Bombshell! Covid-19 Virus Lab-Made? Fauci Connected?

From Contact Report 732
In truth, however, everything is sensational invention and lies and deceit by anti-China ones, sensationalists and consciencelessand extreme dishonour-able journalists who will incite the world’s population against China with their lies, which will lead to corresponding accu-sations and tirades of hate, threats and vilifications as early as mid-April. The whole thing at the beginningof this will be the European journalistic ‘factual media reports’ that are based on lies and deceit, which –spread all over the world –will unleash conspiracies and threats against China.
Already in 1995 you predicted the emergence of the now rampantly spreading corona-virus-pandemic, after Quetzal also spoke about it in 1989, which was verifiably documented as usual at the time. And, as usual, this prediction has become reality with the first person already becoming infected with the coronavirus in a secret laboratory test as early as mid-2019 and, as a result of carelessness, infecting other persons in Wuhan; consequently, up to the month of December, already more than 240 human beings died from the virus. And this happened before the virus was discovered by another person who was arrested and accused of rabble-rousing, but then died in early February 2020 as a result of the rampantly spreading disease. Contradictory journalistic and freely conceived lie-interviews and claims regarding this rampantly spreading corona disease allegedly being predicted and warned against at various times over the past 10–15 years, correspond to nothing more than fake news lies. This equally applies to lies that the disease was recognised already in mid-November 2019 and thehighest Chinese government and the WHO were informed accordingly. And with regard to a number of mentioned names of alleged ‘participants’ of the health care system and officials who are said to have made an effort in administrations to mobilise the highest Chinese government who did not take everything seriously and failed to take any measures to contain the rampantly spreading disease –these statements also only correspond to lies. Already soon these will lead to a world-wide malicious conspiracy theoryand to hatred towards China and its populace when the irresponsible state execu-tive of the United States of America will lie to the people and maliciously vilify China.
All of the upcoming fake news and so forth regarding alleged early knowledge of the rampantly spreading coronavirus disease –that it was recognised very early in November 2019 and reported to the authorities and the highest government in China, which, however, altogether did not respond to them and did not take any measures against the outbreak of epidemics –corresponds to nothing other than fake news which is deceptive and builds up conspiracy theories. The effec-tive fact in this regard is that the authorities of Wuhan only became aware of the rampantly spreading disease on the 8thof December 2019 and then reported it to the highest government, which, however, did nothing. That alone can be blamed on the government of China, because after recognising and becoming aware of the coronavirus and its spread, it did not take the necessary measures and therethrough paved the way for the rampantly spreading disease and promoted the emerging pandemic. This is because, as I said, irresponsibly it did not immediately take the necessary measures to stop the already ongoing spread of the rampantly spreading disease. However, the Chinese authorities and government kept the outbreak and ongoing epidemic –which was recognisably, at that time, inevitably to become a pandemic –secret, wher-ethrough the chance of preventing the global spread of the rampantlyspreading disease was forfeited. And this missed chance will now mean that, during the next two months alone, just according to official figures, around three million human beings worldwide will be infected by the coronavirus, which, however, in reality will be 10.4 times as high. This, while an official number of around 200,000 human beings will die of the rampantly spreading disease by the end of April, whereas also this official number will not correspond to the truth. Rather, according to our very precise and exact calculating fore-cast, it will have to be calculated at more than 512,000. Therefore the officially mentioned number will only be the one thatwill be announced by the authorities and state leaders, while the number of unreported cases worldwide, however, will be much higher, as has been the case since the onset of the rampantly spreading disease, and has remained so and will also remain so. This results, on the one hand, from inaccurate reporting and registering, and on the other hand, from many governments and health authorities, and so forth, concealing or deliberately falsifying the effective figures, as additionally many infections and the resulting deaths do not become known.
This new coronavirus corresponds to a further development and mutation from the rampantly spreading SARS, which is already spreading quickly and widely across the world as a pandemic, which, however, is still no more recognised by the majority of the irresponsible ones and the ones incapable of their office, by those responsible for state leaders and by the WHO –all of whom do not want to accept it –than it is by all health organisations of all countries, which still trivialise it all and consequently do not recognise the tragedy until it will be too late and there will be more and more deaths to mourn, as was already the case in Wuhan in the middle of last year when the rampantly spreading disease began and caused many deaths, but this was neither recognised nor became known, and consequently the coronavirus pandemic is rampant in all countries of the world.

Professional engineer here. It’s pretty easy to research 5g for yourself. Just look up electromagnetic spectrum and ionizing and nonionising radiation. 5g isn’t new science or technology… It’s just scale and prevalence. My humble O Is that we are wasting precious time and effort barking at the house cat up that particular tree when there are tigers and lions prowling the neighbourhood.

Wow, Chris really hit a nerve here, didn’t he. The sudden presence of several posters who joined simply to cast doubt on Chris’s exposition only convinces me further that the virus was created by humans.
I have to be honest, though. While it is very credible, the idea that this is man-made is very depressing. I already had a less than positive view of big government and big business. Now, it’s worse. It feels like there is no hope for mankind. Our inherent greed, selfishness, and hubris appears to completely overwhelm any mild redeeming qualities we humans may possess. So, I can totally understand why many people may want to remain with their heads in the sand and will reject this message outright. Being blissfully ignorant sounds pretty tempting sometimes.

