Bombshell! Covid-19 Virus Lab-Made? Fauci Connected?

Granny, as I said, I never doubted you have a heart of gold and try to live in the world in good will and good faith towards yourself, others and nature.  As I do.

I’m cool to disagree on PPE and social distancing, providing that if we ever meet, please don’t threaten to shoot me and give me a hug if I ask you to put a mask on?

Fair enough! I will muzzle my tasers as well.

Unfortunately, Janie Em, you are right. Speaking of the banality of evil, you may be aware of the famous Milgram Study designed to test the willingness of people to follow authority.
Here’s a link:
I have to admit, when I learned of this study in my late teens or early 20’s in college, I realized I could have easily been one of those people turning up the lever upon command. Not now of course, I’m a much more independent thinker and I’m a lot older, but the study all too clearly shows how easily we are manipulated and subject to illusion.
As for Fauci, I have complained bitterly to Trump about him. Did not like that guy the moment he was on my radar. I don’t think ‘ruthless’ quite captures it.

Yes we are fortunate to have Peak Prosperity. I used to read this site every day during the economic crash, ten years ago. It was the first place I came when I started reading about the pandemic, Chris and Adam and the people here are so helpful.
I read #160, fascinating. I think they are right about the HIV spike protein, and it will be interesting to see what the evidence ultimately shows about the virus. I think might possibly be like HIV and “hide” in the nerve cells, be dormant and then expressed in the body in times of stress, etc, but I’ll wait for the scientific studies.
I tend to disagree about this being a deliberate bioweapon leak. I don’t ascribe to malice was probably an accident.
I read a pre-print paper on BioRxiv, I think it was the site, now removed I believe, by a Chinese researcher who showed the virus probably originated in the lab in Wuhan. There was a story from another scientist at an adjacent lab, at the Wuhan Technology University who said he knew the female lab assistant researcher who was accidentally infected at the WIV and later died. I believe this is probably what occurred. Promotional photos of the workers at the lab, inadvertently revealed the faulty seal on the freezer that they were storing samples in, as well as their lack of PPE, no face shields, or eye protection, etc. It makes sense to me, having worked in labs before (though nothing this high level.) There is always the human element to contend with.
It was a relatively recently founded BL4 lab and the Chinese were eager to come up to speed with the rest of the world. It’s why I mentioned Dr. Charles Lieber, as he was courted by the CCP as part of their Thousand Talents Plan. He may have no bearing on this matter at all, but it’s indicative of what the CCP is trying to achieve. Sometimes in science, people get so caught up in the race, that they cut corners and the result is disaster.
I see the organizational failure of the WIV and the CCP, as somewhat similar to the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster here in the U.S.A. At the time, NASA was so intent on their program that the top down pressured culture silenced the people who were lower down in the hierarchy, who could have prevented the accident. This same CCP culture is why we can’t rely on labs doing GOF research to ensure the world’s safety. It’s just too risky.

Factions are not shy about advocating bio-warfare nor are they entirely circumspect in sharing their desire to dominate the world. (I have excerpted and edited her post.)
[T]he now defunct neoconservative think tank Project for a New American Century (PNAC), openly promoted the use of a race-specific genetically modified bioweapon as a “politically useful tool.” In “Rebuilding America’s Defenses,”

