Canadian Truckers Roll!

OMG that’s painful to watch. The counter protestors are so incoherent and misinformed. That first guy reverts to the classic argument – blaming unvaccinated for prolonging the pandemic and that if everyone had been vaxxed we’d be through it. He supports mandates and segregation to reduce spread and end the pandemic. Then when pointed out that the vaccines don’t actually prevent or even reduce spread, he then quickly changes the topic and reverts straight to the “well the unvaccinated are filling our hospitals up”, which just sidesteps the whole issue of mandates designed to prevent spread of a virus, since the virus don’t care who it infects, it spreads just the same. OK, for the sake of argument let’s agree that the unvaccinated are plugging up hospitals. What does that have to do with spreading the virus?
How do you even address this level of stupidity?


settle your own mare?
Poor advice from an old farmer
ps what is an easy way to unswage primer pockets. Emphasis on easy.


Just some creepiness; very difficult to watch without throwing up. Trudeau giving a eulogy at his “father”'s funeral. Fidel Castro in audience at 7:28

600 million sats = 6 bitcoin. Right now, that’s approaching $275,000 USD.
The original target was 100,000,000 sats. Now the 3rd increase goal has been surpassed.
Uncensorable. No middleman access to pass judgement. Direct to a convoy organizer’s wallet.


Fidel Castro is Justin Trudeau’s father. I thought it was some sort of conspiracy theory due to the likeness. However, after I saw plenty of his mother’s pics with Fidel and their over-freindliness, and pictures of his legal father, it is obvious that Justin is clearly the bastard love child of Margret Trudeau and Fidel Castro. This is not a theory its a fact.


Buckle up, Chris. they may be coming for you and the rest of us.
On-line, Mis-Dis- information, now classified as TERRORISM.
No idea why this screen shot is so fuzzy…it can be seen at

teaser image Honest, I swear . Just one more dose and you get your freedom back.
Yeah. Right. Like anybody believes that. This guy couldn't recognize an Inflection Point if it slapped him in the face. Truckers : ROLL. ROLL. ROLL. Everybody else : prepare for action. It's about to happen. -- Chuck
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I went to visit my elderly family in Vancouver. One of them served as a psychiatric nurse for Margaret Trudeau (Justin Trudeau’s mother) while she was a patient at St Paul’s mental hospital in Vancouver for several years and possibly longer than a decade.

This nurse served on Margaret’s floor and it included other celebrities and high profile people that were institutionalized. They were told to be kept quiet.

According to my family direct institutional care of her, Margaret was manic depressive and would sleep with other heads of state when Pierre Trudeau (previous prime minister) would meet with them during her manic cycles. Her manic depressive cycles was at least one of the reasons why she was institutionalized in order to control her sexual urges for Pierre Trudeau’s image.

This doesn’t prove she slept with Fidel Castro and got pregnant with his child but it sure strengthens this hypothesis that Castro is Justin Trudeau’s biological father.

It is public knowledge that Margaret and Pierre had their honeymoon in Cuba and were good friends with Fidel Castro.

With her manic tendencies to sleep with other heads of state, it’s highly likely she slept with Fidel Castro when she was 18 at the time she married Pierre Trudeau who was in his 40’s.