…1nn, You are right. The public is not equipped to think coherently. But you can’t blame the general public. I’ve coined a phrase: We have been vaccinated, medicated, flouridated, chlorinated, fed shit for food and shit for news, how can you blame the public?
Knowing whether or not this virus is weaponized or naturally occurring may change people’s behavior and level of commitment to maintaining PPE protocols. For me personally, I’m much more worried of catching a weaponized virus than a naturally occurring virus. But that’s just me.
Yes you can plant a garden. Check out empty lots. Check out the LA warrior road side gardner. Check out the roof tops. Check out sprouts. Check with the neighbors. Check out the Churches. Or get the hell out of dodge.
Sometimes it sure does feel like a planned demolition of the economy! So many coincidences. Event 201, Crimson Contagion, Dark Winter, NORAD games on 911, and Bomb simulation in London on 7/7 - all simulations of events that actually happened right afterward or during a simulation.
One thing is certain, there’s more we don’t know than what we do know and that is by design.
I have read several statements made by doctors that the Coronavirus appears to behave as if it is more than one virus…
A couple of segments from an article in Gilmore Health News:
“Professor Luc Montagnier, 2008 Nobel Prize winner for Medicine, claims that SARS-CoV-2 is a manipulated virus that was accidentally released from a laboratory in Wuhan, China. Chinese researchers are said to have used coronaviruses in their work to develop an AIDS vaccine. HIV RNA fragments are believed to have been found in the SARS-CoV-2 genome.
“With my colleague, bio-mathematician Jean-Claude Perez, we carefully analyzed the description of the genome of this RNA virus,” explains Luc Montagnier, interviewed by Dr Jean-François Lemoine for the daily podcast at Pourquoi Docteur, adding that others have already explored this avenue: Indian researchers have already tried to publish the results of the analyses that showed that this coronavirus genome contained sequences of another virus, … the HIV virus (AIDS virus), but they were forced to withdraw their findings as the pressure from the mainstream was too great.”
Here’s a good article on 5G and possible implications with the virus. https://drsircus.com/coronavirus/5g-didnt-cause-the-coronavirus-pandemic-but-it-probably-made-it-worse/
Reference to the previous post of JWhite - I watched a fascinating documentary on Youtube about Dr. Montagnier - I think it was called the memory of water. I’ve been thinking about that in relationship to the 5G connections. If you think about it, there was a big rollout of 5G in Wuhan. Cruise ships, hospitals, military, all are hotbeds of 5G. This bears more inquiry by curious minds and some serious dot connecting IMO. I will look for the documentary mentioned and make another post.
Chris and Adam, I’d corresponded with you briefly via email about my need for info in my current situation. I’m particular, I wanted to know if it was worthwhile to get a paid account on here as a working class individual looking to help my community in New York City, or if it is geared more toward the economically privileged. I’ve greatly appreciated the info, and I honestly believe it’s saved lives among people I know, as I was able to get out NPI info out much earlier than otherwise possible. But I think I laid out my dissent to your video pretty clearly and do not see that dissent addressed thus far. If the idea is to dismiss me as a troll, my response will be to keep my distance from this community and look for better sources of information.
Zerohedge had its Twitter account reneged for talking about the very subject of your post Chris.
There was an Indian team which had published a paper that the genome COVID-19 had inserted in it parts of the HIV virus. They were attacked by the Chinese, they had to retract and annul the paper.
Then on French TV the Nobel prize winner for discovering the HIV virus spoke to a group. Perhaps I posted this here? You would think that he would be very qualified to comment and recognize HIV - included in COVID-19.
Dr Luc Montagnier here scroll down and there is an interview in French. He mentions the Indian paper - with which he agrees. Minute 6, he mentions that nature eliminates that which is not of natural origins. Later in the interview he mentions “les ondes” as a way of getting rid of the HIV added on part of the genome.
French VIH = HIV
I looked back on a friend’s facebook page to find where I first heard Dr Montagnier speak about this around April 16th.
