Bombshell! Covid-19 Virus Lab-Made? Fauci Connected?

I have seen this in viral pathogens, like HIV. And, since COV2, which is a modified virus, was provided with HIV, long-chain, genetic material…it is quite possible the specific HIV splice used was chosen to provide COV2 with HIV’s ability to alter its genetic signature enough to present as a new virus, or strain.
We used to call this characteristic “phase-shifting,” wherein a virus would “shuffle” a portion of its RNA sequence just enough to fool the human immune system into considering it to be a new viral invader and causing the immune system to create new lymphocytes, macrophages, and antibodies to fight it.
This ability of a virus to alter its code enough to seem to be a brand new virus, which we specifically adapted for use in biowarfare viral pathogens, makes creating a vaccine impossible for such an pathogen, unless it targets the non-shifting portion of the virus protein coating.
This is why you have not seen an effective vaccine for HIV, and, if COV2 was provided this same ability with its HIV splice, you will never see a vaccine for it, too.
But, FEAR NOT! Instead of a vaccine, which relies on a stable genetic signature, a phase-shifting virus can be effected by a nucleotide serum, designed to attach to the “shifting” virus, via a specific receptor, which has the effect of preventing the virus from being able to scramble its signature. Basically, when the serum attaches to the virus, it freezes its signature at that time…and, if the immune system is still able, the body can deal with the pathogen, which can no longer evade targeted antibodies.
The problem with a serum is determining the sequence of its genetic material so it may attach and stop the virus from shifting. This is a very hard thing to do, and few countries have this capability.
This is why the biowarfare pathogens we developed, which use the phase-shifting capability to make any enemy counter to it impossible, have an established serum already developed, BEFORE, the pathogen is put into play.
But, things can happen! I asked my instructor, when being trained in these type of weapons…“What happens if the receptor on the virus mutates in the natural environment…or…if the virus, once it is worldwide, naturally mutates in such a way as to make our nucleotide serum for it cease to work?”
“In that case,” he said, “even our familiarity with the pathogen would not allow us to formulate a new, effective, serum…and we are all screwed.”
“Why would we EVER release such a weapon?” I asked, alarmed.
“To avoid the outbreak of an imminent nuclear war,” the instructor replied. “At the first indication of an eventual war,” he explained, "the weapon is released and it begins to create casualties in various populations around the world. AS the world begins to panic, and efforts to control the new disease fail, we eventually let the enemy government come to understand WE have a cure for the disease, which we will gladly let them have…IF they stand down their forces and perform other tasks, which we wish them to do.
“Even if you NUKE us, and WIN the war, the pathogen will STILL BE OUT THERE, and will eventually KILL ALL OF YOU…and the cure we have for it will vanish with your victory.”
If the virus was released on purpose, it would mean a serum may exist. If the virus was accidentally released, there may not have been any time before hand to develop a cure. So, it is always better for such an agent to be a deliberate release.
I just hope the COV2 virus display of rapid mutation and all the new strains, are not just mistaken symptoms for a virus, which has the ability to phase-shift…just like HIV.

Hi, Ision, The master reveals a bit more. Muchas gracias, Amigo.
I think the CCP has some defence against the virus because the top brass hasn’t been affected and they brag their navy is not infected.
To stop this bug, I think the best defence is to beef up the immune system, create poor conditions for its survival, have a supplement protocol for each antigenic piece, be ever vigilant, wear PPE and follow disinfection procedures, knowing you will be exposed but keep the viral load as low as possible. All these supplements and protocols have been discussed at PP. Self discipline is the name of the game.
If valid, many dots of the disease get connected; it certainly checks a bunch of my bias boxes.
Need someone smarter on this subject to look at… Chris??
And CDC has updated numbers cutting HBV deaths almost in half?
Whoa, mangled the link.
To the reduced CDC count, I might suspect transcription error first because I see no motivation for CDC to downward revise. The yearly flu claims seem to be an order of magnitude inflated.
As of today it looks like CDC is running with the adjustment. Where does worldometer get data??

