Audio Analysis Is Most Consistent Two Shooters At Trump Rally

exactly right…

only someone with malicious intent keeps using low resolution and mingled pictures through image compression and bitrate conversions…

If roger was really sincere, he would have admitted weeks ago that he was spreading a false story…

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whether or not she wears gloves to check if he is still alive or not is not really an issue…

whether or not you put them on is a business decision…

when I took a first aid course many years ago gloves were not even mentioned for this check, but when I took a follow up course for this during the COVID pandemic it turned out to be one of the main things they emphasized, but if you use your common sense a lot depends on the context…

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And to which that “business” remains rather unclear to me. When one could feasibly finish donning their gloves to perform the essential vital check, yet doesn’t, and then finds it necessary enough to finish putting them on afterwards. For what purpose are the gloves at that point? A possible attempt to prevent fingerprints on the extra shell casings? Does she anticipate needing the gloves after the vital check for some other first aid related reason? Or is she just in autopilot mode and does so without really thinking or assessing?

Universal Precautions under OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens regulations.


As such, proceeding to check vitals of a very bloody mess as Crooks was immediately without gloves, and then immediately after putting your gloves on. Am I wrong in finding this a little odd?


Here are the 8 casings, all positioned west of the shooter. 5 on the north side and 3 on the south side of the AGR6 roof.

As far as I know Michel was always standing east or north of the shooter. Maybe I missed something, but if you have any evidence that she planted something like 3 extra casings on the roof it would be highly appreciated you would share that information.


It may not have come to her immediately to don her PPE, realizing she better do so after taking the vitals and having her hands close to or in contact with his blood. When I’m working in my garage, I typically remember to put safety glasses on after I get sawdust or something in my eye. That’s my take on it.


Gif 1st shot
If the above spent casing animation is true fact,
they are being ejected slightly forwards and to the right.
Most Ar15’s eject in the yellow arrows arc below

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Oh, for crying out loud! How can the sun, when it’s off to the west, make that “broken window” or “plexiglass film” appearance in a window that’s facing south - from a person that’s almost due south of said window? The windows you are showing in the first shot are clearly showing sun glare. Not even close to the broken window effect.

And yes, the second picture you show is clearly a reflection of a barn. A reflection with SKY and a TREE at the top, unlike any of the weird screenshots from Dave Stewart’s video. Those all have red all the way to the top of the window, even when taken from a camera/phone that’s clearly almost at ground level.

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I made that gif out of screenshots from the Mike DiFrischa video (TMZ). If they didn’t manipulate the footage then it’s true fact. Shell ejection at the exact moment of the first shot.

I assume for the first 3 shots he leand a little bit over the roof ridge and than moved back slightly to release shot 4-8. That might explain why 3 casings on the south and 5 on the north side of the roof.

I recall the discussion were the TMZ video was 'enhanced" from the original which then showed the spent shell & recoil; If they didn’t manipulate the footage then it’s likely showing true fact.

Crooks exposure at 2nd shot, looks like to bottom of hair line exposed and top of torso based on shooting posture and magazine clearance issues, will need a graphic to determine minimum distance from ridgeline.

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Didn’t see this one yet. Do you have a link to the video?




Thx for the link.
It’s hard to tell quality isn’t good enough and the roof too far away.

This is from the Dayve Stewert video, about 1sec before the first shot. You can clearly see the rifle and I would assume the rifle barrel goes quite a bite beyond the ridge line. But from this angle it’s hard to tell.


Dried blood during a pulse check is low threat, plus a faint pulse reading would be challenging with latex gloves. I see no issues here.


There’s no other plausible explanation for red reflection. If there was some unique new covert glass as proposed, think about it. It would not be RED. Wouldn’t that defeat the covert purpose?? Plus why would we only see it in a few, extreme angle, images??
The white is obviously the clouds or the white barn roof. The white LED light is probably the SUV headlight facing the AGR. These old windows show glass waves imperfections. Lots of old windows do this. Not unusual. Go outside and look around the world.

NOT complicated stuff. This isn’t a challenging observation.

Furthermore as repeatedly been pointed out, there was inadequate time to remove a window, shoot, and replace it without the 10-20 observers seeing it. Or it being obvious on film.

And there’s obviously no shooting solution from the windows to Trump. Too many undeniable obstacles.

So the window theory is far too impossible and the windows are merely showing reflections.


Notice in this image immediately before the shooting, cop is standing directly in front of obviously closed windows 1 and 2. He’s facing and walking towards window 3. He would easily observe anyone removing windows. Yet another piece of evidence no shots fire from 3 closed windows.

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it is a business decision that relates to the personal health and safety of the care provider.

I can totally understand if she checked his vitals with her bare hand, because you simply feel much better whether there is a pulse or not…

just like you have a much better trigger feeling with your bare trigger finger than when you are wearing a glove…

in the context of a first responder, gloves are worn to prevent any potentially harmful pathogens from being transmitted, and it is indeed very possible that she was on autopilot and checked the vitals glove-free first and then put them on to further evaluate crooks

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