Site Reconstruction of the Assassination Attempt

Distraction is always a possibility, since it appears like an elongated oddity that the projectile almost hit Trump, further on at least one visitor, then the handrail and subsequently a rather small structure with viewy consequences…

While I have no ballistic experience whatsoever, the velocity of a 5.56x45mm NATO projectile fired through a 16’’ barrel at a distance of about 160 m should still be around 600 m/s, translating to an energy of 720 Joule when a projectile mass of 4 g is assumed. Would this be enough to pierce the rather thin wall of a steel pipe?

On the other hand, the bullet probably passed body parts of at least one man, and even if the collision with the handrail was almost elastic (almost no energy loss), the overall deflection angle remains uncertain and hence the further path of the projectile.

Anyway, if anything was hit by a bullet, it was the pressure line going upwards along the black cylinder. This is probably a rather thin stainless steel pipe with an outer diameter of 10-20 mm (<1 inch) and a wall thickness of 1-2 mm (<1/10 inch).

I’m wondering more about the hydraulic scheme, since the pressure line going up to the end of the black lift cylinder should not have been under much pressure when the lift cylinder was in an extended position. But I’m not an hydraulic expert either.


In the screenshot below the thin hydraulic line made of stainless steel I mentioned previously is clearly visible. The video itself was produced by a company named “” (“Storyful News & Weather”) is interesting for another reason: because it is the only one showing Trump’s right side I’ve seen so far, and because it aborts shortly before the first shot.


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On the Trump assassination attempt starting with the trajectory of the “Trumps’ Ear Grazing” bullet (possible facts supporting HP1a #1):

Connecting a straight line from Trumps Head on the stage through Crooks position on the roof of “Bldg.6” and extending this line further backwards, a “second” shooter behind Crooks could have been on the roof of “Bldg.9-1”/“Bldg.9-2”.

What about this “Bldg.9-1” being the possible position for the “second” shooter?
That is only a 100m further back and with an average AR-15 bullet speed of 991m/s there is only a 0,1 sec difference between simultaneously fired bullets arriving at the target.
With Google street-view and google earth you can see that this rooftop can be accessed easily (

see attached picture from street-view).
South Eastern corner you may even borrow a ladder from the pickups seen in street-view LOL.
On the west-side of this building there are many places to scale onto this rooftop (see Google Earth).

A position on the rooftop of this building would be much less visible or noticeable by attendees within the outside security perimeter.
This location on Bldg.9-1 would have been ideal sniper position, because:

  • it has multiple entry points and exit routes, (How would Crooks ever have gotten away from HIS shooting position?)
  • it is on the outer periphery of the AGR building complex, (Less chance of being recorded or seen, you get in and get out)
  • it is invisible to (obscured by trees in between) the two sniper teams positioned on the barn-roofs behind Trump,
  • it is not easily visible by local police, ESU or other people from the adjacent AGR parkinglot,
  • it is not easily visible from the windowed two-story building (I do not know the correct building number). Unless the ESU from the two-story building had a reason to even look towards Bldg.9-1 it would still have been very difficult to spot a sniper on that roof,
  • it has enough elevation and a clear line of sight on Trump to take a successful shot,
  • if using a comparable AR-15, but fitted with an adequate sniper-scope (and maybe even a (flash)suppressor), it would cover-up this “second” shooters’ existence,
  • it then would have sounded like Crooks took all the shots, because all shots seem to come from the same direction, and would have had comparable sounds almost incidental.

Positioning and attention of ESU and local police were concentrated in and around “bldg.6” and as far as I have seen not anywhere near Bldg.9-1. Crooks positioned himself in a location where chances of being spotted were abundant either by security or attending public.
At the moment he seemingly fired his first shot he was already surrounded by security forces on all sides. So guaranteed no way out. And a lot of attention on Crooks as shown on video just before the first shots were fired.

We know that (all or a lot of) security focus was on Crooks’ whereabouts from the moment he was spotted near “Bldg.6” as suspicious.
We know that he was spotted by a lot of people. So nobody was looking at or in the direction of Bldg.9-1.
We have visual proof that Crooks’ shoulder did not jerk with the first shot.

We do not (yet) know if the difference in elevation between Crooks’ position and the possible “second” shooter’s position on Bldg.9-1 would make shot-alignments possible or impossible. In other words, can we match the known first three bullet-impacts and their incoming trajectory with this possible second sniper position on Bldg.9-1

In my opinion we can!

Question: Can we triangulate the shooters’ position relative to the position of the microphones based on the sound-recordings?

New location of USSS sniper.

Found at

Shown at timestamp 9:18

Photo of location:

This information may have already been posted, but I didn’t see it. In the video released by Senator Chuck Grassley, there appears to be evidence of gunshot scorch marks (for lack of a better term) across the ridge cap of Building 6 at AGR. There appear to be several of these marks that align with the body of Crooks in one of the metal roof panels. These marks can be seen at several points in the video, but probably best at 12:42 of the video labeled part 2 (total time length of 13:49). The resolution of the video that I watched was not adequate to be able to count the number of shots fired over the ridge cap. Perhaps a higher resolution video is available. I will include a still shot I was able to grab from the video.

