Audio Analysis Raises Troubling Questions

Yes, that is a good perspective and i agree. I think they all know. They arranged the entire thing BUT they failed and are making it up as they go now. They have all the footage(drones or satellite, etc.). They, knowing what was supposed to happen and what did happen, just have to adjust aspects here and there for plausible deniability and manipulation of conspiracies. They waited and did no breifings, no updates until they could see what we were saying and seeing. I do not doubt all footage and evidence has been tampered with and staged EXCEPT we the people’s footage from the 1st 2days.
After seeing the different guns on the roof and gun in dead shooters arms then 10ft from body in bodycam footage i do not believe any of it. One thing i know to be true: This was an inside job by many.

Agreed :100:

They have spread through the government and 3 letter agencies like a virus. Especially since they love there viruses. It has reached down to local government and agencies.

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The interview with Tony Shaffer on Judge Napolitano was a very detailed.
I think trustworthy brake down on who and why it was done this way. And who where the patsy’s and who was the professional snipers in plain site.

Lt Col. Tony Shaffer with Judge Napolitano

The interview with Tony Shaffer on Judge Napolitano was a very detailed.
I think trustworthy brake down on who and why it was done this way. And who where the patsy’s and who was the professional snipers in plain site

Watch the video I sent you of Lt Col. Tony Shaffer listen to what he almost said at 14:17 minutes in. He start to say (apparently that’s what the shoot ) then stops himself ???

Watch the video I sent you of Lt Col. Tony Shaffer listen to what he almost said at 14:17 minutes in. He start to say (apparently that’s what the shoot ) then stops himself ???
He knows

Watch the video I sent you of Lt Col. Tony Shaffer listen to what he almost said at 14:17 minutes in. He start to say (apparently that’s what the shoot ) then stops himself ???
He knows what happened from the horses mouth it seems.

I’ve watched it. He knows what we know. No inside slip of insider knowledge. Just an experienced citizen with his take.

The five chimneys
In the right green square on the image are five chimneys which does not appear in the left grey square. If it was the same cartridge aren’t they supposed to show the same kind of chimneys?

Is there a link on that organizes and shares the different audio clips and source files available?

With four audio sources we should be able to triangulate the locations of all shots fairly accurately relative to each other. We know Crooks fired, so one location will be on the roof of AGR1. The other locations can be revealed by triangulation. Videographers may have been walking but most will have frozen or ducked once shots began, so assume most are stationary and accept about a dozen feet of error for any result.

Each source will be 1206ft/s from each shot, so get out your adjustable compasses (or a string) and plot the distances sound must have traveled to reach the mic of each source for each point in time. Yeah it will get a bit tricky. :slightly_smiling_face:

Last, shell casings. Totally possible that someone tossed 5 (or 3!) casings on the roof next to Crooks’ to try and make it look like 1 shooter…

@dv00 I did all of that work and posted a YouTube video on Aug 3. I’ve done a bunch of improvements since then and will be posting an updated video soon.

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I struggle with how would they know exactly how many cases to toss up there? I’d love to have seen the head stamps on each case, along with exact placement of each case. Not knowing this info, makes it highly suspect this was a shooter acting on his own.


I am a Swedish engineer that has been following your videos about the Trump rally shooting. Especially your sound analysis of the gun firing, which indicates that it might have been a second shooter. A hypothesis that is both interesting and frightening at the same time.

I have thought about a way to either confirm the theory or falsify it. As a second shooter has to been located at another position, the sound from his gun have had to travel another path. And this should be measurable as a varying time span in the recordings that you already have gathered.

Lets assume that Crooks fired shots 4-7 and that another shooter fired the three first. If you measure the time span between shot 3 and 4 of each recording and compare them with each other, to see if they are equal or if they differ, you can either falsify or confirm the hypothesis.

So, if the time spans differ, the three first shots must have been taken from another position. Furthermore, take the delta time of the time spans of two recordings at a time. Convert it into a distance, and by knowing the location of the recordings, you will get a line between each recording pair. Possible shooter positions will follow along this line. Do this for each recording pair and it should be possible to triangulate to find the position of the second shooter.

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There are a few in this forum doing just that. You should look for their material and maybe add to their discussions.

OMG, I just noticed something. Some of these “big 12” bodycam videos have multiple audio tracks. I don’t know what’s going on yet, but check out this video and look for an audio icon in the lower right. Select some other track. Dropbox

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great find. so far it only worked for the dash cam videos for me, videos #7 and 10. both have 3 tracks.

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ok so looking back at all the different bodycams I’ve watched over the years, I can’t recall ever seeing a dashcam video released with different audio tracks, nevermind two separate dashcams from the same day. like I’m wondering if this was maybe some sort of a mistake, or perhaps intentional in some way?? Again I’ve never seen this before, has anyone else?? Like in instances with bodycams and dashcams, sometimes the public is lucky if we get audio at all, and then these ones come with three. it’s just…odd…

I don’t have a lot of experience with vehicle cameras, but I bet this Motorola system just has multiple audio streams. One seems like it’s in the car, because we can hear the A/C and radio. Maybe the other two are external front and rear? Something like that. I’m hoping they only knew to mute one track, and we’ll be able to hear some residue on one of the other mics.

Edit: seems like they have this thing. M500 Police In-car Video System - Motorola Solutions EMEA