Audio & Video of the Assassination Attempt

I’m not following here…
Crooks 1357’ agreed
Trump 1344’ at grade level yes, but the stage is 6 steps and the last one is more than a standard rise.
My estimate is 54 inches for the floor of the stage. Trump is about 6’ 2" so his ear is about 3 inches lower than the top of his head and he was not standing erect.
So let’s say his ear is 68 inches above the stage
So that is 54 + 68 = 122 inches or 10’ 2" above grade.
Very close to my original estimate of 10 feet above grade for Trump’s ear.
I don’t have a reasonably good estimate for the height of that guardrail above grade level but looking at many videos and photos online is sure seems like it’s higher than Trump’s ear. Which makes sense from a event organizer point of view. You want your principal at the podeum to have all his fans behind and above him.
I still maintain that the shots came from the windows of Building 6 and that there were 2 shooters. Not an unreasonable assumption if one ascribes to the idea that this was a 3 letter agency assassination plot. They would not trust killing Trump and profits in the billions on put options shorting DJT and RUM to one gunman kid on a roof.
In addition, the acoustic signatures of shot 1 versus shots 2 and 3 are different. Shot 1 is not as loud and farther back in the rooms as my analysis will show.
I played around a bit with distances and elevation and the error bars are quite acceptable for the hypothesis that the shots originated from the windows of Building 6.

Great vid here not sure if anyone has shared it yet. This shows the path of the first shot. From the ear to the guy that looks like he got hit, the piece of cloth that blows up from the scarf the lady has to the railing.

Don, please listen to the cellphone labeled as “Source Four” in Chris Martenson’s acoustics analysis.
Shot 1 is twice as loud as shots 2 and 3.
Based on two wounded bystanders on opposite sides of the bleacher stand to Trump’s left as he faced the crowd, I believe that they were hit by two different bullets fired SIMULTANEOUSLY by TWO Deep State shooters. Both bystanders reacted BEFORE the second shot rang out.
If you want to drastically increase the odds of a successful assassination of Trump, you have TWO shooters fire a synchronized FIRST SHOT much like seven riflemen in a military honor guard fire seven synchronized shots that appear to be one very loud shot.
A successful FIRST shot is so critical because the target is relaxed and not moving very much. Once the first shot is fired the target begins to move quickly and erratically making the following shots much more difficult.
Two shooters firing at a relaxed and mostly stationary target is how a Deep State hit squad would plan this assassination weeks or months in advance.
The two Deep State shooters would practice diligently for hours and hours and would fire thousands of practice shots until they had perfected the art of TWO synchronized shots.
Realize that there is no way possible for a bullet travelling from the vicinity of the decoy/scapegoat (Crooks) to strike Trump’s ear, strike the bystander in the upper RIGHT corner of the bleachers and then reverse course by making an acute reverse angle to strike the second bystander in the upper LEFT corner of the same bleachers.
One of these Deep State shooters only fired one synchronized shot because it would have been too difficult to synchronize additional shots at a moving target. Much has been made of the Doug Mills photo that captured a bullet flying BENEATH Trump’s ear. I propose that it was the ONLY bullet fired by this single shot Deep State shooter. This shooter totally missed Trump but struck the bystander in the upper LEFT corner of the bleachers.
By reverse tracing from this bystander to Trump’s position and continuing on, it appears that this single shot was fired from the front parking lot of the AGR building or possibly from the roof of the AGR building on the far side of the parking lot.
“Source Four” cellphone was located in the grassy area to the west of the building that Crooks was on.

These two shooters were able to synchronize the first shot because they were wearing headsets or earbuds and they received a “countdown” from another hit team member.
Why did both shooters fail?
Only God knows.

Whatever that photo capture of the bullet trajectory just behind Trump was, it was not bullet #1 because Trump’s hand is already rising. He might even have been ducking at this point falling to the floor of the stage. This may have been shot 2 or even 3, which in my analysis, shot 3 is the one that moves the fabric on the guardrail. The sniper would have been tracking his target lower and may have missed for the same reason as the first shooter that fired bullet #1… a sudden gust of wind that deviated the bullets ever so slightly after initial windage adjustments had been made by both snipers in Building 6.
I am no expert at ‘snipering’ but to coordinate two such shots given the clusterf*ck this whole operation was, seem far fetched to me. Just sayin’.
Now the big question is just Who do you suppose is responsible for that sudden gust of wind that foiled both of these snipers?
Only God knows.

Would anyone be interested in collaborating to perform an acoustic location analysis? I am a mechanical engineer and I can apply a known method to locate the source of each of the shots. The method is described here: Acoustic location - Wikipedia . I don’t have a background in audio and video analysis so I would be looking to team up with people who can do this. This is what the analysis would take:

  • At least two audio/video tracks that can be synchronised, three or more would be better;
  • When I say synchronised I mean to the frame, every 1/30 second out of sync will produce a 30 foot error in location;
  • The audio track can’t be used for synchronisation since we are measuring the difference in arrival time of the sounds;
  • Reasonably accurate locations for the audio/video tracks being analysed;
  • Audio analysis to isolate the rifle reports and ignore the bullet shock waves;
    It will be fussy work but the payoff would be independent location estimates for EACH of the rifle reports. This could help determine how many shooters there were.
    Interested? Message me.

