Best Practices For Preventing & Treating Covid-19

Chris, can you or a public commentator post a list of all generic non-prescription sources for the purchase of HCQ? In my area every doctor is afraid to even mention the word let alone prescribe it for fear of medical board censure. As a result I’ve fired my personal physician and am engaged in a regional search for a replacement.
Canadian pharmacies have it in stock but will not disperse without a prescription. As is the case with UK pharmacies. I’m currently awaiting a shipment from India but am starting to believe they used a slow boat instead of air freight!

70% of HCQ comes from India. If you ordered from Indiamart it will take at least 4 weeks. It takes very little time to get to the US but it takes forever to get through customs.
There are lots of dermatological uses for HCQ. You can check with the Dermo’s in your area. Try to get a doc to prescribe it for a Canadian pharmacy. His/Her name will not be in the data base here then.
Good luck

ordered in March… refund received in June… letter from customs received in July with big warning not to buy this shit… it seems to be illegal…
ordered CQ in China, received 10 days later. On the package they declared “electronics” USD 5,00

If you are sick you can contact

Respond same day and sendout for overnight delivery


Further proof (as if we needed any) that the practice of medicine in the US is an organized criminal activity.

My shipment of HCQ from was shipped two days after I ordered it and spent 3 weeks in US Customs, before being safely delivered to my door–one month to the day after I ordered it.
I don’t know how long yours has taken, but this may be a time to exercise patience.

No, Dr. Dale
The time for patience has passed. It’s time to bring out the pitchforks.

I would have to agree with Thor and his hammer.
Patience is a virtue - but only for so long.
After that … not so much.
And as Monty Python famously said,
“Don’t take me. I’m not dead yet.”
My HCQ spent 3 minutes in the take-out window.

This doctor worked at the Ft. Belvoir laboratories and explains all you need to know about Dr Fauci and the development of Covid19 scientifically but understandable. Kerry Cassidy is an excellent interviewer.

following information found here we have ordered from two India sources last week …both reported order shipped NOW to wait

To live in a free country

Hi Thor:
I meant patience in getting your HCQ through US Customs from India…at least you can get it that way.
Blueberry just asked which supplier I used in India. Here is the link to the supplier I used…they have HCQ available without prescription in 5 different dosages/forms.
As far as pitchforks go, I have two (I use lots of mulch) and I just finished sharpening both. :slight_smile:

You can also get HCQ on Aliexpress.

@sofistek I wish we could avoid conspiracy theories in reasoned discussions. Not that governments and elites don't sometimes manipulate situations for their own ends but some people see subterfuge in everything they dislike. Of course, there are problems with the data in most countries (some worse than others) but no-one has some inside line to the "real" data. If we can't use official data for reasoned discussion, then we may as well just have a free-for-all of wild personal opinions. Nothing is to be gained by that.
So not trusting CCP data is a "conspiracy theory"? Or are you making some unfounded assumption about Spain (still) being a democracy? You can use early Spain data like most other countries, but not any new data. For China even the early data is useless.
I don't "trust" official data but I'm not sure what else we have to go on.
Sometimes it's better to not use suspect data and stick to least suspect data.  

It’s been so long since I’ve lived in a free country that I can’t even remember what it was like. Now even the illusion of freedom is being stripped away.

This is rather important document:

Search Results

Web results

EVMS Critical Care COVID-19 Management Protocol   Two paragraphs quoted: I. Prophylaxis While there is extremely limited data, the following “cocktail” may have a role in the prevention/mitigation of COVID-19 disease. It should however be noted that a recent publication suggests that melatonin my reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection.[1] This cocktail is cheap, safe, and widely available. • Vitamin C 500 mg BID (twice daily) and Quercetin 250-500 mg BID [2-8] • Zinc 50-75 mg/day (elemental zinc). Zinc lozenges are preferred. After 1 month, reduce the dose to 30-50 mg/day. [2,9-13] • Melatonin (slow release): Begin with 0.3mg and increase as tolerated to 2 mg at night [1,14-17] • Vitamin D3 2000-4000 u/day [18-25] • Optional: Famotidine 20-40 mg/day [26] II. Symptomatic patients (at home): • Vitamin C 500 mg BID and Quercetin 250-500 mg BID • Zinc 75-100 mg/day (elemental zinc) • Melatonin 6-12 mg at night (the optimal dose is unknown) • Vitamin D3 2000-4000 u/day • ASA 81 -325 mg/day (unless contraindicated) • Optional: Famotidine 20-40 mg/day • Optional: Ivermectin 150-200 ug/kg orally (dose can be repeated on day 2) [27-31] • In symptomatic patients, monitoring with home pulse oximetry is recommended. Baseline or ambulatory desaturation < 94% should prompt hospital admission. [32] • Not recommended: Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ). The use of HCQ is extremely controversial.[33] The best scientific evidence to date suggest that HCQ has no proven benefit for post exposure prophylaxis, for the early symptomatic phase and in hospitalized patients. [34-39] It should be noted that these studies did not include Zinc, and it is possible that the efficacy of HCQ requires the co-administration of Zinc. [40,41] However, considering the unique pharmacokinetics of HCQ, it is unlikely that HCQ is of benefit (takes about 10 days to achieve adequate plasma and lung concentrations).[42-44] The benefit derived from the co-administration of Zinc may be due to the effects of zinc alone. This is however, a very “volatile” situation, so stay tuned.   There is much more.   -Peter

what makes you think we have the best healthcare system in the world?

Thors Hammer I posted about this, I bought some from India. Took a month to arrive. Other’s posted as well.
PM me if you want the info or just look for the Buying HCQ thread.

If anyone thinks we have the best heath care in the world, just read this history of the US made N95 mask:

It’s ranked # 34 in the world, to my knowledge (but #1 in costs/capita).

Two graphs (one from here: )
The Timeline Chart:
The Symptoms Progresion