Audio Analysis Is Most Consistent Two Shooters At Trump Rally

Good observation. I don’t have the harvester in my drawings and I looked for a photo to locate it but could find nothing better than the photo you provided. So it appears that the line of fire from the three windows is around 10’2" above the ground where the harvester is parked. If they shot at the very top of the windows, it could be 10’8". Not sure how high a harvester is but it looks higher than that. So the harvester could indeed block the view of Trump. No wonder Nicol had to move :-).

Why is that harvester parked there anyway? As a side note, one audio analyst said the sound signature for the 10th shot came from a location where the harvester was, suggesting someone on the harvester took Crooks out. I didn’t research that.

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Yes, the motorcycle guy was interviewed on Paramount Tactical, and if memory serves, he said he arrived just as Trump’s intro song was playing.

I timed it at 6:02 pm.


Oh…I just noticed you gave me a link to the harvester specs:
“Transport height 4.763 m” or 15.6 feet. Yeah that screws up the shots.


By the way, we have the opportunity to extend our native language by ‘Fremdwörter’ with very specific meaning (english, german, latin etc). I never use them as in everiday conversiations allowed.

I’ve been thinking about the idea what theoretical physicist say: correlate wavelength-compatible regions. You know, I’m nit very satisfied with digital filters I can ever make. So I’ll try to correlate 1 period of sine (as projection operator).

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Good question, why was the harvester parked there?

According to the technical specs, the harvester has a transport height of 15.6 feet. Might be this black flaps on the top add a few feet.

Here is a picture from the fenceline west of AGR6

Drone footage from the Monday after the shooting

I’m not sure but think it was Greg Nichols in one of his early audio analysis.

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Different security people have stated that, if they can’t eliminate a possible area of danger. That they will place something in between as a screen of the line of sight. If a sniper can’t see the target, they can’t shoot the target.

If they had placed three 45’ long 13.6’ high big rig dry vans, nose to tail, in that area, it would have removed any sniper danger from the AGR complex.



do you have a list of timings for shot 1 … 10 ? I marked 9 shots for ease of oversight, but I’m unsure if I have the shot 9 tag placed correctly.

I’m using Audacity v3.4.2. In this version, the menu path Effects/EQ and Filters/ does only contain a combined Hp/Lp filter without the possibility to choose a Rolloff value in dB/Octave. I used instead the two filters under Effects/Dominic Mazzoni (separate High-Pass and Low-Pass filters with Rolloff).

Source 4 HIGH QUALITY Trump Video (43.3 KB)

Source 4 HIGH QUALITY Trump Video (10.7 KB)

Hmm, again too large … split files … try once more:

Source 4 HIGH QUALITY Trump Video (3.7 MB)

Source 4 HIGH QUALITY Trump Video (3.9 MB)

Source 4 HIGH QUALITY Trump Video (7.6 MB)

Source 4 HIGH QUALITY Trump Video (8.2 MB)

It was true in the past. The future will be more challenging. There are cameras for example. Let’s say, Schwarzschild was an astronomer, but he had to calculate cannon shots in the army. Not new thing.

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So that takes the motorbike off the table.
I think Dayve Stewert mentioned once on his (now deleted) X account that the guy with the flag came in with the motorbike.

I still don’t know why Jason Wood was assuming the person who was sitting on the picnic table while seeing him go out door 9 with his rifle, is connected to the vehicle parked by their cars. This was pure speculation in my eyes.

However, with the Crooks walking the vendor alley video this picnic table story went up in smoke anyway.


Perhaps a detective can tell you, how to make a detective be confused.

You mean the interview with Jon Malis?

Russia has deployed fiber optic controlled FPV drones in Ukraine and Ukraine is working on their own versions. Since they don’t use radios, the current jamming methods won’t work on them. The Russian drones have been developed by little businesses, not State sponsored teams. The same has been happening in Ukraine. They are using off the shelf Chinese drone components.

The USSS and other LEOs have to worry about kamikaze drones.

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That is a compilation and they added that audio, messed with it. It is not correct. You can see that the audio is off. They’ve done something weird to the audio/video and sped it up at weird different places.


No, this interview.

It looks like he posted it again yesterday.

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Just the picy you were chasing… 3rd windows a positive hit


Thank you sir for going there.

If I can think of anything worthy of your time while there, I hope I can pass that on. I know everyone is uncertain of the ground elevations.

Since I am neither drone nor survey transit skilled, I would take a 6ft level and sight down it from where Trump was to see where a level line would hit on the AGR building. I like simple and direct measurements.

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Good find on the photo.

Got some hoses in the way, especially looking from the other direction… but it’s a “maybe” possible.

So Kurt, the motorcycle guy, arrived around 6:02 pm and was certainly not the person that Jason Woods saw at the picnic table around 4:30 pm.

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He sure wasn’t! Now, that may or may not be the “bike” Woods mentioned in his 5:52 pm text message, either. Since it’s only 10 minutes off from my estimated time based on Kurt’s testimony, I believe it is. He does reference the car from his 4:26 pm text, so and it is the same parking lot. How it was communicated to him that the bike was there, I don’t know. It wasn’t by text though.