It is a waste of bandwidth and my time to scroll through crap for something that might be important.
This video blocked in your country. Bummer.
NIH is part of the structure of Health and Human Services. Any idea of what is the HHS budget size? How about $1 Trillion? The size of the annual US budget deficit. So what did we get for our $1 Trillion? How about 238,000 worldwide deaths and growing? How about a worldwide multiyear super economic depression? Thank you Dr. Fauci.
With about 12min20 remaining in the video interview
Dr Montagnier says That the US government financed “en partie” in part the research done at Wuhan".
Thanks for the link. Interesting to see the reason given for the suspension.
“There are now allegations that the current crisis was precipitated by the release from Wuhan Institute of Virology of the coronavirus responsible for COVID-19. Given these concerns, we are pursuing suspension of Wuhan Institute of Virology from participation in federal programs.”
I’m any of these depending on the topic at hand. I loved the, has to be natural because computers could not come up with it. Long time ago, source forgotten, someone was defending climate models with, it has to be CO2 because we couldn’t think of anything else.
The original authorization for the grant to the Wuhan facility was to allow bat populations in the lab to create virus with a gain of function through natural occurring processes, a gain of function that could allow transmission to humans. Why then should this Chinese facility create a new virus through recombination that does not resemble anything normally in nature (because of the introduction of a cleavage function in the middle of a chain)?
As Dr. Martenson describes it in his earlier comment: “Then some other magic had to happen for the virus to gain a furin cleavage insert that conferred an enormous gain-of-function to it.”
Inserting a functional group may be much easier with a technology like CRISPR than waiting for a natural evolutionary processes to occur in a laboratory.
From The Scientist 2015. Lab-Made Cornoavirus: The creation of a chimeric SARS-like virus has scientists discussing the risks of gain-of-function research.
Ralph Baric, an infectious-disease researcher at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, last week (November 9, 2015) published a study on his team’s efforts to engineer a virus with the surface protein of the SHC014 coronavirus, found in horseshoe bats in China, and the backbone of one that causes human-like severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in mice. The hybrid virus could infect human airway cells and caused disease in mice, according to the team’s results, which were published in Nature Medicine. The results demonstrate the ability of the SHC014 surface protein to bind and infect human cells. [and the ability to combine genomes of different viruses in the lab.]This is one example of many from the US that GOF research is happening. Several Wuhan virologists studied at US institutions and US and Canadian virologists have been linked to them. (many references from recent weeks). And of course, US funds have supported Chinese virology institutions. It seems that the club of virus modifiers is international. Picture of "The Wuhan Clan" from 2018 that includes long time collaborators, Ralph Baric from UNC and Shi Zhengli, a former student of Baric, who then move to Wuhan to continue genetic engineering of Coronaviruses. I'm suspecting that the China vs the USA meme may be a redirection type of deception. Or at least be a more minor aspect of what is happening. We still have some big unfinished issues: -The surprising lack of deaths in the Chinese political elite. (Are they like the WH who started Cipro the week before anthrax letters began appearing?) -The "staggering failure" of the NCMI (National Center for Medical Intelligence) to detect a developing pandemic in China in the early months. This kind of fumbling from a high competent intelligence agency, the DIA's early warning system, smacks of deliberateness to me. (At least a public failure.) -The profound fumbling in the US of the basic response to the virus: -Failure to set up testing procedures, invoke public health infrastructure, manufacture test kits. Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan and South Korea were 1-2 months ahead of the USA in manufacturing test kits and testing and response. Delays, then contaminated test kits shipped? Then more delays? WTF? Created a month or two for the virus to spread. -One of the few prompt responses of government was for 11 state governors, in some of the hardest hit states, to sign emergency (EMERGENCY?? WTF) orders prohibiting the prescribing of HCQ for SC2. ("to protect the supply of medication for Lupus patients") -Lack of border closures. (to prevent "racism") -Incorrect advice about use of masks. ("They do more harm than good") -Erroneous advice from public health authorities ("Go shopping, go out to dinner, no need to stay home.") -What may (though not a resolved issue) turnout to be a key aspect of medical treatment--early use of steroids--for cytokine storm was explicitly recommended against. (See EV Medical School Protocol, page 9, middle of page)
