Audio & Video of the Assassination Attempt

AGR building 6, third window from the right just before the shooting:

Notice inside the outer window frame there appears to be a self-constructed inner frame that none of the other windows seem to have.

Notice immediately after the 8 shots are fired, this window (third from right) turns white.

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Must be the light, 6:28 it is dark

Also that window 5:04

Agree your observation is the most important. If SS sniper round hs head would be destroyed

My preliminary trajectory analysis was suggesting 3 different shooter/rifle locations for shots 1,2 and 3 so I looked closer at the windows again.

This is the second window from the right and it also appears to have an inner window frame with a lower gap.

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This video shows that bullet #2 hits the hydraulic hose of the fork lift.

The first images are from my analysis of shots 1 2 and 3. At that time, I saw no evidence of the impact of bullet #2. Now with the video cited above, we can for sure say that bullet #2 hit the hydraulic hose.
I’m still of the view that the first bullet shattered on the vertical post of the guardrail at a point where the bullet fragments (schrapnel) hit Mr Dutch and the dark T Shirt guy. Dutch was only slightly wounded since he is seen on video walking down the stairs on his own.
We no other evidence of bullet 3’s trajectory other than I believe it passed by the decorative fabric in that same area and the wake of the bullet is what moved the fabric. Maybe wind? but no other fabric moves. Only that spot.

The screen shots are from this video

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We are getting fairly close together on our analysis. Thank you for the video. Hopefully I may be able to eventually convince you of the exact location of the bullet impacts (or maybe you will convince me of your assumed locations).

My working opinion is:
Shot #1 ricocheted off the back railing, sending some shrapnel into the grey/dark shirt man’s arm, possibly hitting the hydraulic line afterward.
Shot # 2 ricocheted off the back railing and hit Mr. Dutch (possibly hitting the hydraulic line)
Shot # 3 hit Copenhaver directly.

It may take a second or two for hydraulic fluid to make a visible spray, so I am not discounting the possibility that the hydraulic leak was caused by shot # 1. We have to also keep in mind that the sound of the shot is delayed compared to the bullet impact, so theoretically it could have even been shot # 3 that caused the hydraulic leak, depending on our viewpoint.

Shots 1,2 and 3 impacted objects spaced somewhere between 2 to 4 feet apart. I am leaning toward a working hypothesis that shot 1,2 and 3 all went directly over the target area. Using trigonometry, we can estimate that the shooters/rifles were spaced between 13 and 26 feet apart. Your elevation analysis was extremely helpful to show that the bullets likely originated from the ground floor as opposed to the rooftop. I appreciate the elevation information.

I maintain that shot #1 hit the vertical guardrail post and produced schrapnel fragments that injured Mr Dutch and the dark T Shirt man. If we look at that part of the video carefully, we see that both men are turned looking at the Megatron and that dark T Shirt man is a bit futher from the Megatron than Mr Dutch which allows schrapnel to hit Mr Dutch.

Others point to another man farther to the left that ducks at shot #1 and I see that. This gave rise to the hair-brained idea that somebody off to the left was shooting at the snipers on the roof of the barn and missed and the bullet traveled across the bleachers’ top row to strike multiple spectators. Ridiculous and illogical but there we are.

Regarding that one man to the left that ducks, he also gets back up. A certain portion of those men in the crowd are probably military veterans and know what a gunshot sounds like and they instinctively duck immediately.
A 5.56 NATO bullet can be as heavy as 85 grains or so but if one wants a good velocity with minimal wind drag and drop, a 55 grain bullet will do. If that hits a human head, it’s over. A few extra grains will not matter.
If bullet 1 was a 55 grain 5.56 NATO or a .223, after such an impact on the guardrail, there would not be sufficient energy of motion, or mass or fragment size to go on another 50 feet to hit and puncture a hydraulic line designed to hold upwards of 2000 p.s.i. Hydraulic lines are very sturdily built since they are subject to wear and damage in construction and mining applications. If such a hydraulic line is hit, there is no delay whatsoever. That is a very high pressure evidenced by the distance that the hydraulic fluid sprayed out and away from the forklift in an almost vertical path.
I reviewed that video again and I admit that it may not have been bullet #2 that hit the hydraulic line. Maybe it was bullet #3. But it was definitely one of those 2 bullets.

