Audio Analysis Is Most Consistent Two Shooters At Trump Rally

which TMZ version are you evaluating? The one from last Friday or the one from last Tuesday? Because eligibly the video has been edited over the weekend adding more dynamics to Crooks body…

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The problem with the vent theory is that it requires a series of events and acts that seem crazy. You have to believe that someone would pre plan a secret shooting position, that the venue of the rally was changed to facilitate the shooting, that Crooks worked with the plotters and was “guided” to his position, that the Secret Service let it happen, that the FBI is trying to cover it up, and videos in the custody of the police and TMZ are doctored. Unbelievable. But unbelievable is a great cover. It is so unbelievable that the public will not believe it or take a very long time to accept it.

Just like the JFK shooting is unbelievable. Someone had to pre-setup in the grassy knoll, the path of the car had to be changed to facilitate the shooting, that Oswald worked with the plotter and was guided to have access to the depository building, that the secret service let it happen, that the FBI covered it up, and the Zapruder film had to be suppressed by the government and Time magazine for a decade. Wait…

Secret shooting position. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JFK √ Butler √
Venue was changed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JFK √ Butler √
Patsy worked with the plotters. . . . . . . . . . . . .JFK √ Butler √
Patsy positioned by the plotters. . . . . . . . . . . .JFK √ Butler √
Two shooters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JFK √ Butler √
Secret Service let it happen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .JFK √ Butler √
FBI covered it up. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .JFK √ Butler √
Film/videos hidden or altered. . . . . . . . . . . . . JFK √ Butler √
Unbelievable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JFK √ Butler √

But both are just unbelievable conspiracy theories.


I don’t think so… On August 6th I could see recoil and ejection on the TMZ video from their website. What I believe is that that dropbox version you guys have been using has a poor resolution

This video uses a bump stock may make it unreliable for casing projection from a normal rifle without a bump stock.

So Crooks shot the first shots are we believe the TMZ video was faked from the beginning.

This is not taken from the Dropbox version. You can go and download the video here, it is still online:

This is exactly the same video which was available from the TMZ home page on last Friday. Then please compare frame by frame with the one that is officially on the TMZ homepage now.

Using professional comparing software like you can compare frame by frame and you see exactly where the video was edited. The below example shows that starting at Crooks neck the entire frame was offset to the right, making a distortion in this video, giving more dynamics.

Roger, I was going through Paramount Tactical’s elevations. I’m curious to see what they are going to show in regards to the bleacher elevation. I believe it would have to be something similar to this image below. (either reduce the height of the bleachers or reduce the height of the ground at the rail). I’ve plotted the rail based on what I believe I understood from his video (the one he shows elevations in meters but as I understood that trump elevation is for the top of his head already, so I considered that and worked backwards). By the way, google gives a difference of -2,13255 feet in relation to Trump’s elevation (I am familiar with the elevation profile function from lines and paths on Google Earth Pro, I had to use the feature before when I made a video for fun about angled fire at 800m with a 5.56 AR without a rangefinder and was unsure about the distance, target size and heights).

BTW, after seeing this I fully agree with that earDistance alteration from your drawings. -0,41 (that and also some photos of Trump’s head).

I downloaded it from the TMZ website on Sunday 25th August.

Can you really tell from the TMZ video that the shooter’s gun is not being held at an angle? His gun did have 45o offset sights.

And since the ejection port is on the right side, how else can you get a casing to fly several inches upward unless the gun is rotated (left, counterclockwise)?


It does make a compelling case that there was just one shooter. It is reasonable to at least consider that possibility. One discrepancy found in the TMZ video found so far is a 5 frame offset between the audio and video channels at the time of the first shot.

Yes, I also analyzed his video, and I am kind of angry that he poked fun at us, pretending his team knows much more about this than we do. As you know we have a 4 week head start and 20 - 50 brains working on this project. Since I think he is an honest guy, I hope he will come out with a corrected version later on.

I agree with everything you have except for the floor level of Trumps stage. It should be at 1337.335 feet or with the unknown reason of 100 foot offset from the drone it would be 1237.335.

In addition, trump is not standing straight as if he was at the doctor to measure his height, rather he is in a relaxed posture looking back to the screen which puts his ear down by estimated 0.166 feet which is (ref. 409) I can send you the details and how we evaluated this topic if you want to have more details.

