Other Forensics of the Assassination Attempt

I wrote some software to triangulate the position of each shot using audio and positions from the video files.

Here is shot 2. (Shot 1 was excluded since it was used for calibration.)

Shots 1-5, 7 and 8 are from this location. (It doesn’t tell elevation, only relative position. Shot 6 is a bit strange. The data is fuzzy, but it seems to come from the water tower.

(Image taken out due to embedded limit)

The data is too fuzzy to be certain. It will need more data points to get a better picture. Shot 9 and 10 also have few data points, but they seem very clear. Shot 9 is:

(Image taken out due to embedded limit)

Shot 10 is:

(Image taken out due to embedded limit)

Shot 9 and 10 came from the snipers on the south roof.

All data, analysis and the webpage that generated theses images is available on: Video Analysis.zip - Google Drive The code is nice and clean, so you can adjust it as needed or add more data.

Note: Had to remove a few embedded images. You can see the images easily enough by downloading the zip file and opening Results.html.