Sorry to disabuse you of the notion that " Unfortunately, India has lost much of its ancient scientific knowledge and much of the population has devolved into the superstition and poverty we see today. " Nothing could be further from the truth. I have lived in India and have been travelling there for decades. It produces some of the most talented IT , engineering, and medical professionals in the world. It has a middle class more than 2x the size of the population of the US. Is there poverty ? yes. but your characterization is a gross misrepresentation

…from the Guardian’s live feed (hopefully will be a full story soon):
Two key points:

  • Excess deaths were significantly higher than official Covid-19 deaths (which is a pattern well-established elsewhere), and
  • The excess was particularly severe in the areas hardest hit by Covid-19, with some areas - Rome and Palermo - actually experiencing a fall in deaths compared with the 5 year average.
To me this suggests that lockdown has an aggregate effect of reducing mortality (Rome and Palermo had lockdown but not much Covid) and therefore majority of the whole excess deaths effect (and then more) is likely caused by Covid-19.

So let’s see if I get this straight. We’re doomed, we’re screwed, we’re all gonna die, etc.
The pandemic could also all be fine with the arrival of summer, the natural peaking of the cycle, and the endpoint of the HCQ PREP clinical trials. And Zelenko may have something to say about it pretty soon too. Fat lady = hasn’t yet performed.
I don’t know about you, but I’m not gonna sit here and hide in my bunker and stress out about it. Stress & fear = guaranteed to reduce efficiency of my immune system. Why on earth would I do that to myself?
You all can do what you want, but - I know I have a vote as to how it turns out for me. I’m going to exercise my vote. I want a positive outcome.
Just saying.

Thank you for this article, which I find very interesting, as she hits upon the same things I have been concerned with since the late 1970s. But, I especially concur with her experiences during the 1980s response to AIDS…when I was first shocked by all the deliberate lies coming from government sources.
If all a virus does is to change its genetic signature (phase-shift) on a clocked basis in tune with the human immune response, it will cause the complete collapse of the immune system…just by depleting its resources. It does not need to attack immune cells directly, only to evade their products (by changing its spots), as it continues to goad those immune cells and the entire immune system into exhaustion.
I also agree with her on the virus contaminated vaccines, as I was personally injected with such contaminated vaccines by order of the government, along with my wife. We both developed the same rare cancer, in exactly the same location, within a year of each other. It was then I discovered the batch of vaccine I was given had been contaminated in production with a virus known to cause the cancers my wife and I were afflicted with. Lucky for us, we both survived what was normally an 80% fatal cancer, seen only in very old chronic smokers…and not in non-smoking, young adults.
In biowarfare concepts, vaccines are always considered as a means to distribute products into populations without them knowing.
So, once a weapon has achieved its intended goal, or to limit “back-splash,” a campaign to vaccinate the desired population takes place…usually for reasons having nothing to do with the bioweapon…and we just include the weapon’s “off-switch” in the mix.
With a disease, people tend to blame God’s Will to explain its comings and goings…and the mysteries it may engender.

Dr. Mikovits talks about how wearing masks can be detrimental and make us sick. But might protect others. Sounds like long term wearing of masks is really bad for the wearer.
Watch the video above and decide for yourself.

As per Rudyard Kipling: “Din!Din!Din! You Lazarushian-leather Gunga Din! Tho’ I’ve belted you an’ flayed you, By the livin’ Gawd that made you, You’re a better man than I am, Gunga Din!”
Thank G*d for the English, don’t cha know.

