Canadian Truckers Roll!

There is no need for a rush demand to get your donations back.
Let the lawyers try to sort things out.
If you used a credit card for the donation, you can dispute the charges weeks later, if the lawyers are unsuccessful.





You can donate to the truckers via GiveSendGo using this link:
If you want to leave the money already donated via GoFundMe in hope that the lawyers will sort it all out before the February 19 deadline, that is one option. To me, it seems a wiser decision to yank any funds that GoFundMe now has and send them to the truckers via GiveSendGo.

As the 11 year old daughter of a friend languishes with long-covid because vaccines are not available to children under 12 in The Netherlands, one is left to wonder at the stupidity of a minority of highly UNeducated truckers in Canada, whose children no doubt are expected to spread disease to their less fortunate classmates as some kind of right of passage. Freedom is clearly about being allowed to make other people sick.
Peakprosperity should consider a new domain name… Something like peakignorance would work. Alternatively stick to subjects you have some expertise in, like oil, commodity or economic analysis and give the armchair posturing over virology a rest.

PGP - Please help your friend’s daughter get treatment, if she’s amenable to it. Check out the FLCCP website. They have long covid treatment protocols and have purportedly been successful and helping people from long covid. It’s called I-RECOVER and is linked in their protocols header menu.


Edit: imo you are sourly mistaken. This was never about a virus and saving us. It was, and is, about Peak Prosperity for them, not for you. Wake up!
Get some ivermectin, use the well-known recommended dosis. Also add some lactoferine, and give it to the daughter for four to five days. Long covid will be gone within a week. After two weeks, let her fast for three days, with one day no drinking at all, and cold showers. This will reset her temperature regulation system. Also a well-known approach. Recovering from long damage will take much longer. Best for her is to start excercising outdoors in the summer. Every day, for an hour or so. It will be painful, but every day, the pain in her longs will set in later. After a month or so, it will not hurt anymore…
Plus, do yourself, and us a favor: buy the book of Mattias Desmet, and read it. It will probably hurt, and cause a lot of anxiety and cognitive dissonance, but man up and do it. Words don’t hurt. You my friend are in deep deep hypnosis…
Btw, I’m Dutch, so are two medical friends of mine. You can get medical advice from the Dutch “selfhelp group”, and ivermectin:


Why not suggest an XLM, Stellar, address:

  1. it’s dirt cheap to donate money
  2. People get acquainted with crypto
  3. donations will be available within 10 seconds
I say: fuck the middleman with the sticky fingers…

Thank you, thank you, thank you Chris for telling people what is really true and doing it so well.

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At is where I’ve been getting a lot of my coverage of the Freedom Convoy 2022. Most hopeful thing to have happened in a long time. I just love how it’s a bonafide coming together of all people from all walks of life. I have seen such broad variety of ordinary Canadians and Canadian Immigrants standing up and demanding their freedoms back. Freedom is a house the whole world can live in!
I love the Canadians and have Canadian roots; my dad and grandparents were Canadian.
I watched an interview of one colorful, tatooed, cowboy hat wearing, smoking & cussing, independent trucker who almost didn’t come to the protest. He got really angry with this shit when he couldn’t go into Dennys.
The truckers have asked everyone to give the elected officials hell, and I’m obliged to oblige them. Here’s a re-write of a letter I sent to Trudeau this morning (lost my original draft):

Mr. Trudeau, I believe you have made another grave miscalculation becoming a thief in the night stealing Mainstreeters’s money, money that has been pouring in from all over the world supporting the Canadian Truckers in their fight for basic human freedoms. You know, like the freedom to go out to dinner, choose your own medical care, go to work, travel to visit friends and family, the freedom to breath fresh air, stuff like that. What were you thinking? And the fabricated rhetoric spewing out of your pie hole is over the top. Your slanderous depictions of the Canadian Truckers and all the other Canadians supporting them is patently false. You’re lying. Which means your weak. Weak men are dangerous. You’re weak because you can’t defend your covid policies. How can you defend segregating people when the vaccinated spread the virus? In spades! Come on, man. Your current miscalculation will reverberate creating more interest in the event and creating a backlash that will be phenomenal. You missed your opportunity to lead when you cut and ran out of Ottawa. If I were you, I’d stay out of pissing matches.
Not a fan, I've been writing a few letters to Canadian officials. One was more of a carpet F-bombing to Jason Kenney - he's one of those guys that I did not like the moment I laid my eyes on him, same as Fauci. The letter to Ottowa Police Chief Peter Sloly was more polite. Please join me. You just have to give a canadian city, province and zip for the send button to work. Here's another letter I sent to Trudeau:
Mr. Trudeau, I believe you are in trouble and have made a major blunder. The optics of you cutting out and not meeting your grieving constituents, your fellow Canadians was bad, really bad. But the trash talking was over the top - especially if you've watching all the citizen journalists and RebelNews - because boy oh boy did you ever mischaracterize those fellow Canadians of yours. The optics of trash talking all of those Canadian citizens was over the top, total over the top shit for optics. You insulted them, then ran away from them, then ignored them, then came out and insulted them again. Dude, that's four strikes. You know what that means............. YOU'RE OUT! PS: Just kidding about the address. Here's wishing to your deposement from Florida. Canada Unite! #2weeks2flattentrudeau! Stand with the Truckers!!! HOLD THE LINE!
The letter to Ottowa Police Chief Peter Sloly was more polite.
It looks like your Police Chief just went rogue: HP

Vaxxed vs. unvaxxed……(question #1) ….that seems to be your focus……Please try to wrap your brain around vaxxed vs. treated (early treated) (That is question #2). As vax efficacy continues to wane …I predict that you will slowly begin to appreciate prophylaxis and early treatment.


Right you are , Boudica !

Thank you , Hladini !!!

According to ZH, GFM is now going to automatically refund all donations.
I urge everyone to still file a chargeback claim with your credit card issuer. This will cripple GFM’s operation and cost them a lot of money.


Click the image to go to the original Tweet.


I am sure that they were pressured by both the Canadian Government and the American Government. Who knows what threats were made. But it seems obvious that’s what happened.
Going forward, we have to remember that. As we plan our actions, we have to understand that any large, mainstream organization is subject to being compromised. And we won’t be able to “see” the actors involved. We won’t know what those actors have done. We will only know that it will happen.


The instant I saw these guys raising money with GFM I knew what would happen.
This idea that we can use the Owner’s own tools to overthrow them is one of the dellusions we have to get over as we move through this thing.
This may turn out to be a blessing actually.
More red pills are being distributed to The Proles who suddenly realize they gotta start thinking about how to spend money on “incorrect things” because the system won’t allow it


Sorry to hear of that. Did the child receive any early therapeutics or early treatment ?
Was it available to her parents?

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Even if actually true, this will backfire, is backfiring spectacularly! This will wake even more people up!!! Way to go, GFM - thank you for displaying such obscene hubris and thinking you could actually get away with it!
All the good, decent people across the world who have donated, without being fully aware of all the lies and nefariousness, will now awaken like they have had a bucket of ice water thrown on them! We will all rally to the truckers cause, to the call to fight for freedom! We will donate even more, do more, give more, help more, support more, dance more!
The effetes may have just made the biggest blunder of all!