Audio Analysis Is Most Consistent Two Shooters At Trump Rally

I had my first rifle at 12. I was raised in the country.


Yep, your ground data and theirs match on the elevations of agr6 and Crooks, but not on trump and rail-bleachers On that particular file Iā€™m simulating what Gary mentions on his video. ABOUT THOSE 100 feetā€¦ yes, weird, but as long as itā€™s flat throughout and he doesnā€™t start to come up with 'oh that spot the drone had this difference of 100, then at that for x reason it had that much difference, etc", it should be fineā€¦ some error in adjusting or setting zero, maybe?

True. I agree with you. So far Paramount Tactical hasnā€™t shown the details of Trump elevation. Iā€™m curious to see those. Not to mention the bleachersā€¦ Zero info on that so far, but Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll present something.

Not to mention he had a zeroed red dotā€¦ why on earth would he use those 45 degree iron sights with a functioning red dot? That said, Ihe could have had the rifle canted while still using the red dotā€¦ especially considering that while we can see the case, we donā€™t see the red dot itself.. and the Holosun AEMS is quite a bulky accessoryā€¦ btw, guys, **cant does cause the bullet to go either more to the left or to the right, trajectory wiseā€¦ but at longer distancesā€¦ At 155 yards I donā€™t think cant would impact the horizontal component at a sufficient ammount for it to be concern for a shooter.

On bodycam file 2 from Grassley ( the one where a guy and medic Michele go from podium area to Crooks), thereā€™s a moment they talk to people inside of AGR6ā€¦ on that moment, we can see the room with lights out in the backround, same room where a vent would be, I believe, but I donā€™t believe it was a bathroom from how open that room looked.

I recorded the TMZ video with recoil and casing on Aug 1st from the TMZ websiteā€¦ Itā€™s on Chriā€™s X as a reply to a follower here.

@texian and @phasefive do check out post 1280

Why stills? get the hi-res video from TMZ and use ShotCut to see it, enhance it yourself if you would like and also export directly to a gif in 15,30,60 fpsā€¦ You can use features to stabilize, zoom, sharpen the video,etcā€¦

@daniel59 What are your thoughts lately on what happened? Still on fake attempt?

@howdoiknowthisinfo What re your thoughts lately on what happened? Still on HighRoof?

Still frames on a page are still! Doesnā€™t even have the benefit of the viewer moving a slider back and forth to detect motion. Our eyes can detect the motion! People need to use motion, or at least a video editorā€™s timeline, I say.

[quote=ā€œgreg_n, post:1375, topic:41479, username:greg_nā€]
Do you think the data looks fake or real?
[/quote]Why was this closed? I vote Real.

Easy there, cowboy. It could very well be that the faked (or just different) frames are the ones on the Scooper video, and the objective was to make Crooks appear still, thus supporting the idea of a second shooter. Now who benefits from supporting the idea of a second shooter? Certainly not a conspiracy that tries to pin it on a patsyā€¦ Who, then? Hmā€¦

Or it could be that the videos are two different encodings of the same original 60 fps version, to which weā€™ll never have access to unless someone calls that Difrischia guy (donā€™t remember the spelling). Like I keep telling you, Roger, do remember that I have it on X and on my phone (metadata and all), a video capture of the TMZ video, with recoil and case ejection, from Aug 1st, the same one I posted on Chrisā€™s X account as a reply to another one of his followersā€¦ hereā€™s the linkā€¦ just scroll up after clicking and seeing it, Rogerā€¦

I agree 100%.

