Audio Analysis Raises Troubling Questions

From Chatgpt in regards to microphone gating:

Question I asked: explain microphone gating when say a bullet passes over a microphone and the microphone is unable to pickup sound again for a short period of time after

Chatgpt response:
Microphone gating is a technique used to control when a microphone picks up sound, often to reduce background noise or unwanted audio. In the context of a bullet passing over a microphone, the concept involves the microphone’s response to extremely loud or sudden noises.

Here’s a step-by-step explanation of what happens:

  1. Sound Wave Impact: When a bullet passes close to a microphone, it generates an intense and sudden pressure wave (sound wave). This sound wave is much louder and faster than typical environmental sounds.

  2. Microphone Overload: The microphone’s diaphragm (the part that senses sound) can be overwhelmed by this sudden, high-intensity sound. This is similar to how a loud noise can momentarily “deafen” a person. The microphone’s electronic circuitry might also be momentarily saturated or overloaded by the high signal level.

  3. Automatic Gain Control (AGC): Some microphones or recording systems have Automatic Gain Control (AGC) to prevent distortion from loud sounds. When a loud sound like a gunshot is detected, AGC can reduce the microphone’s sensitivity temporarily to protect the equipment and reduce distortion.

  4. Gating Mechanism: After the initial loud sound, a gating mechanism might be employed. Gating involves setting a threshold level below which the microphone’s signal is muted or attenuated. After the loud noise, the gate may close (mute the microphone) to prevent the residual noise or echoes from being picked up.

  5. Recovery Time: The microphone or the gating system then has a recovery time during which it gradually returns to its normal sensitivity. This recovery period ensures that the microphone doesn’t immediately pick up residual noise or unintended sounds following the loud event.

In summary, when a bullet passes over a microphone, the intense noise can cause the microphone to temporarily stop picking up sounds due to overload, AGC, and gating mechanisms. This recovery period helps to protect the microphone and maintain audio quality by avoiding the capture of unwanted noise immediately after the loud event.

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Chris, you mention at about Minute 12.35 of ‘The Mystery Deepens’ that the 'Snap-Bang intervals of shots 1,2 and 3 vary a bit at .220, .217 and .213 seconds and speculate that this might be due to variation in the respective bullet velocities due to slight ammunition differences.

I can confirm the observed variation is consistent with the tolerance of consecutively fired rounds from a single box because I have chronographed many many boxes to confirm exactly that and even match ammunition can easily have a +/- 1.0 -1.5% velocity variation bullet to bullet. This equates very nicely to the .007 seconds (+/- 0.0035sec = 1.6%) variance observed.


That seems ridiculous. Can you give me the brush strokes so that i can see if it is worth the $30?

A thought about the lower amplitude of shot 1: I have no experience with this, but there is a school of thought that advocates shooting with a ‘wet’ suppressor can (ie oiled or greased) to improve ease of cleaning but ALSO to improve noise and flash suppression. It is noted that such improvements are VERY short lived as the additive burns off quickly, but the point here is that it is theoretically possible that he FIRST shot through a suppressor will be quieter than followups.

This would allow for the same gun to deliver shots 1-3, despite the lower noise amplitude on #1.

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Correct, this is how GPS works - you have a signal with a timestamp (I presume your phone recording also has a timestamp in the meta data?) and you compare when your receiver gets it to when it was sent. This is how you draw your circle. Repeat for as many sources as you have (at least 3 I think), then solve simultaneous equations for all the circles to get the location.

Some variant of this idea should work for the Trump shooting.

In addition, I think we can safely assume that Crooks’ and any other occult badguy gun will be running the same ammunition - to preserve the ‘lone gunman’ theory. This is also why no more shots could be taken after Crooks was down.