I mean no disrespect to any of the folks who have enthusiastically engaged with the website beginning in 2020, but if you have 2020 join date, I barely even read your comments.
Why? I unfairly presume that you have a hoarder mentality. Hoarders have nothing to offer this community. Neither do denial theorists (future hoarders). If you have a mind for Peak Prosperity-type topics, you would have been here much sooner. I apologize if I have pigeon-holed anyone, who like me, waited many years before becoming a subscriber.
We’re not here to pat each other on the back about our belief systems and like-mindedness; we’re here to offer the best of ourselves to each other in the hopes of creating “a future worth inheriting”. This isn’t a forum for misguided culture wars.
Do you know how to dig a well? Do you have experience with animal husbandry? Can you identify edible plants? Bravo if you were captain of the debate team and want to take Chris on (he likely welcomes the challenge), but please don’t waste this forum’s time.
P.S. To the real trolls, I’m glad we’ll never see you behind the paywall.

Yes wildtravel, I think Fauci almost says this idea in one of his interviews. Yes, psychopathic comes to mind. The hubris and lack of empathy are evident. Also evident, but maybe I’m imagining it, is their enthusiasm for the spotlight and being the world’s “pandemic priests.”
If they really were intent on keeping the world safe from pandemics they would have kept the pressure on world governments to ban GOF research, lobbied for intense scrutiny and safety for all the BL4 labs around the world, tried to limit their number entirely,and funded global groups on lab safety. Instead they are funding BL4 labs and bioweapons research.
No wonder Gates left his Microsoft board seat, this career much more fun! How exciting is the no-flush toilet challenge compared to saving the world from a pandemic? Now he and Fauci are interviewed nightly on national television, they don’t have to wait for a TED talk spot. Their pandemic war game “Event 201” even had corona virus designed toy pillows . How cool is that!? /s
I am frustrated at the lack of media picking up the connections between this horrifically dangerous research and the people behind it, driving and funding it. As Chris has shown, some of the names, like Dazak, who are strongly denying the virus was lab created, and others not wanting a full investigation of the place of origin are part of the same gang who have been quietly driving this kind of research for years.
Here’s another name I’m interested in, Charles Leiber, the chair of the Chemistry Department at Harvard and an expert in chemical nanotechnology. His secrecy over ties with a lab in Wuhan, and subsequent arrest have me wondering if his research helps virologists and others to create bioweapons.
I hope we will soon see a grass-roots campaign for the banning of gain of function research and other kinds of this kind of bioweapon research. I fear this is just the beginning of a terrible new age and we must meet it with moral clarity.

Hi Sofistek,
Thanks for asking why I believe you unfairly judged AKGranny. You headlined your response to the clear breach of social distancing she described, saying “Gain consent before violating someone’s private space in the current crisis”. IMO you wrongly prejudged she had violated another person’s personal space. As she corrected, your prejudice was just plain wrong.
That being said, I share your concern that Granny boasted about breaching the social contract she owes to all humanity. IMO Granny is no different than all the other self-unaware people who deceive themselves they are the noble champions of society’s civil liberties, when IMO all they care about is themselves.
Perhaps I was deceiving myself too in coming to the defence of someone who considers my view on another issue “Hogwash!”, by partially agreeing with you both on this issue?
But then again I might have got it even further wrong by interpreting that fragment she wrote to you as an expression of her grief and sense of betrayal at what we have all lost to Covid. Maybe she didn’t mean ‘Everyone is suspect.’ ‘Accept me.’?
Or perhaps Granny unknowingly made a Freudian slip, and actually meant ‘Everyone is suspect, except me.”?
Mea culpa, if I too am guilty of holding self serving prejudices about both of you, that you are just like the rest of us, human, all too human, and going through the full catastrophe of trying to work through the stages of grieving; denial, bargaining, anger, self pity and hopefully ultimately acceptance?
See what I meant about us all being responsible for Covid 19 now, Granny?

