Audio Analysis Is Most Consistent Two Shooters At Trump Rally

yes, these are above the sea level used by google earth.

if you would use gps coordinates, they would use a different sea level :slight_smile:
basically, the acutal value for the sea level does not really matter as the differences are more relevant than the actual valuesā€¦

the elev value in the bottom right corner are rounded values, so 1344.501 would become 1345 and 1345.499 would also become 1345 ft.

if you want to know the values up to the centimeter, you can download the kml file I made available to everybody from https : // howdoiknowthisinfo . com / butler / snapshots / snapshot_current . zip
(remove any space between https and zip to reconstruct the url, as the system seems to be unhappy that I am pasting this linkā€¦)

when you open that file in google earth, you will find a folder ā€œhorizontal planesā€ in which you can enable/disable horizontal planes at a certain height, e.g., 408.90999999m will show you something like this:

all the areas below 408.909999m above sea level are blackened outā€¦

if you select, e.g., 409.219999m you will get:

this allows you to find the google earth elevation above sea level at centimeter levelā€¦

yes, the values I annotated are very accurate and have been established using the method I explained above with the horizontal planes.

the green around building 6 is very uneven as the building is in a depression.

about the way google earthā€™s values mentioned on the screen in the right bottom: these are rounded up/down to foot or meter level, which is very impreciseā€¦

they use an interpolation mechanism. e.g., if you have a look at the AGR parking, you will see that the elevation is higher between cars that are parked next to one another than around the cars, which does not make senseā€¦

so, this horizontal planes technique is very good to establish the elevation of flat surfaces.

this is what you get for the height of AGR building 6:

so, crooks was looking above the roof that has an elevation of about 413.52m

the pins are where I place the muzzle of each of the snipers:

the top of the roof is about 415.26999m, and I put the muzzle height for the snipers 1 3 4 at 1.2m above the roof top (that is the height of their tripod).
sniper 2 was flatter on the roof, and I put him 40cm above the roof top

the ground level of the south barn is about 409.129999m above sea level:

the ground level of the north barn is 409.44999999m above sea level:

ground floor level for Trump is 409.87m and his ear would be 2.99m above that level, assuming a podium height of 1.2m

I did not model the microphone, but if you subtract about 20cm from Trumpā€™s ear height, that would be reasonable imhoā€¦

I watched. Iā€™m sorry to say itā€™s Greek to me, but Iā€™m hoping all the other people who have this bent and interest invalidate your work

I used the formula that @vt1 derived and made this Matlab function:
calc_Vb.pdf (226.3 KB)

I plugged in the locations for the wall_vent & podium and gave it the crack-boom times derived from analyzing the podium audio. The function then told me the bullet velocities needed to generate the measured crack-boom times.


Sorry! I meant ā€œvalidateā€ your work!

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you can edit your posts to correct it, heā€¦

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No problem! I actually got a good chuckle out of your initial message! :slightly_smiling_face:

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@greg_n can you export the locations of audio sources and the locations of fire predicted and the times of each shoot on each audio sources?

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Thatā€™s a very good catch. I noticed when I watched the dashcam video that those shots sounded alike, and also noticed that thatā€™s only video Iā€™ve seen/heard where the two groups sound alike, but didnā€™t really think much beyond it. Do us all a favor, post this on a different thread here every day or so, and on other websites. Get the word out. I missed seeing this initially, even though Iā€™ve been trying to track every new development.

This is strong evidence of doctoring, and not coincidentally this is only video provided by the Butler township police department that has sound during the period that shots are happening.


I wish I could like this 1,000 times.

So, for all those who were decrying the possibility of a conspired assassination attempt, meaning it was so bad that it couldnā€™t have been a group effort: look at how bad they are at coverups.

Pitiful. Also, when listening to it organically I thought the dash cam soundedā€¦odd.


Letā€™s hope Rep. Higgins is just being conservative when he states that 8 shells were left on the roof and says Crooks fired all 8 shots

At this point if he were to suggest there were two shooterā€™s heā€™d be subjected to withering scorn and attacks, and might not survive re-election.

All members of the house are up for re-election. Of the senators that have been leading the charge, Josh Hawley is up for up for re-election, so he may need to be a little more cautious. Ron Johnson and Chuck Grassley have more freedom to speak their minds.

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great work.
Still curious.
Could you possibly rerun the whole thing for 2nd floor open window as shooter.

Yes google map show elevation above sea level.

If you draw a path, u shud be getting an elevation profile window on right click as well.

How does the shooter candidate location analysis change if assume two professional shooters, and that Crooks didnā€™t actually shoot at all?

I try to assess everything as if Iā€™m on a jury and have to reach a conclusion based solely on the evidence presented (even if it may have been manipulated like the TMZ video). The only evidence presented that thereā€™s a 2nd shooter is the echo data and the ā€œexpertsā€ canā€™t even agree on it. If at trial thereā€™d be equal experts for both sides confirming/disputing it. I donā€™t think it stands up.

The few other YouTubers that I follow favor the single-shooter scenario. Even many here believe this such as @greg_n whoā€™s presented his research, and there may be something to Crooks changing position on the roof that made the first three shots sound different. I wish that could be researched better because we know he moved back. Also, I follow professional sniper Nick Irving and when he first listened to the audio, he said all eight shots were from the same gun.

