Can America Survive A Corrupt Court System?

Of course we can survive especially with the GOP leaders. Only five elected Republicans didn’t display their courage and resolve when the rest of those stellar giants fell down, rolled over, pooped their pants, went on Hannity to help him sell sheets, pillows, and strawberries, then voted to fund all the lawfare bureacracies because save democracy or something. Very impressive.


It’s the same through much of the South.


To help prevent bugs, many people freeze the rice for a few days before storing it. Placing a few bay leaves into your rice before sealing also helps.

The mylar bags with oxygen absorbers are for longer term storage. If you need something more temporary, you can also store dry goods in 2 liter soda pop bottles.


As a Canadian I realize I have little skin in the game on this topic. However, what happens in the country of our largest trading partner has a direct impact on Canadians.

He was found guilty by a jury of his peers.

From the ‘outside’ looking ‘in’ I am unsure why the jurors were wrong.

Could someone explain it like I’m 5?

quite simply there was no crime.
Did you watch Chris’s video? He explained a lot of it.

You can’t prosecute federal crimes in state courts… but again there was no federal crime
Defense hands were tied on bringing witnesses to the court
Supreme court has ruled juries have to be unanimous. Judge told jury they did not have to be unanimous
The alleged committed crime was not revealed until prosecution closing arguments, which the defense had no time to prepare or even present a defense to.
Did I mention none of what was alleged is actually a crime?

Judge has remarkably on random assignment of millions of cases in NY, gotten assigned to THREE Trump related cases.
He’s a known financial donor to biden
His daughter is literally making hundreds of thousands of dollars, possibly even millions associated with this case. NY has a strict 6(?) degrees of freedom law, which was ignored
This district voted 85% for biden, jury of peers?


This is a fantastic documentary everyone should watch.


I was thinking The Big Banana….

It Al accelerated with 911 and the blatant rise of the security state… no one really complained. Jan 6 of course was when the real blatant slaps became evident to many. But if on3 looks at all the related public health laws that ensued especially with the 2005 Prep Act, then one understands that the Constitution has been under attack for not just more than two decades, but much longer. A new President in th3 Oval Office is not going to fix that. The DOD/pentagon/CIA plus others nexus has grown into a huge behemoth that due to ideological rigidity (I.e. Russia is our big enemy… etc.), hubris ( America is superior - we have the big guns … etc. ), the capture by both corporate globlalist interests, and by the old money elites who despise the middle classes everywhere and thus their plan is to destroy it using many tactics to include financial collapse, toxic countermeasures, famine, and all done in a way they have convinced many are good for humanity, the earth, the climate. They have no interests in any of that. Their interests are in grabbing as many resources for themselves as possible while claiming they are the only ones who know how to manage them, and all systems will be two tiered: justice, resource and opportunities, and liberty themselves, no justice for us, no opportunities and no liberty. They only want enough serfs to run the systems they will need. Mmmm though they don’t have enough energy to run the world on AI and for the surveillance and monitoring of the rest of us. Do not comply.


“The real action is the enemy’s reaction.”
that and the induction of learned helplessness.

It’s forcing a reaction that can be either beaten down and the defeat of said reaction can be displayed, or the reaction can be steered toward their own ends. The purpose is to use the reaction(s) as justification for further changes and to induce learned helplessness in the population, so that when the real, boot on your face tyranny comes, they will just sit there and take the endless shocks.

This quote is really about learned helplessness on a population level: