So It's Back To First Principles

IIRC, someone here came up with the actual make/model number of the bleachers used for the rally. It was in some pictures they found somewhere.

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You mean this? Maybe Roger could give them a call and ask if they had their website dimensions recently altered by hackers since he posted his drawing. Why wouldn’t he, I mean, it’s essentially what he has accused TMZ of doing with video.

Post 204 on Site Reconstruction

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The more I am working on this project, the more I am convinced that there is a 2nd shooter, this is correct. But I am not here to insist on any fixed idea. So, instead of simply criticizing me in general about my hypothesis of Redcap being the guy who makes the video, wouldn’t it be more constructive to challenge anything I mentioned in my analysis by providing some proof and debunking my theory? I have been very transparent with my presentation and am willing to debate it with actual proof. The fact that Ross fumbles his camera in Jon’s video, for example, clearly proves that he can’t be the guy who is making the TMZ video. Please bring some convincing counter arguments and I am open for debate, but simply calling it lunacy will not bring us to common grounds.


Sorry, but no. You will not drag me down that fabricated bottomless hole to avoid addressing the points I’ve already submitted. I will keep pointing out what I have evidence for, instead of losing my time on that apparently intentional wild goose chase of yours.

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It’s not a bottomless hole… Do you believe Ross or maybe we should call him by his real name, Mike DiFrischia made the TMZ video despite the fact that he fumbles his camera 12 seconds after the first shot is fired? I have provided proof that it can’t be him. If it is not him, the only person left is Redcap who is making the TMZ movie since he is constantly focused on the roof with his camera.

Are you ignorant to facts that don’t fit your narrative?

Hi daniloraf,

Thank you for challenging the “Peak Prosperity Citizen Investigation” joint “back tracing of the bullet” project.

I have taken so much time to implement our reference points in the below drawing. Each data has it’s own ref. It makes it much easier to discuss, if you are trying to challenge something in this drawing, simply by indicating the ref number. Keep in mind, many people have challenged and brought convincing evidence to this drawing, and I integrated it into the next version. This is how we have become so advanced on this topic compared to others. So, if you bring any suggestion that one data point needs to be updated, I would be glad to integrate it into version 6, under the condition it is convincing evidence.

So, looking at your post, you are challenging ref. 274 which is the height of the bleachers? Please see below the ref. 274 drawing. At this moment I have noticed some small mistakes in version 5, one being a dimension in ref. 274. It changes from 11.25 to 11.125, ref 870 becomes 2” I also noticed that I was using the same ref. 274 for 2 data points, of which I changed the lower one to ref. 275. So, these are simple typing mistakes and do not have any influence on the numbers, since ref. 275 remains unchanged at 10.9583. I will upgrade this data in version 6.

Screenshot 2024-09-01 080933

Here are also the absolute hights of which I will also integrate in version 6:

Screenshot 2024-08-28 031326

This data has been taken from the following post:

The source of the drawing was provided by @schroederized in this post:

According to schroederized he could provide us with a DXF drawing.

However if you doubt what schroederized has provided you can download this drawing directly from the Internet:

In addition you are referring to Gary’s video of which I already commented. We agree 100% with the drone floor levels and 90% with his analysis, he simply gets one data point wrong according to this forum, namely the height of Trumps ear. Please have a look:

Have I provided enough documents to justify our drawing. Please continue to challenge…

Together we are strong…

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I’m in the same boat with, @daniloraf. We might be rowing in circles but the recoil and casing on the TMZ video have always been there (even if the video was later enhanced), and I’ve moved the 2nd shooter hypothesis into the red.

When and based on what evidence exactly did you notice recoil and casings?

When and based on what evidence exactly did you notice recoil and casings?

On the first TMZ video that was released. It’s hard to see but if you watch it on a full-size monitor and slow it down you can see the casing at the 5-6 second mark.

thumbnail_IMG_2921 (Small)

This is where I’m at today after reviewing the evidence (daily) and avoiding the rabbit holes.

  1. Crooks had help with the planning and getting on the building.
  2. It’s Crooks on the roof.
  3. Crooks definitely fired at Trump.
  4. Although incomprehensible… Evidence points to Crooks most likely being the lone gunman.
  5. Crooks seen in several places around the venue results from the entire area being so small.
  6. There is no Crooks clothing conspiracy. Review the videos and count how many people are wearing black shorts or blue jeans. (people see what they want to see)
  7. I don’t believe a professional would’ve missed Trump on the first shot regardless of the elements and if they did, they would’ve connected with the 2nd shot.

