Audio Analysis Raises Troubling Questions

I think that the use of the time difference between bullet click and shot sound to determine distance to the gun only works if the microphone is very close to the flight path of the bullet. If the microphone is way off to the side of the flight path, then the speed of sound of the shock wave cone expanding out from the bullet as it moves must be taken into account.

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Hello group,
Thanks to the wonders of digital audio and high bit rates, the effect of a limiter can be overcome (within limits of course - har-har).
As an experienced audio mixing engineer, I am somewhat familiar with the curves and values often used in various types of audio gear, and it bugged me we couldn’t isolate those missing reports from Trump’s mic. So I went to work on it.
With a little bit of trial and error, I isolated some volume automation settings that produce a natural sounding result for the first three “snicks” and replicated that automation for the remaining bundle that follow for every instance the limiter was clearly triggered (a sort of “un-limiter” result if you like).
The settings are a 3ms attack to a 24db boost immediately following each peak followed by a 30ms hold, then a 150ms release back to unity.
While I question if this would be admissible in a court of law (nothing but volume is altered, which is generally acceptable so long as the process can be reproduced) it does reveal the missing reports, clarify the absence of “snick” #6, as well as a slight difference in tone between the first three snicks and those that follow.

Would love to share, but I don’t know how to upload an audio file here?..
(edit update: files are below!)

In the meantime here is a spectrogram that now clearly shows the last bundle of snicks and reports and where they land in correlation to each other. Notice that the snicks (in red) have a distinct low frequency signature at @150hz and the reports (in yellow) are more focused to the midrange…


I don’t have anything to contribute but I do have questions and observations;

There is a photo of Crooks that is alleged to be taken by “Greg”. It’s a photo taken from an elevated position that identifies Crooks wearing a Demolition Ranch t-shirt (condolences Matt). I saw a video where the location of Crooks was determined to be on a retaining wall adjacent and within six feet of the two story building. I saw another video of people taken from people inside the room of the second floor of the building where “Greg” was supposedly posted up in. The angles of the photo of Crooks does not line up geographically with the window “Greg” was in.

Thats my observation.

My question is;

There is body cam footage of what looks like an FBI agent having a conversation with local and State police, They are all standing next to Crooks’ body on top of the roof. They talk about two “bikes”. One being the bicycle that allegedly belonged to Crooks. The other bike is a Harley Davidson. There is aerial footage of law enforcement vehicles only AND a Harley Davidson parked immediately in front of what appears to be the main entrance of the single story building that Crooks died on. The Glass company was closed and commandeered by law enforcement for the Trump rally. Only official vehicles should be in that parking lot. Who did the Harley belong to?

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My thoughts on 1 being lower volume then 2 and 3, 1 occurred when Trump was speaking so signal was already partially limited before 1 hit. When 2 and 3 hit, he wasn’t talking so it had higher volume for sonic boom.

My opinion is, either Crooks sat up during 4 - 8, causing different echo, or the sniper in the window did the first three shots, then crooks did 4-8, then 9 was shot again from the window to kill Crooks. Perhaps you could run an experiment, firing an AR15 from prone position, against rooftop, then from risen position, and record both with cellphone to see if you get similar sounds/echos, basically re-enactment.
It would be great if someone could go to the actual Butler location to do re-enactment, but I doubt FBI will want to go to that extreme,

Regarding the FBI Dir. Wray saying they found 8 cartridges on roof, maybe they planted the extra 3 cartridges on roof to make it look like they came from Crooks.

This is my hypothesis, so don’t take as fact, just my thoughts:
To cover for differences in cartridge, maybe they previously met Crooks at shooting range, struck up conversation, and recruited him for the job. Perhaps they picked up some of his spent casings (cartridges) to save for later CYA, to plant, providing perfect match, so forensics would conclude all 8 came from same gun. Unless a hidden camera captured the planting(doubtful), the perfect crime is committed.


Based on the video and acoustics analysis, I believe that two Deep State shooters (not Crooks) fired simultaneous first shots that appeared to be one shot much like a military honor guard fires numerous rifles that sound like one loud shot. This is very evident when you listen to Source Four.
The first shot is irrefutably louder than shots 2 and 3.
The two shooters received a “countdown” to fire through earpieces or headphones. A second coordinated shot would have been too difficult so one of the shooters only fired once and narrowly missed but struck a bystander in the upper LEFT corner of the bleacher stand to Trump’s left as he faced the crowd. The other shooter clipped Trump’s ear and the bullet continued on striking a bystander in the upper RIGHT corner of the same bleachers. There is no possibility that the two bystanders were hit by the same bullet and video shows that they were both hit before shot 2 rang out.
By reverse tracing the bullet that hit the bystander in the upper LEFT corner of the bleachers we draw a line to Trump and continue on to the parking lot just a few feet in front of the AGR building.
This was probably where the van mentioned in your post was located.

