Bombshell! Damning Evidence Leaked!


With a few exceptions, including Chris, no one is talking about this truly bombshell of a revelation- and that is not hyperbole as Chris carefully explained. Not e even Glenn Greenwald, not even Bret Weinstein, not even Megyn Kelly (just naming a few folks who typically pick this kind of information up and run with it) and hell, not even Rand Paul or Fox News (a news station currently obsessed with a stupid murder mystery). WTF is going on? My guess is that the folks that will broadcast this are tasking researchers and vetters to cross all the T’s and dot all the i’s. But if this doesn’t come across the news feeds (not talkin’ CNN or MSNBC here) within a few days, something is very very wrong.


I’m still waiting or the true story about who or what was behind the killing of JFK, be patient


Ision wrote “They are now coming for your children and for those who will not take the mRNA serums. I suggest you stop vacillating and prepare yourselves to fight.”
Exactly! Fauci and Daszac are just pawns in a much larger game. If Covid-19 had not been propagandized into a terror weapon, nobody would have even noticed it.
Time to stop obsessing about the virus and start preparing for the fight of our lives.


From ZH, “Wuhan Scientists Planned To Release ‘Chimeric Covid Spike Proteins’ Into Bat Populations Using ‘Skin-Penetrating Nanoparticles’”:

"18 months before the pandemic, scientists in Wuhan, China submitted a proposal to release enhanced airborne coronaviruses into the wild in an effort to inoculate them against diseases that could have otherwise jumped to humans, according to The Telegraph, citing leaked grant proposals from 2018.
New documents show that just 18 months before the first Covid-19 cases appeared, researchers had submitted plans to release skin-penetrating nanoparticles containing “novel chimeric spike proteins” of bat coronaviruses into cave bats in Yunnan, China. They also planned to create chimeric viruses, genetically enhanced to infect humans more easily, and requested $14million from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Darpa) to fund the work."

And then there is Dr. David Martin who provided testimony to lawyer Dr. Rainer FĂŒllmich, indicating that there were already dozens of legal patents on all components of the virus and also the vaccines well BEFORE the pandemic broke out. Various individuals and organizations around the world hold these patents:
Dr. David Martin w/ Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: “This, My Friends, Is the Definition of Criminal Conspiracy
This Is Not a Theory. This Is Evidence.” - Truth Comes to Light
This has been posted here on PP earlier this summer but is relevant to this discussion. There can only be one conclusion.

They are now coming for your children and for those who will not take the mRNA serums. I suggest you stop vacillating and prepare yourselves to fight.
This sums up my feelings. No amount of "strongly worded" letters to your representative will make a difference, at this point. The game is on and has been for nigh on two years now.

I love when bombshells drop confirming what was painfully obvious to anyone with two brain cells to rub together.
Ive got the next “bombshell” ready for you; IT WAS NO ACCIDENT


What kind of sick people would deliberately want to harm or kill children by injecting them with a vax they clearly dont need? The same people who used Jeffrey Epstein for sex trafficking, to record politicians having sex with minors. (and Dutroux and The Finders and Craig Spence).

why do MSM, Hollywood, and much of the IC protect the pedophiles?

why are doctors and hcw participating in this crime against humanity? and, soon, against young children?

because their jobs depend on it? because they're in debt? pay them enough money - they'll turn a blind eye.

the common threads are the betrayal of trust, subverting the truth.

is it 'The Dark Triad?' is it Satanic?

https:// www. mintpressnews. com/the-finders-cia-ties-child-sex-cult-obscured-media-coverage/277543/

https: // www. thelastamericanvagabond. com / outside-the-box/six-case-studies-massive-child-pedophilia-ring-highest-power-levels/

https:// www. activistpost. com/2021/09/top-fbi-official-in-charge-of-crimes-against-children-arrested-for-sex-crimes-against-children.html


“On the 5th of June 2008, which is an important date, because it is around the time that DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research program in the United States actively took an interest in coronavirus as a biological weapon. June 5th, 2008. Ablynx NV, which is part of Sanofi, files a series of patents that targeted what we’ve been told is the novel feature of the SARS-C0V-2 virus."

“Specifically, they targeted the polybasic cleavage site for SARS-CoV-2, the novel spike protein and the ACE-2 receptor binding domain, which is allegedly novel to SARS-CoV-2 and all of that was patented on the 5th of June, 2008." US Patent #9193780.

-- David E. Martin, PhD, from the interview with Reiner Fuellmich on 7/9/21 -- https:// www .bitchute. com/video/buLRVQEcExXQ/

transcript at https:// www.covidtruths. co. uk/2021/07/reiner-fuellmich-interviews-dr-david-martin-cdc-patent-fraud/


**Note how June 2008 was the FIRST time Jeffrey Epstein got locked up. That's the same month DARPA / NIH patented SARS-CoV-2.

July 2019 was the SECOND time Epstein got locked up. Soon after, NIAID patented the DARPA / Moderna Covid vaccine. A month later, the virus 'escaped' from someone's lab, or flask.


Ghislaine Maxwell's trial is scheduled to start at the end of November.


