Audio Analysis Is Most Consistent Two Shooters At Trump Rally

If it is not too much of a hassle, get a zoomed up front picture of building 6 / window 3?


A detailed video of the fence line midway between the two trees and to twenty feet out to either side would be much appreciated.

Confirmed heights of the droopy chainlink at various points would be nice.

Closeups of the third window and the vents would be great.

Shots of the windows from a few angles would be neat just to see how reflections behave in them on non-rally days.

Thanks for being willing to try.

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I was suggesting we seek elevations of the ground where Trump was in comparison to the elevation at the AGR. Just the ground, not his ear or the platform. I was trying to keep it simple, but also it would be data unencumbered with assumptions.

Did that answer your question?

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This is what I have so farā€¦

  1. Drone flight, view, height, and angle from sniper position on the grandstand.

  2. Drone flight from Trump podium height to AGR building.

  3. Overview of the entire area from above towers on Farm Show property.

  4. Zoomed in images of vents and windows from building 6.

  5. Window reflections.

  6. Chainlink fence height.

  7. Contact the owner of M & R Power Equipment.

  8. Contact the owner of King Cones Castle.

  9. Interview Sheetz employee.

  10. Ground elevation comparison Trump stage/AGR.

  11. Gather info from Martinā€™s Pizzeria about shirt guy.

Anything else let me know. No guarantees, but Iā€™m going to try, and hope I can get the drone up from a different area.


If you get hungry from all your drone surveillance, maybe get some Pizza. Thx for your valuable work.

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What is the name of ice cream shop?
Can you check if those surveillance cams could record AGR climber?

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King Cones Castle


I did originally say that shots 9 & 10 came from near the harvester. Unfortunately, I had a coding error that pushed those results way to the west :slightly_frowning_face: So, I apologize for putting incorrect info out there. To try to amend the record, I did go back and edit the description of my first YouTube video to explain the mistake.

Once I fixed the bug, the shots moved over closer to the correct position (the lawn area north of the flag crane). And, finally, after properly implementing crack-boom times in the TDOA model for all shots, shot 9 resolved to a location that matched the bodycam video and 10 resolved to the South Barn.


No need to apologize, but surely helpful for future viewers to add a note in the video description. The important part is you realised the mistake, improved the model and finally ended up with very accurate shot locationing.
So keep up the good work and thanks for being transparent and sharing your insights :+1:


Youā€™re 100% confident in your analogy? This coincides with the belief that the 10th shot came across Trumpā€™s mic as hot. This data, along with the inability to find the location of the long-distance sniper, moves the 400-yard shot statements by Trump into the ā€œlieā€ category.

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Based on the TDOA data, Iā€™m 100% confident that the first 8 shots came from the shooterā€™s location on the roof and the 9th came from the Butler ESU officer on the lawn. I am not 100% confident about shot 10 because the geometry makes it difficult, so Iā€™ll say Iā€™m 90% confident at this point. Iā€™ve added the NTD video that I mentioned the other day to the model and have been working with it to get better insight into shot 10.

On the NTD and Trump podium videos, we only hear a ā€œcrackā€ for shot 10. It is not followed by a ā€œboomā€. If the shot had been taken by the Washington County SWAT sniper in the covered bleachers west of the pond (350 yds) we would hear a crack followed by a boom. So, the South Barn is looking extremely likely at this point.

Iā€™m too used to Trumpā€™s hyperbole to actually call him a ā€œliarā€, so Iā€™ll just say that he may be exaggerating the distance of shot 10 by a bit. (2x)

Remember, he did also say that the officer that peeked up onto the roof ā€œfell to the ground and hurt his ankle badly. Yes, very badly.ā€ But right after the fall, we see the officer running around with no apparent limp or any sign of injury. (But I suppose that could be adrenaline.)

So, for me, Iā€™ll say these two statements get put into the ā€œhyperboleā€ category. :slightly_smiling_face:


Say ā€œfalseā€, not ā€œlieā€ please. I canā€™t imagine Mr. Trump would have a motivation to knowingly lie about which sniper took out the guy on the roof.


Well, somebody may have lied to Trump and/or Bongino. Seems like it. Or maybe they were just genuinely mistaken.


There is so much chatter about events!

It is maddening.

NONE of what that YouTube commentator has to say can beat the source material.

Get your hands on the source material:

I am ready to mail you a check for pizza and ice cream. Best live blog of 2024.


Sometimes the pain begins only next day (when it swells).

The saga of the 2 shooter (shots 1-3 by second shooter) hypothesis vs. 8 shots by Crooks continues!

And right off the bat, having received the ā€œORIGINALā€ body cam video BWC2122110-0RATF from Butler PD is a game changer! Big Credits to @brian60221 for having informed me of the link!

It is a very very HD version, with a file size of 1.8GB! I recommend everybody who wants to verify what I am claiming in this post to go to the official link and download the file called 1382_202407131800_BWC2122110-0RATF.mp4. Here is the link to the official video released by Matthew Pearson from Butler PD.
But not only do we have a very high-definition video letting us see many details we were not able to see, but it also debunks some of the other things found on the Rumble video.

