Banking on Social Unrest, Informed Consent LiveCast, May 19, Replay (Public)

I believe he has moved the Peak Insider Live to a different day. It will be on the 25th next week.

Reminds me of the movie ā€œThey Liveā€ when they put on the glasses.

Jickyleaks just posted a tweet that seems to imply itā€™s a purposeful release by someone in the West in an attempt to frame Russiafor a biological terrorist attack. Iā€™m assuming so we can just skip straight to WW3. At least I think thatā€™s what he is saying.

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Holy through back! I remember this movie. Yes it look like a pair of ray banā€™s - the guy, Roddy Piper, put the glasses on and could see the skeleton people. Itā€™s actually very relevant to whatā€™s going on now. A group of powerful people running everything. As long as they convince everyone to go along with status quo. Only a few people can see the truth and start a revolution. Roddy Piper ā€œ I am here to kick some as and chew bubble gum, and I am all out of bubble gumā€. Hahaha. Old poorly done movie but funny and relevant. Thanks for that!

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Youā€™re welcome!

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Ceo Of Pilot J Told To Reduce Diesel Shipment Or Face Embargos?..

Chrisā€¦ I hope you and your team dig deeper on this and discuss in a upcoming video:

Self Defence

I was once warned not to bring a weapon to a fight that can be easily used against me like bats, knives etcā€¦
Iā€™ve been thinking about this a bit and Iā€™ve come up with 2 options for when someone is intimidating me at my home. We have no guns hereā€¦
One option is a small 2kg fire extinguisher, powder or CO2. Itā€™s inoffensive so you can talk it outā€¦oh I thought you had a problemā€¦ and gives you a few feet of range to disarm and retreat/attack.
The other option is Facebook live. Just come out with it on and ask them to say hello to the worldā€¦ at least you know there will be evidence for prosecution?
Are there any tried and tested strategies?

Show Notes?

Where can I find the show notes?