Bombshell! Covid-19 Virus Lab-Made? Fauci Connected?

Too technical for me but this pre-print suggests a method of natural evolution of the furin cleavage site.

Feels like a “webs we weave to deceive”! The answer is: Man made, was accidentally released and now the scientist that have garnered such acclaim in defense of the Human Race are now the subject of a massive cover up so that the Human Race doesn’t lose the only hope they have which is our scientists will fix this! Are we sure? I am so glad I have found myself in the company of you Good Folks at this time of my life and History! Can’t wait to see Brad play The Man, who by the way has lost a little bit of his God like sheen as he should have mentioned this stuff a long time ago. Something smells and Fauci has some explaining to do. I wondered why the briefings were cancelled, I loved them. I also wondered why Fauci wasn’t at a lot of them at the end. Was this because the story was ready to be released and Fauci could have had to answer a lot of questions from the press? You have to look at everything and this too causes me to sit back and think. Folks, up to you to figure this stuff out, you can’t trust anyone. Peace

Good morning. I don’t know if the Guardian report is accurate. I am numb with the amount of information that I have read - and when I have read it.
But if you accept from memory - I think I posted the original somewhere on the site. The very first death in Europe was a Chinaman - I retain that it was a man, a tourist, who died in France. Here is a reference.
The Mulhouse cluster had important implications for spreading the virus around in France.
I did not see the date mentioned, but there was a decree by the European government to close the frontier - visas - with China. France was the only country that did not do this - because of commercial relationships with China.

On 31 January, Marie Fontanel, the President counselor for solidarity and health, quit her job to help her husband in the coming municipal elections. She would be replaced only one month later.[41] The same day, all the countries of the Schengen Area, except France, suspended the issuing of visas in China.[42
Marie Fontanel is the equivalent to Mr Fauci for President Trump. That she would not be replaced for a month meant that the French president went without a health councillor - not exactly ideal for a country about to enter an epidemy. This is also what we up against. Comedy of errors on one side, Fleeing her post along with the Minister of Health, Agnès Buzyn who tried to get elected as mayor of Paris.

Thought I would share this long interview with RFK, Jr. In the first 30 minutes he totally dwarfs the problems with the virus AND the lockdown!
Things are actually worse, folks. This is a long one, but perfectly suited to our situation.

I tried to get the article/video from before posting. Whatever reason, I can never find his current stuff. Seems should make it easier to find.

I saw this on TF Metal’s twitter
Hard to know what to believe in this storyline when you can go back and reorganize the beginnings.

As I have stated since the beginning of our coverage in the thread called, “Hydroxychloroquine vs The Deep State”, for those who are not entirely awake this is your chance to see the machine in action, in real time. One of the very excellent sources of medical information during this crisis has been MedCram, which is a teaching video production company run in part by pulmonologist Dr. Seheult.
Here is what Dr. Seheult felt obliged to mention this morning - his earlier videos where he mentions the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine are being taken down by Youtube. Realize please that this is a DIGITAL BOOK BURNING. We are fighting against true Nazi tactics here… The Deep State thinks they can create a narrative… create their own truth… really, seriously… this is what is happening. Please, please wake your friends up to this;

Bill Craig
I came here for the cleavage sights.

I clicked on the link you provided, which I liked seeing duckduckgo in it, and got this cranky rude message:

YouTube Privacy Warning

YouTube (owned by Google) does not let you watch videos anonymously. As such, watching YouTube videos here will be tracked by YouTube/Google."

Wow, I'm going to see if I can find it a different way. Linda

Pepe Escobar continues to offer deep insights into the geopolitical side. His latest article delves into religion and racial bias playing leading roles in the historical and ongoing demonization of China and other non-white cultures. It certainly provides more to ponder about the great global strategic chess game.

Jim or anyone - are there ways to take YouTube videos off for private storage? One of the reasons I wish Chris’ work was in transcript is that it is easier to preserve against just this sort of narrative management action.

I saw that too (the Medcram YT video) and although Dr. Seheult sticks strictly to medical discussions, I was disappointed that he basically forgave YT for taking down the video with the comment that “Youtube has a big job to do in terms of policing the videos…” While he used that comment to push viewing his videos on his proprietary site, where his videos are not censored, I wish he wouldn’t have made an excuse for YT taking down the video. After all, he is a critical care specialist and pulmonologist who is presently working in an LA hospital ICU with Covid-19 patients (and takes time out to make these informative videos), yet his uploads discussing “verboten” topics are removed. That is just scary.

I’m not a scientist, but I’m wondering if this is relevant to the SARSCov2?
Charles Lieber, a nanotechnology professor and researcher at Harvard was arrested in late January 2020 for secretly being paid by the Chinese government (specifically for work at the Wuhan lab) as well as receiving NIH funding for his work with virus-sized transistors that can enter cells and remain undetected by those cells. Could this be used to insert the novel sequence in question?
Attached is the 2011 Harvard Magazine article describing his work. There was a 2020 article describing his research, but I cannot find it online now.

Wow… I’ve watched a lot of his videos and have enjoyed and appreciated each one. The scale and scope of their digital book burnings, social & TV media misinformation stategies is breathtaking. And scary. I read last week, don’t remember what article, but I remember the analogy to this being a 9/11 health event. This time around though “they” don’t have, sorta do in China, a convenient target to demonize. (I have 2 of David Ray Griffin’s books about 9/11 and in the first one I loved the way chapter by chapter he addressed the so called “evidence” to show it was all a bunch of crap, which people bough hook line and sinker. Sheeple with no brains and common sense, I’ve always hated that expression, “common” implies everyone should have it. NOT!!) China did the hands on work, but we funded it and most likely did some work here too.
This means Chris’ videos may not last long on YouTube either…

Dr. Anthony Fauci, whose “expert” advice to President Trump has resulted in the complete shutdown of the greatest economic engine in world history, has known since 2005 that chloroquine is an effective inhibitor of coronaviruses.