Here is one fundamental finding: the controversial muzzle smoke is not on the original video. I donā€™t know where the guy from Rumble got his copy from, but either it has been altered or some artifact from downgrading, because the file size of that video is about half. I felt at ease finding this, because the most criticized topic of my previous post was the muzzle showing in that video (@sonjax6 :wink:)

Putting full focus on window 3, namely the second time the cop runs back in front of building 6 after seeing Crooks on the roof (starting at 11:07) we have to concentrate on any dynamic change with window 3, because there should be no activity coming from there, right?

Looking at window 3 at 11:21 we can see the sun reflecting in it. Well since I take things very accurately, I see a little dynamic activity at 11:28, namely the reflection of the sun changes a little. I simply take note that approximately T-4 seconds before the 1st shot is shot, we have some small dynamic activity from window 3.

OK, moving forward at around 11:30, 2 seconds before the shooting, we get many dynamic movements from window 3. So much so that I had to take it frame by frame and mount it into a animated gif and putting it into slow motion. Thanks to the super HD now, we can see a LOT of details that need to be analyzed. Here is the animated GIF:


You can download a bigger file version here:

I watched this animation at least 100 times and I can draw the following points out of this animation:

  1. In the beginning the reflecting sunlight seems normal but it starts to vanish.

  2. Strangely it seems only the upper half of the window is changing, the lower half of the window remains fixed.

  3. You can recognize a person in back with a head light

  4. What is this person doing back there? Is he a helper pulling back the upper half of the window making it possible for the shooter next to him to take his shot?

  5. If so, and if he would have been perfectly parallel, we wouldnā€™t have noticed, but it seems as if the upper half window tilts off to the side changing the reflection

  6. Once the upper window is in the retracted position, thanks to the helper, the first shot is fired without breaking the glass, but we donā€™t see the actual shot, it is in fact the reflection of the shot in the tilted window, because the shooter is shooting in an angle behind the wall of building 6. A perfect camouflage!

We are so lucky to have this video, the cop being at the right time at the right place and for once the camera does not fade out on us.

I would personally say, this video has become more important to me than Stewarts because we do have the shot on camera.

So, either you look at the animation 100 times and draw your on own conclusion or we fast forward and have a look at my hypothesis:

There are 3 elements to be considered:

  1. I will call it a dummy window. The one we see 95% throughout the Stewart video. The color of that dummy window comes from the barns opposite to the building which shows that it reflects perfectly. There is also that strange rope that nobody has an explanation for. Well, here is one: The rope is needed to quicky take off this dummy window.

  1. There is a lower window that seems to be fixed all the time. The security tape does not seem to change position at any time.

  1. There is an upper window that is moving all the time, which leads to the assumption that this part of the window is pulled back by the helper, letting the shooter shoot without breaking the window.

Screenshot 2024-09-08 024318

OK, OK, I get it. Everybody is saying to himself ā€œWhat kind of drugs is Roger on today, to come up with such an insane hypothesis?!? So, this will be so easy to debunk by looking at the Stewart video it will literally take seconds. Well, letā€™s do it together:

Remember we noticed some dynamic activity at T-4 seconds. Maybe Stewarts video can shred some light on this subject. Oh, at T-4 in Stewards video we can literally see the helper getting ready. Maybe he is getting a good grip with the window, but we can definitely see the upper half window detached, between the gap we see the helper with his head light turned on. How come nobody has seen this up to now???

Well it is easy once you know the truth, all you have to do is concentrate on Window 3 with the above hypothesisā€¦ā€¦

Do you think something like this at the moment: ā€œThis canā€™t beā€¦.ā€ Well lets go on. Frankly speaking from T-4 to T0 all screen shots of window 3 show the slight division between the upper and lower window.

Sometimes you even see the helper in position ready to make that T-1 retraction of the upper window. You can see a similar screen shot in the body cam video.

For me it is clear now, the first shot came from building 6 from window 3 having at least two people in that roomā€¦.

Think about it, it is the perfect plot. The helper pulls back the window parallel about 12 inches so that the shooter can take the 3 shots. Even people from the audience do not see it because you donā€™t see anything abnormal having the window retracted by 12 inches in the same frontal view. The only lucky fact, and this is maybe the difference between today and John F. Kenedy is that at least 1000 cameras were on that day, and thanks to this Forum we could analyze everything together having 500 brains working at the same time.

Special thanks to Chris for having started this Forum! :handshake:

Together we are strong!

This is just a hypothetical analysis subject to be debunked. Unless anybody can find proof to debunk this theory, I am keeping this on in my green zone.

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On the NTD and Trump podium videos, we only hear a ā€œcrackā€ for shot 10. It is not followed by a ā€œboomā€.


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Cash only, please. :laughing:

yes, these are suppressersā€¦
this is why I keep saying that the 4 snipers were using a suppressed MK13 mod 7 rifle, chambered in WinMag 300, and it is very likely they were using subsonic ammunition, which makes their shots hard to identify in the audio recordingsā€¦

a suppressed rifle with subsonic ammunition does not have a loud explosion, the bullet does not break through the sound barrier, and only the impact would be registeredā€¦

Greg replied some time ago that it was very unlikely that they would use suppressors or subsonic ammunition as that would not make sense and it would reduce the bulletā€™s effectiveness, but that is not what snipers say themselves, as the use of a suppressor does not negatively impact the bulletā€™s velocity, and the subsonic rounds allow them to operate in stealth mode, even from further distancesā€¦