My opinion: the vent is possible depending on elevation and A LOT of tinkering we havenā€™t seenā€¦ the ventā€™s flaps angle downwards while the rifleā€™s barrel would have to be pointing on an upward trajectory. The 2nd story window, it depends on which windowā€¦ windows west of that vertical AC duct where Greg Nicol was, Iā€™d say NO, since that placeā€™s LOS looks like it was blockedby that LARGE 13 feet tall red harvester. Windows to the East of that vertical duct, then I would have to check trajectories that match window-trump-rail. 2nd story rooftop all the way back? Protected from all of the Counter Sniper teams and not far away at all for 5.56? I would also pick that place. In a heart beat. Possible, sure, but thereā€™s NO audio evidence. The Crack-Thump timings donā€™t work. The delay would be between 0.3 and 0.45 on Trumpā€™s mic for 7.62 or 5.56 at that distance. No cigar there, but thatā€™s the place I would choose. Canā€™t for the life of me understand why would anyone pick a more exposed location than that 2 story rooftop all the way back, except maybe that Crookā€™s range didnā€™t have that range for him to have ever practiced on, which it doesnā€™t If I recall correctly from their website.

I have always believed this. But we never seem to see that Holosun AEMS so clearly in itā€™s full monstruous height for a red-dotā€¦ He could have had a small cant, I believe. But I do believe he used the dot, instead of the iron sights. He could have canted a little bit because of the magazine hitting the roof and getting in the way of his aim, maybe?

Here, mate, have some :beers:

YES!!! That, gentlemen, is someone who FIRES ARā€™sā€¦

I believe he had 2 positions. The one he fired from, and the one he died on. From Piper Grimleyā€™s video we see him moving. I mention a little about this on post 1280 on this thread.

I agreeā€¦ I would have chosen that spot, closer to the East, however, arms touching that elevated fixture that exists there, protecting me from being seen by cops on the ground and also a possible water tower sniper, and also giving me distance from the west parking lot and ALSO protecting me from both Hercules positions. Iā€™m not sure if a professional would put himself there, but WHY didnā€™t Crooks go for that nest? He WANTED the exposure? He had never shot that far away before? WHY?

No, but it could be estimated using Grassleyā€™s bodycam video file 2. I do believe Crooks fired 8 shots from one position 2 or 4 ribs to the east and then after shot 9 he moved and died on rib 20. (counting ribs east to west). Nice observation about the muzzle position, btw.

I agree 100%. The shooter tecnically hit Trump, even with the windage. Trump is really, really lucky to be alive. And I say Crooks aimed for the head. With that 2 MOA dot on that red-dot, at that distance, no way that was aimed at center massā€¦

Ah, there you goā€¦ I agree 100% with this. 100%.

Unless that 12 button remote control Crooks had on him did something else other than trigger an IED on his carā€™s trunkā€¦ could some buttons be sending beeps elsewhere and the IED was there only to justify a TWELVE button remote control? Who needs twelve, btwā€¦ when that manufacturer has 4-6-8 button versionsā€¦ welā€¦ who knowsā€¦


Ahā€¦ I donā€™t believe he reaaaalllyy aimed shots 2 and 3ā€¦ he aimed for 1, held it steady and fired a cadence trying to fight the gun jumping. On IPSC (dynamic sport shooting), there are metal targets called poppers that fall down after 1 hit. Experienced shooters on divisions that require a lot of speed will sometimes simply aim at the popper and pull the trigger twice, just to make sure, to improve the oddsā€¦could be something along those lines. He aimed for a 3-shot sequence, instead of one-aim-for-each-of-the-3-shots.

Holly shā€¦ we agree againā€¦ Youā€™re a shooter BigTim. I can tellā€¦ (read my answer above to PhaseFive, same thing.


Where is the wound?

In my opinion, it is important to note what information is not published.

  1. at least one person (man with red baseball cap next to the tree; Piper Grimley video) filmed how Crooks should have shot. This video has not yet been published.

  2. over a dozen bodycam videos have been released so far. But the one of the security forces, who were first at Crooksā€™ body and therefore would have had the opportunity to place shell casings there, is still being withheld.

It could be proven that Crooks fired the first 3 shots, but that has been deliberately not done so far.

  1. about 200 spectators sat behind Trump in the center stand. So far, not a single video has been released showing Trumpā€™s ear being hit by a bullet.

  2. Trumpā€™s ear could have been photographed in the hospital or after bandage changesā€¦ Why has no photo been released to date?

It could be proven that Trumpā€™s ear was injured by a grazing shot, but that has been deliberately not done so far.

