Bombshell! Covid-19 Virus Lab-Made? Fauci Connected?

I just read about this mutation at Thailand Medical News. It said it may worsen clinical outcomes and make development of a vaccine impossible. It also mentioned that it represented an increase of function. More genetic meddling? How much worse can it get?

Hey Y’all - It’s time we talked! …(AK Granny is right). Jim H. Sand-puppy, Les, Jan, Linda, Chris, Adam???

Stillwater Ok. is the latest winner of the Darwin Award.
Not only is it a constitutional right to not wear a mask but you can also threaten a shopkeeper with a gun if he/she requires you to wear one to enter the shop.

What I did not say in my last post is that we are not interested in testing.
Secondly, I know it’s heresy with this crowd but I don’t wear a mask unless there are a lot of people around and then it’s for your comfort. I am not living in fear. I had the virus and refuse to be hysterically fearful. But, I am polite and respectful and carry a mask in my pocket and will put it on for you should we be in close contact. No obsessing about mail, I ran into a friend and gave her a hug. Anybody else dare to admit they are not obsessive mask wearers either?

Your comment “[o]ne of the reasons I left was that it became clear to me that the top scientists I worked for were driven by profits not truth” is spot on and comports with my experience as well.
Even in the 1980s this was a problem. I also left formal science work at the university level because money (in this case grant money) trumped truthfulness. As an exercise, check the MIT press releases, which match very closely in time and in subject matter submitted research grant proposals, with mostly contrived possible results and positive transformations of society if only the research is funded. I discussed this with my old wise professor (who was one of the top 300 most cited scientists in the world with 3o years experience) back in the 80s and he explained that this situation did not exist before the federal government got involved as a major funding source in the 1960s, which attracted the money seekers who push aside serious objective search for truth, which used to characterize the grand enterprise of Western science.
I went back to my old research program 25 years later and attended the usual Friday research seminar and was amazed that the only people speaking were politicians and most of the “research” goals were contrived situations, (which apparently meet details of granting agency solicitations, which themselves are written by politicians).
I am afraid to say it but every aspect of America economic life including those aspects we hold dear, such as medical research has become rotted out beyond belief and beyond redemption. CHS is right, the US is a pile of overlapping racketeering schemes. Really, the best response is to run away, run away and start a small resilient community somewhere. The dark ages are well underway. Get out from the rot while you still can.

I am putting my name up here publically to support PP. My name is Mary Otto-Chang. I worked in the UN for many years. I looked at the history of WHO and its leadership and how its spends its money. I investigated its budgets and found Gates money hidden in front organizations and so on. Dr. Tedros has had one petition about his past.
Another million strong petition asking for his removal now.
I am a well educated 60 year old retired professional, working on my PhD now. I am not particularly stupid, neither am I naive, nor insane.
After alot of investigation and thinking I believe 100% that SARS-CoV-2 is a human engineered creation. I believe it was part of bioweapon research.
I am going to write an article with links about WHO… all facts with references.
I have alot of evidence on tape from my Geneva days as my deadman’s switch, in the event anyone from the deep state is reading this. The more people who stand up, the more protected we all are.
Speaking Up for Life Insurance for All
I also think that powers exist behind the scenes, such as in the Wizard of Oz. I know that big pharm has been controlling WHO for years.
Thus I am speaking up, putting my long worked for professional reputation on line here.

So true, Janie-Em. Irrespective of objective evidence to the contrary, most people’s response to an issue is pretty much ordained by a confirmation bias towards where their bread is buttered. It’s the way all we humans roll.
There’s no surprise,really in the open hostility towards adapting to paradigm shifting global events from those paralysed to the dominant paradigm. I was writing to the same point as a global phenomenon, at the same time apparently.
Picking up on SandPuppy’s reference to the straw man, aka the red herring logical fallacy, employed to divert and distract from an inevitable logical conclusion, it is worth noting all that all articles of faith rely for their proof on logical fallacies.
The rationale employed by NIAID to justify funding these gain of function experiments is another straw man, I would suggest. The logic goes:
Major premise: Pandemics occur naturally,
Minor Premise: If we first build these monsters pre-emptively, we can protect humanity by developing vaccines for them before they appear naturally,
Conclusion: Risking humanity itself to save humanity is a good bet
Say what!! I am supposed to believe if we first create what does not exist before it exists, we might, just might, maybe, possibly develop a non existent antidote to said non existent threat before it actually exists. But, oh dear, the threat becomes real the moment we create it! Catch 22. That’s as insane as some firefighters here who go around setting fires on total fire ban days, so they can be a big hero putting them out.
This one might be best described as the non existent straw man fallacy. No wonder epidemiologists call these Frankenstein monsters where they cut and shunt nasty bits on benign viruses “chimeric viruses”. The whole scam was submittedly a very sophisticated chimera from pillar to post. Surely the real agenda all along has always been to invent and defend against bioweapons?
Closing with Janie’s analogy between the existential threats of the Atomic Age and those of the Viral Age, isn’t this just a rerun of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD)?
First raise the bogeyman of an imaginary global threat from some unspecified foe, to justify making that threat real, to defend against the non existent threat. That worked well, didn’t it?
And now the genie is out of the bottle yet again, and what we had is gone. I for one would like to see these psychopaths who caused this unprecedented human tragedy brought to account.