I think Crooks had the receiver of the rifle right on (or above) the roof peak which caused the first 3 casings to fall on the south side of the peak, and the first three shots to sound (echo) differently. He then raised up/back onto his knees/butt which moved him away from the roof peak which caused the next 5 casings to fall on the south side of the peak and the shots (echoes) to sound differently.

Even with the limited people on this site working on the echos and shot angles, they can’t agree on where to put a 2nd shooter. It’s most likely because there wasn’t one. At least that’s where the evidence leads. Some shady :poop: happening definitely, but no 2nd shooter.

I’m not giving up. I have an email into U.S. Rep. Mike Kelly and I’m trying to contact the nurse who assisted the woman who was shot that we’ve never heard of. I’ll also be returning to Butler on the 9th with an investigator. I want to tie up every possible lead, but right now I’m at the single shooter theory.

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I think I’ve pretty accurate timing for Crooks seen in a video walking in front of AGR6. I think there might be different versions of that video. I remember seeing one where his last 2 steps were to his right. Mine ends before that. Timing for the video is 5:06:55-5:07:23. Here’s link to the video I used for calculation, I’d very much appreciate if somebody who knows longer version of same video shared a link. I mean where Crooks is seen for longer time not anything else, I cut out everything else from this video:

I use 5:06 pm for the start of the video, which is all the level of detail I need for the type of analysis I perform. Here is a post from @rawroku that describes his assessment of the times related to that video. I’m not sure which version he used.

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The point is where you download that video and when. If you downloaded it early, then please calculate a checksum (e.g. sha-256sum) and post it here.

I have no idea what that means.

A checksum is a small-sized block of data derived from another block of digital data for the purpose of detecting errors that may have been introduced during its transmission or storage. By themselves, checksums are often used to verify data integrity but are not relied upon to verify data authenticity.

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maybe check this one

Someone should tell the most important thing: how to calculate?

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I don’t know what system you use, on GNU/Linux it’s part of the so called coreutils with its lasted source code residing here. On Windows I’m not sure, but according to a quick internet search the procedure is as follows:

Open a command/terminal window, for example by clicking run and entering “cmd.exe” into the dialog box. Then enter the command certutil in the command prompt window, like below:

certutil -hashfile c:\Users\JDoe\Desktop\ SHA512

If I do the equivalent my system, the command and its output looks as follows:

$ sha256sum 1340_202407131858_Unit4-0.mp4
d60b1434f729b9e598a648877313bd72229bfff647615fc5c55cceea617d1059 1340_202407131858_Unit4-0.mp4

Just copy and paste both lines into a new post here, and please give also the source URL and the date/time of download, if you still remember it. If you look at the directory entry of the file, chances are that the file creation/modification time reflects the date when you downloaded it. But some download software writes the source file date, and that could be willfully wrong in our case.

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Yup. The way daniloraf is phrasing his “arguments” makes me think “this guy is being paid by the deep state”.

Of course I may be influenced by having watched Dan Bongino’s shows of last Thursday and Friday where he shows clips of some tool screaming hysterically in 2020 about the Hunter Biden laptop being Russian disinformation and how it’s proof of how low the Trump team can go. (Of course the laptop is real, and the FBI knew it was real at the time of the tool’s rant).

Or to misquote Shaksper, “Methinks he doth protest too much”. (Do a web search on “Shakespeare’s six signatures” if you wonder why I spell it that way).

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I’m trying to distance myself mentally from this whole business, after deciding 1) there were two shooters, and 2) now that the FBI has stated there was only one shooter, no one of note is going to dare go against that narrative.

That being said, I challenge all of you in the “one shooter” camp to go out to a safe place, set up a metal stand that’s kind of like the peak of the roof Crooks was on, and try to take shots with an AR-15 that sound like both sets of sound signatures. Also, now that we know the rifle model, go find bullets that have the muzzle velocities that produce snap-bang times the podium mike registered. If I’ve calculated it right, that’s approximately 2670 fps for shots 1-3 and 2570 for shots 4-8. Good luck.

I’d chip in $30 for the effort. I imagine some other people could chip in some money as well.

Critical Height Values: Podium/Trump & Bleachers Bullet Contact

This post is mainly directed to Roger Knight, but will be of interest to others also.

I myself have looked very carefully at the issue of back tracing the trajectory of the bullet that struck Donald Trump and then the bleachers. And I am shortly going to be releasing a video of my findings with diagrams and calculations.