“… [future] combat likely will take place in new dimensions: in space, “cyber-space,” and perhaps the world of microbes…advanced forms of biological warfare that can “target” specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.”
And the U.S. Air Force in “Biotechnology: Genetically Engineered Pathogens,”
“The JASON group, composed of academic scientists, served as technical advisers to the U. S. government. Their study generated six broad classes of genetically engineered pathogens that … include ….gene therapy as a weapon … and designer diseases (emphasis added).”
The greatest competitors to the USA: Russian and China
….[T]he Pentagon has been open about the fact that it is devoting much of its resources towards the containment of what it considers the two greatest threats to U.S. military hegemony: Russia and China. China has been cited as the greatest threat of the two by several Pentagon officials.... at the Aspen Security Forum last July.
. The Question
So, why then, would the US Department of Defense be doing bio-warfare research jointly within former Soviet nations and China?
Whitney Web in Unz Review, does a review of the diverse US based and US funded bio-warfare efforts with attention to those being conducted in China and the Former USSR nations.
“Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) began spending millions on such [bioweapons] research in 2018 and some of those Pentagon-funded studies were conducted at known U.S. military bioweapons labs bordering China and former Soviet Nations. …Like much of the Pentagon’s controversial research programs, the bats as bioweapons research has been framed as defensive. …. However, a group of well-respected, independent scientists revealed in a scathing analysis of the program that, far from a “defensive” research project, the Insect Allies program was aimed at creating and delivering new class of biological weapon.
  Georgia, former USSR
Pentagon’s open interest in bats as bioweapons was announced in 2018, the U.S. military began funding research involving bats and deadly pathogens, including the coronaviruses MERS and SARS, a year prior in 2017. One of those studies focused on “Bat-Borne Zoonotic Disease Emergence in Western Asia” and involved the former Soviet nation of Georgia, identified by former Georgian government officials, the Russian government and independent, investigative journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva as a covert U.S. bioweapons lab.
. Kazakhstan, former USSR
The Kazakhstan-based Research Institute for Biological Safety Problems is another Pentagon-funded “bioweapons labs” in the Central Asian former USSR country of Kazakhstan. A study, entirely funded by the US department of Defense, discovered still more new strains of “novel bat coronavirus” was published just last year. Titled “Discovery and Characterization of Novel Bat Coronavirus Lineages from Kazakhstan,” The study’s authors are affiliated with either the Kazakhstan-based Research Institute for Biological Safety Problems and/or Duke University. The Research Institute for Biological Safety Problems, though officially a part of Kazakhstan’s National Center for Biotechnology, has received millions from the U.S. government, most of it coming from the Pentagon’s Cooperative Threat Reduction Program. It is the Kazakhstan government’s official depository of “highly dangerous animal and bird infections, with a collection of 278 pathogenic strains of 46 infectious diseases.”
. Wuhan, China The Wuhan Institute of virology published a paper, "Discovery of Novel Bat Coronaviruses in Sought China That Use the Same Receptor as MERS-COV." Lead author, Shi Zheng-Li, the "bat lady." The study was jointly funded by
1) the Chinese government’s Ministry of Science and Technology, 2) USAID — an organization long alleged to be a front for U.S. intelligence, and the 3) U.S. National Institute of Health — which has collaborated with both the CIA and the Pentagon on infectious disease and bioweapons research 4) [and the pentagon through the PREEMPT program.] Duke University is also jointly partnered with China’s Wuhan University. Notably, China’s Wuhan University Institute of Medical Virology has worked closely with the US Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) since the 1980s, according to its website.
So we have a cooperative/competitive relationship between the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the UNC Chapel-Hill group that includes Ralph Baric, both are actively creating chimeric coronaviruses seeking the best combinations of transmissibility, lethality and breadth (range of species that can be infected). Zhengli trained with Baric at UNC, and Baric visits Wuhan. .------ Building the “Chinese Bioweapon” Narrative Radio Free Asia lead the narrative creation effort (as described by Webb).
…Radio Free Asia [is] the U.S.-government funded media outlet targeting Asian audiences that used to be run covertly by the CIA and named by the New York Times as a key part in the agency’s “worldwide propaganda network.” Though it is no longer run directly by the CIA, it is now managed by the government-funded Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), which answers directly to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who was the [prior] CIA director. …. the Washington Times soon took [the narrative] much farther in a report titled “Virus-hit Wuhan has two laboratories linked to Chinese bio-warfare program.” That article, much like Radio Free Asia’s earlier report, cites a single source for that claim, former Israeli military intelligence biowarfare specialist Dany Shoham. Upon reading the article, Shoham does not even directly make the claim cited in the article’s headline, as he only told the Washington Times that: “Certain laboratories in the [Wuhan] institute have probably been engaged, in terms of research and development, in Chinese [biological weapons], at least collaterally, yet not as a principal facility of the Chinese BW alignment.” While Shoham’s claims are clearly speculative [and tangential], it is telling that the Washington Times would bother to cite him at all, especially given the key role he played in promoting false claims that the 2001 Anthrax attacks was the work of Iraq’s Saddam Hussein. Shoham’s assertions about Iraq’s government and weaponized Anthrax, which were used to bolster the case for the 2003 invasion of Iraq, have since been proven completely false.
Conclusion: It is my suspicion, that the locating of labs developing biowarfare agents within the national borders of one’s competitors could be a set up for a false flag following the general blue-print of Saddam Hussein’s fictitious anthrax attacks. We can withdraw our support for the USA vs China narrative by noticing that both countries were making highly dangerous chimeric coronaviruses.

Jim H, you need to summarize and review this article for us!
I completely agree with it.

Another great post. Whitney Webb is a real muckracking journalist and she documents everything.
Not sure how I found Ms. Webb’s article on the 201 event/crimson tide/dark winter (it may have been comments section on youtube from one of Chris’ videos), but I’m glad I found her. Never knew about Dark Winter!
Just in case anyone’s interested in reading more from Whitney Webb, she does a great job of exposing these strange simulations. For instance, Dark Winter was a simulation of a bioweapon attack, just a few months before the anthrax attacks. I had no idea a simulation was done resembling the anthrax attack just before the anthrax attack!
Gawd, these guys are cheeky.
In case anyone wants to read it, here’s the link:
She also did a piece on the POS Epstein, though I have not read that one yet.
Back to your post, I’m seeing a lot of china bashing in different comments sections… the consent for war with china is getting manufactured in real time.
PS: Use duckduckgo as ya’ll’s search engine, let’s take a little bite out of the surveillance apparatus.

Thanks for the reply, wildtravel. Yes, my title for the comment may have been interpreted in a more aggressive way than I intended, with the word “violated”. Sorry about that, Granny.

