Can Western Civilization Be Saved?

Need a cartoon of Wile E. Coyote suspended in mid are with the caption “Critical Race Theory”. The next frame with him splatted on the ground with the caption “Critical Reality”


Didn’t Chris show us a chart at some point that hospitals are the same: more admin than true medical staffers?
At the community college where I used to work, they went from 9 deans (each heads of their department who knew the ins and outs and needs of each subject area within their department and had absolute control over budgets, etc.) and 5 VPs with an Associate VP for each (Student Services, Academic Affairs, Finance, Continuing Education, & Information Tech) – ie 10 total VP/AVP staffers – to 3 deans (combined departments where the new dean doesn’t know over half of the department’s needs – mind you, they only had to be full-time faculty in ANY department in the college to apply, not necessarily within the department they would be overseeing, as in the past) and 6 VPs (two new creations: VP of Inclusion, Talent & Workplace Culture; VP of Inclusion, Transformation & Equity) with 11 AVPs (ie, total of 17 VP/AVPs). Way to save the college’s dime. Last I heard, HR can’t keep new hires longer than a few months. More terrible changes have taken place this past year (since a new “virtuous” president was hired). Sad. It used to be SUCH a great place to work too. I’m mostly sad for the students; they’re the ones truly losing out.


Spot on. If there is no distinguishing man from woman, there can be no distinguishing human from robot.


Thanks. I cringe when I think of what crucial items I may have left out. Still, it helps me retain sanity when I see this kind of “tolerance” in in action.

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Thanks, you made me laugh, which I need about now. The trick is though how to not be the poor sap under the late, splatted coyote. Some days it’s a challenge, especially when the rage mob shows up on your doorstep.

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Agreed, Dave. I have spoken to this concept before, that the ‘trans’ part of transgender was a precursor for transhumanism. Their end game is gender neutrality, the end of natural sexual reproduction, and ultimately, elimination of the nuclear family and religion, all of which play into WEF Rule 8 re the testing of cultural values. Testing well underway…
As I look back over the decades of TV manipulation, I am reminded of the “Baby in a Bag” episode of Grey’s Anatomy. That show gets the Emmy for best narrative supporting screenplay.


This Is Nothing New

Pro-lifers have been dealing with these exact same people for decades. I have been physically assaulted more times than I can remember and even injured once, doing pro-life work. You look into their eyes and there is nothing there. It’s really creepy.


Woke Mind Virus

There is a quote I heard many years ago that at the time was attributed to John Wayne. I’m not sure if he actually said it but I believe it is something he would have said.
It goes: “Life’s tough, it’s even tougher if you’re stupid.” I’d like to amend it for the current time to: “Life’s tough, it’s even tougher if you’re woke.”
If things get as bad as some are predicting and Biden and his pals drag (pun intended) us into WW3, wokesters will be in for a rude awakening. The enemy isn’t going to care which of 83 , and counting, genders ze thinks ze might be/feel that day nor will a cease-fire be called so ze can find zir “raison d’etre”. And there definitely won’t be any safe-spaces for zim to retreat to because things are ‘just too hard for zer to deal with right now’. Ze’s level of wokeness won’t help zim on the battlefield. (Don’t bother correcting me on my improper use of the ‘pronouns’ - I don’t care.)
A social justice warrior won’t stand a chance against a battle hardened warrior. Because they’ve been coddled all their lives and been awarded 8th place trophies all their lives, wokesters think that they are invincible and nothing can stand in their way. With morality on our side, who can stand against us? Well… methinks they’ve got another think coming…


You absolutely spot on. You can’t coexist with these people, they are mentally ill and uncapable of anything productive. To them, being productive means only to advance their agenda which clearly leads to their destruction and the destruction of our society and culture.
When it collapses, and I feel this coming war and upcoming depression - we will have many hard years ahead of us. These ‘people’ who at least partially caused this destruction through their weakness and inability to have any common sense, will be banging at your door looking for handouts, food, shelter, clothing, anything.
Rebuilding on the other side will be hard for those who survive. We need to prepare as much as possible now for these hard times to come.


Conflation Of Male And Men, Female And Woman

These males who want to be females can compete. They can dress as women (female sex) and participate in male events.
Male is biological. It cannot be changed. You cannot change a dog into a leopard by dying the fur. You cannot change a male bovine by castrating it.
Let these misfits do what they want but keep the sport for normal people clean.



My local political state representative is a Lesbian Asian.
It shouldn’t be a big deal.
But she makes it into one. How - over attending LGBTQ… events, over representing for that same demographic needs and requests. Ignoring the rest of our locals.
It was heartening to see that when she recently wrote a ‘poor us’ pro-trans piece in the local paper, there were three letters to the editor published, calling her out, and supporting actual women’s rights to safety and being female.
People stated facts she had forgotten to include, and people called her out on not looking after the interests of the broader electorsate, actual important things like homelessness, joblessness, crime rates, decaying industry, impending job losses, etc.
These letters were objective and not emotive.
She is a diversity hire not a skills hire. As far as outcomes go, she has failed this area miserably. It’s sickening she is using her position to push this junk. And her office is always closed.
Meanwhile a real woman is doing wonders up the road, a person grounded in reality and genuinely serving her constituents. A mother, who has reason to care about the future.
Without indoctrination by this type of ‘Adult’ the LGBTQ… trend would breed itself out, back to naturally genetic levels of occurence. The indoctrination of young malleable minds is the problem.
Sensible people need to keep taking children under their guidence to counter this.


