Bombshell! Covid-19 Virus Lab-Made? Fauci Connected?


Nevertheless, as followers of this thread will be aware, even amongst we amateur sleuths who seek the truth about this pandemic objectively, underneath every single post on this thread lurks Immanuel Kant and his “Critique of Pure Reason”. When it comes to objectivity, none of us has clean hands. So, how do we sift the wheat from the chaff, and the dross from the gold, not just in the truths others try to sell us, but in our own? Despair not! There is a BS detector. Look for a claim’s philosophy of causation (aetiology). As I suggested previously, find a logical fallacy and you find Kant. By way of example, I see Jim H # 177 (reply to #171) is pleased that you see “The ....machine that you are awakening to Janie.” And what does Jim believe you see? Why it is that “corrupt, global elite”. Now, my BS detector redlined here. The most common of all falsehoods, the old Post Hoc Propter Hoc logical fallacy (e.g. The rooster crowed, then the sun rose, therefore the rooster caused the sun to rise): Major premise: Janie says she’s frustrated on the lack of media connecting the pandemic and the “people behind it”, Minor premise: The people behind it are a “corrupt, global elite” (drum roll here), Conclusion: The corrupt global elite did it just like Janie said!!! (play twilight zone theme here) Uh, no Jim, even Blind Freddy can see that by definition, in every human endeavor there are people behind it (post hoc). And no, Jim, Freddy and I can’t see a single shred of evidence for the existence of a corrupt global elite, and least of all in this logic (propter hoc). So sorry, Jim, as Chris puts it, black eye for you trying to sell us such a logically fallacious conclusion. Nice try Jim, but no cigar. But wait, Jim, don’t you tell us this “elite” wants us to “...create bogeymen when they say so...” ...... ( duh dee duh duh, duh dee duh duh). Thanks for the heads up Jim, that you are part of this sinister and murky elite. I believe you. (Fade out on twilight zone theme)
Wildtravel, What a load of horseshit! Or as you might opine, sophistry disguised as erudition. I am entirely comfortable with Jimh's characterization of a corrupt global elite as causative here, your undergraduate level Introduction to Philosophy 101 course inspired edification notwithstanding, as the press clearly are promulgating deliberate disinformation regarding the virus, HCQ etc. on top of a unequivocal history of similarly documented behavior on all manner of agendas. Such behavior which is apparent to any independent critical thinking individual with the ability for pattern recognition and who has been paying attention. It is this 'awakening that Jim was lauding with regards to Jane's post. Do you dispute that there exists corrupt global elites in positions of power? Do you think that our mainstream press is free and unbiased and not owned, operated and influenced by elite special interests complete with sheep dipped Langley operatives? given you post I I suspect that the irony of your heroic device a "BS detector" for cutting through the clutter of epidemiological conundrums we sleuths face in discerning truth and overcoming bias is lost on you. mm

Your extensive quote from the Fauci/HCQ article is just sensationalist crap, and anyone who has watched a good proportion of Chris’s videos has the tools to know as much.
A few pointers:

  • The original study was CQ, not HCQ
  • It's about in vitro studies that tell us nothing about what will work in a clinical setting
  • A treatment is not a vaccine
You are letting your enthusiasm for HCQ overwhelm any sense of scepticism and critical thinking.

One man’s “sensationalist crap” is another man’s dispassionate look at the data.
I found it interesting that both Remdesivir and HCQ both worked in vitro vs SC2. From the test tube point of view, both hold relatively equal promise (although RD is more toxic - in the test tube).
And now we know that Fauci knew about this, from his work and remarks back in 2005.
Fauci’s response to Remdesivir’s relatively ho-hum study result (whose end points changed mid-study) was quite enthusiastic. His response to HCQ was substantially less enthusiastic. In 2020, that is.
RD got 50% of patients cleared within 10 days.
HCQ + Azithromycin got 92% patients virologically cured within 10 days.
Now, a data-driven person would look at those two outcomes and say, “wow, HCQ sure seems like a better treatment.”
Regardless, not Mr Fauci, who felt that Remdesivir should be the standard of care in the US.
Did it have to do with the price tag of Remdesivir? It is substantially higher. From just looking at the data, there does not seem to be any good explanation for his choice.
Once you eliminate the impossible (i.e. he didn’t know, or he’s incredibly stupid - both impossible to assert with Mr Fauci), then whatever remains, however improbable (or “sensationalist”), has to be the truth.

Yes, a 4 year old could see this. Of course they are more honest than most adults. I heard once that human’s greatest “accomplishment”, if we dare call it that, is the ability to lie. Seems it is very difficult, if done well.

