Audio Analysis Raises Troubling Questions

Texan: “The problem with casings being across the roof or even near the ridge cap is the roofs orientation to Trump. While one would like to place the rifle perpendicular to the ridge it is geometrically impossible.”

Excellent point about the angle to Trump, ejection port would be facing Crooks’ side of the roof, so how could shell casings past ridge pointed out by LEO at 19:01:52 be from Crook’s AR aiming at Trump? To me, this is another bit of evidence that shots 1-3 were not by Crooks.

Child’s play for someone to plant 3 shell casings on the far side of the roof afterward.

Besides, one of shots 1-2 grazed Trump’s ear and climbed higher and hit the top of the far bleachers, so it must have originated below Trump, therefore not from AGR roof, as it stood higher than Trump - so 1-3 not Crooks’ shots.

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Shots 4-8 are commensurate with a bump stock modified weapon. Not enough resolution from the LEO body cam to tell. Pretty sure the weapon has been disappeared by now.

Where is all the Body Cam Footage from the days event?
When that goes missing… It reminds me of Seth Rich, and Epstein.
These strange things ONLY HAPPEN when one side gets what they want.

Also, we need the names of these people. In the case of Seth Rich, I heard the Police Chief who oversee the DELETION of the body cam footage from BOTH of the police officers… Left her Job to take a DEEP 6 figure job with the NFL doing security.

The guy in the FBI who “accidentally” overexposed BOTH sets of Vince Fosters photos… Went on much later to get huge promotions. (Good things always come to the COMPLIANT).

Just saying… Bannon is in prison. When you do not comply. You are forced to pay a price.

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the FBI testimony is fabricated until proven otherwise, imho

Edit- I think I you may have called the video I am looking at “source 4” in your analysis with the starting location correctly indicated on your diagram, tho as I indicated I think it moves east along the fence towards Crooks line of fire by the burst of 5. There is another video by Dayve Stewert on Youtube who runs from about the SW corner to the tree at the SE corner as indicated by a couple posts below.
It is hard to keep all the videos / sound clips straight!

Mic 2 location
Chris, if I’m looking at the same video that you got the mic 2 audio from, and if you look frame by frame at the video, I think you will decide that it is located further north, to the north of the fence next to the building where Crooks body was found. I found the video embedded at the 9:22 mark here:

Before the shots you can see the camera is among a group of spectators under a tree at the SW corner of the Crooks building and you can hear the shouts of “He’s got a gun!” from the other cellphone vids further North. You can also line up the end of the combine offloading spout with the edge of the far screen to establish the line to the north. The camera that then moves East along the fence along the south side of the building.
There is one frame about 8 sec before the first shot (at the 9:26 mark) where you can see the water tower over the SE corner of the Crooks building that allows triangulation that seems convincing to me. At the 9:30 mark there is a frame that shows the north side of the building behind the podium where the nearer sniper team is located. There may be more details, my video player is pretty basic.

Keep up the great analysis!

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There a video by @RealDJStew724 that is filming at building 6 from the fence line during the first three shots, video also verifies when the Butler SWAT team makes it through the fence, and others at parkinglot after shooting.

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Hi Chris,
I love the work you’re doing, I’ve been following you since the beginning of Covid. I’m an audio engineer/audio producer/tech nerd and I’d love to do some work with you. I saw one of your videos where you’re looking for people, including Audio guys. I do a massive amount of separating source audio within a stereo file, and a LOT of AUDIO ANALYSIS, CLEANUP and MANIPULATION. I do a fair amount of image restoration as well, as well as diagnosing, whether images have been manipulated or not… i’m very interested in offering my services regarding the investigation that you’re in the middle of.

You can reach me at 617.877.9808. Keep up the great work!


New footage right in front of building where shooter was on by @realDJStew724 on X. Just watched on YouTube on Gray Hughes Investigates who uploaded video.

New video and audio in the area you spoke of. This guy is directly in between the shooter and Trump almost a perfect straight line.

This is LONG, (too long, I like your shorter ones) yet there are videos within it that are informative, especially one of three people on the back row of the right side grand stand that appear to track the points on a line of a bullet shot, that then struck the right rail. Another video seems to show the bullet then hit the mechanical gear that then sprayed hydraulic fluid, that would extend from the bullet line of fire that this video shows / suggests. Brave TV - Ep 1821 - John Cullen BREAKING Open the Trump Assassination Attempt - Multiple Shooters!!

Sir, I have watched and shared your videos. Some observations. One. Photos of Crooks looks like he got shot in the neck from his right side that is consistent with the counter-sniper position at the second floor window in the building behind the building where Crooks was laying prone on the sloping roof. The photo shows he was laying on his left side that would be consistent with being knocked over from a shot from the right, rather than a shot to the face or forehead from SS Counter Sniper position #2 across the field. Two, you say NO to water tower shooter. Why? Eye witnesses say they saw a person on top of the water tower. Two eye witnesses say they saw a person fall from the water tower, that would happen if shot, likely by SS Counter Sniper Team #1, that had the best line of fire to the water tower. There are some videos that while distant, when enlarged appear to show a man on the water tower, and then no man on the water tower. Three, if Crooks shot at Trump, when Trump turned his head to the RIGHT, Trump’s left ear would be more exposed to Crooks line of fire, not his right ear. Whereas, a shot from the water tower line of fire would be the one to hit Trump’s RIGHT ear.

