Audio Analysis Is Most Consistent Two Shooters At Trump Rally

@phasefive I snapped stills of the windows as well.

Window 3.

Window 2.

Window 1.

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I saw that, too. It sure looks like one but itā€™s attached to the downspout. I donā€™t think theyā€™d wire it into the downspout, though. Perhaps the wires run behind it into the wall. Checking my previous footage to see if this is new.


It would be really neat to have closeups of the fence at this point: if someone would line up directly facing the east side end of the ventilation unit outside the building, and then take pictures and measurements of the fence about 5 feet to either side. I think that is approximately where any bullets would have crossed, from Crooks or the third window.

Not sure if that is also where you chose as the likely spot.


If Crooks turned to face the crowd to the west, I also think it gives the grandstand sniper a shot at the left side of his head.

But this would mean it was not a USSS sniper for shot 10.

Would the audio make sense for shot 10 to come from the grandstand?

It is around the correct distance claimed.


We already have a photo from the counter-sniper nest itself, with the Rigel aimed toward AGR 6. Ben Shaffer is also on congressional record stating he did not take a shot and did not see Crooks.

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That doesnā€™t mean his partner didnā€™t.

People can be careful with their speech when they want to be.

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It would be nice to know then where Matt Wagner was positioned, in the west grandstand with Shaffer, or in the east grandstand like he was assigned in the Detail Plan Area of Operation. I have yet to see any evidence confirming either.

How does the crack of shot #10 over the stage podium mic sound so hot the limiter/compressor in the PA system kicks on?

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Hi Gypsy,

Please check this point. It looks as if the 2nd shooter had a pair of pilers :smile:

According to my calculations, it is in direct line with the shooting line from window 3.

If you could investigate that, that would be great!

348 yards puts Ben most likely in the east grandstand.

Now the other guy, if he is in the west grandstand, heā€™s at 400 yards and he likely has a shot.

So either Ben was in the east one or heā€™s wrong on the distance.

Hi Bumblebeeez,

Yes I agree with your drawing.

Most likely we will see this:

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This exact section of the fence directly lines up with window 3 and Trumpā€™s podium. The other two posted fence pictures are on each side of this section. No need to speculate about other parts of the fence.

and I think the 2nd shooter had a pair of pliers just to give him some safety
I drew a line in the direction of the picture, and everything matches upā€¦

you can check it tomorrow if I calculated correctly:

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since the evidence picture of the damaged stock has been made available, I am no longer clear on shots 9 and 10.

if the microphone at Trumpā€™s podium registered the sound, it would not be a bullet from any of the snipers behind Trump as these snipers used suppressed riflesā€¦

according to a Congressmanā€™s initial report, bullet 9 was fired by the SWAT officer who walked from the tents to the first fence between the rally area and the AGR site.

this bullet would have damaged the rifleā€™s stock, but this does not make sense according to me, because that would mean that crooksā€™ right chin should have been destroyed when the SWAT officer fired that round, and crooksā€™ lower mandible is reasonably intactā€¦

so, if bullet 9 could not have damaged the stock, it should have been bullet 10 to have damaged the rifleā€™s stockā€¦

and here we have two possibilities:

  • we know that the SWAT officer who fired bullet 9 looked through his scope right when bullet 10 was fired.
    if he also fired bullet 10, the microphone would have registered this shot in a very similar manner as bullet 9
  • it is also possible that another SWAT officer from the rally area, or the Washington Co sniper from the grandstands (cfr. the yellow circle in the image below) would have fired this 10th shot.

the SWAT officers and that Washington Co sniper did not use suppressed rifles, which would lead to a shot that was registered by the different microphones.

in either case, they would have shot crooks while he was looking to his right to the witnesses near the trees, and the bullet would have penetrated the bottom part of crooksā€™ face and damaged the stockā€¦

in the above image, the following things are marked:

  • the red circle shows 400 yards around the dead crooksā€™ head
  • the yellow circle indicates the location of the Washington Co sniper in the grandstands
  • the orange straight line shows the line of fire from crooks to Trump, the right bleachers and the JCB hydraulic lift
  • the blue straight line represents the line of fire of the snipers on the southern barn behind Trump
  • the red straight line represents the line of fire of the SWAT officer to crooks

so, if the stage podium registered the 10th bullet, that means that the 10th bullet would not have been the blue straight lineā€¦

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Thank you for posting the two tables. When I mentioned ballistic performance, I was mainly thinking of drop and windage, not lethality. Getting hit by a rifle bullet at any speed is going to ruin your whole day.

Let take a look at your tables for 400 yards. The subsonic round has 63 inches of drop (wow!), which would require a Minute of Angle (MOA) adjustment of 15.2. Windage is 6.5 inches, 1.5 MOA. In comparison, the normal supersonic round has a drop of only 7.8 inches (1.9 MOA) and windage of 3.3 inches (0.8 MOA).

I am not a long-distance shooter myself, but if you asked me which round I would want to be using to make that 400 yard shot, Iā€™m definitely going with the higher velocity round. While the subsonic round still packs a good amount of energy at this distance, getting the bullet on-target requires much more precision in estimating the range. When seconds count, I think a sniper is going to want the error margin to be in his favor, not working against him.

Do we have any long-range shooter here in this forum topic? If so, please weigh in.

This soldier is giving the perspective of a combat sniper. Yes, in that situation concealment in key, and subsonic ammo would make a lot of sense as long as the expected ranges were low enough.

We already went back and forth on this point a few days ago, and I donā€™t want to rehash it. I would, however, like to hear other peopleā€™s opinions on what those North Barn counter-snipers were doing. Please review the TMZ video and if you are able to figure out whether they actually aimed and shot, let us know.

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A suppressed .300 Win mag could still cause #10 shot as recorded. It is the super sonic crack that kicked the limiter on long enough that it muted the any boom there was. I need proof the USSS-CS uses sub sonic .300 Win Mag to accept that they did. They use those cans for their own hearing protection and flash reduction. Just having a can does not mean it is hearing safe levels.

IMO, they are trying to see through the tree between them and Crooks. But the tree is blocking their view. Remember some people on the ground by AGR buildings said the CS saw them point at the roof.


I should have asked you this earlier, @rough_country_gypsy, but your photo of the fence near AGR 6 just reminded me. Would you please locate the place in the fence that has this twig woven into it? And the metal sign post behind it? And tell me the lat/lon. This is the location of one of the Sources just before shot 1.

Somethingā€™s setting my BS meter off with shots 9 and 10 as well, but I canā€™t put my finger on it. Iā€™m relegating my opinion to trust the sound guyā€™s analysis on this one, and Iā€™ll leave it be unless additional information is revealed.


I walked the entire fence today and videoed a lot of it with my phone. There is no longer a stick in the fence or I wouldā€™ve seen it.


That doesnā€™t look quite right. Per my rough drawing, you would need to be more lined up with facing the east end of that ventilation unit.

I think you were too far east.

But thank you for checking on it. Amazing.