Banking on Social Unrest, Informed Consent LiveCast, May 19, Replay (Public)

vaccinated people are getting sick but it’s not covid. and it’s going to get much worse.


Remember when they roleplayed a worldwide SARS epidemic right before we had a world wide SARS epidemic?
What do you think the odds are they roleplayed a worldwide monkeypox epidemic starting in Spring of 2022 right before there is a worldwide monkeypox epidemic starting in Spring of 2022?
You are correct, the odds are literally 100%.


Most Will Seek Answers

Is in this video you talked about the remnant
One thing we the people who do see something coming need to be conscious and aware of is when it does happen and it will we need to not be the ones that are greedy and selfish and say I told you so
We have made sacrifices to prepare while others enjoyIs the illusions of security and wealth
Now will be an opportunity for strong Honest leaders built on integrity respectIs prudence and truth When they seek us out for council we need to be open We have a major responsibility and should not flaunt our success for preparing for preparing for now is the time We can change the future by having a set of values laid out among us
Morals and integrity which no politicians have these days and are leaders lack For this is the best thing this community can do moving forward after the collapse
Maybe when things settle down and you have time or at your event this year we can have people help speak of integrity
Thank you for all the work you’re doing and helping others ithing others it’s a lot that we’ve put on you and you’ve done a lot to warn us and help us


Mattias Desmet

Little reminder: the pronunciation of Mattias Desmet’s last name is not “Désmet”, but “The Smét”. (Being Belgian, he is too polite to correct you.)

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Food Shortages

This may be jumping ahead, but given that oil is finite and that most people on earth are here because of oil, what is the point of helping starving people now when it just makes more people to very likely starve later. How can we step down population-wise as humanely as possible. Is that even possible in the best of all possible worlds. If we don’t want this directed from on high, what is the alternative-survival of the fittest? Do we have carrying capacity model/models for people under different scenarios of energy use. Is muddling through the best way. Chris is understandably focused on day to day - oil/food, but there are deep currents under all this for the long term. “I wish I loved the human race, I wish I loved its silly face.”


Most people mispronounce my name. It doesn’t bother me in the least.

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I was hopeful that we are not as easily deceived as they believe, but so many people just blink when they are informed of the true nature of the global situation, that I am losing that hope layer by layer. Even here among the PP tribe, the gravity and imminence of the situation seems to be drowning under one distraction or another. I can only hope that my perspective is totally wrong.


FTM (Female to Male) transexual, born female, takes hormones, stops menstruating, grows a beard, voice deepens, muscles grow, maybe has top surgery, for all intents and purposes, looks like, acts like, lives life as a man, may even have a driver’s licence indicating M instead of F. This person eventually decides to become pregnant, stops hormones, retains masculine appearance while menstruation returns, concieves child, in the case of it being an INTENDED pregnancy, then it was very likely conceived with a sperm donor (think that through, is this someone who would sleep with a man? No.) and in the case of it being an UNINTENDED pregnancy is very likely the result of rape, either way, this is very likely what the woman in the clip was referring to that a man (at least someone who identifies and lives as a man) can get pregnant, and is capable of being pregnant, could also need an abortion.

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She’s not a man.

what we are seeing would normally be extreme fantasy. most people cannot accept it as reality.

food is the most important aspect of survival. there are now discoveries and realisations about planting and soil that would make the production of sufficient food for the growing population absolutely possible.
water is even more important, but clean water supply in many regions of the world have been actively restricted by TPTB for many years. they know that people have sufficient clean water, that they’ll be healthy and continue to multiply.
but industrial/consumer pollution is a serious problem. watching one of those “I bought $xxxx dollars of unclaimed parcels from the USPS” episodes the other day, I couldn’t believe the amount of garbage in the markets today. consumerism is a serious problem for the planet. maybe this ‘great reset’ will resolve some of this while people get back to basics.

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beware doing this depending on your area. I know of someone local who was in the process of printing a gun. There was a part they couldn’t print and they used the internet to order that part. Next minute their place was raided. The cops found some cannabis (old hippies), a cash of stash (3 months living expenses??) and the almost complete gun. Friends say the guy has a loud mouth and was probably already known to the police, so may have been on a watch list. He was a local shopkeeper!

