Can Western Civilization Be Saved?

Our Bigest Social Problem In The Us

It’s a disgrace how the elites have so callously taken advantage of an elderly man who, in the past, has done so much for our country but may currently have diminished faculties. I am of course talking about Mel Brooks. Our biggest social problem we face is the total lack of humor in the media. Hulu has recently released a series called ‘The History of the World Part II,’ introduced by Mel Brooks. It’s obvious that Mr. Brooks is either no longer funny or has had zero input on the writing of this travesty. Fortunately, you can still watch Part I on the venue, a movie that would be classified as hate speech by current movie critics. Too bad Hulu. Take a hint from Disney: Go Woke, Go Broke and you should be ashamed of yourself for taking advantage of such a nice old man.



This sort of quote feels real because of the mindset of PP (of which I’m a loyal tribe member), but I was curious so I dug deeper.
is some good stack exchange conversations about it, with reference to this: which seems to be a good argument that he didn’t actually say that.
Note: I’m not supporting WHO at all, just found myself wanting to dig a bit deeper on this one.
-shrug- (where’s the shrug emoji?)

A Quick Reminder

If you haven’t made the trek over yet, I have a running feed over on the Forums (for members).
Here’s today’s:

From which perspective do you see objective truth? Do you have a perspective that is independent of culture, history, language etc? There are valuable lessons from post-structuralism that have been misunderstood and misrepresented in postmodern discourse. However, it would be naive to think that there is nothing of value there. One challenge is to find an alternative to dogmatic views - whether it be the dogma of “I have the objective truth” or the dogma of “there is no truth”. There are practical alternatives that would serve us all better. For example, many people misunderstand the alternative to believing in “absolute truth” as “absolute relativism” but that is just the other side of the same coin. There are other traditions such as relationalism that offer more effective perspetives for both rejecting claims of ultimate truth and claims of ultimate relativity - both those perspectives are based on the same naive assumption that there is such a thing as a “view from nowhere”.

My Trans Friends…

I have two friends – one fairly close – both FtM transmen. One is early 30s, one late 20s. I would guess 90% of the people they meet have no inkling they’re not biological males. They’re both years into their transition and have been on the hormone regimen long enough to have facial hair and deeper voices, and so forth. IMO there are some people that just got the wrong second chromosome (in this case, a second X instead of a Y) and ended up in body with the wrong plumbing.
One is married to his lady/sweetheart for getting on 10 years now, the other is in a long-term relationship with a woman and helping to raise a happy daughter from a previous relationship.
They both “pass” as men without issue. Not only do they look the part, they just have that “dude” attitude and body language. They both commenced their transition in their 20s, as adults. Neither of them grind the trans agenda axe. They both think kids can wait until their 18 to start transitioning (at least in terms of hormones and surgery, etc. – before that they can dress and act the part), although they don’t really speak up for fear of being censured by their community. I get it. Plenty of straight people won’t speak up either.
I’m grateful to them both, not only for their friendship (the one I’m closer to especially, he’s a total kickass human being) but also for helping me sort my ideas out around the whole trans thing.
I’m live and let live – but do it AFTER AGE 18. The whole push to transition kiddies (Boston Hospital doc who says they need to “drastically” increase the hospital space and resources for transitioning youngsters) is evil, and will I believe eventually result in people losing their licenses to practice. In the meantime, this is a hill I will die on if I have to.
I don’t think it’ll come to that. I sense a turning of the tide (on this and a bunch of other SJW crapola). To paraphrase Churchill, “The quiet majority can be counted on to do the right thing, after they have exhausted all the alternatives.”
This absurd Maoist revolution of brainwashed adolescents (of whatever age) is beginning to collapse underneath (a) the weight of its own contradictions, and (b) the pressure coming from Actual Problems in the Actual World [ie energy, economy, and the environment].
But first there will be some more pain and shouting. So be it. When I’m not defending that hill I spoke of earlier, I’ll be in the orchard.
Much aloha from Maui my PP peeps! VIVA – Sager


As if on cue, Kunstler published a podcast interview with Rectenwald dated yesterday. No, I haven’t listened yet. Might get to it tomorrow.

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Dan, I read through the second link and at best it is unverified. I wouldn’t use it unless it could be verified.

If this is true, why are so many continuing to ask it questions and figure out problems or scenarios? Maybe everyone who has a brain, should stop using any of this disaster in action!!

Education Centers Falling Apart

My brother went to Cornell University as is his daughter. He has continued his involvement over the years as a board member at student agencies. His daughter decided to get involved in student agencies, and while she was there she ran into lies,cheating, and illegal activity. When she called out the problems, she was told to keep her mouth shut and NEVER put any of it in writing or emails. She recently decided to take a semester away from student agencies and go to South Africa. Now as a board member, my brother is fighting the corruption and is getting told that he needs to resign his position because he just doesn’t understand… He is considering legal action to try to stop the illegal activities that the adult coordinator for student agencies is participating in. This is a VERY brief version of the massive amount of information he has built up against the perpetrator as well as the board not following their own rules. He is working with legal council, and he is ready to advance if needed. It is being suggested from certain people that although he would likely win, that he and his daughter would lose much more than they would win… YIKES!!

