheme @roger-knight authored himself, he claims that:

  • this building has a floor level at 1335ft (no decimals known)
  • the ground level of Trump’s podium was 137ft (no decimals known)
  • the ground level of the right bleachers was 1336ft (no decimals known)

for your convenience, I have annotated a couple of ground levels based on the drone footage that @rough_country_gypsy captured himself last week, i.e., it cannot get more reliable and representing reality than this…

decide for yourself, does it seem reliable to you (and anybody else) that that building has a floor level at 1335ft?

if the answer is no, this will invalidate EVERY deduction @roger-knight (and others who believe what he says) have made based on this faulty model…

the distances mentioned are elevations relative to sea level, and it is the area around the point of the arrow that has this elevation…

I know all these heights very accurately (given a couple of inches here and there due to google earth’s estimation and interpolation algorithms) because I can blacken out areas below a certain elevation, and this works great for flatter surfaces like parking lots, greens and roads. the elevations reported by google earth for flatter surfaces are accurate within the inch, and for this application, we do not need much more than that…

the following picture, e.g., shows that the body cam officer must have been at around 1346.15ft = 410.31m elevation:

the red line in the above figure is the virtual line that would connect the two support feet of the crane that held up the American flag:

in the above picture, you see the two feet of that crane from the position of the body cam officer, and if you compare it to the picture above that was taken seconds earlier, you will see that the SWAT officer who was taking aim to get the man on the roof down with the 9th shot, is at the LEFT of the extended line that connects these two support feet…

the ground level where this SWAT officer stands is thus about 1346.15ft = 410.31m.
also note that you cannot easily see the feet of this SWAT officer because he is LOWER than the body cam officer…

a more complete bird view:

so, the real heights that should be used are those mentioned in the annotated image of the AGR site above for the AGR buildings, and for the rally area, the real values should be the following:

  • the ground level of Trump’s podium should be around 1344.40ft = 409.77m (the average of the elevations at each of the 4 corners of this podium)
  • the ground level of the right bleachers should be around 1344.275ft = 409.74m (the average of the elevations of each of the 4 corners of these bleachers)
  • the ground level of AGR building 6 should be an offset of the elevation of the AGR parking in front of that building, which is around 1340.40ft = 408.55m

I hope this helps you out and brings some clarity in this matter…

I have been pointing out that the reference floor levels used by @roger-knight are seriously off for about 2 weeks now, and he keeps denying the simple and fully verifiable observations I mention above…

everybody who goes to that site in person starts with the declaration that they are surprised that the terrain is so uneven.
also if you watch the bodycam footage that has been released, you see that you need a serious 4x4 to master that terrain, and still, these simple observations are ignored…

I really do not know how I can make my points any clearer, but if you have any queries, go ahead…


At 2:55 the woman is already running.
She was on the fence at the first fire. You can see her at this video at 2:45.
Look at the other video that have the audio for comparison.

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Yes, I agree, see my screenshot:

what is the subject with this girl?

Just for info in case you haven’t noticed already.
The timestamp of bodycam video BWC2-122104 is not accurate and around 12 seconds ahead. So 18:11:26 in reality is 18:11:14
9th Shot shooter Identified! Swat Operator! #thomascrooks #trump #trumprally #update (


She was out at the 1st fence and the shots went over her head. Then she ran back towards this area.

Hey howdoiknowthisinfo,

How’s it going?

Please appreciate the hard work I did for you. I indicated the exact floor levels (feet with two decimal points) in my updated version 5 drawing. And I must agree, we got even closer to vent 3 thanks to that. So, it was legit feedback from you.

Please also see the requested angles you are asking for. Frankly speaking, we are moving on, following a hot trail to vent 3. Why don’t you join us. Maybe you will be the one who finds the needle in the haystack, and you will be the hero of this forum and go down in history.

I didn’t have time to read your remaining comments. If you need more information, let me know and I will answer you tomorrow.

Screenshot 2024-08-19 133420

Screenshot 2024-08-19 133406

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the clock of this bodycam footage is 12 seconds ahead…

This is only relevant if the shooter was NOT the guy on the roof who was killed (allegedly Crooks).

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Your math is a simple 1/x formula and not an actual ballistics calculation.

Mine was from an actual ballistics calculator, which is much more accurate.

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My entire discussion uses AVERAGE velocity NOT muzzle velocity.

You need AVERAGE velocity to do the calculations.

exactly, and from my point of view, the real shooter shot from the high roof behind the man who was shot dead on the low roof…

there is an unobstructed direct line of sight from the higher building and from the lower building…

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I would not trust anything without my own verification. But that is NOT a reason to NOT seek the information and examine it when and if it arrives.

Repeating trivialities with which everyone in this discussion obviously already agrees — i.e. nobody trusts the FBI — doesn’t further the investigation, and wastes space here saying nothing.

Or put simply, rephrasing a famous Reagan line:



averaging out is very dangerous…

  • Small children are more likely to drown in ditches, cisterns, streams, wells, garden ponds, and buckets in only a few inches of water than in swimming pools and lakes

the average depth of a lake or pool can be very small but still many people die in such bodies of water…

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Utterly irrelevant non-sequitur.

To calculate the amount of time over a known fixed distance, one needs the AVERAGE velocity. PERIOD.

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