This opens up a moral and ethical can of worms.
50 years ago there should have been a one child policy I think, or maybe 2. (though the cultural quirks of China have shown how that backfires - unintended consequences) That’s my simple answer.
From the perspective of a farmers daughter I feel we have been saving every rabid stray, runt, and deformed creature that has been bought to this farm called Earth, and chewing through resources to do so while creating a sickly population that can’t survive on its own in the wild. Are we simply animals on the farm to TPTB? Is that how they see us and have they been trying to thin us out over the years in socially palatable ways? Becasue unlike animals you can’t just shoot a few of us in the back corner of the paddock without a fight.
I would bet my house that without oil and the products we create with it, we will have deaths corresponding to how and what people died from 100 or more years ago. Perhaps even more as people now lack common sense, survival skills and the knowledge of our forebears.
Massively dehydrated from gastro and nowhere near an IV line (or Matt Damon in shooter) - dead. Raging infection, no clean water, no antibiotics, no herbal medicine skills - dead. Pregnant and it’s going really wrong at 28 weeks - dead.
But who is any of us to decide who is worthy and who is not. And why do Klaus and the gang think it’s them.
From a spiritual perspective the quadriplegic guy I know in a wheelchair for the past 20 years may be a much more enlightened soul adding more to our planet than the pretty but sociopathic girl I worked with.
The fitter body seems like a more valuable person, but it is the other who is kind, wise and adds meaning to the life of others.
I would devote some of my resources to the guy in the wheelchair any day.
Have we really been helping starving people though?
The world shuffles billions of dollars around in food aid, while at the same time funding destructive policies and events in those same areas.
Every Western housewife who buys a fancy diamond ring is encouraging the problems in Congo. Likely unknowingly, but living in a wealthy area does not free one of moral responsibility to think about what they are supporting with each purchase. None of us are clean on that one, but it seems the elite are probably the worst.
I believe there is enough to go around if we share without greed, and I also believe if TPTB could see this current situation with the limits to growth scenarios in the 1970’s they should have sorted it out then in a fair manner.
I think what has happened is they were greedy and exploited us and the planet to extract all the goodies for their toys, and are happy to turn their backs while it all collapses. I do not believe fairness is in their vocabulary.
Sorry for the essay. It opens up a swathe of observations.


This is terrifying. “On 13 May 2022, WHO was notified of two laboratory confirmed cases and one probable case of monkeypox, from the same household, in the United Kingdom. On 15 May, four additional laboratory confirmed cases have been reported”. In the exercise, the Monkeypox outbreak begins on… May 15 2022,…in “fictional” Brinia (nearly anagram of Britain).

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Even more terrifying "Move 1 (occurring on June 5, 2022, in scenario time) starts with an unusual outbreak of monkeypox in Brinia (population 250 million), with reports of 1,421 cases and four fatalities. There is no immediate evidence of international spread, but the outbreak takes place during a national holiday with extensive domestic and international travel by Brinians. " - meanwhile in the real world “There will be many events and activities celebrating the [Queen’s]
Jubilee across the UK Commonwealth and beyond in the months leading up to the special extended bank holiday weekend from Thursday 2 to Sunday 5 June 2022.”

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If the outbreak is blamed on the IRA, then I think we will know this was engineered situation… “Specifically, Brinian intelligence reveals that the engineered monkeypox virus was developed illicitly at the fictional country of Arnica’s leading institute for virology. Arnica (population 75 million) has a history of conflict with neighboring Brinia (see map in Figure 5). An independent Arnican terrorist group—the SPA—had worked with sympathetic laboratory scientists to engineer a highly contagious, deadly pathogen and disperse it at crowded train stations in Brinia during the national holiday, when much of the population was travelling domestically and internationally.”

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Thank you fated. I believe you have explored very important and pertinent facts. I am wishing that across the planet, we could all share our real truths and dispel all the disinformation, come to a rational conclusion and cooperate to achieve a fair and just state of living.
I am a farmer’s son and as such share your grasp of husbandry. Also, rural life is very different from the urban like. Having intimate knowledge of both gives a person opportunity of a wider perspective.
This wider perspective seems to cause a philosophical rift between those “with” and those “without”. Pursuing cooperation within a mixed population is seldom fruitful. Would you contribute to a forum discussion?

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I remember back when I was in middle and high school (the '70’s) eagerly awaiting the new Popular Science & Popular Mechanics and gobbling up all of the cool stuff, Mother Earth News back then too - helped build an off-grid dome home in my 16th year. Looking back and being fairly knowledgeable with the technologies back then I ponder on the lack of progress - whatever happened to all the 100mpg engines and more efficient inverters etc. Around the same time a movie came out called “The Formula” which was about big oil which was kind of an aha moment for this then young man. Regardless - we have many younger folks pass through helping on our farm and woodlot and as they are from the generation that grew up playing computer games most are essentially incompetent when it comes to working with their hands, using motorized tools, whatever - not sure why I bring this up other than the fact that there are many more people in the world today that can barely even build a fire if needed without some sort of accelerant and are not resilient by any stretch of the imagination - much has been bred out of us I guess. Rambling away - more java maybe! take care all



For those interested, the first episode of Rebel News’ docuseries on the Great Reset is now available to watch.