The resulting conclusion is simple:

Crooks did not fire at least the first 3 shots and Trumpā€™s ear was not grazed.

It was a kayfabe event.

Do you find it strange that this time snipers also didnā€™t use an animal head to recreate an ear graze shot?

WHAT?! NO! I donā€™t find it strange at all ! Not at this time and age, thankfully. Look, Iā€™m not a hunter and I happen to like animals a lot, but I also like guns and meat, so Iā€™ll take my burguers with a taste of hypocrisy at the rangeā€™s restaurant after having shot, except for grass and land, only at mineral targetsā€¦ Daniel, come onā€¦ hasnā€™t John Wickā€™s dog taught you anything? Nobody wants to shoot at animals for no reasonable reasonā€¦ except for lunatics, maybeā€¦

Ok, I see what you mean. I canā€™t explain it. Iā€™m not a physiologist. I see the world through my lenses: which are those of a guy who likes to shoot rifles on weekends (quite fun, you should try it if you have the chance where you live). I have little interest on internal ballistics (the effects of projectiles inside things). That said, if I had to guess what happened to his ear, and assuming the photos are ordered chronologically from left to right), first I would ask for a photo of similar angle from before the incident (to check for the existence of that, letā€™s call it semi-horizontal-different-color-stripe-on-the-top-curve-of-his-ear. Thatā€™s 1). Second, I would try to find differences from before and after. Then, I would consider it was an eardrum that bled out and I would try to rule that out, since it seems like a lot of blood for an eardrum, but then again, I have zero experience on bleeding ears. I get from the red circle on the middle image that it looks like someone was trying to point out a concentration of blood on that bandageā€¦ It would seem consistent, location wise, to that semi-horizontal-different-color-stripe-on-the-top-curve-of-his-ear. So, with my limited physiology knowledge, what else could I possibly say about it?, maybe apart from debunking the theory of a kayfabe event with the knowledge I do have, which is a little bit about ballistics and common knowledge that the kayfabe theory would be harder to accomplish at the present quality-level-of-the-event than, say, covering up a shooter from AGR7 (2story building behing agr6). It would take hollywood-like practical effects to accomplish such a theory, perfectly timed, live.

I agree with this line, I do. I just donā€™t see it the way you do.

Well, we do have video of Crooks feeling recoil while a casing is seen flying away on shot 1, we have audio analysis of shot placement, eye witnesses that said ā€œhe fired a number of shotsā€, we have injuried and killed people on the bleachers (and not only Comperatore on the 5-shot volley, but also people who were injured on the first 3, on the same line of fire). That said, I do agree it would be nice to have those 3 points of yours made available to us. I believe they will eventually be disclosed.

There was one in the video of the cop who climbed up also. Iā€™ve been curious how they got a photo of the body and the gun but no cops on the roof at all at that point. Iā€™m trying to catch up after taking a few days away from the computer so this may have been addressed already, but itā€™s been on my mindā€¦Processing: drone.pngā€¦

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Is it an open window? LEOs inside could hear people yelling?
0_18 window

Strange that no SS agents were injured. Did he take care of it?

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The Trump Butler Rally Event, and Leaving

What is important in the video at the link is what the flag is doing at the time the shots are taken. While Trump is on stage the flag is consistently flapping up and down. As the shooting starts, the flag starts to twist up on its self indicating there are convection currents going on with the wind speed at the time.

It does not matter how good a shooter is, if they get the wind adjustment wrong or there is an unexpected short, sudden wind gust out of nowhere the shot is going to miss.

For such a thing to happen does indicate some divine protection against the evil aiming to maximize the trauma with what Trumpā€™s final words would of been.


One of the last things the ā€˜spotterā€™ does before a sniper takes their shot, is call the wind. They spend hours training to do this. If the shooter misses, the spotter calls the miss for correction on the next shot.


Hi BigTim,

This topic about the bullet trajectory getting influenced after grazing Trumps ear has already been discussed multiple times by others, including yourself. We have already come to a conclusion together, which I would like to share afterwards. But first:

The reason of the video you are referring to was to show that it is difficult to shoot Trumps ear from the distance, debunking all the theories that Trump staged this act. I think everybody agrees that Trump would not have put his life in danger just for a political stunt. We donā€™t even need to make a video for that.

