Audio Analysis Is Most Consistent Two Shooters At Trump Rally

if you could have a look at the front of the building in the yellow circle and check whether there are recently repaired windows/panels/doors/… in the facade facing the rally area, that would be great…
this building is in the direct line of fire from the two roofs in question from which shots may have been fired towards the rally area, and if the bullets did not hit anything or anyone, they may have ended up in the facade of this building…

and the same question for the building in this yellow circle:

if shots were fired from the snipers on the barns behind Trump, their bullets may have impacted the buildings in this yellow circle or the front of the high building behind crooks from which you droned the roof previously.

many thanks!

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As I remember, the 10th shot sounds like some glass had broken. Was it the impact you mean?

Sunday morning surprise.

Inside fence height on Farm Show property.

AGR fence height. I believe this is the section the shot would come over.

AGR fence height. Section to shooter’s right.

AGR fence height. Section to shooter’s left.

The rise in topography runs N to S from the stacks on AGR building 6 to the area in front of the Farm Show barns.

I checked all of the businesses along the west side of Evans City Road. Only two have security cameras. The first is King Cones Castle, but all the cameras are angled downward into the parking lot. The only one that would have a chance of recording the AGR property is the camera on the southeast corner of the building.

I stood in the parking lot directly in line with the camera and pointed towards AGR. This would be the view. (I doubt it would reach)

The second business with security cameras is the hardware/pizza shop. It has one camera mounted on the southeast corner of the building. It looks like a cheaper camera so not certain of its capabilities.

Hardware/Pizza Shop view.

Overview as requested by @roger-knight. Sorry, Roger, this is as high as I could get (500 feet) because of the airport regulations. I couldn’t encapsulate the entire area in one frame.

View from the sniper position on top of the grandstand (400 yards). I think he can make the shot. Crooks should be clearly visible.

South side windows and vents.

More to come…I was unable to get the ground measurements for @phasefive. The AGR guard almost got my drone. I have some good video of him. Lol!! I can tell you I was just starting to calculate it and the ground at the base of the south wall of AGR is a minimum of 5’ lower than in front of the barns on the Farm Show property. That’s the best I could do today. I have more coming soon.


Wow, thanks so much, this will be very helpfull!

Let’s give @rough_country_gypsy a big clapping hands :clap: :raised_hands: :clap: :raised_hands: :clap: :raised_hands: :clap:


Please provide a citation for your hypothesis.

I never said that.

Please provide citation.


Is this a security cam?

It looks like broken window alarm system.


You are impressive to even be there and trying! Thank you so much.


Looks like Window 2.


wunderful work, thanks a lot for the efforts :clap: :clap: :clap:

Just in case you happen to be at the ice cream shop again. Would be grat if you could take another picture that shows a bit a wider angle. Is there a LOS towards the red circled part of the roof?

Respect for being a fighter :muscle: :muscle: :muscle:

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some time ago, I mentioned this and someone replied that it was very unlikely the snipers would have used suppressors or subsonic ammunition, and I thought it was you. if not, sorry about the mistake.

will add the references to the use of subsonic ammunition later.

Got some great stills from the fly over…Here’s the first five:


OK, here are some more;


I guess all windows are protected.

(I don’t think it is like car window heating.)

See this post for the full context of what I said.

Sounds good.

When you were measuring, did it seem like a shot fired from the third window clears the fence?

From your picture, it looks like it easily clears.

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It is security tape. If the glass is broken, the tape is broken and an alarm goes off.


thanks for the identification of the post I was referring to.

shooting a 180 grain subsonic .300 Winchester Magnum round at 1100 fps with a sniper rifle with a 26 inch barrel would result in the following ballistics over 1000 yards:

shooting the same round at 3130 fps muzzle velocity would result in:

whether the impact of a bullet is lethal or not all depends on where the target is hit and the shape of the bullet (Killing the Energy-Killing Myth — Ron Spomer Outdoors).
an arrow from a 45-pound pull bow can be lethal too, and a 40 grain .22 rimfire shot with 100 foot-pounds in the right place can be as lethal as a 300 grain solid bullet from a .375 magnum that delivers a 3700 foot-pounds punch…

the same goes for other wounds, such as stab wounds and cuts.
a “superficial wound” where an artery is severed can be much more deadly than a deep stab wound…

as a typical sniper attack in an urban setting comes between 300-600 meters, the counter snipers would have to be efficient at that order of magnitude… (FM 3-06.11 Chapter 6)

and, as the man in this video states (, the suppressed MK13 mod 7 allows them to stay concealed at all times, which implies they use subsonic ammunition, otherwise they would not stay concealed at all times…

my viewing of the snipers on the barns behind Trump tells me that the snipers on the northern barn returned fire almost immediately, even though they did not have a clear line of sight/fire. as these shots were not registered by the audio recordings, that would imply that they were using subsonic ammunition.

if you review the snipers on the northern barn, you will see that the one closest to Trump absorbs the recoil of his weapon almost immediately after bullet 1 was fired to Trump, and a few seconds later his colleague absorbs the recoil of his weapon.
in my opinion, these people did not get surprised and pulled their gun back, but we see them absorbing the recoil.

The tape is broken which either means, that security system is old and no longer used or they removed certain windows from the system to keep it from freaking out and alarming. You just don’t connect those wires to the system/board.

People do that all the time when they change doors/windows/etc…

I’ll be back there tomorrow.

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Just eyeing it up, I believe a shot from the middle of the window up would clear the fence.

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