To me, the big question is why. Why this demonization of HCQ? There is no other reason for the false demonization of CQ/HCQ. There is a reason it is being attacked and that reason is not logical or science-based thought. Normally power and money are the root causes of illogical rot.
The fact that the current administration is behind HCQ also says something. I do not know what it says, but it is not random, I do not believe.
My husband, adult daughter, ex husband, and seven other friends have all been on HCQ since 1 March now. I am 60 and take zero prescription meds because I do not believe in them mostly so for me to be on this drug, and for me to advise this drug to family and friends is because as a risk management professional, one does a simple risk assessment and the risks of taking HCQ ON A WEEKLY BASIS AS A HEALTHY ADULT without contraindications such as liver issues, far outweights the risk of getting COVID.
Why on Earth would a 70 year old medicine, widely used by many and taken for years by Lupus and Arthritis patients now all of a sudden be noted for causing fatal heart issues. WELL it has been studied in critical COVID patients taking ALOT of HCQ, at the WRONG TIME, which is NOT the way to use it for COVID.
This is the same as saying ohhh Aspirin is so so dangerous because when someone in critical condition took 8 aspirins a day, it caused internal bleeding or something and therefore Aspirin is a dangerous drug, I am NOT saying that the toxicity ratio of ASA is the same as HCQ but let’s get the REAL numbers on the toxicity ratio of this drug and compare to other common and praised MONEY MAKING drugs like ALL the damn statins they put everyone on WHICH now - in some circles of reseach, - have been linked to provoke other health issues, when maybe all someone with high BP needed was only to eat less, eat good foods, lower the booze intake, and move around more? The docs do not even try that, they slap them on these pills, most of which do not even have a ten year experience period, let alone 70 year experience period. My friends on stats do not even know how they work, they take them trusting the medical system totally.
So if anyone is considering taking HCQ on a weekly basis to prevent COVID or to limited viral load, then one should think about indeed doing this - especially the front line people. Check all contraindications as one would with any medicine. India put their whole front line on it I understand from anther member sharing that info.
For me, this chloroquin fight is proof something funny is going on, perhaps beyond the normal reptilian and greedy behaviour of big pharma.
In my mind, the leaders (of this underground plan) did not figure on the power of HCQ and it is messing up their plans.
To me, afraid and confused is what they want us to be. Precisely that is what we will NOT be. No, we will not stand in fear and follow something wrong.
We will continue to stand up and continue to fight - like diamonds that cut through illusion - because that, is exactly what it is going to take here.
Mary Otto-Chang 20 yrs UN staff, BA, MES PhD (Candidate)

Albacore said,

The original study was CQ, not HCQ It's about in vitro studies that tell us nothing about what will work in a clinical setting
In vitro studies don't give us a final answer.. but they certainly point the way. If it works in a petri dish as keeping the virus from infecting cells.. then it's a damn good indicator that something might work in vivo. In the case of HCQ, which we already know to be quite safe and well tolerated for other maladies, as well as being cheap and readily available AND useful in pill form.. then the in-vitro studies which we have talked about were very promising. Since that in-vitro study in Feb., we have seen loads of clinical data testifying to the efficacy of the HCQ-based cocktail, used early in the disease progression. Nothing you say Albacore can take away from the results seen by Zelenko, Armstrong, Raoult, and others. Armstrong saved a nursing home from sure devastation in Texas. You really do doth protest too much in the face of the pattern of efficacy, and simultaneous suppression of this information, at hand.
A treatment is not a vaccine
Does there need to be a vaccine if there is a highly efficacious treatment? It's my decision if I get a flu vaccine today (I don't) and it will damn well be my decision whether I get this corona-virus vaccine if and when it comes.

I can’t believe that this can go on much longer. What will it take to pull back the curtain? The virus is mutating. There never will be a vaccine. How about this? Start a war. Can’t have all the troops getting sick or social distancing so put them all on what works, HCQ. Must be a better way.
and don’t forget this, from MIT PhD Dr. Shiva and his CytoSolve molecular biology AI;


Must watch new video news report. Forty patients with not a single complication… none have died in this hospital;

Thanks for your above post Mary59. I have decided to start taking HCQ as PREP also. (PRe-Exposure Prophylaxis at 400 mg twice on day 1, then 400 mg weekly there after.)
Many of my family and friend are firmly in the “I hate Trump” camp and will post on their fb timelines anything that bites at Trump. And, everything anti-Trump is right. It is a spiritual battle of good versus evil.

Angel battling demon
So the following link was posted on a family members fb page and got LOTS of upvotes from my friends and relatives.
I reflect on the skill of the opinion shaping.
Ousted Vaccine Director File Whistleblower Complaint Alleging Coronavirus Warning Were Ignored.
The article contains two messages:

  1. Dr Bright told the White House that the nation didn’t have nearly enough PPE in January and they ignored him “with indifference that turned into hostility.” History shows that Dr Bright’s assessment on PPE was very correct.
  2. The second non-headline message was that Dr Bright is very frustrated when HHS “tried to make harmful drugs available to fight COVID-19 like HCQ, repeatedly touted by Trump as a cure despite a lack of robust testing.”
"His [Dr Bright's] efforts to prioritize science and safety over political expediency and to expose practices that posed a substantial risk to public health and safety, especially as it applied to chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, rankled those in the Administration who wished to continue to push this false narrative," the complaint reads.
So I have learned that in the subgroup of friends and relatives that hate Trump, there is nothing that can be said to cause a favorable review of HCQ. I just say in as calm and reasonable a voice as I can find:
"I disagree. I believe there is some value in HCQ when given early, and in a cocktail with Azithromycin and Zinc. I can give you a list of resources if you would like to read a different viewpoint."
You can download an entire channel if you want.