By the way, Crooks’ body appears to be located in panel number 20 from the east end of the roof. I believe that to be about 39’ from the end, if the metal panels are 2’ wide. I might also mention that his head appears to be about 5’ from the nearest point of the ridge cap. I thought it peculiar that his rifle appears to be located 4 roof panels (approximately 8’) to his left. Am I the only one who finds it odd that the gun would be that far away from him? Especially given that he was shooting right-handed. Would the first responders move the gun away from him?

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In a NYT video last week (& in the recently released TMZ video), I noticed that the bleachers had the name “Speedy Bleachers” on the end. I found a factory design drawing of those bleachers showing the dimensions. Although the drawing doesn’t actually show the exact height, I accurately re-created it with CAD (45 yrs professional drafting experience, 25 yrs with CAD) to determine the height at the top of the railing to be 11’ 2 1/2". I know that the terrain at the Farm Show site is not flat or level and the only topography that I have available is Google Earth which appears to indicate that the elevation at AGR Building 6 is 1337’ on the southern side of the building at the point of alignment between Crooks’ rooftop location and President Trump’s stage. Google Earth indicates that the ground elevation at the stage is 1338 and at the location of the bleachers where Dutch and Copenhaver were hit is 1336 to 1337. The top rear railing of the bleachers is 11’ 2 1/2" above the ground, however, loading and uneven terrain would likely affect that height. My CAD drawings reversing the trajectory indicate that at least the first shot came from the south side of Building 6, below the bottom edge of the roof, but not as low as a window. In the helmet cam video released by Senator Chuck Grassley, I noticed that the interior of Building 6 has a dropped ceiling. That area between the ceiling and the roof could have concealed a second shooter. In the realDJStew724 video released yesterday, I noticed several vents (one louvered) in the southern outside wall of Building 6 above the window levels that would have been in perfect alignment for a second shooter. I realize that this scenario is not likely, but it is a possibility. I sincerely hope that thorough surveys were done before the stage, etc. was removed so that the actual height of where the bullet struck the bleachers, as well as the height of the stage were documented for the investigation.


Continuing along your line of thought (“Connecting a straight line from Trumps Head on the stage”) it may help rule in, or out, various scenarios. This is Pr. Trump’s posture/head position as a bullet impacts his upper right ear lobe:

Trump’s line of sight to his right, tightly focused on one of the two large display screens that are constructed above the two bleachers, establishes a tight parallel aligned with the trajectory of the bullet coming from his right:

Display Screen

Interestingly, a line of trajectory drawn from Trump’s podium, directly through the center of the display screen points to the water tower:

Pr. Trump’s head angle is a precise clue. The official narrative, and several of the surrounding buildings could be ruled out, as a bullet trajectory that far to the left of Trump’s line of focus would have impacted his skull first. This approach may also shed light on where bullet fragments impacted.

I am not a conspiracy theorist that is why I come here. Chris is very pragmatic. I do however have some questions that are nagging me.
Who is this man, he is a camera man, that supposedly was a shooter, also he was killed. 2 Questions: 1. Where is his body? Where is the casings?

Does anyone have a picture of Matthew Thomas Crooks that shows his arms, because the shooter on the roof most definitely has a defined tattoo. This is very odd. Also, is Crooks the second shooter, if he was, where was he? If he was, is he still alive, if he is where is he? If he is alive he might could answer all our questions.
This is a weird video and I have slowed it down several times, and I cannot figure out what is in the ESU persons
hand. If you look you will see there is a very large tattoo on his arm.
The cameraman pic has kept me awake I’m not going to lie. Although it has been showed that he was killed, but where is the body.
Also I have not seen where any one has mentioned this as a possibility and it may have nothing to do with it but it seems suspicious, and this person is close to the age of the camera man and it could explain the muffled sound of the gun shots. This man also unexpectedly passed and was a mechanical engineer that could have made the bombs?
You all let me know what you think. The obits was actually the first thig I thought of morbid I know.

Y’all let me know your thoughts.

In my earlier post regarding the possibility of a second shooter using the crawl space above the ceiling in Building 6, this frame grab from the realDJStew724 video shows 4 of the vents above the top of the windows. Additionally, there is a small patch (?) in the metal paneling on the left side of the vent on the far right side of the image, circled in red. Certainly if one of these vents were used, gun powder residue would be present.


which video did u get the camera man from?

I dont think any cameraman is dead. only the shooter and the retired firefighter (who was with his family among the crowd ) is dead.

the video is from grassleys release of bodycams. The shooters body is blurred off except for 4 frames. someone recreated the entire body using those 4 frames as a composite and tracked it back onto a stabilized video and placed it over the blurred part. hence u see the overlapping timecodes and hands over the body.

you can find the source here

REGARDING the first 8 shots:

If there were two shooters, and 8 shell casings were found on the roof adjacent to Crooks, then 3 casings were planted.

