Audio Analysis Raises Troubling Questions

In my opinion the 10th shot is fired by the USSS and its visible in the video below at 0:30 you can see the agent walking down the steps on the right-side of the stage, when he hits the grass he looks around draws his gun and points it in the crowd proceeds to rush of screen and the 10th shot is fired. In the second video at 2:39 you can see a view from the crowd showing the USSS struggling with someone and possibly a plume of smoke tell me what you think.

Edit: I also just watched the full after shooting footage from realDJstew724’s x account at the 4:39 mark the cops radio receives a transmission about securing a crime scene near the right-side of the stage, same location seems to be described.

Youtube: ABC news “Secret Service rushes Trump off stage at Pennsylvania rally”

Youtube: ITELL INTEL “Cameraman Shooter Trump Rally J13 (blurry video)”

Not my youtube^

Do you know the source of this picture? Clearly, gun is in hand here. If we are getting a gun 7-10 ft away in other pics, what else has been manipulated?!

But look at the top of the ear of dead shooter and the top of the ear of alive Crooks. That weird ear pattern instead of a normal smooth curved ear cant be faked or surgically altered to match up.
But, i do not discount the van and Yearick involved.

From other pictures of the root top scene. The rifle was moved and Crooks hands zip tied behind his back. Whomever was up there first and it was evident Crooks was dead. None of that should have happened until everything was marked and photographed. IMO, the crime scene was corrupted on purpose. Either by incompetence or malice.

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Yearick ear had deformity because of a bullet wound he suffered when he went over seas. The nose is more unique then the ear shape. Pig nose downward nostrils. Not open oval nostrils like Maxwell Yearick. Look closer.

Do you have any Yearick pic showing his entire ears? We have entire ears of Crooks. Most ears are smooth curved. Crooks ears have odd sharp lines and points instead of a curve. We need all of the ears! I will check the nose.

Rand Paul asking why NO Secret Service investigation.
Senate Investigation
Entire Hearing
Look at the questioning from 195 to 205 - Why not remove the team from protection duties? Answer - we’re not rushing to judgement as to who failed.
No holding people individually accountable - looks like the idea is correct that mission failure is better for a LEO’s career than being the individual singled out for making a mistake by taking any initiative.

The eye brows are Crooks. Yearick is way more full and well kept. The nose is decieving you because of the dried blood I think.

Watch and tell me what you think
The blood doesn’t change nostel hole shape take a of picture of the screen shot and zoom in closer. Then watch Blackrock with Crooks in video he is shown from many angles you never see that his nostrils are showing it. It Maxwell Yearick. And the hair doesn’t match Crooks is like rats nest and Maxwell is smooth and flat with a shine. Find other pictures of Maxwell Yearick and maybe you’ll see what I’m seeing. Also the DNA on file is a big ???. If its true about Maxwell Yearick going and fighting in Afghanistan and Ukraine that would explain his DNA in their data base meaning the FBI.
He had motive and some training if he survived his over sea excursions but like is said its a working theory.

I appreciate your point of view it is Yearick. But, if you are looking at just the nose (nostrils) then you are missing 2 other provable points(the ear and brow). My estimation is he was shot and fell face forward landing smack dab on the nose. High adrenaline, nostrils flared when he went down. Tip of nose looks messed up from hitting hot roof.

I see the eyebrows but can’t get past the nose.
But as a whole its has a lot of holes that can’t be filled and we can’t trust FBI to give us the facts. FBI is where fact go to a early grave or the people who are asking.

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Look up video and watch on Rumble


There is a much bigger picture to what is happening and thier full agenda.These people who don’t want to give up there power over humanity they’re just pushing forward. They tryed to Kill Trump but failed this time but the are still pushing forward to our demise. Pedal to metal

I love the SGT report. Sean is great. Will do.

Agreed 100% Shaw is great American Patriot

Also I put up a picture of Maxwell Yearick

I think your summation is rational, and I came to the same conclusion. When you take all of the other factors other than the actual shooting. There is no doubt that this was a coordinated attempt to get Trump. They tried everything else. This was the next step. This is what they do. It should surprise, no one who is paying attention.


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