The systematic failure of critical care systems to adopt corticosteroid therapy resulted from the published recommendations against corticosteroids use by the World Health Organization (WHO), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the American Thoracic Society (ATS) amongst others. A very recent publication by the Society of Critical Care Medicine and authored one of the members of our group (UM), identified the errors made by these organizations in their analyses of corticosteroid studies based on the findings of the SARS and H1N1 pandemics. Their erroneous recommendation to avoid corticosteroids in the treatment of COVID-19 has led to the development of myriad organ failures which have overwhelmed critical care systems across the world [and lead to tens of thousands of additional deaths].-Private early warning (November) of the pandemic shared by NCMI with the white house, NSC, pentagon, NATO and Israeli intelligence, but was kept secret, classified, denied and covered up. -The locking down of locations NOT experiencing high transmission rates currently. Tom Luongo points to Florida where excess deaths number only 134, yet the economy is being crushed by the lockdown decision. Millions are being pushed into food insecurity, housing insecurity and desperation in a setting where projected benefits in terms of loss of life are very small. -Criminalizing walking alone in the woods, paddle-boarding in the ocean and sitting on a bench in a state park--all of which clearly do not spread virus, yet are essential to human well-being. WTF? Yet these profoundly and adversely affect the police-citizen relationship. -The appearance of Faucci both in the pre-pandemic viral GOF research world, then again in the management of the pandemic, is reminiscent of the dual role of Philip Zelikow with 9/11. Zelikow helped to prepare the elite for the transformations coming to western society in 1997 by offering seminars at Stanford and Harvard "should the USA experience an incident of catastrophic terrorism," --like, say, I dunno, the WTC buildings being blown up--and then re-appeared after the incident to conduct the investigation and write the official explanation for what happened. ----------------- "Incompetence," "bureaucratic sclerosis," "the fog of war" and "I had no idea" are used to hide planned shit. Plausible deniability. Plausible unawareness. I don't buy it. I suspect that we are in the middle of a global social re-engineering project.
The recommendation against steroid use is a new dot that you have brought to the forefront. It certainly fits with a picture whereby maximum harm was intended by some entity.
We’ll know when we’re really confounding the narrative managers when PP.com starts getting banned and deplatformed. And like a chess grandmaster I’m thinking many moves ahead of where we are now. I know you guys (Chris and Adam) are armed, trained and can take care of yourselves, but let me know if you get to the point that it would be wise to have armed security with you (especially when traveling away from home). I can see that day on the horizon myself.
”Happy Hunger Games. And may the odds be ever in your favor.”
I really enjoy following Chris and he has a great enquiring mind. This will mean that “conspiracy theories” need to be checked out and discussed. However this 45min breathless episode is one I think he may be embarrassed about in coming weeks. Firstly … just how many corona virus experts does he think there are? Of course they are all connected. Secondly, how many Labs are there in the world actually researching GOF? If there is only one, its a fair conspiracy point, if there are 100s then let’s be sceptical. By the same logic if there is only one is it located where the virus is likely to emerge?Have you checked if ebola research is carried out where ebola threats emerge? Finally, Chris, dude, your own advice about being mentally and idealogically flexible… so we have had well intentioned scientists warning us of the coming pandemic… for years. Is it not reasonable to research the emergent viruses that create this threat? I think so, however your video smashed them for even exploring such “jurassic park” style research, that is idealogically weak. I do not know if they accidentally released it or if they just lost the race and now just look like some B-movie “patsy” holding a smoking gun. However your 45 minute exposure very clearly claimed there is now a scientific sector-wide conspiracy to cover up. This sort of accusation could do immense damage to the reputations of those people that the world needs right now. I hope you don’t go further down the anti-science hole please.