So if you deduct 0.166 from 1237.335 then your value in the Excel sheet should be 1237.169

Below you can see ref. 386, confirming the level of the stage.


buckle up guys, you won’t believe what I have found, which is a complete game changer… I am working on it now and maybe later on today I will be able to present it… just want to get my facts straight before I post this one, because there will be major backlash to debunk my findings!


From the shooters position it looks like he is holding the gun upright from here. Also have the trajectory of the ejected case that supports this position.

tmz ross 06 a

From what I can tell, the case from shot 1 landed in the group of 5 casings that was first spotted from the Butler ESU officer when he finally made it to the scene.

I have no evidence at this time to determine how the other 3 cases on the other side of the roof got to where they did.


I would even say, the upper animatoin was before last Friday and the lower one from Sunday?

I’m late to the party, but I just noticed Audacity has a spectrogram, so I loaded up the critical snips from the 3 dashcam tracks. It looks weird to me, but it doesn’t jump out to me as utterly brutally wrong and suspicious.


The media creation date in the file I have been using is June 14th 2024, 12:32 PM. Both the original version and enhanced version of these images are in the same video file.

I don’t know if TMZ has been making fraudulent ongoing alterations by going to the effort to maintain the same media creation date.

I have also just found something very weird on those videos. Instead of using that diffchecker software, I just download the one on Scooper and dumped the two videos (TMZ website and scooper) on ShotCut… one on top of the other. TMZ on top, Scooper below. I saturated Scooper and added an Opacity filter on TMZ, so I could check frame by frame just by reducing the opacity of the TMZ layer. There are different frames. Several. I haven’t got to it yet, but they are there. For instance, the frame I call frame 38 is just when the shot is heard… All those red markers are different frames.the green market is my frame 27, which I consider to be a moment just before crooks feels the recoil. I haven’t looked much yet, but I also found different frames far ahead of that shot also, indicating what could be happening throught the video. It seems some sort of misplaced frame or an enlargement at times, a displacement of the entire image, not something directly aimed at altering a head tilt… on other times, it seems outright manipulation…especially on frame 38, where you can see a difference in head tilt… could it be from dropped frames, @kwaka I’m guessing someone either removed/changed frames from the scooper version, or maybe we’re talking about two different encodings from the same 60 fps source… but it seems more deliberate… or it’s a save face operation of sorts.

Here, I uploaded this to X to show you guys what I see… this is frame 38 zoomed in on crooks. it’s the same frame from the screenshots below. Some elements remain the same, some are changed (the finger and the head position). However, on frames 37 and 39 both videos show the exact same thing. There’s also something weird with frames around 53, when a man moves his head in front of the camera… the image of TMZ-53 is not present on Scooper video trhought the sequence of the man going with his head in front of the camera.

Below, notice the finger’s position.
TMZ video, frame 38, top layer of shotcut timeline, opacity at 100%

Scooper video (saturated) - frame 38 - with tmz layer at opacity 0%

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I’m quite sure that those vents belong to a restroom.

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I got that mixed up myself, sorry for the confusion.
In this video at 4m49s
2024-07-13 Beaver Co ESU Bodycam 2.mp4 (
the bodycam wearer counts “2, 3, 4, 5 right there” casings, all of them seem to be on the side of the roof the shooter lies. I have the impression, he then gets interrupted by the other guy saying “limit who comes up here”. He didn’t continue his counting.

At 12m38s in this video
2024-07-13 Beaver Co ESU Bodycam 3.mp4 (
they are counting the casings, “on both sides” “at least 8”. Again it seems 5 casing on the shooters side of the roof and 3 on the side towards the rally. He then passes that info to the black USSS guy on the roof.
Thanks @macd for posting Gary’s episode here.

So it’s 2 different Videos but they’re taken from the same bodycam (just different times => why did they cut out so much in between?).
Be also aware that the timestamps in this videos are crap. The real time is about 1m40s behind of the timestamp time.


You call it the “enhanced” version, I might have another name for that. But you do admit that TMZ put up a new video on Sunday? It must be, because otherwise you would be getting the exact same animation from both videos?