The Nassar Case and the FBI coverup:

“The lack of prosecution always has been baffling, and it remains so. There was ‘inaction, incompetence and worse,’ as Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) said. Why has no one but [Larry] Nassar faced full legal accountability? [FBI director Christopher] Wray and Inspector General Michael Horowitz could not answer that most basic question. You know who else couldn’t answer it? [US Attorney General Merrick] Garland, because he refused to attend the hearing.”

https:// www. washingtonpost .com/sports/olympics/2021/09/15/larry-nassar-fbi-investigation-usa-gymnastics/



"The very worst bad guys are not put in prison by the good guys who run things, because the very worst bad guys are the ones who run things."


The System Isn't There To Protect Us From Criminals, It's To Protect Criminals From Us - by Caitlin Johnstone, July 1, 2021


My thoughts: When the global elites feel threatened, and no longer trust the system to protect them (Jeffrey Epstein’s arrest in July 2019; Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry), they unleash their weapons on the public at large


So all of this for a virus where if we did absolutely nothing and let it run its course we would have a 99.5% survival rate. If we climbed on early and initiated early treatment with a whole host of repurposed meds and had a survival rate of 99.95% survival rate.
Obviously it is not about the virus. So is it about the experimental gene therapy injections which are 2 to 10 times as bad but still not exactly “population control, eugenics” level bad. I understand that over time it can/will get worse but it also has been shown that the effects of “the jab” can be dealt with and even reversed.
What can’t be reversed is the societal harm, the loss of science, the doubt, the fear, the mindless compliance, pitting one against another in families, friends, communities.
The huge economic effect of exponential consolidation and centralization.
I has been crystal clear for decades now that TPTB will do absolutely anything including killing Americans to forward their agenda. I don’t think we need to continue to try and prove that. Nor do we need to try and convince everyone that what “they” have instore for “us” is not beneficial to “us”. By the time we are finished doing all of that “they” have already moved on to the next thing.
Did the bubble work out well for us?
Did 911 work out well for us?
Did the RE/mortgage bubble work out well for us?
Is there any chance in hell that Sars Cov-2 will work out well for us?
Well I guess all of these brilliant internet personalities will be right there to break down the minutiae of the next one so we have that to look forward to.


There has been so much good evidence out there about virus origins and adverse vaccine reactions for interested people to find out and still few people question. Now with so many vaccinated the level of denial seems to have intensified. Unless this breaks through to the mainstream media, it is hard to see things changing.
Chris seems to think this story will break, I hope so. But most people I know would challenge the credibility of his new information rather than shift their beliefs. And we all know that TPTB are not going to go away quietly.
Epstein was the fall guy. His tapes of the rich and powerful were not made public.
Will they find someone to take the fall for this?


Kayje, you asked who the fall guys will be. Look in the mirror.

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I mean, seriously look at it, they have identical sunglasses

I mean, seriously. They think they’re smart, so they keep imagining we have the IQ of paste. Sigh. These are idiots-arrogants. They’re too dumb to figure out they stick out like sore thumbs, and smugly satisfied in their stupidity. How do they get like that? The left’s takeover of their field. They remind me of trad pub editors circa 1995. (Not that they’ve improved, but now most have the puzzled and vaguely malevolent expression of stupid people who suspect someone is putting one over on them, but know it’s impossible because they’re so smart. Or something. Not that the editors were stupid. Just smug and unchallenged. Same here.) And this ladies and gentlemen are the people we trust to ferret out threats in the world at large.

This is ultimately what is at the bottom of the Afghanistan disaster, what caused us to spend almost a century taking seriously the Soviet Empire and how well equipped they were as enemies, when these people in fact were doing things like driving trucks of tubes around, to pretend they were missiles.

At another level, these are the people who earnestly believe the real threat is global warming, that communism works, and that we’re all white supremacists.

The good news in this is that these people are not on our side. These complete and thorough idiots are in fact trying to destroy America in the name of some supra-national government which will be better. Or so they imagine.

What they’re actually trying to do, of course, is stay seated and apply spurs and not allow us to resist them. Because having completely subverted the elections, they think they are in power forever. (Which means these poor deprived adult children never heard stories like the goose that laid the golden eggs, or other stories of “F*ck around and find out.”)


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chris martenson,
what type of storage food do u recommend buying ?

Mountain House is a great place to buy freeze-dried food. However, you’ll want to move fast their prices have increased dramatically over the past 12 months and they have also recently reduced the size of their packaging
you get less then before and pay more :frowning:

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3 Likes'blow-dart-african:1

From “The News and Why It Matters”

A new report reveals plans at the Wuhan Institute of Virology to release enhanced coronaviruses into bats right before the COVID-19 pandemic broke out. Is there any chance at all this is a coincidence?"  

Great question Kayje. Actually I think the answer is simple - a bit more time. As more and more appalling truths come out the pressure is building. Medical administrators and people in power are not immune to the growing tide of awareness - particularly the ones who have been unwittingly captured and are beginning to understand the damage they are facilitating. Some of them will be starting to panic. They will not want to get caught on the wrong side when the story unravels.
If just one western country halts the rollout due to safety concerns it could easily trigger a cascading collapse in confidence. Public health officials in Canada (say) are holding the line because their counterparts around the globe are (not because of inherent safety of the vaccine). As the health outcomes become increasingly ugly and public confidence falls pressure will keep building. When the mainstream media of a western country (and I don’t care which one) starts taking vax injuries and deaths seriously - watch out. That will be the actual tipping point.