Other Forensics of the Assassination Attempt

very interesting.

The gun on the roof have no blood on it. dont see any stains around.

shells. right side 2 circles hv 2x shells together


nonblurred body screenshots fom grassleys videos from this morning.

no splatter. as if shot from close range


Why is Crooks’ weapon SO FAR from his body??
If he was shot in the act, how did his weapon get 6+ feet AWAY from his body & over FOUR raised partitions?!
Even video from a helicopter (or drone?) has the weapon in the exact same place, BEFORE(?) the agents/police were on the roof, as well as after.


WHY did it take 12 minutes to get on the roof? What happened in those 12 minutes prior since apparently other “agents” were up there sooner looking totally innocent. There is also a window/door access to the roof from the 2 story building where the other sniper team was located.

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I wrote some software to triangulate the position of each shot using audio and positions from the video files.

Here is shot 2. (Shot 1 was excluded since it was used for calibration.)

Shots 1-5, 7 and 8 are from this location. (It doesn’t tell elevation, only relative position. Shot 6 is a bit strange. The data is fuzzy, but it seems to come from the water tower.

(Image taken out due to embedded limit)

The data is too fuzzy to be certain. It will need more data points to get a better picture. Shot 9 and 10 also have few data points, but they seem very clear. Shot 9 is:

(Image taken out due to embedded limit)

Shot 10 is:

(Image taken out due to embedded limit)

Shot 9 and 10 came from the snipers on the south roof.

All data, analysis and the webpage that generated theses images is available on: Video Analysis.zip - Google Drive The code is nice and clean, so you can adjust it as needed or add more data.

Note: Had to remove a few embedded images. You can see the images easily enough by downloading the zip file and opening Results.html.


Hey not sure if you have seen this photo yet i didnt see it on here. I got this the day of the shooting from an informed frien

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crack/boom times when mic not near trajectory

The math when the mic is near the trajectory is straightforward.

But for some of the audio recorded near the AGR bldg, the observers may have been 50 feet or more from the trajectory of a shot.

Keep in mind that the time from firing the weapon to mic picking up the boom of the report is no different. Straight line from gun to microphone.

But the time from firing until sonic boom crack is heard by the observer will be the time of flight of the round from the gun to the point of closest approach to the microphone, PLUS the time for the sound to travel at the speed of sound in a direction perpendicular to the bullet flight path to travel the 50 feet (or whatever it is) to the microphone.

If that is not taken into account, the crack/boom time will give a misleading (underestimated) value for distance from gun to observer.

To a first approximation, if the round “missed” the cell phone doing the recording by 50 feet, add 50 feet / (1100 ft/sec) to the crack/boom time when figuring the distance from shooter to mic. In general add about 1 millisecond for every foot that the shooter “missed the microphone by”.

So for that first shot where .22 seconds translated to 450 feet; that same shot picked up by a microphone 10 feet farther away (perpendicular to the trajectory) would have had a .23 second delta t.

Assuming one still hears the sonic boom on the recording.

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Be honest with me, does this look like the same ear to you or did we just have a rooftop Photoshop hoax as well as an Assassination Attempt?

Web sleuths are scouring the video released by Grassley and there was a sliver of video (18:31:41) where the dead person was not blurred out. Jason Goodman, an expert in Photoshop, found strong evidence that the early release of the dead person’s features were manipulated. Nice find Jason Goodman!


Because a suppressor would only muffle the noise, it does not eliminate it. The main advantage for cans (e.g. suppressors) is to protect a shooters’ and others hearing. It would still be audible to those around. Furthermore, cans are still relatively uncommon and expensive. So it would have added no benefit to the assassin here and the process to acquire one is prohibitive for most gun owners.

A more important question/observation is Crooks duality of sophistication and idiocy. He demonstrated an apparent high level of sophistication and abilities with his plan and tools (bombs as a diversion, a bicycle escape, rooftop access, drone surveillance, offshore accounts, rangefinder, significant planning, etc.). Yet used a gun easily traced to his father, a vehicle that has a VIN easily traced to him, fingerprints on every surface he touched without gloves, etc.

Really bizarre. He must have believed he would be aided in the plan and escape and someone inside guaranteed they would take care of the “evidence.”


thank u. does the gun in the video looks like it have a suppressor?

I dont think crooks climbed up with a gun and most likely used a diff gun which was planted there which he thought was his fathers. real gun of his fathers was elsewhere shooting at trump and later switched with crooks gun which was in his hand at the time of his death. thats if the dead person is crooks.

