Bombshell! Covid-19 Virus Lab-Made? Fauci Connected?

Wow, I finally had a chance to look at this (after planting some sweet potato slips in soil so they can grow some more until the soil is warm enough to be planted outside).
“The BIGGEST Next Battle on COVID-19 That You Don’t Know Your Position On Yet”
I found the timeline included in the very first comment below the article, not to say the article wasn’t interesting either, both interesting and disturbing, and the ones that especially caught my eye:
“2017-Dr Fauci said there will be a surprise outbreak during the Trump administration. He said this in a speech in January 2017 -given at Georgetown University on Pandemic Preparedness
2019, the Strategic National Stockpile was transferred from the CDC to BARDA, and BARDA’s budget was increased by $722 million to a total of $2.2 billion. The stockpiles for life-saving medicines and medical equipment had been depleted during the bogus H1N1 influenza epidemic in 2009. The emergency stockpile was never replenished with essential medical equipment, therapeutics, or personal protective equipment (PPE) for doctors and nurses. The lives of both patients in need of ventilators, and the lives of medical professionals were put at increased risk of death.
September 20, 2019 – ID2020 and partners launch program to provide digital ID with vaccines
October 18, 2019 Bill Gates funded study of Event 201 at John Hopkins University along with the World Economic Forum, simulating a pandemic eerily similar to Wuhan Virus. Attended by George Gao of China CDC
2019-November 7. Bill Gates predicted a coronavirus-style pandemic would sweep the population in a Netflix documentary , in episode titled Next Pandemic. In the episode, titled The Next Pandemic, producers visit a wet market in Lianghua, China, where animals are killed and their meat is sold in the same place. Bit of Preprogramming there me thinks
2019- Dec 16, China has announced the goal of launching an innovative national vaccine tracking system before March 31, 2020. According to media reporting by China Daily on December 16, 2019, a recent circular jointly issued by the National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) and the National Health Commission says ‘this system will enable the traceability of all vaccines on the Chinese market.
January 13, 2020, Agnes Buzyn, still France’s Health Minister, classifies chloroquine as a “poisonous substance,” from now on only available by prescription. An astonishing move, considering that it has been sold off the shelf in France for half a century.
January 15, 2020 China and US sign trade deal where China promises to protect US intellectual property rights (eg patents on drugs, vaccines, etc)
January -2020 , World Economic Forum’s release of the White Paper Reimagining Digital Identity: A Strategic Imperative. A paper written with financial support from the ID2020 partner Accenture with the message that the world is in need for a more secure digital identification because of “fraud, identity theft and misuse or abuse of personal data” in the current fragmented systems.
January 23, 2020. The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) unveiled funding for early-stage vaccine programs.
Cambridge based Moderna disclosed that it’s working with federal researchers on a candidate, and now it’ll have financial backing from CEPI.”
Snippets from other comments:
“In a very toxic world, a healthcare system that can’t or won’t talk about detoxification, nutrition, and vitamin deficiencies/supplements, but only likely more toxic pharmaceuticals and possibly toxic vaccines (flu vaccines that still have mercury in them, for instance) is a healthcare system that no one needs.”
Has anyone else heard about this or read anything about this?
“Its not you exactly, but when I learned that the test kits provided by the CDC (a private company) were contaminated with covid19 it provokes the thought that WTF how does that even happen?”
Another one which is spooky:
“I asked Dr. Rasnick what advice he has for people who want to be tested for COVID-19.
“Don’t do it, I say, when people ask me,” he replies. “No healthy person should be tested. It means nothing but it can destroy your life, make you absolutely miserable.” …
“Every time somebody takes a swab, a tissue sample of their DNA, it goes into a government database. It’s to track us,” says David Rasnick. “They’re not just looking for the virus. Please put that in your article.” …”

“First raise the bogeyman of an imaginary global threat from some unspecified foe, to justify making that threat real, to defend against the non existent threat. That worked well, didn’t it?
And now the genie is out of the bottle yet again, and what we had is gone. I for one would like to see these psychopaths who caused this unprecedented human tragedy brought to account.”
Geez, having we poisoned the earth and its inhabitants enough? Apparently not.
I agree with you, they’re psychopaths (to put it mildly) and I would love to see them brought to account, but unfortunately, we don’t have a very good track record of bringing psychopaths and monsters to justice. It usually takes many years, sometimes one or two generations go by… and a huge outcry and a LOT of people calling for justice. I am not sure if the sheeple’s have it in them to join in with us truth-seekers, but hopefully it’s still early enough in this disastrous fiasco to start hearing from them.

