Audio Analysis Raises Troubling Questions

I don’t have a lot of experience with vehicle cameras, but I bet this Motorola system just has multiple audio streams.

Yeah, but what’s odd to me is that it seems to have radio traffic stream. I have no idea if one of the mic’s in the car is just that good, or if they really record their radio traffic through their dashcams? Again it’s just odd to me.

One seems like it’s in the car, because we can hear the A/C and radio. Maybe the other two are external front and rear? Something like that. I’m hoping they only knew to mute one track, and we’ll be able to hear some residue on one of the other mics.

I wouldn’t doubt that at all, the only thing that confuses me about that is that they didn’t release any other camera angle/POV. When we change the audio track, the video remains the same. I would think if say Audio Track 2 was for the rear-facing camera of the cruiser, that we would then also get the video for that, you know? Unless this Motorola system maybe records audio and video separately, so they can release one video, and as many audio recordings as they want from that cruiser.

I think we have at least one or two former LEO’s on this forum, so maybe they can chime in.