How did he know this? Because of research done by the National Institutes of Health, of which he is the director. In connection with the SARS outbreak - caused by a coronavirus dubbed SARS- CoV - the NIH researched chloroquine and concluded that it was effective at stopping the SARS coronavirus in its tracks. The COVID-19 bug is likewise a coronavirus, labeled SARS-CoV-2. While not exactly the same virus as SARS-CoV-1, it is genetically related to it, and shares 79% of its genome, as the name SARS-CoV-2 implies. They both use the same host cell receptor, which is what viruses use to gain entry to the cell and infect the victim.

The Virology Journal - the official publication of Dr. Fauci’s National Institutes of Health - published what is now a blockbuster article on August 22, 2005, under the heading - get ready for this - “Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread.” (Emphasis mine throughout.) Write the researchers, “We report...that chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV infection of primate cells. These inhibitory effects are observed when the cells are treated with the drug either before or after exposure to the virus, suggesting both prophylactic and therapeutic advantage.”

That means, of course, that Dr. Fauci (pictured at right) has known for 15 years that chloroquine and it’s even milder derivative hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) will not only treat a current case of coronavirus (“therapeutic”) but prevent future cases (“prophylactic”). So HCQ functions as both a cure and a vaccine. In other words, it’s a wonder drug for coronavirus. Said Dr. Fauci’s NIH in 2005, “concentrations of 10 μM completely abolished SARS-CoV infection.” Fauci’s researchers add, “chloroquine can effectively reduce the establishment of infection and spread of SARS-CoV.”


That’s an interesting association you make, Janie-Em.

Being raised myself on a diet of C.S Lewis, I must confess I never came across the Velveteen Rabbit.  
Taking a quick peek, it seems to be a great allegory at many levels for what we’re experiencing in these turbulent times.  

The plot-line appears to be almost a counterpoint to my 5 year old child’s experience of renouncing my imaginary friend, teddy. Whereas, in the Velveteen Rabbit it metamorphoses from an imaginary friend into a living being, doesn’t it?

Merging the two images, as you did, takes me to a passage from my dear Nietzsche, in Zarathustra’s discourse “Of Self Overcoming”:

“Whatever I create, and however much I love it - soon I have to oppose it and my love:  thus will my will have it,

Thus life once taught me: and with this teaching, do I solve the riddle of your hearts, you wisest men.
Truly I say unto you: Unchanging good and evil does not exist !  From out of themselves they must overcome themselves again and again.”

Nietzsche was speaking to the search for meaning and truth (epistemology).  That search remains irreconcilably divided between the followers of Immanuel Kant, who believe truth reveals itself ‘a priori’, and subjectively, from  existing truth (e.g. churches, conspiracy theorists, politicians and other snake oil salesmen), whereas the followers of Oliver Hume believe truth reveals itself ‘a posteriori’, from objective investigation (e.g. scientists, philosophers, the PP community).

Nevertheless, as followers of this thread will be aware, even amongst we amateur sleuths who seek the truth about this pandemic objectively, underneath every single post on this thread lurks Immanuel Kant and his “Critique of Pure Reason”.   When it comes to objectivity, none of us has clean hands.  So, how do we sift the wheat from the chaff, and the dross from the gold, not just in the truths others try to sell us, but in our own?

Despair not!  There is a BS detector.  Look for a claim’s philosophy of causation (aetiology).  As I suggested previously, find a logical fallacy and you find Kant.

By way of example, I see Jim H # 177 (reply to #171) is pleased that you see “The …machine that you are awakening to Janie.”  And what does Jim believe you see?  Why it is that “corrupt, global elite”.

Now, my BS detector redlined here.  The most common of all falsehoods, the old Post Hoc Propter Hoc logical fallacy (e.g. The rooster crowed, then the sun rose, therefore the rooster caused the sun to rise): 

Major premise: Janie says she’s frustrated on the lack of media connecting the pandemic and the “people behind it”,

Minor premise: The people behind it are a “corrupt, global elite” (drum roll here),

Conclusion: The corrupt global elite did it just like Janie said!!! (play twilight zone theme here)

Uh, no Jim, even Blind Freddy can see that by definition, in every human endeavour there are people behind it (post hoc). And no, Jim, Freddy and I can’t see a single shred of evidence for the existence of a corrupt global elite, and least of all in this logic (propter hoc).  So sorry, Jim, as Chris puts it, black eye for you trying to sell us such a logically fallacious conclusion.  
Nice try Jim, but no cigar.

But wait, Jim, don’t you tell us this “elite” wants us to “…create bogeymen when they say so…” …  ( duh dee duh duh, duh dee duh duh).  Thanks 
for the heads up Jim, that you are part of this sinister and murky elite.  I believe you.  (Fade out on twilight zone theme)

Hi Linda,

I see you believe Jim about this “corrupt global elite”, the “Deep State”, “they” as you call them.  I believe Jim too.

“We are fighting against true Nazi tactics here... The Deep State thinks they can create a narrative.. create their own truth.. really, seriously.”

Horrifying.  Imagine that, “they” “create their own truth” and want you to “ “...create bogeymen when they say so...”  Mercy me!

On this basis, I want to thank you both, Linda and Jim for outing yourselves as Deep State operatives.