Here’s the paper about the D614G strain, from Los Alamos National Labs and Sheffield UK.

From the abstract:

The mutation Spike D614G is of urgent concern; it began spreading in Europe in early February, and when introduced to new regions it rapidly becomes the dominant form. Also, we present evidence of recombination between locally circulating strains, indicative of multiple strain infections. These finding have important implications for SARS-CoV-2 transmission, pathogenesis and immune interventions.
A new strain of the virus has almost completely wiped out the old strain in just a month? Recombination indicative of multiple strain infections? Could one strain dominate the other within a single individual? I can hardly imagine how this is even possible. Can anybody make any sense of this?

I said it wasn’t normal, not that it was never done. I doubt Cleopatra could be thought of as the average woman.

Listening to the video now, but as far as downloading an app, not everyone has a smartphone to download an app, nor do they want one. I believe it was earlier this week, when I read an article that said 18% of Americans don’t have smartphones. I tried to find it but couldn’t unfortunately to include the link.

No, Granny, I didn’t assume you just grabbed her but it’s common for people to greet another with open arms for a hug. As your friend, she may have been uncomfortable in the current circumstances but didn’t want to offend her friend. Alaska may be loosening restrictions differently but, over here (in New Zealand), restrictions to do with physical distancing will be in place for some time, even when cafes, etc, open up, so hugging someone who isn’t in your “bubble” (a term used here for a small group who are living together with an allowance for including close relatives who are living separately). In our situation, I wouldn’t expect hugging of friends to return until we reach our lowest alert level or until we have eliminated the virus (zero new cases today but not eliminated).

Casey, if you think this is a hoax, why are you watching these videos? Chris Martenson raised the alarm on this very early and has been updating us ever since. Or maybe you just regard this as a sounding board for your ideas?
The idea that governments are tanking their economies around the globe, with the democratically elected leaders risking not getting back to power just to perpetrate some hoax and are collaborating globally on this, is, to me, a ridiculous notion.

I said it wasn’t normal, not that it was never done. I doubt Cleopatra could be thought of as the average woman.
Generations of women have used sugar paste for hair removal. They have used jewelry and hair combs. Gotten tattoos, soaked in fermented milk to lighten the skin and exfoliate. It is all normal. Really you want to tell Granny what is normal regarding women's beauty rituals?

It is very technical, but I know from my locale at least one person had infection with 2 strains of the virus.

Wildtravel, what do you think I unfairly judged about granny?

Hey, modern humans have been around for 200,000 years. For almost all of that time, I doubt women were concerned about removing some of their hair. However, this is getting way off topic. Have fun with your hard won freedoms.

That was Lynette Zang, #77 thank you Sparky.
One of the underlying themes of our comments is a fear of the alterior motives driving the agenda of the “ruling class”.
This virus thing has an evil side to it - I think we all agree.
Weird that countries like Senegal do way better than France or the United States in controlling the virus.
All the wrong information that was given to us from the beginning. SandPuppy brought up a key point about immunitary suppressors.
Above Casey points out:

