Cancer is a Metabolic Disease: Dr. Paul Marik Explains How To Reduce Your Cancer Risk by 60% Or More

LOL! I laughed seeing this, but it’s sadly precise.


Forgot to mention that I take Melatonin 10mg right before bed. I used to take vitamin D3 daily but my research found that Cod Liver Oil does a better job of delivering D3 to the body.

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Oh lets see at $5.25 per bottle retail, its really amazing. I’ve lost count of just how much cash I’ve managed to pile up so far.


Regarding Nattokinase, my experience (over 10 + years) has been even daily use results in lacerations and other wounds bleeding more profusely. I now take it 3 times a week. YMMV. Just something to be aware of.


Thanks for your insight – is your typical dosage 2000FU?

Hello Riceroni,
I take nattokinase in the form of the cultured soy beans. (a batch of which I make once a month with starter). I prefer that way of ingesting this because there are other nutrients that come with the natto. I eat it with rice, egg and onion for breakfast. This is a traditional Japanese breakfast introduced to me by a business partner of Japanese ancestry about a decade ago. Maybe it is a less dosage controlled method, but I haven’t noticed the greater propensity of bleeding.

I’m All About Prevention

Thanks Chris and Dr. Marik
I have a family history of Cancer and Heart Disease, so I’ve been working on finding everything I can do to prevent these issues.
I appreciate your work on finding easy things that I can add to my routine.

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My Understanding Of How To Parse Out High Fat, Protein And Low Carb Portions Of Our Diets…

This came from Dr Mercola and others, from various articles, but boils down to understanding two things. One, you are measuring the amount of each relative to the other in calories, not in volume, as fat is much higher calorie per volume. Two, by calorie, you would be eating maybe 20% carbs, 40% fat and 40% protein, depending on your activity level. If you have a very high activity level you might go to 30% each. And then low carb greens and other veggies are essential too.
Carbs need to be a part of your diet, maybe except for short term keto fasting, according to Mercola and others. But, the carbs need to be organic, whole grain and prepared to allow mineral absorption…so usually soaking of some kind. Soaked einkorn is a great carb to eat like steamed rice. Brown rice too. Buckwheat and oats. Also, honey is kind of an exception to the “no sugar” rule. Real, unpasteurized honey, especially the darker types is NOT processed food, like table sugar is. Our bodies are made to eat honey, but as part of a “lower” carb diet.
The Weston Price Foundation has some great books on how this is done using traditional (non-industrial) diets. Here are a few that I recommend:
Nourishing Traditions
Nourishing Diets, How Paleo, Ancestral and Traditional Peoples Really Ate,
both by Sally Fallon Morell


Off The Cuff With Doctor Marik

I honestly love both you doctors and I’m very thankful to have found you, and the entire tribe at FLCCC. Ironic that the plandemic created the opportunity for some of the intros. Sometimes gifts come in strange packages.


Cancer Is Pharm’s Cash Cow Into The Future.

Pharma does not want to cure cancer, they would rather treat the symptoms.
Fenben can even work as a prophylactic to prevent cancer.
No money in that!
Arf, Arf, Bark, Bark.


Green Tea Catechins

Dr Marik’s slide reads “Green Tea Catechins: 500-100 mg daily”. I think there must be a typo here. Does he mean 500 - 1000 mg daily? Or is it 50 - 100 mg daily?

Breast Cancer–anyone Have Thoughts On A Different Approach From Chemo Radiation Surgery?

Is breast cancer a metabolic disease? Or where does breast cancer fit in with what we know or don’t know.

Awesome Interview

And Thank you.

Great Interview - Just On Sugar Feeds Cancer, Reminded Me Of This

Just in case you’ve not seen it:

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Dr. Marik

Awesome interview.


Yes. I typically use dr.s best. I have used it primarily for eye “floaters” but my understanding is that it has broad cardiovascular benefits.

Great interview with Dr Marik!
This link to Dr Eric Berg’s interview is very relevant. I’ve been following Dr Berg for several months now and he is very knowledgeable and consistent with the information from Dr Marik. Dr Bergs videos help keep on track daily. A good one to watch first is Top Healthiest Foods.

Totally agree! I’d narrow it down even more to just the USDA Organic subsections of the outer boundaries. Even better would be to find a good regenerative farmer, or grow it yourself?

Come on Dave. It’s about 25% the price in bulk. I accuse you of being on the payroll of big capsule!



Even though I am logged in I cannot watch this video, though I believe it is also public now. PP seems to have a problem with Tor.