If there were two shooters, the 2nd shooter could have been on or under one of the trees between the AGR complex and the water tower. What makes this hypothesis more likely is that CS team #1 on building 16 readjusted their aim to the right after the shooting started. These trees and the area under them need to be inspected.

Audio: The harmonics for the first triad of shots do not match the remaining shots. Find the “first harmonic”. Fourier analysis may help.

There is a pretty good article on “muzzle blast” on Wikipedia that may be helpful.




Countersniper (CS) is reported to have used an M25 rifle (M25 Sniper Weapon System - Wikipedia) with a muzzle velocity of 2800 f/s.

Distance from CS at building 14 to Crooks reported by you to be 558 feet.

Elevation of Butler, Pennsylvania is approximately 1,043 feet (318 meters) above sea level.

Interpolating between the sea level value (761 mph) and the 11,000-20,000 m range (660 mph) would place the speed of sound at 1035 feet above sea level around 725-735 mph.
(Thank AI for that one)

Time of bullet: 558/2800 = 558/2800 = 0.199286 second
Time of audio shockwave: 558/730 = 0.764384 second

This likely accounts for the double peak in the audio record.
Note the M25 was likely suppressed.

They recreated the limo going down Elm street in Dealey Plaza in Dallas. We can do no less for this attempted assassination.

I’m on the same track as you. Check out my substack post

I focus on the strange things that happen with the middle window of building six (with a lot of screenshots from the Stewart video), but also discuss the height of the first bullet during hypothetical trajectory from the top of one of those windows to the top of Mr. Trump’s ear to the top of the bleachers, taking into account Google Earth’s altitudes.

After many hours of hard work, I was able to upgrade my simulation. I was very careful to synchronize the Google Maps top view with the Trump rally footprint which gave me a very good basis. All heights in the Y axis are confirmed thanks to the many good feedbacks I got from this community. Thank you! I will keep this version official for the moment until somebody comes up with compelling arguments to change the vertex parameter. One thing is sure with this simulation: the first three shots come from building Number 6. I am fully open to share all my data, don’t hesitate to ask….


Incredible! We are all on the same path at the same time. And we are all finding the same results! See my POST 125 further down.

This height was estimated in my simulation using photos, which is of course not so accurate. This drawing is a good finding. Congratulations! Looking at my CAD system I measure 11 feet. I considered that the impact point is a bit lower according to this Video (see post 84).

Another thing I could find is they also used wooden riser blocks as per photo below. I estimate the thickness to be 4 Inches. So, the total height of the impact point is 11.33? Does everybody agree?

Another difference between you and me is the height we found in Google Earth.

I had: Trump 1337, Bleacher 1335 and AGR 1335

You have Trump at 1338, Bleacher 1338 and AGR 1337

I agree with your AGR 1337 because I took the lowest point, but looking at some photos we do see that towards the wall the building is risen. So, for me I’m OK with your heights.

Does everybody agree on these new heights:

Impact point bleacher: 11.33

Trump at 1338, Bleacher 1338 and AGR 1337

After getting the approval from our community I will update my vertex parameters and backtrace the bullet again and see where we are now….

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Nice catch bro… and it seems somebody has patched the patch?

Have a look at YouTube video:
" Aerial Investigation: Drone Footage of Trump Assassination Attempt Site in Butler"

As much as I would love to believe that’s possible (because I was pretty confident the real shooter was inside one of these ground floor windows…. Unfortunately it’s not possible for there to be any sort of “crawl space” - or more accurately called ‘attic space’ where you are referencing above these windows.

This low pitch roof does not allow for any space there “above the ceiling” for anyone to get in there. The height of the windows compared to the deck of the roof there at the Eve or end of the building is clear there is no room for anyone to be shooting out of that alleged hole.

Interesting find, but unfortunately it’s most likely an artifact of the camera footage. Keep digging though.

from the inside of building 6, you can see a drop ceiling for the area where your patch would be next to that window. That drop ceiling (also sometimes referred to as a “lay-in tile ceiling” is about 8 feet above the finished floor. The tops of the windows are at the same height as the tops of the door frames (which is 6’-8")

So from where your red circle is drawn on the outside of the building, that would be just about where the drop ceiling height is - and as you can imagine - there would be no one on or above the drop ceiling (and neither would they have room there above the drop ceiling in the 8 inches of space under the roof deck.

If it’s a hole in the wall, they would have to be in this main area standing on some sort of table with an incredibly small opening to try and look through or sight in their rifle (extremely doubtful)

from this photo, you can see that the other windows have an isolated room /s, but again, until we find a busted / repaired window or glass fragments, I don’t know how that would be possible short of some magic self healing glass that can not only repair cracks on it’s own, but complete replace or fill in bullet holes - and as I said before, the “self healing glass” that someone mentioned earlier is only capable of repairing cracks under certain conditions, not holes or entire missing pieces of a blown out widow.