Audio Analysis Is Most Consistent Two Shooters At Trump Rally

Butler ESU could still hit him in the left side/out the right ear.

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The puff of smoke was definitely the first shot.

I know this news is going to crush Roger more than anyone, maybe even more than me. I found an error in my bleacher drawing. Too involved to thoroughly explain, but I believe that the maximum height is 11’ 1 1/2" (if you’ll allow me to round off the nearest 1/8"). That’s 1" shorter than I previously indicated. I also failed to indicate that the top horizontal rail across the back of the bleacher is made of 3" x 1 1/2" x 3/16" galvanized rectangular steel tubing, not aluminum. Obviously, that means that there was 3/8" thick steel to stop the bullet after traveling about 178 yds, if it came from Crooks’ rifle. That’s why the cloud of what I think was vaporized galvanizing appeared. Did it penetrate? I don’t know. I wish we all knew. Since the bullet appeared to hit that 3" tall railing, I’m changing my estimate of the striking point to be 2" (rather than 4") below the top of the bleacher or, more clearly stated, 10’ 11 1/2" above the ground, wherever that was. Sorry for any confusion, but I hope that helps solve the mystery.


I see it and hear it. That’s legit to me. It makes no sense, but it’s legit. I’m convinced someone let him on the roof unimpeded. It blows my mind they would go through all the planning and then put their trust in him to make the shot. The shot wasn’t made, though. So??? Right now I feel the same as @bigtim.

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What if the shooter on the roof was both a patsy and a pro? You have disagreed with my suggestion that the shooter on the roof might not be Crooks, but please look again at the following photos:

If you allow that it might be Yearick, then the shooter was 30 years old, not 20, had military experience in Ukraine as well as with Antifa, and hated Trump:

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Where are the dead body’s ear gauges?
Does Yearick wear glasses?

Just two obvious differences.

Why isn’t Crooks family and Crooks coming forward clearing his name?- More than anyone they’d have huge incentives to set the record straight.

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To be fair (even if I don’t believe in a 2nd shooter), 1" is very well within acceptable margin of error considering we don’t have in loco measurements and that we don’t know the actual ammo used.

If the ammo was 5.56 62 grains M855, yes, it would penetrate 3/8". It’s the version with the green tip, and the one I believe Crooks used (or SS109 without the green tip, but the same thing). This version is called the armor piercing round (the bullet is made of steel and lead). If it was the 55 grains version (common M193, made only with lead), then I don’t believe it would have penetrated that thick a steel. There’s also a 77 grains version, usually used for competition; it is a slower round.

According to one video, said that his brother was there and saw them setting up on the bleachers under the roof, not on the roof.

Single shooter is the nul hypothesis. No reason to get the boot.


Why so dismissive? I am trying to help. If you had read the article I linked to, you would have found a photo of Yearick with glasses.

And here is another one:

(Note also the double mole circled in each photo.)

As for the ear gauges he had in his younger years, he could have removed them and had the opening sewn shut. If you look closely at the shooter’s earlobe you will see a line that may be the scar or suture line. People have these things removed all the time:

And once again about Crooks and his family, I certainly believe that Crooks was at the rally (positively identifiable in the photos by Nicol), but I see no positive evidence that he is the person who climbed on the roof, etc. It appears that some kind of switcheroo took place. Interestingly, the cited article claims that both Crooks and Yearick trained at the Clairton Sportsmens Club, so they may well have known each other. I suspect that neither one made it back from the rally alive. Yearick’s family has reported him missing; Crooks’ family hasn’t said anything, and the FBI has been busy destroying evidence.

PS I apparently made one mistake in my earlier reply. If the info in the linked article is correct, then Yearick would now be 37 years old, not 30.


I was trying to do some reflection and think why I haven’t tried to track anything down about that issue. I think it’s just because I genuinely don’t care very much who exactly was on the roof shooting. Maybe it’s who they say it is, maybe it isn’t. We should probably sort that out, but it seems low-priority compared to these things:

1: How could the SS not take Trump off the stage if the southern snipers were turning to prepare to deal with a threat? 2: What were the guys in the overwatch building doing during the critical time?


Hi schroederized,

No, not at all. We are changing numbers almost daily with all the feedback we are getting from everybody. The numbers are getting smaller and smaller, but that’s what makes us think we are getting more and more accurate and it is getting harder and harder to debunk our numbers. This is the strength of this forum. 100 brains working together
 I will be glad to integrate this new “height of impact” if everybody agrees.

