Audio Analysis Is Most Consistent Two Shooters At Trump Rally

I have tried watching it so many times I have come to loath that loud mouth woman screaming like a crazy woman! It’s a very challenging video to watch without fine-tuning ability to go frame-by-frame and eliminate that woman’s shrill voice. I’d rather be assassinated than have to live with that horrid screaming at home! LOL. Having tried watching the full length where she just keeps yelling and yelling and yelling and yelling… OMG. Lady, SHUT UP!!! Has nobody told her she is a crazy person!? LOL


Here is a link to the report released yesterday for those interested.

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I’m with you bro… and I am having a hard time hearing “take a look what happend…” :weary:


Three frames in a row.

On the second picture you could recognize something that could be a casing.

But it could also be an artifact, as the camera is being moved in the meantime.

In the first picture you can see in the same place that the tree in the background is slightly lighter. This could have become brighter in the second picture due to the camera movement.

Or did you mean other frames?
If so, upload them and circle the alleged casing.

I thought of maybe a 2nd shooter using the 5-shot volley from Crooks to mask his own sound. A conspiracy certainly would have thought there would be sound analysis. However, what would this '2nd shooter hiding under the sounds of a 5-shot volley" achieve? A worst window of opportunity for the ‘pro’? By then the target was already down and protected, after all…

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Hi Daniel,

Yes, but no shots are fired at that moment. Look at the video with sound!

My man, that’s a legit 5.56 shot… watch it in motion up-close on the X clip I made from recording the monitor. Don’t use frames for a quick fluid action from that far away, watch it in motion. It’s a shot, man! Recoil is not like in the movies, either ridiculous in power or not at all there… you can see the guy’s hair and shoulder move and a case exactly as one sees on the range.

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My world view sees it as an inside job, and given that they’d want a pro to take the well-aimed shots and evade/escape to leave Crooks as the dead patsy. I assign the well aimed shots to the pro, who then escapes when finished and Trump is down/covered, and the counter snipers are scanning.

It’s hard for me to re-wire my conception to think the pro would take 5 hasty shots and come nowhere near Trump while the risk is the highest of being identified and shot.

So if we do have evidence of Crooks firing the first shot, it shakes my entire view because then a 2 shooter theory starts to fall apart.

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@vegaspatriot Several people left comments on my Part 1 YouTube video saying that they thought that Shot 10 came from that area near the pond. (But I don’t think the data supports that.) Here is one of the best comments:

On the RSBN video, it does look like there are some LEOs in the stands keeping watch, but not necessarily a counter-sniper position there. Here is the map from the Grassley presentation showing what they were given by “Butler Command”.

Roger… have you actually watched the video from the original link with a much better resolution with sound or the capture I made of it on X (no sound)? I wouldn’t trust that video you have on google drive to give you a clear picture, you can’t even see the weapon, it looks like there’s nothing there, kind of blurred.

Hi Phase 5,

Yes, as schroederized said, please find below the official drawing of the speedy bleachers. The impact of the bullet was also estimated by schroederized by looking at this video:


Thank you. I still have no evidence showing a sniper nest on the smaller, eastern grandstands, only that there was planned to be one. Not saying there wasn’t, I just haven’t found any confirming evidence.

There IS evidence of a sniper nest in the larger, western grandstand assigned to Washington County ESU. I’m not suggesting this proves the shot was taken from there, but it helps support that theory if other evidence shows that’s where the shot came from. What I am saying is that it confirms the presence of a sniper at that location, which I circled in the RSBN screenshots.


I know what you mean. I also haven’t discarded the inside job idea, I’m just not seeing a second shooter yet. I still haven’t formed a clear narrative of association and opportunity of access, but I do believe Crooks had sufficient capability to make those shots. He knew what he was doing with that rifle. Considering he fired that 1st shot, he aimed for the head, he compensated for a 9mph wind, and under pressure hit the ear and fired another 2 shots in 1.5s. He had the technical capability.
His dot is said to be the Holosun AEMS. That’s a 2MOA dot inside a 65 MOA circle. My belief is that he probably had it zeroed for 100 yards, since he knew the scenario in advance. At 155 yards, the 2MOA dot he placed on his target is equivalent to 2.5 inches (8.23 centimeters)… there’s NO WAY he aimed for the center mass and hit an ear with a 100y zero at that distance and a 2MOA dot. Windage is even worse… on the day, with that wind, he probably used a holdover with the 65moa circle, because it would have been a PAIN to make clicks on that particular dot while trying to hide from LE (altough we don’t know if he had time to adjust windage when/where he got that backpack from). When one realizes that he did fire the 1st shot, it becomes clear that that little shit knew what he was doing. It doesn’t mean he acted alone.

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That makes no sense.

It entered the left mouth area and exited behind the right ear.


This video is definitely among the top most important ones. Trajectory and hit sequence wise.

Shot 1: strong metalic hit from the steel
Shot 2: it seems metalic also, but not as strong
Shot 3: no metalic sound and we can hear the swoosh of the hydraulic line leaking right after it.

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I concur, unless the shot was taken while TC was sitting up when he turned toward the onlookers by the tree on the west end of the building. In DJ Stewart’s video, I recall a witness saying he witnessed the shot and saw his head and hair fly upwards suggesting he was lying down though.

I still believe there was one shooter. It’s getting hard to trust videos because some have been doctored.That being said, it doesn’t rule out collaboration of some sort. In the report, Huggins states that local police radios were available and provided but NOT utilized by the SS. Why? Was this planned? Had the radios been used, the prez detail would’ve had approximately 3 minutes to remove DJT from the stage.

I got that description from a doctor on PP, but realize others believe it entered through the mouth. Either way, the point of the slides is to document the evidence of counter-snipers on that grandstand. Unless you have something constructive to add to the topic of grandstand counter-snipers, I suggest you go somewhere else where you can add to the discussion in a more meaningful way.

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There’s a map and some info out there that shows their positions, all of them.

Yes, I am fully aware of that planning documents. But what’s in the plans doesn’t always align with what actually happened, and it’s the latter I’m concerned with.

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