I have been viewing posts on the Peak Prosperity forum for a few weeks now just to see what others were saying, before eventually contributing myself. I did not want to do it prematurely, until I had satisfied myself of certain particulars. In this regard, I want to share some of my own views on some of the critical heights of interest.

Podium + Trump (ear height)

Firstly, I note that Roger Knight has the following:

Height of Podium: 48 inches, or 4 ft

Height of Donald Trump: 74 inches
Height of Ear: -5 inches
Trump’s posture / knee slightly bent: -2 inches
Total = 67 inches, or 5.583333 ft.

Podium + Trump = 9.583333. ft.

It seems that I differ from Roger by just 1 inch. For me the total height of the podium and Donald Trump (ear Level) = 9.5 feet.

However, I radically disagree with Roger on the composition of the two components.

There would appear to be six equal riser components to the steps leading up to the podium. It looks like Roger chooses 8 inches per riser. For me this is completely in error. Firstly, risers which have a back panel (wood or stone) have a maximum height per specifications in the US of 7.75 inches. Now within a lot of homes in the United States, the average riser is about 7.5 inches. However, the steps of this type – as used for the podium - to me are undoubtedly exactly 7 inches per riser. I would ask that people examine carefully a selection of steps of exactly this type. You can see them on Amazon. They are the kinds of steps that people usually buy to get into hot tubs, or for similar applications. They’re almost all 7 inches high per riser. The reason that they cannot be over 7 inches – this being the maximum - is due to health and safety. Because they are open risers, they represent a child hazard if over 7 inches i.e. children might fall through them.

For this reason, I contend that the height of the podium is exactly 6 x 7 inches, which is 42 inches or 3.5 feet. This is 6 inches less than the value proposed by Roger.

With respect to Trump, I see that there is a White House official medical examination paper stating that his height is 6’3". I myself subtract 3 inches from this for the bullet hitting Trump’s ear. I disagree with Roger that it is 5 inches down from Donald Trump’s head.

In addition to this, whereas I might accept that there is a further minus 2 inches due to Trump’s posture, when I look at his shoes, I add in an extra 2 inches due to the height of his heels. For me, these two things cancel out.

In sum, I contend that the height of the podium + Trump (ear height) = 9.5 feet exactly.

In this I am 1 inch less than Roger, it is just that we completely disagree with one another upon the values of the two component parts.

The Bleachers - Bullet Contact

This was really a tricky one that had me stumped initially. The Speedy Bleachers used are easily identifiable from a basic internet search, and I noticed that Roger has put links to the bleachers in question in one of his previous posts, and even the side-on specification diagram.

Now whether we are talking about bleachers 30 feet in length or 45, it matters not. The width and height for both of them with 10 rows is identical: 19’4" in width, and 12’2" in height.

But certainly this is very deceptive at face value, and one needs to look very carefully at the specification diagram.

You will see that the noted width is 231 inches exactly. This is equal to 19’3" however. So where is the missing inch that would make it 19’4”? This truly is the critical question. As is obvious from the diagram itself, there is no total height value given for the bleachers from the ground right up to the tip of the back railing. One could be forgiven for thinking that it is 12’2", but it is not. You see there is a missing component to the diagram. At the back of the bleachers are series of additional metal posts that come up over the railing itself. These can be seen if one looks at these types of bleachers fully extended, and even from photographs of the rally itself.

The height from the ground right up to the tip of these polls is exactly 12’2", and because they are an inch thick, were they depicted in the diagram, the width would be 232 inches exactly, which would be 19’4". Because they are not shown however, 231 inches is given instead.

The point that I wish to make though, is that the total height from the ground right up to the tip of the bleachers is exactly 11 feet high. This can be extrapolated from the proportions of the diagram itself from the one height value that is depicted. That being the 28 inches value that you see, bottom right.

Roger gives a bleachers height of 11.125 feet in his latest determination. For me then, we disagree on this point. I believe it is 11 feet dead on.

I also note that Roger believes that the bleachers were hit by the first bullet 2 inches from their height: 11.125 - 0.166666 = 10.9583333 ft.

I disagree on this point. For me, the bleachers were struck by the first bullet 4 inches from the tip of the back railing: 11 – 0.33333 ft. = 10.666666 ft.

The way I determined this was from one of the videos. It was the most high-definition one I could find of the bullet strike. I’m sure we’ve all seen it. I looked at the very first frame which showed the bullet dust cloud upon disintegration. Studying it very carefully, I worked out the height of the cloud, and also the lowest part. And from this, the midpoint, which I surmise is the best indicator for where the bullet struck. For me, this is 4 inches from the top of the bleachers.

I hope this information is of interest.