  1. What would be the point if you were running a conspiracy and trying to construct a ‘single shooter’ narrative?
  2. What would be the point if you were a lone shooter - this could seriously change your impact point for the 2 sets of shots, ruining your chances of success.
  3. I have shot heavier and lighter bullets from a number of hunting centrefire rifles - lighter bullets travel faster but lose velocity more rapidly, heavier bullets are slower but dont bleed velocity that fast. At short ranges (less than a few hundred m) there isnt a lot of difference.
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Hello Chris. Regarding to your questions in your 24th of July video ,about the second window on the second floor building being open or closed before the shooting: looking at the video footage of the attached video , the window is open.
link video:


Perhaps the ESU guys in the ‘open window’ room were called away just at the right time to let another shooter enter and take his shots out the window towards Trump? The event audio will tell us when and who called them away … unless of course they lost it in the Cloudstrike crash?


Short answer is no.

Looks like this was taken after other officers were already at the Crooks building. Crime tape on the gate, officers outside the building, cop cars out front so this was showing the first officers climb up on the roof however after the fact saying this was a re-enactment shortly after the shooting. Hmmm I call BS and lending more to fabricating a story. This is my first opinion after only watching it. ABC news as well, edited with dubbed in shell counting. Very odd timing, if true this was to fill in the holes of a stroy narative only one shooter. Of course I’ve already seen the audio sonic evidence so I’m watching with the bias that there were more then one gun shooting.


They took a VERY long time to tell us (despite being fully aware from the first few minutes after the shooting) and finally admitted 8 a day or 2 back (ie more than a week later) - they did this due to lessons learned from the JFK shooting - wait until we see what hard evidence turns up (eg Martensons sound analysis) before releasing the story - this avoids all the inconveniences of more and more bullets turning up, necessitating a ‘magic bullet’ type modification to the offical story after release, JFK style.


Just thought it could explain the sound difference. I thought the first three shots were .213 of a second (roughly from memory) and the fast shots were .170 of a second. But again I don’t remember the exact times but I thought they were quicker.
On the if they wanted to have a one shooter theory, yes you would make the bullets the same but I don’t know how competent this kid was and topping off a mag with different rounds is easy to do.

Hi Chris,

Great work on all this.

The use of audio compression equipment (inc limiting) is very common in professional audio environments. Overall I believe your conclusions are correct.

In this case the audio limiter was triggered by the previous shot and configured limiter release time had not expired before the next shot arrived thus the audio for the subsequent shot was suppressed.

Audio compression is not normally built into the microphone itself but rather is generally a separate piece of equipment that allows appropriate attack and release values to be configured.

It is unlikely a gate would be used for a speaking microphone. Gates are often used when recording drum sounds (particularly snare drum) to prevent the sound from droning on too long. The gate keeps the sound punchy.



I have that photo, it looks v much like an entry above the Left eye and an exit on the posterior neck, below the R ear. This would be consistent with a prone shooter being shot from the front.

Excellent discussion.

This is the type of “real information” that you never find in the MSM.

This is what a real media looks like.


Screenshot from a video of the buildings immediately before and at the time of the shootings began proving a 2nd floor window was open.( i can’t be sure if its overlooking the rooftop Crooks was on)Link to the video is below-


Well…maybe he only took that 9th shot after the second volley of shots . It would explain why it sounds totally different ( unsuppressed )then the other shots .

I just joined and i had intended to post here on this thread addressing the difference in sound from the First shot to the second and third, Chris.

So without completely rehashing, I know for a fact that as a rifle barrel warms up it ballistically performs differently yet more consistently on each subsequent shot.

I see that ballistic performance on the first shot string of 3 and then again on the second shot string of 5.

Also wvery shooter as he addresses a target with a semi auto has a different cadence even thoigh sometimes it is very slight. In this case, the 2 cadences 2 shooters is very different and easy to detect by ear.

Just to play devil’s advocate Jim, why does the fact they use real bullets have to mean the attempt was real. Would a government that was willing to sacrifice thousands in New York on 9/11 think twice about a couple of innocent bystanders in the name of realism? I think anyone willing to entertain the thought that 9/11 was a set up should be open to the idea that the Trump event would be child’’s play to pull off.

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