I like your back-traced vent hypothesis, and thatā€™s the area that jumps out to me, but many dispute it. Plus, we have limited evidence (only back-tracing) that shots were fired from there and I canā€™t form a conviction solely from this.

The only thing that keeps me from being 90/10 in favor of a single shooter is my gut feeling and distrust of the powers that be. Itā€™s hard for me to fathom theyā€™d go through all of this and trust Crooks to make the shot, but thatā€™s where the current evidence leads me.

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Well, we canā€™t even figure out where to put a second shooter, much less a third.

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do you know Elisabeth Bik?

she is a full time fraud detective focusing on scientific papers.
most of the frauds she has discovered did not even require sophisticated tools or analyses of whatever dataā€¦

looking at power consumption traces, sound spectrum trails and even chemical and biochemical samples or ā€œmeasurementsā€.

many times, the fabrications can be seen with the naked eye due to the copy/paste of the lazy fraudster that does not even bother obfuscating anythingā€¦

this is an interview with her.

the channel owner is a (by now) disillusioned behavioural scientist who started focusing on this topic as soon as his brain had arrived and he had come to the conclusion that certain ā€œscientistsā€ were very productive (some with scientific peer reviewed papers every 3-4 days for over a year, including weekends!) and some of the results were too good to be trueā€¦

he does not only focus on the soft sciences. also the harder scientific fields of physics and chemistry from all the ivy league institutions are guiltyā€¦

have a look at his channel:

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if you look at the distance between the roof top and the location where his head is positioned, that implies that he must have been leaning high up (possibly even kneeling) to even see over the top of the roofā€¦

in my tool, I can easily shift the shooting positions from which a ballistic trajectory startsā€¦ I will start from 5 ft more to the left until 5 ft more to the right of where he was shot deadā€¦

Thank you for your honest feedback.

I have 4 arguments that are for the 2 shooters theory and frankly non for Crooks 8 shot theory.

  1. no echoes on shot 1-3 / 4 - 8 have echoes

  2. back traced bullet leads to building 6 wall and not to Crooks on the roof (three independent studies confirm this now)

  3. There is no video or picture evidence that shows Crooks firing the first shot. Where is the smoking gun?

  4. All videos that have been officially released seem heavily manipulated by covering up the vents with grey paint on building 6, especially 10 seconds before the first shot is heard. Is one of those vents open during shooting?

I think only time will tell, maybe a video shows up that debunks the above or a video shows up that confirms the above. I think we should all continue to search for the truth, what really happened on that day.

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Gary Melton is also a sniper, and he also believes the shots were fired from the same rifle.

a small addition regarding snake oil science: do you know Scott Adams?
every day he has a live podcast (
in many of these, he assesses the garbageness of scientific studies that are celebrated in the newsā€¦

Scott Adams has come to the conclusion that

  • EVERY scientific paper that comes in the news is sheer nonsense and far from reliable
  • every presentation or documentary is unreliable as it made to convince the listener/reader/viewer/audience of the bias of the author or scenario writers

this is exactly why I do not keep things hidden and make my stuff available for public scrutiny by those who want and have eyes to see and ears to hearā€¦

wrt the ones who ignore the stuff: thatā€™s up to themā€¦

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Well if youā€™re going to use weird visual issues as a guide, then 100% itā€™s the third window. Look at what happens to it after the shooting in the Stewert video.

There does not appear to be manipulation at the vents.

And that is why, ever since I saw the Stewert video, I have theorized the first 3 shots came from it. Plus, it aligns with Crooks, even more so than the vent.

All they needed was a temporary removable pane. That was it. Remove the pane, take the shots, put the pane back. It takes seconds. Nobody would be looking for that. Replace the pane with a permanent one that night. Itā€™s literally so easy.

Stewert would be a video plant. Heā€™s there to provide a video that can be manipulated before release and to make sure nobody is in front of AGR BUT him at the go time.

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note that this back tracing is based on 2 points in 3D space, and the exact position of neither of these points can be established:

  • based on his medical records, there are 3 official lengths for Trump
  • what is the offset between the top of his head and his ear?
  • what is the height of the podium?
  • where is the evidence for your value of the ground floor level, and do not refer to your youtube ā€œmanualā€ and the elevation profiles, because I showed you that even a flat road has a very bumpy elevation profile! show me the hard evidence which you use to base your ground floor levels on
  • two weeks ago, you claimed that the 2nd point on which you based your back tracing on was the exact corner of the right bleacher. that point has moved over various ft since, and still you come to the same ventā€¦
  • the smallest offset in any of the two points you base your back tracing on should result in a totally different location, as these two points are very close, and building 6 is relatively far, but still you get at the same vent
  • you use fixed values for your heights and horizontal offsets

and you refuse to show the 3 independent studies that you claim confirm that your 3d back tracing model has any valueā€¦

so, as long as you do not provide evidence for the abovementioned points, the alleged outcomes of your alleged model are opinion and not reliable results from any tool whatsoeverā€¦