Thank you for your response to my post,  Mememonkey.  I hear you that you take my BS Detector very personally, and am sorry for your loss.

Thank you also for making my case for me that “faith” means “belief without evidence, in what is told by one who speaks without knowledge, of things without parallel” (“The Devils Dictionary”, Ambrose Bierce).
The old Circulus in Probando logical fallacy (circular logic) is another very popular way of drawing wrong conclusions.  Popular with the people who argue this way, that is, because it is not actually an argument at all, but merely asks and answers a self serving rhetorical question.
It is important in this one never to provide any evidence at all which might justify the conclusion the proponent wishes to draw because:
(a) the proponent doesn’t have any,
(b) that would enable objective scrutiny of the proposition,
(c) faith requires not wanting to know what is true
"The method of 'postulating' what we want has many advantages; they are the same as the advantages of theft over honest toil".  
Bertrand Russell
Major premise: “They” are conducting a disinformation campaign, because I say so,
Minor premise:  It’s obvious,
Conclusion:  “They” are conducting a disinformation campaign.
I’m afraid it’s back to the Deep State Training College for you, mememonkey, Linda and Jim, for a refresher course on infiltration techniques.  You’re never going to pull it off that you’re being objective about this if you make it so obvious you think it’s all about you.
Evidence, please.  Evidence.

Your (renewed) existence here and current posts are strong evidence that we are over the target. As I have been telling folks here, the observation of the very unscientific jihad against hydroxychloroquine is evidence, in and of itself, of the hidden forces that control our mainstream media and so many other entities, at work.
The folks here are truth seekers. You are trying to be a distraction to this endeavor, but you are mainly just giving us a good, hearty laugh as we go about our business. Meme and I go back many years… this tribe is much thicker than you can imagine in your trollish, though well-spoken brain.
Now let’s return to our search for what is true. I for one will not feed your desire for response any more than this.

Thank you, Jim and mememonkey for replying to wildtravel. I just happened upon his comment claiming we are Deep State operatives. What a frickin’ joke, and I agree, as you said mememonkey the irony of his claiming his B.S. detector redlined, while we contain to sleuth away and call him on his B.S… As you said Jim, I think we are hitting close to home.
I use “they” because there are soooo many individuals that are a part of the Deep State, that camp of corrupt individuals who are up to no good, and have the assistance of the mainstream media, various tech companies (for example YouTube taking down videos), various politicians, etc.

Thank you, Jim and mememonkey for replying to wildtravel. I just happened upon his comment claiming we are Deep State operatives
As a simple Granny I know bullshit. Then there is high-fluetin, shiny, polished bullshit. Quoting a lot of fine scholarly sources and talking in riddles. Funny, its still bullshit. Makes me chuckle though. AKGrannyWGrit

Thanks Chris,
You clearly lay out the reasons and sources for why this was lab-created. Journalists have to keep asking the question of how this really unusual insert occurred? It seems unlikely to have occurred naturally. There is ample evidence and reporting that can be cited that some of the doctors and virologists were involved in the exact type of research that could have produced an accident resulting in COVID-19.
That now is in the past. The second question is what can be salvaged from this? What can be learned and used to combat the virus. Unfortunately just when we need this sort of honesty and transparency from those who were involved in the research we are unlikely to get it because it would reveal their part in this mess.
All the best, Ted

Thank you so much, I got a good chuckle reading your comment. I felt insulted when I first read it, and I know my massage clients during my 20+ years practice would have also been incensed to hear someone call me a Deep State operative. Several of them cried when I left CA.

A deep tissue operative.  

Just a few quick thoughts.
I found the beginning with Dr Mikovits pretty compelling.
However, they really lost me by bringing in the Bakersfield knuckleheads. Especially when they spouted their unique theory of immunology which has people suddenly becoming immunologically naieve over a couple of months. You know, because they aren’t out getting re-challenged every day by pumping into other diseased folks.
Yeah, no. That’s not how it works.
If it were, then they could simply dig up all this amazing data showing how round-the-world sailors and people otherwise isolated for long stretches became sick when coming back into society’s fold.
It’s not a thing. It doesn’t work that way. Of course, the tetanus boosters every ten years, or the once-in-a-lifetime measles vaccine ought to have steered these fine gentlemen into some concerns over their theory’s validity.
Or maybe they should have stayed awake during those classes.
As I said - I wouldn’t want them as doctors.
But allowing such claims to be part of a documentary undermines it pretty badly.
Here’s my rule for pushing the boundaries of ‘acceptable thinking’; you can’t make silly mistakes when doing so. It gives your detractors both ammunition and an easy out.

Jim H,
Thanks for the really good chuckle! Deep Tissue was my forte, I really enjoyed watching people transform, completely different person, from before to after, was inspiring to me.