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Likely scenario was Crooks was told to hold fire until he heard the first shot. He was the fall guy and not expected to hit anything. The deep state sniper missed on shot one because Trump turned his head at the last minute. Then Crooks took a couple of shots, having waited for the cue. Deep state recognizing that their first shot missed their target, then “filled the space” with a quick five shots that were very close to expert/pro firing speed as compared to the the world record holder. Obviously those shots were not taken by Crooks. But, what is a logical sequence, is also now evidence and is corroborated by facts as is outlined by Dr. Martensen. Our current government is now acting full out as Corporate Mafia killers, and now right out in the open.


I agree, except that I think that Crooks was told that he could only fire after the first volley of three shots by the Deep State shooters.

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In that case Crooks never even took a shot, and he was only up there to take the fall.


Would love to upload these audio files - someone please let me know how.
(If it helps to know, I have treated forensic audio evidence a few times for court cases in the past, so I know how not to muck it up.)


So I am quite perplexed. I’ve been watching John Cullen and his video on the Las Vegas shooting and if you take him at his word he makes quite the believable presentation. Here’s the problem. Paddock, the shooter, was presumably dead for hours before the police breached the door and killed him. The problem is - he bled from the head wound from that shot. That isn’t possible if you’re already dead. I have no idea what to think. Yet another rabbit hole of disinformation that makes perfect sense? Or dead bodies can still bleed. Let me know what you think. Best as always.

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From the photo, either the police shot a dead body in the chest and there was little bleeding, or they shot a dead body in the head and it bled out. There are no two other ways to look at this. Another video said the police found the body, dead via a self inflicted gunshot wound. Yet in Cullen’s video, they clearly shot the body. Cullen said they all shut off their cameras save one, yet in this video several have them on. I have no idea what to think. I’ll keep at it. I suspect he may be correct, but his documentary is misleading. I still can’t explain the tattoo on Yearick. Here is the photo, at 2:09:01

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On his assassination edition, eyewitness special, the tattoo on his left arm is in the wrong place. Look at 51:19, the photo of him on the roof, then the live photo of him after that. I’m really not sure what to think as the hair fits what you said about the Breck commercial.

So it would have to be the cops shot a dead body. But how did the body end up on the floor? I need to go to sleep. lolol

So, thoughts on the newly released video of someone counting 8 cartridges on the roof near Crooks:

And the theory that the difference between the sounds from the first three shots is due to changes in the temperature of the barrel:

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Hey Chris,
I’m an audio engineer and I see you’re using audacity to analyse the audio. How come you’re not using a spectral view? If you do you’ll get an extra dimension of data.
Waveform (like audacity) you get amplitude and time but with spectral view (like adobe audition) you get amplitude, time and frequency/pitch.
The audio image is also much more detailed and you can isolate any small section. In spectral view you can see things like single bird chirps.

If you need any help please let me know. I’m in Australia.


Robert Maher, a gunfire acoustics expert from Montana State University supports your claims. Google him, there are some mainstream articles.


Every President since 1965 has used a Shure SM57 as the official lecturn microphone. It looks like Trump was using the SM57 (SM57 - Instrument Microphone- Shure USA) with the A2WS locking windscreen (A2WS - Locking Microphone Windscreen- Shure USA).


I believe the window was open at the time the shots were fired. If you watch the pre-rally video which is filmed from the stand that Corey was shot in the camera pans just seconds after the shots were fired. Aid you slow the video down and zoom in you can see all of the windows on the side of the building and the one window in question appears to have a line down the middle indicating an open window.


there can be slight differences in factory loaded ammo that could account for the slight difference in audio between shot one and two, etc. but an expert assassin would probably hand load his ammo and perhaps load the first round with hollow points for the best aimed head shot then successive rounds with more powerful loads and/or armor piercing rounds for follow-up shots.

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Hi, reference to the suit guy, (black jacket red tie) interviewing situation on the roof along side Crooks dead body. I am looking at what I see as is a bullet wound to Crooks right leg.
Entry above calf and below knee; exit above knee cap. Hope this helps, Stew.