Another variable is that 2 shooters could be using different ammunition, with different average muzzle velocities. Serious long range shooters usually load their own ammunition to get more consistent velocities and faster ammunition is better because it shoots flatter and can be less affected by wind. If an pro fired the first 3 shots out the window it would not be unreasonable to consider whether he was using faster ammunition.
Ballistic Calculator looking at 223 Remington (5.56 mm) shows that factory ammunition varies widely from 2750 to 3750 feet per second in the first six entries alone (and there are ~75 listed). Bullet weight, shape (ballistic coefficient) and type and amount of propellant all contribute to the muzzle velocity and how fast the bullet loses velocity.

I hypothesize that the reason Crooks was found lying on his left side, with the holes above left brow and next to right ear, is that Crooks already was scooting to the right in his escape when shot 10 hit him. His chest would have been turned up and right to cradle the rifle with his right hand against his chest, and his left elbow would be pushing him rightward.

There is no video of sniper teams pointing to water tower (esp. of team 1, which was oriented north). The blurry figure next to the tower cap in videos cannot physically be human, because it is as big or bigger than the tower cap, yet the tower cap is huge (much bigger than a human). So this video effect is a fake or mirage or camera sensor limitation.

Paris: “I believe the number is 8, (i.e. I believe the number fired was 8, a non-definitive response, based on his qualifier) 8 casings have been recovered.” Were the 3 more casings during the second count on the rally side of the roof, an unlikely direction for an ejected casing? If so, what if they were there during the first count, but the ESU officer intentionally only counted the 5 that were located where they would logically be ejected, thus providing us with a subtle clue. I’m just noodling here.

I just finished taking 3 successive screenshots of the tower cap from the Dayve Stewert video as he panned his camera left. Due to subtle lighting changes the black spot on the cap shrinks to almost nothing, with the right hand edge of the cap coming into view. I liking it to seeing the dark side of the moon shrinking from view.

Here are my screen shots from about 27 seconds before the first gunshot.

Great video. The key window is the third from the left, by the air vent. This is the one that lines up with where Crooks died, toward Trump. I’ve noticed that this window changes in multiple ways before and after shots 1-3. Before shots 1-3, that window has red drape covering most of it but with a bit of black background at the bottom (as if the curtain were slightly lifted). More specifically:

4:16-17: Third window mostly covered by red curtain, but bottom 1/4 is lifted unevenly and in the middle there is a light slit around black background. Curtain has been lifted a bit. Is it a possible sniper?

A woman rides by with a horse and a big Trump flag. Unusual. The cameraman gets distracted by her, and pans his camera away from the windows, as would anyone who happened to be filming that area at that moment. (It almost looks as if the mounted woman with flag were timed to distract from what is about to happen).

At 4:47 the window is still all red, but at 4:50 it is all black! *
Then at 4:54-56 the three shots go off.
4:59-5:01: Blind is fully down and fully white rather than red or partially black at bottom.

5:04: Blind is up, can see light object inside, at moments long, at moments just a dot.

5:18: All black background

What to make of this key window’s changing colors? I did not manage to see any flashes, but someone else may have a better slow-motion video viewer.

6:44-7:05: Outside LEO points his rifle into a 1st floor AGR window, then joined by another, checking it seems all 1st floor windows

8:10-12: A bunch of LEOs go inside AGR

8:22 Bunch of PA State police cross fence toward AGR

8:41-51 Red haired suited (FBI?) crosses fence, is seen later in Grassley video 1 about 50 minutes later. He then pivots back to fence to help further LEOs to come in. He shows little urgency to get to crime scene on roof. But at 9:03-14 this suited red hair is very keen to get DJStew to stop recording.

Food for thought (speculation)on confounding audio. I’ve heard that the shooter used an AR-15 “clone”. If chambered in 5.56mm, the weapon could have also used .223 cal ammo. Perhaps the first three rounds were 5.56 and the remainder were .223? Even if all eight rounds were of the same caliber, the shooter may have used different bullet weights on some of the rounds which would account for the non-uniformity in acoustic signatures. Does anyone know where he got his ammo from? He was in a shooting club. Was he into reloading? Did he handload his own cartridges? Differences in powder and powder charges would certainly cause differences in the sounds recorded.

There is so little difference between 223 and 556 to have any meaningless effect. Literally the overlap between the two comprises more of the difference than anything else. Besides, you have to go out of your way to find 556 specific ammo. Almost all of it is 223 capable.

Yep, my electric bass stage rig made up from separate components had a Compressor/ Limiter with Gate in it. The same rig could have been used as a PA by adding a mixing board to it.