This site has devolved. One video that had some good science and some good questions has turned this into

Aren’t we about to undertake the worse possible strategy in opening up social and commercial activity after just two months? We’ve given the virus the opportunity to stealthily infiltrate a broad geographic area of our country because of the less than perfect adherence to the stay at home orders. Asymptomatic carriers are now seeded across the country. Testing is still so poor as to be useless in prediction and no significant contact tracing capabilities are in place. Now we’re opening some of SC2’s favorite venues! The virus is going to be very happy to meet a whole slew of new hosts who are merrily attempting to recreate “life before COVID”! I totally understand the economic pain we’re all suffering. But doesn’t the current strategy virtually guarantee a huge uptick in infections and resultant deaths? Please feel free to adjust my thinking on this. Common sense and what little we know about this organism seems to indicate we are about to do something really stupid.
Check your your source of this, kinda sketchy

Yes, I better understand your point now. Thank you for clarifying.
Often we hear pronouncements like “people get the government they voted for and deserve”. This seems to me to excuse criminal and bad behavior and blame those who have been duped. Your statement sounded similar to me. “We are all responsible for Covid-19”. You see the predicament’s differently but I do see you are not blaming anyone but rather explaining your perception.
That being said, I share your concern that Granny boasted about breaching the social contract she owes to all humanity. IMO Granny is no different than all the other self-unaware people who deceive themselves they are the noble champions of society’s civil liberties, when IMO all they care about is themselves.
Interesting, but harsh. If I only cared about myself I would not have offered a distraught friend a hug. And, it seems to me we as a society are so focused on the disease we have forgotten that we are truly social animals. Isn’t it interesting that touch in our society is more frequently displayed as an act of violence than a loving hug? A sad representation of the state of our society. The message - don’t get too close they are dirty” seems to be the virus motto, IMHO. And your perception is that I am self-unaware and self deceptive? Amazing, your thoughts, they give me a chuckle.? AKGrannyWGrit

Janie-em said,

I am frustrated at the lack of media picking up the connections between this horrifically dangerous research and the people behind it, driving and funding it. As Chris has shown, some of the names, like Dazak, who are strongly denying the virus was lab created, and others not wanting a full investigation of the place of origin are part of the same gang who have been quietly driving this kind of research for years.
The mass media is part of the machine that you are awakening to Janie... an integral part. The mass media is captured.. at least most of it. The NYT, WAPO, CNN.. these and many more are all mouthpieces for this corrupt, globalist elite... the same elite that wants to have wars when they say so, create bogeymen when they say so, and destroy individual politicians or entire countries (i.e. Libya) that would get in their way. Maybe you have not seen this when I have posted it in the past.. this is but a microcosm of the problem;

And well met, Janie-Em.  Aren’t we privileged to be a part of a community of first class “dot joiners” on this thread?  There are some fabulous insights here developing on Chris’s reporting.

The more I learn about this nightmare, the more I lament throwing my teddy in the fire when I was about 5!

Did you get a chance to read Ision #160 (reply to #143) “SARS-COV-2 Is Able To Alter Its Genetic Signature”?  This person writes apparently authoritavely that the cut and shunt in SARS COV 2 inserted HIV material to make the virus a shape shifter.  And there is IMO a highly credible scenario presented explaining why this game might have been set in motion intentionally.  Absolutely diabolical.  

I’m experiencing another chilly sense of déjà vu here, as I remember the preparedness of the intelligence agencies to deliver their political masters the required beat up on Iraq’s WMDs.

Australia’s Prime Minister has apparently just received a briefing from Spook Central that suggests there is no evidence Covid 19 came from the WIV.  And we needn’t be concerned either, about the WIV collaboration with Australia’s Gene Shears experts in a level 4 lab about 100 km from me.  They’re good blokes, so she’ll be right, mate.

I’m beginning to wonder if there is even any point in attempting to get to the truth, when the truth is that the truth doesn’t matter.  That which is real in its perception is real in its consequences.  Total war is here when it’s not here, and not here when it’s here.

Thank you Sandpuppy. I’m reposting one of the articles you cited again in case anybody missed it:
17+ Intelligence agencies and counting and they keep missing crucial, very important intel? It’s funny how they would rather we believe they’re incompetent!