Audio Analysis Is Most Consistent Two Shooters At Trump Rally

I’ve taken the spaces out and still nothing.

The links work if you remove 2 spaces that seem to have been intentionally added. I do not know why there was a space between the 2 forward slashes “/ /” and between “. com/”
https:/ /www.thegatewaypundit. com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/screenshot-2024-07-17-at-2.07.06am.png

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I missed this space. The other added spaces were easy to see.

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I appreciate the new models form DMonks but personally I’m still not convinced there was a second shooter. This whole crime scene stinks to high heaven. I don’t trust the FBI, CIA, SS or anyone or anything in the official investigation - if there even is one taking place. This is why these independent citizens investigations are so important. To keep the memory of this alive and to look for real answers.

The longer the Government takes to issue a public report, the worse this looks for them. It seems to me to be a coverup.

Voting is anonymous and you can only see the results, if you vote.

How Many Shooters
  • One - Crooks
  • One - someone else
  • Two, including Crooks
0 voters
How many shots did Crooks take?
  • ZERO
  • FIVE
0 voters
Is the Government Involved?
  • Yes
  • No, this was done by 1 or 2 shooters without inside information
0 voters
Who could have known about this incident and were part of the planning? can choose more than 1
  • “Joe”, The President
  • “Dr. Jill”, The Presidents Doctor
  • “Zients”, Chief of Staff - the Presidents Brain, acting President
  • Mayorkas, DHS Secretary
  • Cheatle, Resigned Head of the SS
  • Rowe, replacement interim head of the SS
  • Burke, SAIC at the scene from the SS
  • SS Counter Snipers teams
  • ESU Unit of Butler and Beaver Counties
  • Someone other entity, outside of the Government and Security systems
0 voters
Do you think anyone will get caught and jailed for arranging this conspiracy?
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

It’s shocking and terribly disappointing that the investigation is not made public, there are few if any public spokesmen about this incident and everything was cleaned and covered up so quickly. Almost like they want the whole thing to go away.


A note about the red circled area in the Copenhaver vid… That is likely not the resting place of the shooter… According to the Grassly-release, it is further to the right… 13-14 pitch-channels… But that position still seemed short of Cory’s position…
As someone pointed out, he is above a right of the circled window, which would seem to exclude that window conclusively… unless he moved down in the stands to protect those in front of him…
Or so it seems…


One of The Talented speaks out and will answer questions… Offers a plan the enhanse protection, after identifying the problems…
https:/ /resistthemainstream. com/watch-ex-sniper-details-jaw-dropping-problem-about-trump-assassination-attempt/

Former military sniper Nick Irving has raised alarming questions about the recent assassination attempt on Donald Trump, pointing to what he describes as glaring security failures.

Did you know that the 2024 Can-Am Police Fire Games were being host in Butler the week after the Trump rally?

What a great cover for being in the area…



It is this window that an upper curtain pulls back just after the shots are fired.

It looks hella hard, but move to the right to align with Trump’s ear and the bleachers behind…and it could be a plausible location for a second shooter. The chainlink fence does not appear to be in the line of sight. A dialed in sniper should be able to take that shot…but does it align?

The video clip I have showing the curtain pull open is super suspicious


Im new here so i dont know everything thats been shared so far but one of the original videos from abc news from the attempted assasanation u can hear what sounds like automatic gunfire at 13-14 second mark. Has anyone heard this? Is it just an echo of all shots at once or what? Thanks in advance.


The second 1st floor window has this moment where an upper curtain is pulled back seconds after the shooting stopped.

So far I have not seen anyone comment/notice this other than me. I can’t be the only one who saw this.



Love the notion shots 9 & 10 were LEO shots. We know the last one hit Crooks in the head.

But what about the first shot? The autopsy summary only talks about the fatal shot. Did the other shot hit Crooks? If so, the autopsy should mention that.

If not—where is the roof reference mark? Had to be something where the bullet pinged off.

The full autopsy would be handy.

That building is at an angle, the black lines on the roof are parallel to the standing seems. There’s an angle to the X (Trump). Look at the top view.

Those lines would point at the Hercules 1 and 2. Could be wrong but look and think on that.

Overall thinking1st principles, keep it simple,…at this point for me is Why were there so many openings in the security to allow a red carpet day for Crooks that was basically a trained sniper by DHS at that shooting club. He had a 3 foot put for the Masters win and missed it. Basic fail. Never happens but I’ve seen stranger things like this. Why do evil people win, why does a guy like Competore get hit?.. Probabilites and devine intervention line up some times.

Keep it simple, key here is who brain washed this kid enough to continue in this chain of events all the way to pulling the trigger on a group of people trying to stay free and living their lives. Build such a hate that in front of 50,000 people with families and dreams be so evil full of hate to do this.

Key here is connect the dots, Blackrock, Corrupt evil Cheatle (Cheney diciple), SS site survey set up a packman obvious hole 100 yards away.

Lets connect the good guy dots. Look at all the witnesses, Chris Martensen doing all this, all of us thinking too, Dilution protocol of rabbit holes, video and sound evidence, uncorrupt congressman will to speak up, complete ineptness and DEI type loser press and media, etc.

Keep the pressure up, one of these PA law enforcement, Secret Service, will finally break and rat out the Rat whoever that is. The rat here is simple as well. The person one person that setup this perimeter 100 yards (3 foot put) is the demon here. Sheila Jackson Lee, Liz Cheney, Blackrock, pushed this Cheatle and Rowe to act on this(spelling of their names might be wrong)

Chris has already solved this. 3 well aimed shots missed because of bullet rise, head turn, red dot high MOA accuracy, 10 to 15 mph wind etc.