As an engineer in semiconductor manufacturing myself, I can tell you that SteCool’s post on 5G is complete fluff. He said absolutely nothing. His earlier post telling Chris not to be, “anti-science” makes him a troll. He probably thinks that on 9/11 building 7 fell down due to, “normal office fires”.
My personal opinion is that the initial implementation of 5G, which is known as < 6 GHz, is not so different from our current cell phone system, unless you can make the case that with it we transition from less harmful, to more harmful radiation in the range of 1 - 5 GHz. NOBODY is rolling out true, mmWave 5G right now, certainly not Wuhan. The mmWave technology has not been put into high volume manufacturing yet.
That being said, the intended mmWave version of 5G will use much higher Frequencies, > 24GHz, and this is honestly scary to me. I certainly don’t want a 24 or 28GHz base station facing my house anytime soon - and because these function as line-of-sight, they will need to be ubiquitous and close.

Come on man. I have followed Chris for over 10 years, please don’t pass me off as an industry apologist. Just because I haven’t felt the need to post before isn’t relevent. However do we need science and scientists right now…? Holy heck I reckon so. Is the US completely stuffed because of science or politics…? I’m a kiwi and our science and politics are how it’s supposed to be … So all I am asking is just think before labelling virologists who have spent thier careers trying to prevent this happening and now it’s happened have bad managers and unprecedented scrutiny to deal with. I don’t think my body of work would stand that test… are you confident about yours?

I watched some recorded MSM news from yesterday to see if there was any mention of this and the only thing said was the party line that it is not man-made. Also missing from the MSM I saw was any mention of the big essential workers strike planned for yesterday of Amazon, Instacart, Whole Foods… With such a stranglehold on the media and our political process, it becomes a very real question as to how to mobilize large numbers of people to actually demand real change. Some of us still believe in the common good, in common decency, in common sense. And with such grotesque distortions of what actually makes sense masquerading as leadership, where can we gain traction beyond simply ensuring our own survival (and our loved ones.) There HAS to be a way to address this and to demand change. MLK said history bends in the direction of justice. I can’t help but keep looking for that trajectory. Poor people are being crushed. People in nursing homes are being crushed. People in prisons and homeless shelters are being crushed. I (we all) need something to bend here in the direction of justice.

Back in the day, (40 years ago, gulp!!) the popular alternative anti viral herbs were goldenseal root and ecinacea, usually as a tincture, often combined. At the time, supplements and herbs were just the new thing. I haven’t seen any current discussion of these. I have been pulling out stuff I’ve had, and wondering. If you have thoughts on these, I’d like to read your post or PM me. Thanks.

I attempted to post the link for the Unz article to my FB page. It goes against their policy of examining all the facts and testing hypotheses.
History is written by the winners

The purpose of finding Franken diseases could be to be able to develop a universal treatment or universal vaccine. Do we remember how the CDC (Fauci advice?) decided not to use the WHO test kits for identifying COVID19 and instead stored up a universal test kit for multiple viruses? A test kit that turned out to be unreliable.
Under the first 5 year phase of the NIH grant to the Wuhan lab, there were 5 years of picking up dead bat carcasses in caves in China and probably running thousands of virus tests and finding they all had the same results. No new viruses. So the second phase was supposed to create new viruses…

This is an election year. It might be time to remind members of congress of that fact. It might also be time for a congressional hearing into this virus. A totally haha, transparent haha investigation into who knew what, when and how. Also who has financial conflicts of interest, haha.
Here is a list of congress people with phone numbers. A bulk email campaign that goes viral might get a few answers. (I am not holding my breath)
Here is a list of Senators with contact info. Might could find one or two with no ties to Gilead and other big pharma perps.

Hey Jim. Here’s a tinfoil hat 5G concept for you.
With a 3G receiver, you are only talking with a single antenna/base station at a time. This limits the data bandwidth to the max capacity of that one antenna.
As I understand it, the reason 5G is so cool is because multiple 5G antennae can be focused on a single receiver, allowing a large amount of data to be transmitted in a short amount of time, presumably at the cost of some extra radiation exposure to the phone’s owner.
From the wiki page:

Multiple bitstreams of data are transmitted simultaneously. In a technique called beamforming, the base station computer will continuously calculate the best route for radio waves to reach each wireless device, and will organize multiple antennas to work together as phased arrays to create beams of millimeter waves to reach the device.
Right. So that tells me that the base station computer could - literally - recruit all of the antennae in a particular area to send data to your phone at the same time. If it wanted to.
What do you imagine your radiation exposure would be in that case?
Let's say a nefarious actor wanted a Subject dead. They could ask that helpful base station computer to run a special program, and "send a lot of data" to the Subject's cell phone at, say, midnight each night, for an hour, using most if not all of the antennae within range of Subject's receiver.
How long do you think Subject would remain alive? [I'm a software guy - this is a hardware question. buck=passed]
Note that China is one of the top developers of 5G in the world.
Ok, tinfoil hat off.