However, could you do me a favour? We have done a lot of research on the floor levels and we have data that backs up the below screen shot. Could you change your floor level from 1335.8 to 1336.32 and your approximate bullet strike at 1347.278?

I will integrate all of this data in the next simulation 5.

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This is crazy.

It would definitely be a reason why they cremated the body so quickly before sen. Clay Higgins could get a piece of DNA from the body, and it would also explain that fact that they washed down the roof so quickly, before anybody could take some blood as DNA proof.


There may still be a sufficient amount of DNA in the rain gutter and downspout. BTW, you know what DNA stood for in the OJ Simpson trial, don’t you? Does Not Apply.

no, but here you go
 Thanks to your question, I positioned Trumps head a little bit so that he is speaking into the mic. I will include this new position in the next simulation update 5:

Screenshot 2024-08-17 074115

I know I watched (I think it’s Paul) on Legally armed America go through and try to explain why it looks really like crooks lying on the roof. I really can’t tell and I couldn’t understand what he was pointing out.

It always looked to me like it was not crooks but rather Yearick comparing all those photos. Maybe somebody in the group with a special expertise can compare the photos?

Lastly, I still could never find it realistic that this kid who apparently had never done anything aggressive in his life other than go to a shooting range could have the boldness and “courage“ to be running along a roof in the middle of the day , thinking he could actually get to carry out his mission.

I’m not saying it wasn’t crooks, but it all just sounded very, very unlikely to me unless he was radicalized, on drugs, or he believed that he had a clear path based on a conspiracy with some of the Law enforcement on the ground that day.

hello Schroederized,

what would you think about the impact of the first bullet in the JCB hydraulic lift?

in the following post, I elaborate a little on this idea:

bottom line: it is clear that the 1st bullet damaged the hydraulics of that JCB lift.

as a hydraulics system is extremely sturdy and has to deal with enormous pressures by default, and this system has been damaged by the first bullet, that can only mean that

  • the shrapnel of the bullet that disintegrated (after it vaporized part of the galvanized rectangular steel of the railing) had still enough punch to penetrate the very sturdy hydraulics system, or that
  • the bullet was not damaged a lot, was deviated only slightly and had still enough punch to penetrate the hydraulics system of the JCB lift.

in the second case, I believe it would make much more sense to use the JCB beam as the reference point of impact and the height of the tractor as height reference

thanks for your feedback!

1.07 what? And I can’t tell from that picture what you are talking about?

We need the distance from his ear that was hit by the bullet to the microphone into which he was speaking.

Hi Howdoiknowthisinfo,
I don’t have enough information regarding the location or position of the JCB device that would help make an estimation of alignment of the shot that hit it. I only saw a glimpse of it in one of the videos when it was spewing hydraulic fluid from what I thought was one of the flexible high-pressure hoses. Obviously, once a hose (or even one of the hydraulic cylinders) was punctured, it would lose pressure and change position. I can’t imagine how one would be able to estimate an alignment or trajectory under those conditions. Regarding the hydraulic system being “sturdy”, as you put it, they’re not all that strong. The flexible hydraulic hoses are made to hold high internal pressures, but they’re pretty vulnerable to debilitating damage on the outside, especially to puncture when they’re under pressure and it only takes a pinhole. My opinion is that the point where the bullet struck the bleachers would have been a key reference point for determining where it came from, had it not been moved.

have a look at the images that I just posted in this message:

the height of the leak from which the hydraulic fluid escaped matches the height of the tractor next to it:


the elevation where the tractor stands + the height of the tractor (3.12m) is the elevation of the leak from which the fluid sprays

this is a bird view of where the JCB hydraulic lift was located

exactly in the extension of the line of fire from Trump over/through the corner area of the bleacher and then in the hydraulic lift

the elevation of the John Deere tractor was 408.9m
the elevation of the JCB hydraulic lift was 408.7m

the height of the John Deere tractor is 3.12m, which would make the height of the impact around 408.9+3.12 = 412.02m above sea level

somewhere in one of the posts the following closer up of the jcb lift after taking the hit was posted:

Screenshot 2024-07-22 112645

the type of the John Deere tractor is 8120T:

and its dimensions: John Deere 8120T tractor dimensions information