I think the first phase is about motivating transhumanist adoption rates.
Step 1: machine-enhanced (or drug-enhanced, or surgery-enhanced) humans must be treated exactly the same as non-enhanced humans - in sports, competitions, learning, etc.
Step 2: enhanced humans outperform (for some narrow window) non-enhanced humans.
Step 3: anyone involved in any competion will demand enhancement.
It’s like being allowed to use a laptop on a math test. Before long, everyone needs the laptop to stay up with the pack. And that’s fantastic for laptop sales. Of course. And then the gang in charge gets to hack the laptop…
There’s also removal of “moms” in the future too - artificial wombs, lab-grown babies, can you imagine the poor baby, looking to bond with the lab machinery? Likely that’s a goal too.
“Give me a child for 7 years, and I will show you the man.” Bruce Lipton says that from 1-7, kids brains are in “theta”, which is a light form of hypnosis/imagination mode, so the kid will be trained up in how to live with his family group. Lipton explains it here (5min):



I wonder if this was the goal of a long term plann. Or if the whole world just collectively lost its crazy ass mind. I worked for a couple that lived through the great depression. It’s a great story but I can’t really tell it. I’ll never forget the way she would come outside and pack a ton of wisdom in a short sentence.
-When we hire someone who can think for themself; well that’s a reason to celebrate!
-I see you’re still trying to change people, (walks away laughing robustly)
One day they told me out of the blue we would loose a lot of freedoms in my lifetime, but they wouldn’t elaborate. This was about twenty years ago, maybe more. Wonder how important this crap will be combined with poverty, war, or hunger. Let’s just keep doing our best to get shit together, track the truth. More and more the truth is like a rose stuck in a pile of cow shit. I spent my childhood walking bare foot in cow shit sometimes up to my little knees. Never thought that would turn out to be a helpful life lesson.
Thanks for putting so much into the new site Chris. Have to poke around and see who’s around my area in the SW. Need to spend some time learning how to take advantage of the new site. Where are the adults, holy crap these are adults now. A whole lot of “who cares” with the breakneck speed of unfolding events. I get the sense that something somewhere is about to really break, hard.


“Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son.” - Animal House


DEI = Discrimination, Exclusion, & Inequity. Excellent, that’s a keeper!

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Looks to me like the “over production of elites” phenomenon that Peter Turchill notes that commonly occurs near the end of empires:
“Elite overproduction generally leads to more intra-elite competition that gradually undermines the spirit of cooperation, which is followed by ideological polarization and fragmentation of the political class. This happens because the more contenders there are, the more of them end up on the losing side. A large class of disgruntled elite-wannabes, often well-educated and highly capable, has been denied access to elite positions.”

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There’s been a debate for some years on who was more correct on the form that modern totalitarianism would take: was it George Orwell’s 1984? or Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World?
We’ve currently got the Globalist utopians using Orwell’s 1984 as an instruction manual (Newspeak - perpetual war, wall to wall propaganda via co-opted media/social media etc)
If this is correct about trans as a camel’s nose for transhumanism then these ideologically driven idiots are now crossfading over to Brave New World as a model.

None Of This Is Random Or Coincidental.

This woke rubbish is coming from the top down … It’s not a case of wokeness becoming popular with the general public and society changing to reflect this, it’s an attempt at forced societal change from vested interests.
We saw it get traction after the Occupy Wall Street protests showed a growing awareness in the general public about how the establishment/the deep state/the elites (call them as you wish) were exerting enormous control over a supposedly democratic and lawful society, and going against the interests of the masses.
I think those at the top saw the whole ‘wokeness’ element that was growing in academia and decided to subvert it for their own purposes. Namely to distract from what was really going on and to condition society to accept authoritarian rule and suppression of ‘non sanctioned’ views and opinions. Also to implant the notion that existing societal structures were bad and needed to be torn down and ‘built back better’.
They put the foot to the floor in the wake Trump in 2016 and it’s just been getting worse and worse. COVID was a way to further concentrate power and control.
What really annoys me though is the sheer inability of a lot of people to see through wokeness. Quite a few misguided sorts still seem to think its about fairness and justice when all evidence points to the contrary. I guess those people are really easily gulled by the media.



Thank you Dr. Chris and Love, love, love the new feel of your website.
Just a quick comment: I once commented here about an “idea” regarding our economic predicament and it was meant with a little hostility by a fellow PP to the point that I was referred to by the quote, “Don’t be so open-minded your brains fall out” without them offering a better option, or better idea. The first reaction was to insult and/or ridicule. Where are the adults indeed?
I admire a lot of folks here at PP who have given me a plethora of knowledge and insights that I haven’t found elsewhere, especially Dr. Chris. To all, a heartfelt thank you! Just a scout here trying to learn from folks with a lot of intelligence and integrity while doing the best I can!
Again, thank you Dr Chris & Ivy for all your efforts & hard work!

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Sorry, should be Peter Turchin