2nd point they wanted to make in this video: People were claiming that if the bullet would have touched Trumps ear, his head would have exploded. Now we are getting a little closer to our topic and we can maybe draw some conclusions using this video.

One thing that speaks against this video, is that they are using some kind of silicone with a much higher elasticity than human flesh. The more you increase the elasticity, the more the bullet line will get messed up. If somebody would like to repeat this trial, for the full purpose of seeing how much the trajectory gets influence by grazing Trumps ear, then they should be using some kind animal skin, like pig skin.

Looking at the picture you are showing, this is not according to reality. Trumps ear was not destroyed like in that picture. Rather you could take the first shot in the video, but I would even argue that bullet bearly grazed the ear, not even the way we see in the video.

In any case, people in this forum said that absolutely no trajectory influence occurred when grazing Trumps ear:

And you participated in this discussion as well and I respected your feedback, and this was the conclusion:

Please have a look at the below screenshot indicating ref. 881 has been taken into consideration in our joint ā€œback traceā€ project, of which you have actively been involved in.

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I know, almost everybody and his grandma throws pictures and videos around here, and almost nobody names a source. Iā€™d be really pleased if I could persuade at least you to do that in future.


I canā€™t upload neither text files (not allowed) nor pdfs (too big), but here is a small pdf describing how to run the program. It also contains the source code:

howto-and-listings.pdf (39.1 KB)

edit: Offtheback, you really hit these nails on their heads, eight of them. The correlations are super-high!

edit: Itā€™s really a bit sad, because the pdf contain svg graphs, implying you could zoom into them endlessly. So please look at these jpegs instead:


This is great, thanks! I think the next thing that would be useful to do is to find out whether this close of correlation is as weird as we think it is. I started to do this by trying to find some other gunshot sources like from here. Maybe we could choose a group of shots from that where everybody is relatively still, and see how closely those shots resemble each other.


Agree that roof would make sense or watertower or bothā€¦ haha. AGR Main has parapet walls north and east to help conceal. Watertower might explain the back railing shot and the ā€œlucky guyā€ John Cullen refers toā€¦ interesting videos on his patreon theories about other shooter(s) shooting supressed with subsonic .300 blackout ammo

Outstanding work @pk2019. Those correlations lining up and dipping slightly where the pasted shots overlap is exactly what I expected to see for these data sequences.

We could repeat this for one of our other sources (preferably off to the side so we arenā€™t really with the sonic boom) if we can find a shot to correlate with that doesnā€™t have a lot of background crowd noise. We can also use like .05 or 0.1 seconds instead of 0.2 to minimize that.


@pk2019 it is unfortunate that we canā€™t see more resolution. Maybe Dropbox?

What I am interested in is the number of samples offset between the large positive peak and adjacent negative peak, and if there is a regularly spaced decay of peaks near the main one.

Hello @offtheback,

  • Dipping: I was already using a time span of 0.15 s for this reason. With 0.2 s youā€™ll see them dipping even more. Would that be better for your purpose?
  • Dropbox: I try to avoid ggl ā€˜servicesā€™ ā€¦ but I will see if I can split the pdfs a bit more. The system said the limit was 9.5 MBytes. The problem consists in the excessive number of points, which in reality are circles having a very small radius. Iā€™ve not yet tried radius 0 as it once worked worked when drilling via holes.
  • Samples between +/- peaks: I could create a csv file or excel sheets, but this is probably disallowed here too. Perhaps a pdf with good old pages full of data?
  • Other sources: Good idea, but sooo outdated. Can we not just also have a community vote?

I found online converter.


Channel 1 and 3:


Somehow I should upload the stereo audio made from these channelsā€¦


@pk2019 .15 is great for this sequence

Maybe all I am most interested in is .1 seconds after a few of the correlation peaks, including the first autocorrelation one as a baseline. Maybe just zoom in and do another couple of grabs? One channel is fine