Believe me or not, Im not an expert of photoshop ,used sometimes for graphic retush but yesterday when this high resolution picture appear few times here on this forum, I noticed the blurr background around the ear when you zoom in all around, and you don’t see this blurr far away from the ear. Not sure if you all know what i mean , then i said to myself when I realised this not natural, hm… , that’s wird but didnt waint to point it to do not make a fool of myself, have a look a picture what I mean

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Regarding the recent full length rooftop video: Shell casings are very obvious on that white roof. There are only FIVE. After a 12 minute unaccounted for break in the video, after the LEO says “nobody else can come up here,” new (black) agent appears and there are now 3 shell casings near the black agent and the rifle. For those familiar with a right handed AR15 the brass would eject to Crooks’ right, and in this case forward right. Unless Crooks fired 3 rounds far leftward and lower on the roof, of his dead body position, it is not plausible for those 3 casings to be over to the left of Crooks’ dead body. Theory: Someone on the roof planted 3 casings

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  1. No the gun on the roof clearly does not have a suppressor. It appears to have a milspec type birdcage flash hider. It’s consistent with an AR15 (probably 5.56mm or .223 Winchester caliber, which are essentially interchangeable for the purpose of this diagnosis), with a barrel approximately 18 to 20 inches, free float type handguard, collapseable stock, flip up iron sights, and after further analysis and review appears to have a Holosun red dot 1 power optic (non-magnified).

  2. My best guess is that Crooks (?) had the AR15 disassembled into an upper and lower halves concealed in his Swiss backpack (seen on the roof), climbed onto the roof with this arrangement, and assembled the upper and lower halves on the roof. It’s a simple process, just 2 push pins, which would take less than 1 minute, maybe 30 seconds or less, from taking the backpack off his back, to having the rifle assembled.

  3. There is a LOT of dispute and confusion about every aspect of the identity of the assassin, the number of shell casings, and it’s certainly plausible the rifle is a planted rifle as well. For instance if this person was groomed the Feds could have easily followed him and obtained shell casings with fingerprints at the shooting range to plant at a later date. We saw the initial shell casings counted at 5 to the shooters forward right (correct position from the body based on ejection patterns), then mysteriously after a 12 minute unexplained break in video, and a new officer on the roof, suddenly there are 3 MORE casings to the lateral left of shooter, which would be implausible unless the shooter had moved his position dramatically after the first 3 shots… I suppose that is possible but unlikely. He could have been more leftward, fired 3 shots, then stood and moved to his right to fire the 5. But that would have given him greater danger exposure and seems implausible.

For the record, I tend to believe the first 3 shots were from a different rifle, caliber, and/or location than the 5 fired from this rooftop position. This is a coverup in my view at this time on the totality of the implausible to impossible levels of ineptitude, dishonesty, and information being very suspiciously withheld and slow walked along with the audio/video evidence we currently have.


While I fully believe at this point (due to the totality of the implausible/impossible levels of ineptitude, the withheld factual evidence, the slow-walk of information and past bad behaviors of these agencies which have zero credibility), this was an inside job and an active cover up.

However, the position of this rifle is not unusual. It is standard procedure for law enforcement to kick, throw, or move any weapons away from a downed suspect for safety reasons. Nothing unusual about his rifle having been moved away from the body. But there are a mountain of other abnormalities…


Wray used the term ‘cartridge’ which is NOT a ‘spent shell’ or ‘spent brass’ or ‘empty casing’ or ‘empty brass’ which are various terms used by shooters to describe the thing that is being ejected from a gun after the shot is taken. A cartridge is the entire assembly of the casing, the primer, the powder and the bullet. The bullet is the object that is fired towards the target.
This obfuscation in terms MAY BE because if the shit hits the fan later on he can say that 'well we did recover 8 cartridges but they were in the magazine that was in the rifle that Crooks had but did not fire.
He was telling an accurate fact but not really telling the truth as requested by the questioner. And from what I see, most of those people including so-called ‘expert questioners’ don’t know the exact terminology of the things they are talking about.
This leads to confusion amongst the public.


Thank you for the explanation. I understand now. point 2 makes sense.

correct me if i am wrong.

