Audio Analysis Raises Troubling Questions

See this video. It shows video of police activity around building before and after shots fired. It shows a map of where gunman first spotted by picnic tables, then on retaining wall, and primary position of local snipers.

Lots of law enforcement were trying to see the shooter on the roof before he began shooting. And a lady on a horse. Drones should be standard issue for officers. Appears 10 or more officers were looking for him but could not see him.

Please look into Water Tower Shooter. I believe you could see him in the dave stewert video… You know theres some truth to it when the media starts fact checking the water tower shooter conspiracy

Theory to Explain Shot #9 Timing<
Chris, Great Analysis!
Appreciate your objectivity!
This video from a Rally attendee, states there was another counter sniper team set up in some wooden bleachers far to the opposite side of the event - about 400 yards away from Crooks spot. Subject to confirmation, of course.
It’s very likely that team was responsible for stopping his (apparent) “mag dump” exercise trying to cycle his weapon as fast as possible with little regard for accuracy - after his 5th shot of that group.
If their round (most likely a supersonic heavy 308) arrived right after the 5th shot of the fast group, aka the “8th shot” - it would take most of a full second for the sound of the gunshot to reach microphones at the event, especially nearer the AGR bldg.
This could explain the delay between the 8th shot and the 9th shot and most likely create the more complex echo signature, reflecting off the many walls and structures in the area.
My speculation - perhaps the round that stopped him only hit a glancing or grazing impact to the back of his head, the part sticking up the highest, and not square on.
A grazing shot might still blow off the back of his skull, or at least knock him out, but not necessarily create the exploding head effect - which matches what we see in the ‘roof’ photos (except for the blurring).
Then CS team#2 sent another round later just for insurance - maybe they saw some movement, if the 3rd team’s round was not fully effective.
Sorry this still doesn’t address the ‘2 shooter’ theory (which I tend to agree!), but at least adds to our knowledge.
Obvious question: why has Wray and co. not told us about the extra CS team?
In Liberty!

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It’s possible that Crooks simply inched up just barely high enough to shoot over peak of roof for maximum cover and could not shoot any lower.

This picture is from minutes after shooting was over.

Note this video shows that all windows were close.

Shows all that stuff about shots, muzzle flash from windows is completely bogus.

Note also that no determinable audio difference between first 3 shots and next 6.

@cyndygutierrez I posted this screenshot comparison yesterday. I slowed the video way down so I could see how the black spot changed, and it’s definitely lighting related, not a person.

No, there is actually 911 audio recording of either ss or police saying shots fired toward the water tank. Also there is close up footage of “shadow” and it’s moving, crouching…


After days of analysis on both the audio and video recordings featured here, I have results that I hope will prove useful to this investigation. These findings follow nearly a dozen failures to reconcile the data including single and multiple shooters in multiple locations. Only the following scenario “rooftop” reconciles.

Source name clarification:
Source3 = Chris’s 4, Source5 = Chris’s 6, and “Hes Got A Gun” = Chris’s 2 (though 2 starts where Chris indicates, shot1 begins at the arrival of the fence opposite the field).

Red zones below represent all possible origins of shot9.


Shots triangulation via three mobile devices compared to podium mic.
(podium mic as anchor)
Below are the differences of the mobile recordings adjusted for their geological positions
compared to the stationary recording of the podium mic:
All results are within ±10 feet tolerance:

shot1: 233ft/194ms
shot8: 202ft/168ms (waveform = 163ms = MATCH)
shot9: 459ft to podium (waveform difference = 223ft-301ft/185-250ms) intersect zone between 79-118ft

shot1: 366ft/304ms
shot8: 340ft/282ms (waveform = 285ms = MATCH)
shot9: 368ft to podium (waveform difference = -18ft-71ft/-15-59ms) intersect zone between 148-193ft

shot1: 329ft/273ms
shot8: 311ft/258ms (waveform = 256ms = MATCH)
shot9: 375ft to podium (waveform difference = 99ft-158ft/82-131ms) intersect curve at 108-138ft

shot9 all-possible-origins multi device intersection = area Sniper Team 1


Probability of multiple shooters for shots 1-8 = low
Probability of Crooks plus one other shooter for shots 1-8 = none
Probability of Crooks as the shooter on the rooftop = very high
shot9 = high probability Sniper Team 1

Further detail such as audio alignment points and detailed measurements can be granted if requested.

If the rifle’s orientation was changed by 90° between the 3 and 5 shot volleys that could account for the change in sound.

Chris, a newly released video on Rumble labeled “Snipers Nest Video” catches the full sequence of shots from a fixed position with almost no background noise. In this video’s audio, there is no noticeable impulse compression therefore the after shot noise is not suppressed.

Analysis of this audio does not appear to show any variation between the first three shots and the next five in amplitude or echos but the last two are definitely different.

It would be criminally negligent if an analysis was not performed by:

  1. Placing an equal height person at the podium.
  2. Measuring the angle from the bleacher railing strike to the head of that person.
  3. Same for the shot that hit the forklift hydraulic line.

There is a probability that one of those angles points back to one of the AGR building windows.

There is another video that has a clear picture of the water tower taken from the rally site looking over the top of the crowd. I’ve seen so many different videos, that I don’t remember which one it was in.

The stage and bleachers were torn down a day or so after the rally. The best we have is pictures and video of the rally site. We have to try and geo-locate from them.

Does anyone have a KML or KMZ file that I can embed into Google Earth to view a models of the stage, stands and other points of interest? Thanks in advance.

The shooter 99.9 % it is Maxwell Yearick look at the still photo of the Crooks and then Maxwell. The nose shape and nostrils also the right nostril has a upward turn more then the left one and the shape is oval not straight downlike Crooks he had a pig nose with parallel nostel holes that can’t be see from the side. And he was know to have his right ear damage from going to Afghanistan and Ukraine that way they had his DNA and he was of course on FBI watch list conveniently.

The photo comparison shows shape and nostrils that match Maxwell Yearick perfectly also the white van had Arizona plates model GMC serria probably belong to his father he owns a White GMC Serria van hes suppoing missing according with his father. Also the guy they showed who was in hand cuffs behind the whote tent where they where letting out spectators took photos of his know accomplish. I think they found the woman who was the 3 known was dead in the van not explosives.this is a theory but read and watch many video and read plenty of articles.

SGT report on rumble labeled The Antifa Assassin

Also watch this youtube video
By MinutesofHorror

It can have been faked (Trump was not put at risk at any time) while real bullets were shot - in the crowd, maiming and killing participants, so the event will appear real. Have you wondered how come this rally was shown on TV (of all Trump rallies, which I read elsewhere, were never broadcasted)? Also, I’ve seen a clip of SS guy ordering a photographer to move towards the front of the stage just before the event was rolled out, so that he could take the iconic picture. Seems to confirm the staged event on top of Trump’s injury looking completely bogus and his attitude not quite believable.

Like I was saying, if this was not done prior to tearing down the “evidence” it’s criminal negligence.

Chris you need to get your hands on the RAW video from James Copenhaven. FOX news has a portion of it but the view from back of trump looking at the roof line of building 6.

Kill shot was from ESU sniper not SS Sniper the shot sounds like muzzle flash suppressor. Not not lokr SS Spipers rifles that is the last shot 10 seconds after the ESU guy took out patsy. His rifle was carbon fiber barrel with a muzzle brake combo flash suppressor. From the 10 o’clock position if Trump was a 12 position. Over the building towards Dave Stewart video that round came toured him just like the last round fire from SS that was with a silencer probably 300 Winchester mag or 308 high powered rifle the patsy was already dead.