I measure a physical quantity in my lab and publish the result, with error bars.
A colleague across the country measures the same quantity, publishes his results.
On the other side of the planet, another physicist does the same, publishes her results.
All three match to within uncertainty bounds. Truth.
Good farming practices are employed. Nobody starves that year. Truth.
Good engineering practices are employed. Man walks on the Moon. Truth.
Insane, short-sighted people blindly burn through resources and pollute the world’s environment. As a result people suffer. Truth.
A hard future is coming down on all of us. We are busy getting ready here. This is not a late-night dorm session. I don’t have time to take your sophistry seriously.


Matt Walsh Clashes With Tennessee Democrat In Debate About Gender-affirming Treatments For Minors
Prior to the shootings in Tennessee


Sports is competing with eachother. Where is your sense of pride when you compete in such way against people who are clearly weaker than you.
Is “pride” something of the old days?


Sfsu Athletic Director: “common Mistake” To Think Men Have Physical Advantages Over Women

First, SFSU Vice President for Student Affairs Jamillah Moore sent out a memo thanking activists for “peacefully” taking part in the anti-Gaines protest … and even called them “brave.”
Then, the president of the SFSU student government said that Gaines was at fault for her assault and the screaming protesters due to her “hateful rhetoric.” Indeed, Karina Zamora also pinned blame on the campus police for their “confrontational behavior.”
Now, the SFSU athletic director has joined the fray saying she doesn’t understand what Gaines’ problem is in the first place — that it’s a “common mistake to believe people might have a competitive advantage due to their physical abilities.”
More Crazymaking

Thank you so much for this deep sharing, Sager.
I also had a trans friend (also FtM) back when I was in graduate school. We were in the same first-year internship, and so spent quite a bit of time together, and eventually became good friends. He was married to a woman and they had a daughter. He also ‘passed’ for male 100%. In fact, so much so that I had no clue he was trans at all.
At one point (after graduate school was over), he told me his life story. I was quite surprised, yet life just went on as before. He died about 13 years ago from cancer. He was an incredible human being. I learned so much from him, and wish he was still around.
What’s going on today with the push for children to transition and all of the activism in this direction is something else altogether. It shares a relationship with narcissism, and may also be viewed as a pathway to transhumanism according to Paul Kingsnorth.
This is not the same thing as those who are authentically in the wrong body. I cannot imagine what that must be like - all of the pain, shame, and personal torment, I am so glad that I had the chance to have a personal relationship and direct experience of this friend.
My understanding is that being born in the wrong body is relatively rare, but it does happen. I find that most authentically trans people are just trying to go about their own business and live their own lives without pushing their agenda on anyone else.
My hope is that we, as human beings, will not lump all trans people into the same category.


This drift into insanity is the result of Post Modernism and it’s idiotic ideas which have infected universities in the West since the 1960’s at least.
“Pomo” in essence refuses to admit that absolute truth exists and instead asserts that all truth is relative and personal ( We’ve all heard the tell tale phrases: “your truth, my truth” “my lived experience” "speaking as a …) It’s also deeply cynical in that it asserts that all previously declared truths are simply gambits by one group to obtain power and control of another and always have been. (Of course this is asserted as an absolute truth - hypocracy/ logical consistency apparently not being important in that ideology.
Allow these ideas to percolate through the culture via the academy for long enough and you get teachers saying the above nonsense with a straight face without getting laughed at ridiculed or fired.
I do find it fascinating ( in a rubbernecking a road accident kind of way) how just getting a few basic assumptions hopelessly wrong ( or more accurately’ tolerating lies and falsehoods) at the root will rot the foundation of a civilisation and bring the while thing crashing down within a few generations.


Welcome to the UpsideDownWorld, where you leave Cornell and go to South Africa for some peace and quiet.  ?  For what it is worth, kudos to your brother and niece…the world needs more like them.

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Elon Musk Demands Life In Prison For Child Sex-change

“Any parent or doctor who sterilizes a child before they are a consenting adult should go to prison for life,” Musk tweeted on Friday. He made his comment in response to an MSNBC columnist’s claim that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis was destroying his state with “intolerant and authoritarian-minded” policies. Florida last month imposed a ban on sex-change surgeries, hormone therapies and puberty blockers for minors.
Musk Gets It Right


Well, I Am Glad That The Prime Minister Of Britain Has Cleared That Up

UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has declared that 100% of women do not have penises, after Labour Party leader Keir Starmer had previously suggested that just 99.9% of females do not possess the male reproductive organ.
British PM Decisively Resolves Major Issue