Cancer is a Metabolic Disease: Dr. Paul Marik Explains How To Reduce Your Cancer Risk by 60% Or More

LOL. Even better skip the grocery store by growing as much as you can yourself and shop at farmer’s markets.


Hey there. checking into this now.

Cancer Early Detection?

Outstanding interview and presentation by Dr. Marik. I have heard similar information before but it is great to see it presented in one place and validated by a trustworthy source.
On the topic of early detection of cancer, I have not been able to find much information. Would appreciate any pointers if there are effective methods out there. Could be an interesting topic for Chris or Dr. Marik to investigate.

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Just checked your account on my end and all is working. I was sure to try a number of premium content to be sure. If there are still issues can you message me direct, ideally with screen shots? That will help make sure you are taken care of asap.

Lovin “off The Cuff”

Thanks for bringing the “Off the Cuff” back Chris. The casual interviews you do here are so valuable and fascinating. This one is priceless.


Personally my family and I have been using blood root capsules (by mouth) or blood root paste for skin cancer and abnormal cells.
We’ve had lots of moles, skin cancers, abnormal growth moles that aren’t cancerous and applied the blood root paste for 24 hrs with a natural band aid. The blood root reacts only if the cells are cancerous or abnormal and cause an immune reaction to react only against the abnormal cells. The reaction lasts a few days and it takes 1-2 weeks for the skin that has reacted to fall off. This has worked everytime and will take out a root if the cancer has one. I have treated several spots on my body.
I’ve also used the blood root capsules for internal growths that were growing aggressively and suddenly. I took two doses of the vaccine and suspect this may have been linked to it despite being my healthiest. Half a year ago, I started having 2 lumps on 2 different parts of my body (1 of them was diagnosed to be solid) and tinnitus in both ears. I went on a 1 month water fast that fully got rid of 1 lump and my tinnitus. I still felt my lump on my breast so I decided to finally take the blood root capsules for this remaining breast lump. 2 parts of my breasts flared up with an immune reaction and a part in my nasal cavity reacted heavily (I had partial blockage in my naval cavity before and never thought anything of it). The reaction was very warm, swollen, mildly painful and uncomfortable. It lasted a few days. Several weeks later, my breast imaging was clear and my nasal cavity has been fully unblocked. My breast discomfort and lump was completely gone. I suspect that the blood root was successful in removing any cancerous or abnormal cells.
There is a great group on facebook for blood root and they discuss the few companies that cell blood root.
I highly recommend keeping a jar of blood root paste and capsules.


I had a lump on my breast that I couldn’t get rid of with a 1 month long water fast. I used blood root capsules and it showed an immune reaction which is indicative that my body was successful at removing just the abnormal or cancerous cells. I took 2 weeks of capsules starting with 1 in the morning and 1 at night, gradually increasing my dose to 3 each morning and night.

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The issue to remember is that this is individual, it is about how YOUR BODY HANDLES CARBS. A glucometer to see how your body responds to different foods (does the finger stick go above 140?) helps you figure that out. A lean active 12 year old has much better carb tolerance than your average middle aged American. So you need to know how strict to be relative to your own metabolism. High blood sugar feeds cancer cells, how will you know what your blood sugar is if you don’t check? Yes low carb is best but how strict to be depends on your own physiology, better to be too strict I suppose, but blood sugar data an hour after eating is useful. Also the old school glucose tolerance test with insulin levels (need a doctor’s order) can tell you if your insulin levels are going to high when you have carbs which is a sign of carb intolerance as well.

How do you handle the off gassing from the natto? You have my respect, that is powerful stuff, but very tasty with soy sauce!

look into studies on metformin and uterine cancer…

Chlorine Dioxide / Mms / Clo₂

I don’t know whether it is on Dr Marik’s longer list but chlorine dioxide (ClO₂) alias MMS is effective at dealing with cancers, not just the replicating cells.
I know someone locally who was diagnosed with liposarcoma and was becoming quite sick; she started taking MMS and at her next consultant’s visit, about a month later, he was scratching his head wondering where it had disappeared to.
We know that ClO₂ is attracted to low pH cells and oxidises them and this seems to be a plausible mechanism given the metabolic dynamics that Paul spells out. Maybe it’s still a bit ‘out there’ for consideration at this stage?


Omega 3

Are there any recommended non-fish sources of Omega 3 without all of the mercury? Thank you

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Look Out

If this gains any traction, the cynic in me says that after my experience the past few years, we need to be on the lookout for establishment medical, pharmaceutical, and media attacks on the metabolic theory of cancer development. If there is anything that life has taught me in the post-covid world, it is that when you go up against entrenched industries that have popped up around not curing some particular disease, you are in for a world of hurt.
We aren’t in the business of curing diseases, we all understand there’s no money in that.


Homerun Interview

I’ll be rewatching this and probably taking screenshots of certain screens. I’ve done some prepping like most PPers, but looking back on several years at this site the real benefit to me has been the actionable health information.
Niacin with melatonin, daily infrared/near infrared, bloodwork to get my vitamin D levels up to snuff: I discovered all of that here and then experimented with it to make it my own. (shoutout to DaveFairtex in particular on this. Also, Dave is to the right of me and I’ve found his political musings really annoying, particularly in how he has been proven right in many instances over time, so I guess he also helped to partially cure my TDS.)
One interview like this a year and I feel like I’ve gotten full value for my subscription.


Near Infrared Light Source?

I’m interested in experimenting with NIR. Does anyone tips on what constitutes appropriate lights and where to buy them?

One month water fast, you rock!

Where do you get your blood root capsules…if you don’t mind sharing. Thanks!

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Dr. Marik is a national treasure. Like you I marvel at the circumstances.

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Good, free range organic pork lard is a great source of Omega 3 and Vitamin D. I just rendered some from the 1/2 pig I bought. If you like pork, you’ll enjoy this great resource that we have been taught is not good for us.
Organic free range eggs are a good source of Vit D, especially if the chicks get some sun, and the chicken fat and chicken skin is also a great source of vitamins and minerals.

Repurposed Drugs

I wonder… if anti-parasite drugs work so well for treating cancer, are some cancers the same as parasites?
And as for the sugar thing…what about Candida? Are some cancers also known as Candida?