From the first moment I saw the genome for this virus, I knew it was a lab created monster. It could be nothing else, as no such virus was even remotely possible from natural origins.
I also told everyone about the connection of the Wuhan Lab, and its personnel, to level 4 labs in Canada, which share pathogens with level 4 U.S. labs…and how these same pathogens…and others…had been stolen by the Chinese working in the Canadian lab and taken to the Wuhan lab.
The Chinese patient ZERO had nothing to do with the meat market, which was just down the street from the Wuhan lab, and everyone involved knew at once what had happened and why.
Because of the deliberate misinformation and lies from the highest sources, I can no longer believe this virus “escaped” from the Wuhan lab. I now think the “exposure” of this “accidental” release is entirely a planned cover for a deliberate act.
This is another “mystery” disease, deliberately released, to allow population reduction and to enhance political control, just as HIV was…and is.
The only politically safe method of culling the human race is via disease, which also affords the application of force upon desired targets and the removal of antagonists to desired goals.
I am quite sure many of the Chinese dead in Wuhan, were actually political assassinations.
I think the depopulation of Humanity shall continue, even to the point of the use of EMP, and a fabricated war.

Nice… trollio. Thanks. Actually came on for two reasons firstly because Chris invited us casuals over because he said this was a welcoming and enquiring community. I see you are the “welcoming” committee, encouraging that enquiring discussion by labling me a troll. By the way, do you do that in real life too? Anyway, the second reason was to tell Chris (who I greatly respect) that I think he’s wandered off the range. I felt I owed him that in return for all the great advice over the years. Gotta say as a noob (rather than a troll) … It’s looking pretty toxic here, just on first impressions. Already being assaulted with accusations of being a troll, 911 non-believer, 5g and so on. All I can say guys is its not the open-minded exchange of thoughts and view points that I expected

I think you are a disinformation troll, too. Since you are new here…you not being here will be of little import.

So by being labelled a troll are my points automatically invalidated? Look PP runs an argument that bad things are happening because it’s all incompetently managed, corruptly motivated and who have bad scientific discipline. However the suggestions in this thread are relating to highly organised science led actions. I believe the former and not the latter argument. I don’t think they can both be logically true.
Why do I feel like I am being trolled having to point out this logic?

Mid March dr Lyons-Weiler, who at first was for a man-made origin of SARS-COV2, changed his mind after studying COV2’s genoma.
I think his thoughts could be interesting in this discussion, given his background in genetics and biology, even if I’m not able to fully grasp what he is saying, but I’m sure dr. Martenson and others here will surely be able to understands what he’s talking about.
Take care.

So far you have done nothing but to provide arrogant and trollish arguments against the work Chris is doing.

Great comment #37 sand_puppy, and concur with thc0655 re thoughts around the idea of PP getting banned.
I am going to put my tin foil hat on and say that I have moments when I wonder if ‘they’ are not already tinkering with PP in some way. It is obvious PP has hit a nerve. I have on numerous occasions in the past 2 months written comments building on the things sand_puppy is talking about and topics related to geopolitics and biowarfare. In many instances my comments have links to alt media websites and/or articles. When I hit submit, they just disappear. Poof, gone! I have typically thought it a PP glitch and did report it but it happened yet again yesterday. Aside from being frustrating, my spidy senses got going a bit more after I PM’d sand_puppy and he said he has had that happen to him as well. Hmmm… weird. I continue to hope it is just a PP glitch but cannot help but think at times that ‘they’ are somehow censoring some comments. Is anyone else having trouble with this?
Okay, tinfoil hat off… irrespective of my posting challenges, this whole SC2 thing, from questions about the virus origins, to corrupt big pharma, to big brother control and surveillance aspirations, stinks to high heaven!!! It absolutely reeks of nefarious intention. And while we must absolutely deal with the here and the now while the virus rages and wreaks havoc, that does not preclude us from simultaneously delving into how it happened and what the ulterior motives may be. TPTB count on the sheeple to remain dumb and ignorant so that they can keep on doing what they are doing. Ignorance is bliss cuts both ways, with ‘them’ blissfully’ benefiting from compliant minions. They want us to defer asking questions until later. Just like they count on people not being able to stomach the thought that this might be man made and possibly intentional. ‘They’ could not operate to the extent they do otherwise.
It is my hope that all of us who care keep digging for evidence and keep exposing the evil that is destroying all that we hold dear. Chris is sticking his neck out and leading with integrity. Let’s make sure his is not the only outstretched neck.

You know my fury about people is based precisely on the fact that I consider them to be responsible, moral creatures who so often do not act that way. (Margaret Mead)
Lovely quote, but useless if we don't use that fury as a catalyst to help foster a return to a state of being where morality is the norm rather than the exception. Jan

Thanks for your excellent comments about viral mutations and how they transpire. Millions of dollars have been spent cataloging bat corona viruses at the Wuhan lab. A simple thought experiment: If SARS Covid 2.0 was a naturally occurring virus, why was it not cataloged? Further, the only solid proof that it was not man-made is for independent researchers to find it in the wild. I don’t recommend holding your breath for that to happen.