If they recover the bullets - which i hope they havent forgotten, then it can be tracked back to the gun. So they will def need to have fired from Crooks fathers AR15 to match scratches and whatever else. Shot from that gun most likely by a pro from a nearby location with similar trajectory for ballistics to verify. Crooks takes his fathers gun and someone else promise to hide it for him somewhere and switches it and later plants it back on him. And they removed the scopes and suppressor they had used prior to planting the gun along with used shells.

Now crooks def need some gunpowder residue on his fingers to prove he did fire right? So he must have shot atleast one from the gun which he had on him when he died(from the earlier pictures we had from some phone camera)

Within the noone knows wtf happened 12mts, someone climbs up, moves his gun away and place the real gun and drop the shells abruptly(i am sure they never tried to shoot from that position before to get an accurate reproduction of positions where shells can be found)

there were 2 ladders placed towards the buildings from the skynews video(with no humans above the rooftop except deadbody and gun was far away). 1 perhaps was to leave crooks prints. and 2nd for whoever went and replaced the gun and drop the shell casings.

The closeup of dead shooter that looks like yearick can be seen with a cop pulling his head up for the photograph. perhaps the gun was moved or switched at that point in time. then they left the rooftop and skynews video was recorded(i hv that video in case you havent seen yet)

Splatter. Not a single video show any form of splatter around shooters body. Head was intact and atleast half of the face was in one piece. This is counter to what we have seen from the test ballistics where sniper blows the head out in pieces. Without splatter and with head in more or less the same shape, is it possible he was shot at close range and in torso or neck?

These are my rough thoughts.

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@bigtim @cmartenson Looks like they swapped the guns (or had a 2nd gun on the roof already)

The “recovered” gun is nothing like the gun he was using, which seems to match what can be seen in the post death photo, which they tried to cover up in the official released photo. When was the helicopter fly over? there were no officers on the roof at that point. So it was either staged after they swapped the weapons, or there were two guns on the roof prior to the 1st responders getting there.

I apologize if this has been posted before. I was reviewing a youtube video and noticed this sniper in camouflage briefly communicating on his radio then quickly pointing his rifle toward Trump when secret service was ushering him into the limo. I am not that familiar with firearms and safety procedures so I was wondering what could be a rational reason for a sniper to point a rifle at a protectee? It just seemed a bit odd to me but maybe I am misunderstanding something.


A few replies:

  1. Yes, all of the recovered intact bullets (and there should be several, especially in 3 victims) should be able to be matched to the unique rifling characteristics of the AR15. Also, all of the shell casings have a primer strike from the firing pin, which is unique to the gun so those must also match the AR15. Likewise, yes the assassin would have gunshot powder residue on his hand, arm, face, etc.

  2. The FIB is in charge and running their “investigation,” so they will be able to add, alter, or delete any evidence they want to fit their narrative. We are at their mercy outside of great independent investigation like this.

  3. The ladder(s) remain a mystery. There seem to be a few in place by police. Where Crooks’ 5 foot ladder is remains a mystery.

  4. The ultimate identity of the assassin remains a puzzling mystery too. Many people believe it is not Crooks but Yearick or someone else, and I have no idea. It seems the FIB should be less secretive about all of these basic facts.

  5. There is far less damage to the dead person than I’d expect to see with any .30 caliber rifle shot to the head. (I’m a combat vet, seen a lot of dead people, am familiar with what different bullets do to humans, owned guns for over 2 decades, shot lots of guns, etc.) A .300 win mag (common sniper round) would have blown his head apart. I believe the closest rooftop sniper team had .300 win mags, maybe .308s. But they were blocked by a tree. A .308 (smaller, but another very common sniper and LEO round) should have caused more damage than we see as well, probably would have blown his head into pieces. I believe the other team on the red roof may have had .300 win mags or .308s and were from a different department but I’m not sure. There was apparently a rooftop 3rd sniper team over by the retaining pond, apparently equipped with .308 SR25 rifles, which might have made the kill shot. But my observations of the death picture, the wound we see is more consistent with a 5.56 or .223 shot, possibly from behind in the 2 story building. Some folks think he was shot from behind, possibly with a 5.56mm. It’s just infuriating we do not have this information 2 weeks into this. I acknowledge that ballistics are weird and do strange stuff, given the infinite variables of range, distance, angles, etc. So it’s a best-guess based on seeing a lot of death/destruction with various calibers. The frustrating thing is the FIB continues to hold all these basic facts very close to the vest (e.g. which counter sniper shot him, from which position, and using what gun/caliber, etc.). Very simple factual questions we have been stonewalled on for 2 weeks. Unacceptable, and evidence of coverup.