Shot 1 hit Trump’s ear. That has been established and goes in the green bucket
Shot 2 or maybe shot 3 hit the hydraulic hose as a direct hit and I’m putting that in my green bucket, or if it’s one of two possibilities maybe that goes in a yellow bucket.
Anyway, Shot 3 I still believe is what moved the fabric on the guardrail and that bullet could have gone on to hit the hydraulic line.
I have not studied the Copenhaver injury. I just assume that it was one of the later volley of 5 shots, one of which killed Corey.
I waffle between the idea of one pro sniper and a two pro sniper scenario. I’m not sure but perhaps Chris can analyse that audio from that latest video that came out that was taken right in front of Building 6.
That may shed light on things,
But I am fairly convinced that the point of origin for shots 1 2 and 3 was the ground floor of Building 6.
If Trump returns to Butler PA as I heard he is supposed to, I sure hope they rent the same venue and reconstruct the whole site exactly as it was and get some professional land surveyors out there with their precision instruments and catalog the whole site.
But who knows? Maybe the FBI will all of a sudden declare that whole site a crime scene and prevent this from happening.
Based on their track record it would not surprise me.

Screenshot at 4:43 right before the first shot shows that window 2 from right also has a sort of inner frame. Is i Crooks you can see over the roof top?


I have spoken to the girl riding the horse who has a tik tok account and posted videos and comments and can direct you that way should anyone be interested.

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Here’s a new video source that was posted on X last night by John Cullen:

Apologies if this is a duplicate, but since it was just posted last night, I figured there was a chance you may not have seen it yet.

This is especially interesting because it’s right in front of building number six and has all of the shots, including one that comes several seconds after the 3, 5, 1 groups.

Also, one other interesting find is the flash of light at the 24 second mark of the video that appears in one of the windows. Again, this is ground level, directly below and in front of where Crooks’ body was found.

Did you all noticed from that recent video from the front of the building that first 3 shots sounds like breaking glass in the last stage of each shot. What cause that expression?

Also have a look on 7:46 sec i think ,just before the guy run out from the building with the riffle pointed, what cause that if all of others stay more calm? Beside I hear strange voice of breaking glass or door again and I think someome say get down. Did anyone hear that?

If you play the clip from that moment as it is , you will hear that voice and sound and running guy with the gun few second later:

@cmartenson need to check out this new video. Witness is right in front of the building where Crooks was.

Audio is much clearer here. No screaming for Ross!! lol

I think you are right about shot # 3 not hitting Copenhaver. I am open to the possibility that shot # 3 hit the hydraulic line. In this video, Copenhaver (large figure wearing white shirt near south-east corner of south bleachers nearest the camera) appears to get hit with shot # 4 or 5. I will have to review the rest of the footage more but I still have shot # 2 ricocheting and hitting Mr. Dutch.

If the plan was that Crooks would serve as a patsy and unwittingly work alongside a pro, I think that plan would have to include arriving to the scene early to drop an appropriate amount of brass.

So we can say that shot one hits Trump’s ear and the guard rail. That’s two points in space and we can draw a line to the point of origin. We can use our estimate for now, but it would be great if we get very precise measurements of those points in space by some land surveyor documenting with precision instruments that site.
If shot three is the one that hit the hydraulic line and is the same shot that moved the fabric then we can tentatively define those two points in space, and draw another line to a potential point of origin. That would be yellow bucket material because we cannot be 100% certain of the fabric movement as having been caused by bullet number three.
If shot two did not hit the hydraulic line, then I see no evidence of it hitting anywhere, so that it would ricochet to hit Mr. Dutch. I still think Mr. Dutch was hit by the shrapnel from bullet number one.

I agree that shot # 1 hit Trump’s ear and the guardrail. I am debating which side (his right or left) of the grey/dark shirt man the bullet took to hit the guardrail. Did the bullet go to the dark shirt man’s right side, bounce off of the guardrail behind him and then hit the corner of the guardrail or did it travel near his left side before hitting the corner? Is there a straight trajectory to the right of dark shirt man to hit the corner guardrail directly?

Other posts had the same footage, I did not want to clutter up blog with a duplicate.

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The bullet actually goes behind dark t shirt man between him and the guardrail. If you study the photo, you can see that he’s stabilizing himself with his hand on the top rail of the guard rail, and there’s a gap between him and the guard rail. He’s a little further away from the Megatron, than Mr. Dutch. In fact, Mr. Dutch is not visible here, because he is occluded by the dark T-shirt man. So if we had a view in line with the top of the bleachers, we would see Mr. Dutch on the right, and the dark T-shirt man to the left, and both within the field of fire of the spray of bullet fragments. You see that gray patchy cloud, which is the cloud of ? vaporized paint, coming off the guard rail. the shrapnel ricochets hitting Mr. Dutch, and possibly the dark T-shirt man too since he does raise his hand to his right side in the video.