There’s a new special report video at

So far I have gotten my hair done, gone shopping at a 2nd hand store and gone out to dinner and had a much needed margarita. It is wonderful to feel normal again.
None of those things mentioned were "normal" to humans until very recently. Even now, they are "normal" to probably a minority of humans. It won't be too long before they are permanently a small part of human history.

Next time, Granny, perhaps you could ask your friend if she would like a hug, before doing it? And let her know that it’s fine if she says no.

You assumed I grabbed her and gave her a hug? Perhaps against her will? Some friends are huggers and some are not. Isn’t it a shame that we are so afraid of each other. Maybe that was the plan. Close knit communities, can’t have that. Friends over, nope they might be infected, you never know. Everyone is suspect accept me and the. And sometimes I wonder about the.
Duh, of course I asked if she wanted and needed a hug. What an odd question.

You are intentionally going out of your way to pretend not to understand Granny’s point which is that historically we are evolved to be physically close to one another. Not that we are necessarily at nail salons or haircutting places or bars but that we are evolved to be physically close to one another as social animals.
I haven’t worn a mask, don’t wear a mask and will never wear a mask because this thing is at least overblown drama if not a complete hoax.
Many of you agree with me about 9/11 and yet you don’t think they would deceive us over this? Our monetary system is a complete fraud and you don’t think they would deceive us over this? All the false flags that this community has generally agreed have occurred over the last century and you don’t think they will deceive us over this? All of the fraud that the GMO and Monsanto companies and banks and the CME commit and they would not deceive us over this? You’re deluding yourselves.
I forget whether I saw it here or elsewhere that the main conference room in the World Health Organization has in the window a statue of Shiva the Destroyer. There is a parallel reference in Atlas Shrugged to the same statue being in the office of a powerful bureaucrat who decided what industries lived or died, i.e. which are “essential“ and “nonessential.”
This is the last play of the globalist tyrants’ hole card and you are going to have to dig in and pick a side. It is my own opinion and hope that the winning side will not be that of Mr. Globalist.

None of those things mentioned were “normal” to humans until very recently. Even now, they are “normal” to probably a minority of humans. It won’t be too long before they are permanently a small part of human history.
Actually women have been taking care of their appearance and concerned about grooming for thousands of years. Perhaps you are not aware that Cleopatra used sugar paste to remove body hair and used various ingredients to enhance her appearance. And trading (shopping) has also been around for forever as has dining together. So really, nothing new and each activity will no doubt continue, However, frequenting small, locally owned businesses helps them to survive. If we don’t help each other how will we survive? Perhaps we will need to make an effort to support our communities?  

Sofistek did unfairly judge you AKGranny. I don’t agree with your concern about civil liberties either, but as a person who tries to live in the world in good faith too, I do resonate with your sense of loss; “Everyone is suspect accept me…”

I choose to wear a mask at times because I still don’t fully understand this thing… but I think we need to open again and get back to a reasonable kind of normal. This has been way overplayed on many fronts… as you probably know I have been laying bare the lies about hydroxychloroquine. Honestly, if I knew I could have access to the med’s were I to get sick, I would be ready for full normal again.
We cannot let our Freedom’s get taken away from us this time… not like last time (9/11). We need to keep calling out the deep state agents like Gates and Fauci who clearly do not have our best interests in mind. This is, in some way, our last chance… our last stand. If we don’t stand now, we should just pack it in.

I have masks but I feel very conflicted about wearing one and so far I have not, for the following reasons.

  1. I have monitored and evaluated the risk in my community as remaining low and I keep my distance at all times. 2) To me the Mask is a Muzzle and should I decide to protest the government over reach, that would be my slogan. 3) What do you think happens to people’s emotions and feelings about others in communities where you can no longer smile and be smiled at ? 4) It is absurd that we should be dictated to, by governments and corporations whose values and deeds are completely opposite of what they say and have never demonstrated that they have our best interests at heart. 5) Every single day it becomes more apparent that we are in the midst of a diabolical “Divide and Conquer” strategy of the highest order. 6) Mandatory mask wearing is the forerunner of mandatory vaccines. 7) Each individual adult has been advised of the situation (adnauseum) and should be able to make health decisions in their own self interest and their level of risk. I totally respect Chris’s idea / scenario, that everyone should wear a mask but the problem I have with that is that it does not take into account any other possible nefarious agendas re: masks, and it does not factor in any possible “Psyop” factors which I think cannot be denied now that the fog is partially lifting.***Lastly I reserve the right to change my mind should new information come forward.

Oregon State to remove children from homes when parents/caregivers test positive for COVID 19.
“CONTACT TRACING” surveillance to be a key factor in Oregon’s Ultra Progressive COVID 19 Lockdown Plan:
What does this mean?
It means if you are at the store, and someone else was there at the same time as you (and they test positive), you can be tracked down. If they do, and you test positive, your children can be taken into protective custody.
It also means (like Wuhan), this could be used as a tool to persecute political dissidents.
Oregon’s Gov.Brown is launching an ambitious COVID 19 testing program, which will RANDOMLY select 100,000 Oregonians for testing.

I’m not obsessive about wearing masks, depends on how many people are around and how close they get to me, and I picture the spectral (or whatever it was) video Chris included a couple of times. And I’m not up for the mandatory routine testing, private please.