The Guardian reported on a report about face masks which has, supposedly, divided the scientific community. However, I didn’t notice any critical scientist saying what the downsides are supposed to be. I can’t figure out medical scientists on this except that most research seems to be funded by companies with an incentive to do bad research.
Very interesting latest video from Chris about this virus being made by humans. What are the implications if true?
Jan. 28, 2020
For months, news has been trickling out about the prosecution of scientists, mainly Chinese graduate students and researchers working in American laboratories.

In 2011, the documents say, he signed an agreement to become a “strategic scientist” at Wuhan University of Technology in China, entitling him to a $50,000 monthly salary, $150,000 in annual in living expenses and more than $1.5 million for a second laboratory in Wuhan. In 2013, he celebrated the founding of a joint laboratory, the WUT-Harvard Joint Nano Key Laboratory.

I’ve used Duckduckgo for 10+ years in addition to Firefox from Mozilla, plus several ad-blockers and other add-ons for additional privacy, inc Privacy Badger, Adblock Plus, and AdGuard AdBlocker.
Just finished listening to “Shelter in Place with Shane Smith & Edward Snowden”, an interview from April this year, I don’t remember if someone had mentioned here or not, but just in case someone hasn’t…
A couple of quotes: "“Mobile phone is your new ankle bracelet…” “What is being built is the architecture of oppression”- Snowden

A few weeks back the media was referring to Chris as a “financial guru turned early coronavirus warner.” I was having a discussion with someone how I thought it was inappropriate , especially considering the site Chris runs. So, as I spoke further , I realized the person did not fully understand the definition of the word “prosperity.”
And I see little that would not put the virus in the full scope of what Chris’ and Adam’s site is fully about. I would have never have defined the site as an exclusive financial advisement site. And certainly would not define Chris as morphing from one thing into another. So, I looked up the definition of the word prosperity for the person I was conversing with.

Prosperity is the state of flourishing, thriving, good fortune or successful social status. Prosperity often encompasses wealth but also includes other factors which can be independent of wealth to varying degrees, such as happiness and health. -wikipedia
So, with that said, I correct the misbegotten media's reference to Chris' work.

criticisms I have heard from healthcare workers and from others here:

  1. Masks inspire confidence causing people to stop worrying about other precautions like distancing and not touching your face
  2. a dirty mask could transmit the virus (people keep reusing them and touching them without cleaning them)
  3. people don’t wear them properly and don’t get a good seal, or pull them down to talk.
    If the virus is man made it is our little Frankenstein and we get to learn from the virus how it will behave, as opposed to learning from more closely related viruses like we do with new flu viruses. Worst case this could mean that we won’t know it’s long term consequences for years. Thinking 9/11 health effects as an example.

More and more voices are being raised against the fake news on HCQ… here is one from Twitter;
And here is what Dr. Shiva is saying about HCQ;

…I’ll be happy to give Granny a hug. No PPE required. I’ll just be sure to keep on taking my Quercetin and zinc and Glutathione/NAC/Vit C/sunlight/etc.
VIVA – Sager

Coronavirus: Are Our Scientists Lying To Us? (5/4/20)

Yes, I am, thank you!
“Milgram’s experiments, in a way, produced horrifying results showing that 65% people didn’t stop giving shocks.
It’s now believed that one of the reasons why obedience to authority is so powerful is because it is the innate behavior of humans to obey what they are told. It is HOW WE ARE BROUGHT UP.”
Thank you so much for referencing this study.
What keeps coming to my mind is how well brought up many of the players in this pandemic are. They are all smart, accomplished people. From the little I know, Fauci comes from a middle class Catholic family, as does Melinda Gates. Bill from a prominent Congregationalist family, but now he and Melinda attend Catholic Church. My point is that all of them were from families that emphasized order, obedience, social networking, and charity. There is much to be admired and lauded about their backgrounds, and I do. I think they are striving to do the right thing, as they know it.
But… I also think they are like the teachers in the Milgram experiment, so eager to instruct, to teach, to be charitable, that they forget to pause and reflect about what exactly the results of their actions are.

Yes, VeganDB12, I’ve heard some of those criticisms but have not seen evidence presented that those downsides are either real or worse than no masks. Personally, I find wearing a mask makes me more aware of wanting to touch my face, so I avoid it. I certainly have seen a lot of people wearing masks badly but wonder if that is more a case of not educating people on the correct use. In any case, the more people who do wear them correctly, or in a way that’s better than nothing, the better for all of us.
Mind you, the thing I cringe at most is people who ought to know better wearing masks poorly, such as some doctors and nurses. Politicians also should set an example but rarely do.

...I'll be happy to give Granny a hug. No PPE required. I'll just be sure to keep on taking my Quercetin and zinc and Glutathione/NAC/Vit C/sunlight/etc. VIVA -- Sager
That would be awesome! Thank you Sager you made my day! Virtual hugs, very fun.

Some samples from patients in December have been retested for Covid-19 and one was found to be positive (after multiple re-tests). So, France had a case in late December, a month before its first official case, but the source is unknown as the man (since recovered) had not travelled abroad recently.