Canadian Truckers Roll!

I was able to make a donation to the Canadian Truckers via givesendgo’s “Adopt A Trucker” website a few days ago, @ . That was an alternate funding site Jan had provided in one of our Canadian trucker threads. Also, I just found an article saying that it was being used now as an alternate funding site given gof&@*me was no longer honoring and providing its service. Truck convoy: Protest supporters move quickly to new fundraising website .
When I first tried to access gofundsend this morning, I got a “Bad Gateway” error (and the article I linked to above said they were having some problems like that, with all the added volume on their site). But now it seems to be working.
Edit: I was just able to access the main “Adopt A Trucker” website right now, but when I hit the “Donate” button, I again got the “Bad Gateway” error. I think (hope!) the trouble is due to them getting a very high volume of donors right now. Here is what the article (linked above) says:

The truckers have adopted GiveSendGo as their new fundraising platform. The organization bills itself as the leader in Christian fundraising. On the new platform, the truckers had already raised close to $900,000 towards a $16 million goal by late Saturday morning. GiveSendGo was having trouble handling the sudden traffic on its website, which often displayed a server error Saturday. “We know the site is slow,” the company said on social media. “We are working on it! All hands on deck.”
So I will just keep trying periodically until I get through!

Wow, check out this article about GoF$@kMe at ZeroHedge. People are PISSED!
“Thieving Scum” - Conservatives Livid At GoFundMe After Millions ‘Stolen’ From Truckers; Alt Fundraiser Gets $1.1 Mil Overnight


Wow, PGP. Those are some pretty strong words for someone who appears not to have watched the dozens of highly nuanced videos in which Dr. Chris carefully and methodically reviews dozens and dozens of high quality medical studies from around the world.
BTW, I guess you missed that Dr. Chris holds a Ph.D (in toxicology, IIRC) from a highly-reputable university and worked at Pfizer for 2 or 3 years. So, yeah, what would he know about medicine.
But by all means, demonize someone who thinks differenly than you do. We’re quite used to that.
You’re a fish out of water here sir/madam. You’re probably a troll, so that’s all you get from me now.


I’m no expert on what tractors used on farms look like versus tractors used to plow snow, but a good number of these tractors look more like farm equipment to me. They certainly aren’t designed to haul goods in trailers. If this becomes a farmer revolt as well as a trucker revolt, the government will have to do some negotiating. It can’t win by simply terrorizing and bullying.


Your friends daughter is unfortunate. As a group, children have a higher probability of being hospitalized or dying from the vaccine than they do from Covid.


Does anybody know a crypto / DLT (distributed ledger technology) based alternative ?
If it was set up like Bitcoin, or a DAO, it couldn’t be shut down easily. There would have to be a way for trustees to assign distributions to eligible receivers in a way that provides some oversight w/o sacrificing anonymity.
If it doesn’t exist yet, I’m sure someone started working on it after this GFM episode. Crypto / blockchain / DLT to the rescue.



I was thinking the same. Maybe a PP project? The ultimate form of resistance and a big “up yours”…


what would happen if the trucker supporters went after those who stole their money?


So I have to ask, WTF do you know about recovering from Long Covid?
Minus, of course, the experiments you ran on yourself to heal your own “long covid” condition at the early part of the pandemic in 2020. Which seemed to work out pretty well.
I mean, minus that? :slight_smile:
The lactoferrin thing looks pretty interesting. As do a number of the other “gut health” approaches. I have some lactoferrin on hand just in case. That lactoferrin/benadryl in-vitro study was interesting.
And lactoferrin itself appears to be a generic antiviral. Kinda like some other things we’ve run into over the past two years. Lactoferrin as a broad-spectrum antiviral agent
So PGP - are we allowed to Doctor Ourselves? Or must we simply worship "the experts", and go every Sunday to the Vaccine Church, take the latest Holy Shot into our bodies, and thank Fauci that our breakthrough case of COVID wasn't lethal - this time. "If I hadn't received the Holy Shot Sacrament last Sunday, it sure could have been somuch worse!" Here's what "the experts" have told me over the years:
  • There was a "Bomber Gap"
  • There was a "Missile Gap"
  • The Iraqi soldiers tossed Babies out of Incubators
  • There were WMD in Iraq
  • The North Vietnamese attacked US Naval vessels at Tonkin Gulf
  • COVID19 did not come from a lab.
  • HCQ doesn't work vs COVID19; neither does Ivermectin, which is just a Horse Dewormer.
I get that you trust "the experts." Not me. This pattern of lying by "the experts" - on some really important matters - is enough to make me really vaccine hesitant.

This describes many of my personal friends…it’s like, did I ever really know them? “Stepford Wives?”

Or must we simply worship "the experts", and go every Sunday to the Vaccine Church, take the latest Holy Shot into our bodies, and thank Fauci that our breakthrough case of COVID wasn't lethal - this time. "If I hadn't received the Holy Shot Sacrament last Sunday, it sure could have been so much worse!"

I really don't know how to explain this, but this CNN article contains only minimal propaganda. It is damn close to being journalism. I am baffled by it.

CNN) From the western province of Alberta, moving east to Quebec City, and in cities and towns in between, thousands of Canadians have hit the streets in trucks, tractors, cars and on foot to protest the nation's Covid-19 restrictions.

With persistent and noisy horn honking, protesters are demanding governments at all levels lift their health restrictions, including vaccine and mask mandates, lockdowns and restrictions on businesses and gatherings.
"The whole event has gone beyond just vaccines and it is now about the entire ordeal," protester James MacDonald told CNN, adding he's been in Ottawa since last weekend and has no intention of leaving until health measures are dropped.

Is this the end of CNN’s left-wing bias?
CNN probe Eyes Jeff Zucker’s Ties to Andrew Cuomo
Looks like they’re in hot water over some major ethical/news reporting-colluding violations. And getting bought out by Discovery media, who’s biggest shareholder is chaired by a major Trump donor.


and you will be too once you watch the YouTube below. The RCMP have barricaded the road leading to Coutts at the Milk River, forcing the demonstrators to gather north of the barricade. It has grown exponentially in the past 48 hours. It looks like a small city has grown up overnight.


I am really proud of Canada and Canadians.
Now, if my own country could just show that type of character - it would be great.


Mike: I posted the exact same article, with very similar observations - in the other Trucker thread. Great minds and all that.
CNE: Thanks for the data points on Trump-donor’s purchase of CNN. Boy, talk about buying something at the lows. Hope they didn’t pay much for it. And the brains of all the CNN viewers are going to really explode if CNN starts committing journalism again.
We’ll know its the real deal if/when CNN starts talking about early treatment.
Wouldn’t that be something?


Viva talks to the counter protesters! Does anyone else get a really… not good… feeling from many of them? Like something just strange and off? Like their unwillingness to talk? Some of their signs are so hateful, and a few seem like they’re on the verge of violence or something. Kinda gives me the creeps.

Ottawa mayor Jim Watson has declared a state of emergency, citing “serious danger and threat to the safety and security of residents,” as Freedom Convoy truckers and their pedestrian supporters continue to occupy the capital. The move comes after Watson lamented earlier on Sunday that police have been outnumbered by the demonstrators, and indicated he wants the federal government to help squash the protest. State of Emergency
I just sent in a financial donation to help with the cause.

I see these types at every protest I attend. No surprises here at all. It is like they are all cloned to be ignorant, fearful and lacking in common sense.
I noted that the counter-protestors are standing in the shade (the dark) and the protestors are in the sun (the light). How fitting…