  Many of you agree with me about 9/11 and yet you don’t think they would deceive us over this? Our monetary system is a complete fraud and you don’t think they would deceive us over this? All the false flags that this community has generally agreed have occurred over the last century and you don’t think they will deceive us over this? All of the fraud that the GMO and Monsanto companies and banks and the CME commit and they would not deceive us over this? You’re deluding yourselves. I forget whether I saw it here or elsewhere that the main conference room in the World Health Organization has in the window a statue of Shiva the Destroyer. There is a parallel reference in Atlas Shrugged to the same statue being in the office of a powerful bureaucrat who decided what industries lived or died, i.e. which are “essential“ and “nonessential.”
I would just like point out - Shiva. My point is not about Shiva, but Belial, there are different spellings to this name Béliar in French. No I am not going on a biblical study cf 2 Co 6, 15 - but rather a very strange and expensive ceremony which was held in the Swiss Alps for the inauguration of the Gothard tunnel. You do not need to understand what is being said, just wait for the eleborate spectacle (wait for the 1 minute mark) which was played in front of the entire ruling elite. Belial played a major role. here Malthusian - too many people using up finite resources - seem to be another meme for Bill Gates and the WHO. Control of the peoples is yet another meme: here In France we had a "Etat d'urgence sanitaire" imposed on us from the beginning of the confinement. These are extra-ordinary powers conveyed to the government "for a time". Well they just extended the time for two more months, until the 24th of July. OK I live in France - but don't think that someone in your area isn't going to try to:
  1. limits of movement
  2. "réquestion" of all goods and services to put an end to the crisis
  3. temporary control of prices
In view a the financial crisis that we have entered - and which certainly will not have ended before July 24th - it is the second point which sends chills up my spine.

posting here
Credit to Chris, Jim H, SandPuppy
for helping us getting us to our present point.

Well gun to my head, if you asked me who is more likely to be the subject matter expert on the history of female beauty rituals, I would give the nod to Granny here.
Sorry Sofistek. I think Team Woke would call what you did, “man-splaining.” :slight_smile:
But I do thank you for the comic interlude in what has been a … pretty serious subject.

Sonerous said, Sadly, I’ve recently seen people who asked a question here being told to leave!

That refers to me, and that is not what I said.
Hi Jim. I wasn't referring to you. The incident I referred to was in a different thread.

I thank you for your answer and for not equating me with a troll. I have read the abstract you mentioned, and after reading Dr. Wodarg’s article several times, I come to the same conclusion that you suggested. Maybe a study on 11 people with G6PD deficiency is too little to definitely relieve the HCQ, but it is an old drug used by millions. There should have been evidence of problems with G6DP deficiency before.
Dr. Wodarg is not a nobody in Germany and like most people he tries to substantiate his opinion. There are so many questions as to why the mortality rates in Italy and Spain are so much higher than in Germany in order to stay in the EU. One difference is the G6DP deficiency within the population.

Hi, I do agree with much you post. I think the Shiva statue is a good artistic rendition of the concepts of quantum mechanics and string theory. I tend to agree, fire will be the next world destruction event. The Hebrew Gd already tried water. Unfortunately, India has lost much of its ancient scientific knowledge and much of the population has devolved into the superstition and poverty we see today. Like in the west, before the Renaissance, all those book and library burnings and murders and banning of science pioneers, held knowledge back for a long time.
I don’t think the Shiva statue or concepts are bad, the problem is men who think they are G
d and want to play at being gods. “Just because we can do something, should we do it?” The question is as old as Nimrod and The Tower of Babble or Adam and the apple.

Westworld Season 3 has some belter scripting, this from the character ‘William’ a former Davos set chosen one… set in a timeframe some decades in the future.
Has a certain Gates Geek Foundation seal of approval to it.
The Davos/Silicon technocracy understand well the globe can be a paradise place once more as long as the maggots are culled, kept manageable, once more neatly packaged… and allowed to squirm in a well-defined tin.
The process of this change management process is well underway, complete with its emerging lexicon:
New Normal
Legacy Systems
Contact Tracing Apps
DNA/RNA/Nano Gene Gun
Your freedom as you knew it, pre Dec 2019 is over.
If you try and fuck with the system you’ll destroy your social credit score, and with a swish of a gleaming Govt screen you’ll be DIGITALLY locked out.
Found, scooped-up put in the trash.
Opt for that game play, you’ll need to head way above Alaska to live off the land, no cash, no fall back.
Think you can do that?

So far our “discussions” have been oriented towards the evil.
A year ago, during the week leading up to Easter a fire burn down Notre Dame de Paris.
A very sad time for the French. While the fire was raging a man was caught on camera walking across the bell towers - I don’t have that here but this film is about the reconstruction of Notre Dame and how it has been saved. We need hope - this sort of a film documentary is a nice change from despondant thoughts.
This link is good until May 12th.