The profession was Crooks in my opinion until we get real clear evidence of another 150 yard location with a few degrees of angle to the X and Crooks to the victims in the stands. Solved. Who set this in motion? Lets keep working it. Chris is on it.

Anything in the custody of FBI or SS is suspect. Can’t believe anything coming out of the coverup team. Only the evidence that was never manipulated. Clear your mind of it. Can’t rely on it in the days of AI and altered data. Windows on the lower side are too low to the X and victims in the stands. Chris is has already figured that out. Autopsy for JFK was faked and hidden, same here. You can only rely on the photo of him lying their backed up by video 1 hour later. The LEO swat guys on the roof would know, they were there first and had a 10 minute window to alter anything. Doubt they could alter anything except the empty bullet shells for number of shots. Anyway. you need to read the threads here. No shortcuts to the answer, got to read it all and keep discounting the trolls that get on here and dilute the evidence with rabbit holes. Who set this up, had the responsibility to set it up, motive and opportunity is there? That one person not a policy did this. There’s one person and that’s the Site survey guy think his name is Tim Burke? A lady DEI hire as well. That person is throwing up constantly right now worried about being Eppstein’d. We need a journalist to follow this person and ask them questions like why did you do this? Who gave you your orders? Why are you so evil that you would try to murder? When did you stop beating your wife? Get them to crack, they will.


One point is Copenhaver video, was it manipulated by FBI etc. Almost too obvious and clear, Crooks position to the X in the above photo appears to be to his left outside the stands? More of a clue. The 1st 3 shots were the aimed kill shots that missed. Those trajectories are the most important in my opinion. The shots 4 through 8 were cover shots or panic shots, or hurry up and hit the target I missed, etc…The Crooks wears glasses, his eye sight would be a factor. Wonder what his prescription was? Near, far, sited. Might be another factor in to why he missed. I know I have trouble getting a good sight picture while aiming that I didn’t used to when I had 20 20. Glasses another factor to why he missed, didn’t naturally realign the sight pictures using the red dot. Good stuff I’ll get off and hope none of what I said is rabbit holes rather logic and 1st principles, and keep it simple like Chris is doing. Some conclusions we may never get. Bottom line is the incredible almost zero chance that this many holes in the security are a random probability. Nope pure hate and DEI together = bullets flying in front of the whole world watching. There’s your motive.

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If the bullet came from that hole it is almost in line with James Copenhaver camera elevation.
Therefore it did not hit the rail even if you consider the bullet drop from gravity (less then 0.1m (4 in) from my estimations).

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I experimented with the audio from your youtube video, so take this with a grain of salt. I used the spectrogram function in Audacity, and isolated various frequencies of the shots by selecting a frequency range and applying Effect>Spectral Tools>Spectral Delete.

It’s worth considering the material properties near the shots in further hypotheses. The powerful percussive forces from a rifle can cause objects to resonate like musical instruments. It’s like taking a hammer and banging the roof or even different parts of the roof.

I was able to hear the “p-ting” sound you mentioned isolated in the mid and upper frequencies and it sounded like a metal pole of a chain link fence. I also heard what I would describe as a chain link fence rattle, but that could very easily have been garble produced by the result of youtube’s compression messing up those upper frequencies. I also isolated what sounded like the ridge cap of a metal roof.

Regardless there should, in my opinion, be consideration of the material properties near where suspected shots were taken due to those percussive gases produced at the end of the barrel. Most especially with more clean audio than what I can pull from youtube. :laughing:

Edit: Perhaps also consider what difference the audio signature would have with a gun resting or not resting on a surface.


You guys Sherlock Holmes’d the shit out of that

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Per the Stewert video, there were already officers on the ground on the parking lot side of the AGR before shots were fired. There were also numerous officers collected there very soon after shots were fired. Crooks had no chance of escape.

It does make one wonder though: was the ladder prepositioned in case Crooks was able to escape?

Shouldn’t there be AGR security footage of someone setting up that ladder? They should be asked about it for sure.


Regarding the compression of the sound after a peak.

I’ve been working as a sound tech at big concerts, speeches and in several recording studios since the 1980.

We use compressors all the time on almost everything to control the sound.

The mic in the video SEEMS to be a Shure SM57 judging from the very destinctive wind screen. But the audio company would know. No matter what mic is used it has NO comp built in.

But it is very likely that the sound is passed through a compressor. It is not necessary but many techs would do it just to make tre speaker output more smooth.

A compressor has several adjustments.

Threshold: at which level should the comp start attacking the sound
Ratio: how much gain reduction when signal passes threshold
Attack: How fast should the attack be.
Release: How long time should the release back to normal be.

If the ratio is high the volume will be turned way down at the threshold and the release will determine how fast sound is back to normal. This is an effect widely used in modern techno music where a big drum can be used as the input source and almost turn down a side chained signal (the rest of the music) which gives a swoooping effect. Exactly as in your audio. This will turn down the signal until it is released and any signal appearing during release time is turned down. Mostly in the beginning of the release.


The video from James is the best we have to work with at this time. I expect there will be other videos closer to the actual height of the bullet from the crowd in the row below as they hold their camera around face level,

As an estimate, the camera was about 1 foot higher than the top of the bleacher rail and the bullet that hit there. To take into account this perspective change, I estimate it would raise the shot elevation line along building 6 a few inches, bringing it closer inline with the hole in the wall between window 3 and the exhaust equipment.

When compared how the shot elevation line sits with someone at the peek of the roof, it is a long way off.


Does someone have a good model or calculator for ballistics? I Know the theory, but I need good inputs for a good model.