I already did that. The post is Other Forensics of the Assassination Attempt - #121 by jim-bruin

The code is simple enough so you can add to it or change it as needed.

Crucial video of the trajectory of first shot. 4:15 mark on the video in slowmo. That’s the ballistic trajectory needing checked.


Between 4:47-4:55,
“Look out for shell casings.”

“Two, three, four, five right there.”

This is not the Grassley video where eight casings were declared. The body cam wearer clearly counts five and points to them.


Long-Helmet cam Footage on the Roof Soon after Trump Assassination Attempt (28:40 minutes)

Showing Crooks body in Shorts, when think I have seen him climbing on the roof with Long White pants???

Although head is blured out, No blood Splater can be seen anywhere, just the natural draining??

The AR can be seen with only very basic Sights??

And the Cops can be heard in very interesting conversations…Which need analizing!

“Eight casings”, “Tower”, “Bicycle” etc…Then SSsevice comes!

And, The Window , is Open! And Everything can been seen in HD!!


PS: Another take on the Bodycam footage below, with analysis Commentary…?


I’m not so sure the ground is flat between the bleachers.

I’ve just discovered Google Earth Pro too. Looks like the ground rises from the AGR building by about 1 metre, but decends again from left bleacher to right bleacher by about 1 metre.

A straight line in this picture connects the middle of the left bleachers (where Corey Comperatore was hit) with the top of the right bleachers (where James Copenhaver and David Dutch were hit)

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Great clip Don! I hadn’t seen that one. Much more detailed than what I had and with the camera more to the right I can see that the round appears to hit the back rail not the side rail, and the lady in pink doesn’t have a handbag, it’s just a shadow of her arm when she flinches and would explain how the man that was carried off could have been hit on his right side even though he’s turned to his right to look at the screen behind him since shrapnel from the rail strike would be coming back at him and since he didn’t seem to have major injuries that would have been sustained from a direct hit.

It still appears to me that it is the second shot that hit Trump since he still hadn’t reacted and that round had already hit the rail and Trump just says “Oh”.

Still looks to me that it’s the first bullet that hits Trump and it takes a second for him to react but it’s definitely the first bullet that hits the railing. We must assume that the shooter (or shooters) that took those 3 first shots are firing those bullets very close to the target and so our ‘point in space’ being Trump’s ear can be defined as well as the hit on the guardrail. A line extended through those two points will show the point of origin.
That is the crucial aspect of this whole investigation.
If a 3d super accurate model backed up by field measurements by a land surveyor with their precision instruments can be constructed and show that the point of origin is inside of Building 6 then the ‘lone nutjob’ narrative needs to end and massive arrests need to happen.
And I say shooter or shooters because I think it’s a possibility that there were two snipers in Building 6. Sniper A is at least 6 feet further from his window than Sniper B.
Sniper A takes the first shot and misses. Maybe he has a bolt action rifle. A brief pause and when Sniper B realizes that the first shot was a miss, he fires the next two shots. His rifle would be a semi automatic. This would explain why the first shot is not as loud as the next two and explains the few millisecond longer delay between sonic crack and report sound of the first shot compared to shots 2 and 3. Sniper A would be 6 feet or so further back from his window than Sniper B.
Helmet cam video of LEOs just inside Building 6 front door shows the first window from the parking lot is visible from the open space and there are large rooms farther back for the second and third windows from the parking lot.

Anyone have managed to gather the photos of all the LEOs nd USSS personnel present that day from various videos/pics?

From the way its going, shooters were in uniform or were on duty officers.

there must have been amateur photographers with some DSLR clicking around right? Did FBI got to them early on and suppress everything?

To Xylo,
Yes, this is what put my first bullit line off, because I assumed everything was flat, but as you can see on the curve, the positoin of Trump is the highest point and the position of the AGR building is much lower than I estimated. The fact that we are able to measure with Google Earth Pro the exact hight of the roof top and the two floor spaces gives us a much more accurate simulation, the only two unknowns are the exact hight of the blister railing and the hight of the podium of which Trump is standing on. According to photos from Reuters I estimated the hight of the podium to be 4.78 and the hight of Trumps ear to be 6 and the hight of the 10 step Aluminium blister to be 11.5 according to a drawing I could find on the Internet (see below). If indeed Trump is lower and the blister is higher then it brings the shot down back twards the window. If somebody has a different opinion about the hights, I would be glad to simulate the shot again, or if somebody wants to have a SW or STEP file of my 3D and import it into your own 3D CAD, I would be happy to share… What needs to be mentioned is the below drawing is not shure to be the one at the rally. If anybody knows the brand name of the Aluminium blisters used at the rally, we could download the technical specification and find the exact hight of the blister.


Check out Chris newest post: They Had a Perfect View and 10+ Feet of Elevation

He asks for a better quality video of the video you have uploaded to google drive.

I think Chris was asking about the sound of a helicopter in the helmet cam video. That may have been an ambulance helicopter. I found this post with more info:

Found this Some of the guy’s info is wrong, and he has videos we have all seen, but there is some new footage of the site. It may help those working on the 3D.

Tim Burke SAIC appears in this video on tik tok at the end. The account name is Brandon Mason - middle bleachers behind DJT /Stage top back row

I can attach and send the video if you prefer not to click on or download tik tok. Attached are screenshots shots from the video. He appears on this video right after DJT gets up with SS and people are cheering.


Thank you!


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